Mrs. DeNicola's Science Corner

5660448-314324Tackling an Ecological Problem As you have been studying, human socialization and industrialization have been resulted in new and potentially harmful interactions with the environment and the life therein for the last several centuries. In more recent times, the “Green” movement to reduce the potentially detrimental effect of human actions has become increasingly widespread. In this movement, ecological problems are examined, researched, and solutions to reduce the damaging effects of these problems are proposed. Task: As a field ecologist, you are a specialist in species interactions and evaluating the effects of disruptions to ecosystems. Along with 1 OR 2 of your colleagues, you will choose a CURRENT ecological problem and research its effects, as well as propose solutions to minimize the damage. You will present your work to the ecological board of commissioners in a creative fashion (glog, powerpoint, digital storytelling, website, etc…) – the goal is to persuade the board that this problem is important enough to pay attention to AND fund! Requirements:Research shared equally by partners (to be evaluated by team members)AT LEAST 5 sources used AND cited in MLA formatDefine the problem/topic and explain how and why the problem occurredPredict problems that may arise if this issue is not addressed and discuss those that already haveInclude visuals (ie. maps, Google Earth, animations, videos)Examine ways the problem affects the environment, organisms, and humansIllustrate food chains/webs, ecological pyramids, list biotic/abiotic factors, identify matter cycles effected, and symbiotic relationships (ie. predator/prey)Identify and describe ways the problem is being corrected and propose at least ONE new solution developed by your team (are there any potential challenges that come with enacting your solution?)Possible Topics:WetlandsZoosE-wasteBiodiversityGreenhouse EffectWater ConservationEutrophication Genetic EngineeringInvasive SpeciesRecyclingOverfishingBiofuels (Ethanol)Overpopulation (human)PollutionBleaching of Coral ReefDeforestationCHOICE OF YOUR OWN (requires approval)Eco-Task ForceGroup Members: ? ? _____________________________________________ CATEGORY43210Problem Defined(Category x2)Ecological Problem is clearly defined. Explanation shows depth in understanding of why and how problem occurred. ALL content is accurate.Ecological Problem is well defined. Explanation shows depth in understanding of why and how problem occurred. May have 1 or 2 inaccuracies.Ecological Problem is defined, but may not be clear. Explanation shows some depth in understanding of why and how problem occurred. May have 3-5 inaccuracies.Ecological Problem is not clearly defined. Explanation shows limited depth in understanding of why and how problem occurred. Several inaccuraciesProblem is not defined and little to know understanding of why and how problem occurred is demonstrated.Visuals(Category x2)Visuals used are relevant, cited, and help reader understand the content.Visuals used are mostly relevant, cited, and may or may not help reader understand the content. Visuals used may or may not be relevant. Citations may or may not be present. Project may be picture heavy so it is distracting to the reader.Visuals used may or may not be relevant. Citations may or may not be present. Project is picture heavy OR light. No visuals included.Environmental Impact(Category x4)Project demonstrates a clear understanding of how the problem impacts the overall environment, organisms, and humans. All effects are clearly and accurately described. Project demonstrates a good understanding of how the problem impacts the overall environment, organisms, and humans. All effects are described.Project demonstrates some understanding of how the problem impacts the overall environment, organisms, and humans. Effects (may or may not be all) are described. Some inaccuracies.Project demonstrates little to no understanding of how the problem impacts the overall environment, organisms, and humans. Effects may or may not be described OR accurate.Little to no information provided.Ecosystem Interactions(Category x4)Project shows high level of knowledge of the cycling of matter, energy flow, biotic/abiotic factors, and symbiotic relationships.Project shows knowledge of the cycling of matter, energy flow, biotic/abiotic factors, and symbiotic relationships. 1-2 inaccuracies or missing elaborations.Project shows some knowledge of the cycling of matter, energy flow, biotic/abiotic factors, and symbiotic relationships. Several inaccuracies/ONE missing part and elaborations.Project shows low level of knowledge of the cycling of matter, energy flow, biotic/abiotic factors, and symbiotic relationships. Many errors AND more than one missing part.Several missing parts and errors.Solutions(Category x 3)Current solutions to the problem are identified AND explained. New solution created by group is clear, well defined, realistic, and based on sound scientific principles. Current solutions to the problem are identified AND explained. New solution created by group is explained (but not well defined), realistic, and based on good scientific principles. Current solutions to the problem are identified. May or may not be explained. New solution created by group not well defined, may or may not be realistic, or based on sound scientific principles.Current solutions to the problem are identified, but NOT explained. New solution NOT well defined, realistic, OR based on sound scientific principles.No solutions section provided.CATEGORY43210Research Contribution(Category x2)Contributed a great deal to project. Brought in materials, acted as a team player, provided constructive comments.Contributed a good deal to project. Brought in materials, acted mostly as a team player, and was mostly productive.Contributed to project. Brought in materials, acted somewhat as a team player, had productive moments but was also distracting.Contributed very little to project. Unproductive and distracting in class.Did not help AT ALL.Citations(Category x 1)ALL work is cited in proper MLA format.Most material cited in proper MLA format.Citations present but in incorrect format.Some citations missing AND in incorrect format. NO citations. Total(3pts for Heading/CreativeTheme)_____/75 ................

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