Bio 1B FINAL MOCK (Fall 2012).docx

 Bio 1B Mock Final (Ecology, Evolution, Plants)1. According to the logistic growth equation:a. the number of individuals added per unit time is greatest when N is close to zerob. the per capita growth rate (r ) increases as N approaches Kc. population growth is zero when N equals Kd. the population grows exponentially when K is smalle. the birth rate (b) approaches zero as N approaches K2. The model of exponential growth predicts that the per capita population growth rate r:a. does not change as a population gets largerb. gets larger as a population gets largerc. gets smaller as a population gets largerd. is always at its maximum level (r-max)e. fluctuates on a regular cycle3. A trophic cascade is illustrated by;a. energy efficiency of approximately 10% is transferred from one trophic level to the nextb. the effects of wolves on lower trophic levels in Yellowstone National Parkc. the relationship between nematode parasites, flies, and humans causing river blindnessd. the impact of upwelling of nutrients on autotrophs and heterotrophs along the coast of Californiae. the predictable sequence of species associated with decomposition of a human body4. Net primary productivity (NNP) in terrestrial systems is associated with:a. temperatureb. precipitationc. nutrient availabilityd. a and be. all of the above5. An example of ecological succession would be:a. the change in species composition of a grasslands from one trophic level to the next after a volcano explodes and wipes out the fieldb. the change in the species composition of an island community over time following a tsunami c. the change in a forest as the trees grow largerd. the process by which a species becomes abundant in a community after a disturbance occurse. the build-up of soil nutrients that allow facilitation of another species6. A hurricane wipes out a rich tropical forest community on an island that is soon replaced by a certain species of coconut. The coconut is able to concentrate a high amount of nitrate, which brings a potentially threatening tree species, Theobroma cacao, to the island. What is this situation an example of?I. Primary SuccessionII. Secondary SuccessionIII. Density-Dependent Population RegulationIV. FacilitationV. Inhibitiona. II onlyb. II and IIIc. II and IVd. II and Ve. II, III, and IV7. The pattern of dispersion for elephant seals on a beach is uniform. From the perspective of an airplane flying over the ocean, what would the dispersion for that same species be?a. uniformb. clumpedc. randomd. all of the abovee. cannot tell from information given8. The carpenter bee chews through the base of the flower to take its nectar without passing by the anthers and getting dusted with its pollen. The interaction of the bumblebee with the flowers could best be described as that of a:a. predatorb. mutualistc. pollinatord. parasitee. endosymbiont9. Swordfish have higher mercury concentrations than smaller ocean-dwelling fish because:a. they live a long time and are near the top of their food chainb. they occur in parts of the ocean where mercury has concentratedc. the fishing gear used to catch them contaminates the fishd. smaller fish are able to purge their bodies of mercurye. swordfish are active and respire heavily, passing a lot of ocean water over gills, allowing mercury uptake. Evolution10. All of the following are reasons why humans are apes EXCEPT:a. absence of a tailb. more erect posturec. greater flexibility in hips and anklesd. larger brainse. minor molecular evidence11. Which of the following reasons is true regarding why human are STRANGE apes:a. monopedalb. small brainsc. more body haird. more sexual dimorphisme. technology12. The following represents the correct order of human evolution in order of past to present:a. Ardipethecus, Australopithecus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiensb. Australopithecus, Ardipethecus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiensc. Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, Australopithecus, Ardipethecusd. Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, Ardipethecus, Australopithecus13. The Out of the Africa Hypothesis (#1) and Multi-regional Hypothesis (#2) agree that Homo erectus originated in Africa and expanded to Eurasia about one million years ago, but differ in explaining the origin of moderm human (Homo sapiens sapiens). The following statements go with which hypothesis?____A second migration out of Africa happened about 100,000 years ago, in which anatomically modern humans of African origin conquered the world by completely replacing archaic human populations.____Independent multiple origins or shared multiregional evolution with continuous gene flow between continental populations occurred in the million years since Homo erectus came out of Africa (the trellis theory).a. 1, 2b. 2, 1c. 2,2d. none of the above14. Which of the following is NOT a factor inference of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection?a. there is a heritable variation among individualsb. there is a struggle for limited resourcesc. individuals whose inherited characteristics best fit them to the environment will on average leave more offspringd. offspring inherit characteristics acquired by their parents during the parents lifetime -(Lamark’s idea of transmutation)e. all of the statements above are correct15. Adaptive radiation producesa. sterile hybridsb. unfilled ecological nichesc. a group of closely related but distinct evolutionary lineagesd. unoccupied habitatse. a reduction in the rate of evolutionary change16. Microevolution can be thought asa. changes in the frequencies of alleles in a gene poolb. genes mutating in response to environmental changec. creating new species where none existed befored. reacting to changes in the environmente. selecting the best environment in which to live17. Assuming milk production has only arisen once, then its presence is all monotreme, marsupial, and placental mammals, and no other groups, is an example of:-Plesiomorphy ancestral/ synapomorphy derived a. synapomorphy b. convergent evolutionc. analogous structuresd. pleisiomorphye. none of the above18. Despite their disjunct distribution, the living families of ratite birds, namely the ostrich of Africa, rhea of South America, emu of Australia, cassowary of Australia and New Guinea, descedents of a lineage that diverged from a common ancestral stock that inhabited Gondwanaland before it split into the southern land masses. Including their common ancestor, they thus form a/an________.a. convergent groupb. analogous groupc. paraphyletic groupd. monophyletice. none of the above19. Which of the following populations is NOT in Hardy Weinberg proportions?a. 25% AA, 50% AB, 25% BBb. 64% AA, 32% AB, 4% BBc. 81% AA, 18% AB, 1% BBd. 20% AA, 60% AB, 20% BBe. all of the above are in Hardy-Weinberg proportions20. In a large, randomly breeding population of lizards, 75% of the individuals at birth have white stripes; 25% do not have white stripes. If this is a genetic trait governed by a single pair of alleles with the allele for white stripes dominant, assuming Hardy Weinberg proportions, the frequency of the allele for no white stripes is:a. 0.25b. 0.50c. 0.75d. 1.00e. There is no way to estimate21. An epidemic killed in a large proportion of a population of deer in California thereby reducing the gene pool. This is an example ofa. directional selectionb. genetic isolationc. the bottleneck effectd. the founder principlee. all of the above are correct22. In the early 1800s, peppered moths living in England rested on tree trunks that were covered with whitish lichens. The moths were also whitish in color and so matched the color of the background on which they rested. This made the moths less visible to the birds that preyed on them. In the late 1840s, an increasing number of very dark moths began to appear in moth populations near cities where pollution had killed most of the lichens, leaving the tree trunks sooty and black. Over the past 100 years, the frequency of dark moths has increased to as much as 98% near polluted cities. What type of selection has operated on moths in the polluted areas since 1840?a. directional selectionb. stabilizing selectionc. disruptive selectiond. sexual selectione. artificial selection23. A female hummingbird normally lays exactly two eggs each time she nests. Occasionally, a nest with three eggs, but the usual result is the loss of all three nestlings because the nest, built for two, breaks apart as the eggs grow larger. Females who only lay one egg (it happens) raise only one young. Assuming the number of eggs layed is inheritied as a quantitiave trait, this pattern is an example of:a. directional selectionb. disruptive selectionc. stabilizing selectiond. kin selectione. none of the above24. Suppose a species of grasshopper normally breeds in June and lays its eggs on the young shoots of an annual grass that comes up in June. A mutant female grasshopper in the population produces a batch of eggs that carry a new allele that delays sexual development until August. Her offspring feed on the young shoots of another grass, in the very same habitat, that comes up in August. Her offspring mate successfully with one another producing a new generation of August-mating grasshoppers. The August-mating subpopulation of grasshoppers is a good candidate for:a. allopatric speciationb. stabilizing selectionc. sympatric speciationd. directional selectione. disruptive selectionPlants25. A gymnosperm is suffering from a fungal disease that inhibits its ability to transport water to the tips of its leaves. The fungus is affecting what cell/tissue type?a. vessel elementsb. tracheidsc. sieve elementsd. a and be. b an c26. An angiosperms with defective parenchyma cells would show what symptons?a. problems transporting water and nutrientsb. increased response time to repair tissue damagec. inability for plant to stand uprightd. a and be. b and c27. Aphids usually feed on the sap of plants. To get the sugary sap they would have to suck it out of the:a. tracheidsb. vessel elementsc. sieve tube elementsd. collenchyma elementse. a and b28. When a chemical compound/nutrient passes through the cell wall of an epidermal cell, we can assume:a. the compound has now entered the symplastic pathwayb. the compound has now entered the apoplastic pathwayc. the compound can now freely more through the plasmodesmata to reach the vascular tissue of the plantd. a and ce. b and c 29. Choose the best statement describing nutrient uptake in roots:a. for nutrients to be absorbed in a plant, it must only go into the symplastic pathwayb. for nutrients to be absorbed in a plant, it must only go into the apoplastic pathwayc. for nutrients to be absorbed in a plant it can go into the apoplastic pathway, but eventually must cross a membrane to enter the symplastic pathwayd. for nutrients to be absorbed into a plant, it can go into the symplastic pathway but eventually must cross a membrane to enter the apoplastic pathwayse. none of the above30. Which of the following statements about the casparian strip are true?I. It prevents ions from using the symplastic pathway from reachng the vascular tissueII. it is made of a water impermeable compound known as suberinIII. It only runs along the outside of the endodermal cellsIV. it has pores in it that regulate the passage of ions and nutrientsa. I, II, IIIb. I onlyc. III onlyd. II, IIIe. all of the above statements are correct31. If you wanted to collect samples of the primary xylem in a very old tree you would collect from:a. The very outer layer of the treeb. directly adjacent to the vascular cambium but towards the inside of the treec. directly adjacent to the vascular cambium but towards the outside of the treed. the very inner layer of the treee. it is not possible31. What would enhance water uptake by a plant cell?a. decreased water potential of the surrounding solutionb. an increase in pressure exerted by the cell wallc. the loss of solutes from the celld. an increase in water potential of the cytoplasme. positive pressure of the surrounding solution32. Which hormone is incorrectly paired with its function?a. auxin - promotes stem growth through cell elongationb. cytokinins - initiate programmed cell deathc. gibberellins - stimulate seed germinationd. abscisic acid - promoted seed dormancye. ethylene - inhibits cell elongation33. If a long day plant has a critical night length of 9 hours, which 24-hour cycle would prevent flowering?a. 16 hours light, 8 hours darkb. 14 hours light, 10 hours darkc. 15.5 hours light, 8.5 hours darkd. 4 hours light 8 hours dark, 4 hours light, 8 hours darke. 8 hours light, 8 hours dark, light flash, 8 hours dark ................

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