Joseph R Shuster Resume - Joseph Shuster

|Joseph Shuster | |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 | |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |


This file contains the resume for Joseph Shuster.

It emphasizes technical / managerial skills and experiences.

There are two parts, depending on how much detail you need:

▪ A one-page resume summary.

▪ The full resume.


One-Page Summary 2

Examples of Experiences and Skills: People and Project Management 3

Examples of Experiences and Skills: Technical 4

Examples of Experiences and Skills: Creative 5

Job Descriptions and Education History 6

Samples of Work 10

|Joseph Shuster |One-Page Summary |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 |Examples and full version at: |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

Employment Highlights

|Sr. Project Manager |∙ Responsible for creating a Workflow Management Tool to help Microsoft Financing meet governance, compliance |09/08 - present |

|Logic 20/20 / Microsoft |and auditing needs for loan-exceptions. | |

| |∙ Responsible for implementing a Collaboration Sharepoint Portal for Worldwide Industry’s Distribution and | |

| |Services site to centralize information and visibility into the sales pipeline with BI indicators (scorecard, | |

| |KPI). | |

| |∙ Numerous tech and PM documents (scope, BRD, designs, site maps, risk, etc). | |

| |∙ Coordinated, presented to local and international stakeholders and staff. | |

| |∙ Kept schedule and budget on time and on target. (Burn-rate average: 0.96). | |

|Interregnum |∙ Wrote book, business plans, published paper, mgmt and tech studies, travel. |02/08-09/08 |

|Director of Technology |∙ Architected and scoped 40+ transactional and ecommerce sites for Microsoft. |04/05-02/08 |

|Catalysis Corporation / |∙ Managed new site deployment techniques yielding 75% savings per site. | |

|Microsoft |∙ Improved the estimating and scoping process, often within 15% of target. | |

| |∙ Managed departments: Software Dev, QA, Network/Systems, Design, TechPM. | |

| |∙ Privacy Officer: I created procedures and trainings to manage high-risk info. | |

| |∙ Maintained staff morale and continuity during turbulent financial crises. | |

| |∙ Designed, documented and managed 24x7 enterprise site-monitoring system. | |

|Technology Division Manager |∙ Co-architected and project-managed Superior Court failover system |02/02-04/05 |

|King County, DJA |∙ My Case Scheduling system led to a 3x increase in customer throughput. | |

| |∙ Recognized by Superior Court Judges for strong technical leadership. | |

|Chief of Information Technology |∙ Wrote industry-recognized program to monitor Bill Gates’ Da Vinci codex. |06/97-03/00 |

|Seattle Art Museum |∙ Implemented New Media department, multiple web sites and web streaming. | |

| |∙ Upgraded museum infrastructure well under budget and ahead of schedule. | |

| |∙ Under my leadership, we received $3M+ in technology grants and donations. | |

|Director of |∙ Company revenue quadrupled during my tenure. |08/91-06/97 |

|Technical Services |∙ One department I started generated 50% of the company’s revenue one year. | |

|Pac Services, Inc. |∙ Promoted to Technical Director in less than three years. | |

| |∙ My technical solutions helped land accounts with Adobe, Microsoft, US West, … | |

|Tech Manager, QA Coordinator, |∙ Created QA process+docs enabling Microsoft partner status and ISO9002 cert. |10/88-08/91 |

|DBA |∙ Wrote enterprise database applications used to run core company functions that outpaced and outmaneuvered | |

|Pac Services, Inc. |the competition. | |

|QA Technician |∙ Proposed and wrote QA reporting system that reduced defects by 40% and gained us customer praise and |11/87-10/88 |

|MicroDisk Services |increased business. | |

Skills Sampler

|Managerial |16 years management experience in highly technical environments. Extensive Project Management experience. Excellent ability to |

| |communicate, organize, and conceptualize. I speak both tech and business. Coordinator, facilitator, point of contact, liaison. |

| |Solid, real-life SDLC and IT lifecycle experience: Developed and deployed many applications, numerous system conversions. Supplier|

| |management. Quality and process re-engineering. Business modeling, statistical methods, benchmarking, metrics, best practices. |

| |Technical documentation. |

|Technical |Software and Data Designs, SOA, , HTML, XML, BizTalk, XP, 2003, Vista, Active Directory, UNIX, Exchange, SQL Server, SSIS, |

| |SSAS, IIS, Visual Studio, Office, Visio, MS Project, code reviews, Powerpoint. HP, Compaq. TCP/IP, PGP, WAN, LAN, Toshiba, Merlin.|

|Creative |Multimedia dev, Silverlight (Blend), Kiosks, Photoshop, Premiere, Flash, SoundForge, Cakewalk. |

Education and Organizations

|Univ. of Washington |Business School, Exec Programs, etc: Negotiation, Business Intelligence, … |1992 … 2007 |

|Univ. of Washington |Data Communications Certificate Program |1991 |

|USAF Officer School |Management and Leadership |1986 |

|Univ. of Washington |B.A. Mathematics |1985 |

|Various Sources |Numerous technical & management seminars / conferences, memberships |Ongoing |

Personal Info

Quiet yet confident. Technical yet articulate. Inquisitive, energetic and professional.

Personal philosophy: I will accomplish it if I set my mind to it.

Healthy, non-smoker, hike and bike, enjoy life. Read voraciously, have many hobbies.

|Joseph Shuster |Examples of Experiences and Skills: |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 |People and Project Management |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

| |Skill / Quality / Asset |Example |

|Summ. |Deep, broad management experience |· 16 years general, project, process and technical management experience in fast-paced, complex, technical business |

| | |environments. Hardware, systems, software. |

| |Solid experience in several sectors and|· Private and public business, non-profit, government, military. |

| |styles |· Situational, transformational/facilitative, fact-based, objective. |

|People|Staff Supervisor and |· Has included: Software Development (10), Data Management (3), Technical Project Management (2), NetOps (3), |

| |Team Leader |Desktop Support (3), TechPubs (1), Hardware (4), Multimedia (2), Production and Quality Assurance (~20). |

| |Skilled in building, selecting and |· Many of my hires are still valued employees at their place of business. |

| |mentoring staff |· Cultivating “diamonds in the rough”, motivating the jaded and inspiring the talented. |

| |Good Collaborator |. Worked with teams to achieve top scorecard rating for Microsoft data-exchange. |

| | |· Selected to cross-train judicial departments in collaboration and team-building. |

| | |· From brainstorming to post-mortem and most things between. |

| |Trusted Follower and Implementer |· One department I started (created processes, staffed, managed) made 50+% of the company’s revenue one year ($10+ |

| | |million). |

| |Contractors, outsourcing |· Familiar with local contracting scene. Have worrked with outsource groups in India. |

| | |· Have published a paper on efficiently using free-agents in the workplace. |

| |Good negotiation skills |· Helped negotiate a half-million dollar software grant for non-profit museum. |

| | |· Finicky internal customers included courtroom judges, museum curators, sales. |

| | |· Helped negotiate a free voice mail system. |

|Projec|Managed schedules, resources and |· Conversion of a core software system involved eight departments, four outside vendors, local and remote technical |

|t |budgets |staff, a 2.5 year timeline, and set the tone for many sister organizations to follow suit. |

| | |· Quick-turn application development with small teams (3 to 6 staff) on time/budget. |

| |Software projects |· Created or upgraded courthouse applications (Iterative Waterfall). |

| | |· Mission critical database apps: work-order, workflow and BOM management. |

| | |· Quality assurance tracking, multimedia interactives, Unix and Windows tools. |

| |Web site and Kiosks |· Teamed on many Microsoft marketing sites. E.g. Exchange, Vista, ... (Agile) |

| | |· and (now ) |

| | |· Pike Place Market Heritage Center Kiosks. |

| |Hardware projects |· Backup systems (LTO, NSA, RAID), Optical Jukeboxes, BackupExec, etc. |

| | |· Installations (6 facilities in 4 cities in 2 states), upgrades, maintenance. |

| | |· Design, purchase, install enterprise’s PCs and servers. |

| | |· Facility Security upgrades, PLC, Barcoding, Badging systems, scanners. |

| |Network projects |· Migrated an entire, medium-sized, call-center between cities in one weekend. |

| | |· Cable-pulls, bldg fiber connects, leased lines, rollover and colo, customer extranets. |

| | |· Integrate 3 building networks and 2 customer networks into one. |

| |Requirements |· Business Requirements, Functional Specifications, Tech Specs, etc. |

| | |· Created departmental mission statements, visions, goals, workplans, etc. |

| | |· Co-created product line plans and strategies, often included in RFPs. |

| | |· Excellent research skills and an enthusiastic scanner of the technology horizon. |

|Miscel|Clear, professional technical |· Scope documents, Technical Specifications, Cost-Benefit analyses, ROI, Business Proposals, RFP/RFI’s, sales |

|laneou|documentation |documents, technical manuals, flowcharts. |

|s | |· Accolades from peers and supervisors for concise, clear documents and trainings. |

| |Statistics, modeling, metrics and |· My statistical analysis allowed us to proactively work with a customers and vendors. |

| |benchmarking |· Create/measure benchmarks such as video server performance, financial, dept, etc. |

| |Quality, Manufacturing and Production |· Microsoft awarded us “Outstanding Supplier” award. |

| | |· Created quality initiatives, department, ISO9002, BPR, JIT, Shipping, Fulfillment. |

| |Financial Management |· Good working experiences with CFO’s, Finance Directors and Comptrollers. |

| | |· Known for my sensible, easy-to-follow budgets and financial documents. |

| | |· Project budgets ranged from $1k to $1m (e.g. virtual reality interactive at SAM). |

| |Privacy and Security |· Privacy officer, wrote privacy policies and manuals, privacy trainer. |

| | |· Spearheaded company-wide security initiatives. |

| | |· Helped architect apps and enviro for highly-sensitive data (CCN, SSN, etc). |

| | |· Prior military security clearance. |

Please see Links to Samples of Work.

|Joseph Shuster |Examples of Experiences and Skills: |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 |Technical |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

Software and Systems

| |Use Often |Use Fairly Often |Occasionally |

|Languages | |HTML, XML, SQL |, VBA, ASP, C# |

|OS, NOS, Platforms |XP, 2003, Vista | |UNIX, Linux, Apple |

|Network Apps |IE, FTP, VNC | |NetMeeting, Messenger |

|Server Apps | |Sharepoint |SSRS, SSIS, IIS, SQL Server, Exchange, SMS |

|Office Apps |Word, Project, Visio, Outlook, FrontPage,|Powerpoint | |

| |Excel, Access | | |

|Multimedia Apps |Photoshop |Silverlight (Blend), Premiere, |Vegas, Flash |

| | |SoundForge, Cakewalk. | |

|Net Tools, Protocols ... |SysInternals, PerfMon |FTP, Ping, Tracert, |Ethereal, SNORT |

|Special Apps | |Financial system, HR, Membership, etc. |Collateral Campaign System, |


Application Development

|Title |Description |Role(s) |

|eCommerce web sites |Numerous transactional sites for ecommerce, surveys, etc. |Project Manager, tech design |

|Data Architecture Project |Complete rewrite of point-to-point back-end data stores using Service Oriented |Project Manager, technical sponsor |

| |Architecture (SOA) approach with BizTalk. | |

|Case Scheduling |SQL Server, service-counter application to maintain and print court schedules|Project Manager, requirements, |

| |and attachments on-demand for litigants using high speed network copiers. Ensures |architecture, software construction, etc. |

| |random distribution of legal case loads. Security module, Crystal Reports, |Tester, Documenter, Deployment Manager |

| |Integrated Help module. Multi-phased, iterative approach based on McConnell and | |

| |Agile principles. | |

|PacDB |Main database for Pac Services consisting of operational modules (mostly |Project Manager, Programmer, Documenter, |

| |non-financial) necessary to run business. 15+ modules, 40+ forms, 100+ reports. VB|Tester |

| |front-end, SQL Server back-end. Multiple site installations. | |

|CallCenterDB |Call center application to record calls and orders. VB front end, SQL Server back |Program Manager |

| |end. Tied into phone switch and order processing. | |

|Web Site and Web-enabled |Seattle Art Museum, eMuseum, Northwest First Peoples, New Media. HTML, ASP, Flash. |Project Manager, Coordinator, Programmer, |

|applications | |Digitizer, Co-designer |

|The Peasant and the Devil |Simple Flash interactive of the artist’s work. |Coordinator, Programmer, Converter |

|SNcheck |C program to decrypt serial number from hidden data sectors. |Programmer |

Network and Hardware

|Network environments |Client-server, host-terminal. Various protocols (TCP/IP, Frame, IPX, xDSL). |

|Security |Responsible for IT security, firewall programming, secure servers, online transactions. |

|Encryption / Encoding |PGP, Verisign, Thawte, Norton, SSL, secure XML, MIME, UUencode, others. |

|WAN and LAN |Metropolitan and interstate network experience, gigabit Ethernet (Twisted Pair, Fiber, Coax). |

|Equipment experience |NICs, tranceivers, hubs, concentrators, bridges, switches, routers, Server Irons. |

|Access providers |MSN, AOL, AT&T, local ISPs, co-location shops, downstream media streaming providers. |

|Net comm experience |NetMeeting, CU-SeeMe, VoIP, IRC, MUDs and MOOs, Listservs, Usenet. |

|Messaging mngmnt |Cellular, pagers, email administration, voicemail, fax. |

|Coordinator |ISP, LEC and IXC. Facilities, construction, contractors, terminators. |

Please see Links to Samples of Work.

|Joseph Shuster |Examples of Experiences and Skills: |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 |Creative |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

|Skill / Quality / Asset |Example |

|Video |· Produced, digitized and edited interviews and lectures. |

| |· Streamed live content such as musical performances and poetry readings. |

| |· Knowledgeable of Premiere, AfterEffects, RealMedia, WindowsMedia. |

|Audio |· Knowledgeable of several editing and composing systems. |

| |· Digitized, authored and edited wave/MP3 content. |

| |· Good understanding of MIDI and synthesis. |

| |· Amateur guitarist and keyboard player. |

| |· Two CDs of music (1987, 1995). |

|Web |· , several Microsoft promotional or marketing sites. |

| |· (now ), portions of King County's (WA) web site. |

| |· Started in-house web-design departments. |

| |· Have formally taught HTML, FrontPage, etc. |

| |· Familiarity with JavaScript and .NET. |

| |· Flash and ASF (Windows Media) programming experience. |

| |· Numerous Intranets. |

|Interactives |· Worked with Expression Blend at work and for personal projects. |

| |· Flash programming: museum’s Egypt exhibition, visiting artists work, etc. |

| |· Panoramas of galleries tied into art object database. |

| |· Various virtual reality applications (stereoscopic HMD + head-tracking). |

|Promotional |· Produced and edited promotional conference videos. |

| |· Worked with and/or supervised graphic designers for print and web materials. |

|Kiosks |· Coordinated and implemented kiosks for the Pike Place Market Heritage Center including web design, network |

| |design, server configuration. |

| |· Seattle Art Museum gallery kiosks included wall-mounted web-video stations using insourced and outsourced |

| |design and content. |

|Computer Graphics |· Photoshop, Bryce, vector graphics, etc. |

| |· VR enthusiast originally responsible for Sichuan exhibition technology. |

|Content and Team Management |· Directed, teamed and/or supported site, kiosks and interactives. |

| |· Brainstorming facilitator and storyboard collaborator. |

| |· Image, video and audio archiving experience. |

|Art |· Participation in art-technology groups including Northwest Cyber Artists. |

| |· Exhibited “Fractal Mapping” (Bumbershoot). |

| |· Performance with “ImageGroove” (OffWorld). |

Personal Info

Quiet yet confident. Technical yet articulate. Inquisitive, energetic and professional.

Personal philosophy: I will accomplish it if I set my mind to it.

Healthy, non-smoker, hike and bike, enjoy life.

Read voraciously, have many hobbies.

|Joseph Shuster |Job Descriptions and Education History |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 | |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

|Senior Project Mgr (Consultant, |Project Manager, Analyst, Author, Designer – Workflow Tool – Worldwide Licensing/Microsoft Financing |

|Contract) |This project’s goal was to develop a system to help the organization meet governance, compliance and auditing needs regarding |

|Logic 20/20 / |loan-exception processes. We replaced unstructured, manual methods with a tool that provided significant enhancements to the user|

|Microsoft Corp. |experience, timely access to status information, a flexible yet managed workflow and a high degree of auditability. |

| |The tool manages the process for requesting exceptions to standard loans, sales compensation and policy. It accomplishes this by|

|Sept 2008 to Present |the following: |

| |The system tracks levels of users (requestors and approvers) in a tiered authorization-matrix. |

| |The system calculates and routes communications automatically depending on information entered, authorization levels, country, |

| |size of loan, escalation scenarios, etc. |

| |Provides alerts and notices to users when conditions change or when action is required. |

| |Allows manual overrides, delegation, quick access to historical information, etc. |

| |In addition to dynamic emails that alert the user when something needs their attention, we created a desktop gadget that allows |

| |users to quickly determine the status of pending requests, backlogs, etc. |

| |The whole system was designed to be very lightweight (.aspx), easy for non-technical users, embraced by management, accessible to|

| |extranet users, and integrated into the client’s existing SharePoint environment. |

| |The biggest challenges I helped with for this project were the following: |

| |Helping stakeholders understand and improve their own process. |

| |Helping stakeholders envision what the tool could look like and how it might function. |

| |Defining and containing the scope of the project in order to meet the budget and schedule. |

| |Doing all of this in a very short time-frame over the Winter holidays. |

| |I was responsible for gathering requirements and business rules. From this I created the master Business Requirements Document |

| |for the project. The BRD was used to |

| |Educate senior management. |

| |Establish processes, rules and objectives. |

| |Provide the direction for software development. |

| |Helped document and shape the product and process through international stakeholder-interviews, creating screen mockups, |

| |presenting workflow options, etc. |

| |I was also created and managed the following: Project Scope, Project Schedule, Budget, Risk Matrix, Requirements/Prioritization |

| |Matrix, Options Analyses, Wireframes, Flowcharts, Estimates, Report Designs and Information Architecture. |

| |Stakeholders commented that I “ramped up quickly” and my documents were “impressive” and “helpful”. |

|(continued) |Senior Project Manager (Consultant, Contract) |

| |Responsible for implementing a Collaboration Sharepoint Portal for Microsoft’s Worldwide Industry’s Distribution and Services |

|Senior Project Mgr (Consultant, |site. The purpose was to encourage collaboration, centralize information and improve visibility into the sales pipeline via |

|Contract) |Business Intelligence indicators (scorecard, KPI). The Retail site became a template used by other industries and sectors. |

|Logic 20/20 / |Created various technical and Project Management documents such as: |

|Microsoft Corp. |Vision/Scope, Data Models, Information Architecture (Site Hierarchy, Site Map), Wireframes, Project Structure/Communication Plan,|

| |Readiness Assessment, Requirements Matrix, Gantt schedules, Use Case diagrams, DRIP Provisioning Assessment, Issues List, Risk |

|Sept 2008 to Present |Matrix, Design documents, mini functional specifications, Status Reports, Competitive/Gap Analysis, etc. |

| |These documents were rated by the sponsor and stakeholders as “very useful”. |

| |Numerous Option Analyses at various decision points helped clarify problems and options to quickly move past design obstacles and|

| |were critical to helping the project stay on schedule. |

| |Used various X-BUIT (Microsoft Solutions Framework) templates. |

| |Facilitated, interacted with, and presented to various stakeholders and technology staff: |

| |Managing Director, Solutions Manager, Marketing Manager, Business Development Manager, Solutions Specialist, Sharepoint |

| |Developer, various Microsoft IT staff (virtual server, etc). |

| |Requirements and scope discussions and communications. |

| |Definitions, processes, organizational models, usage scenarios, etc. |

| |Presentations and explanations of various ideas, options, analyses, schedules, etc. |

| |On-site meetings, remote meetings, Live Meetings, conference calls. |

| |Coordinated international stakeholders (China, South America, Europe, and non-local US). |

| |Worked flexibly to accommodate numerous change-requests and scope-modifications. |

| |Provided regular client-preview points, sneak-peeks or screenshots. |

| |Kept schedule and budget on time and on target. |

| |We were typically ahead of schedule and under budget (Burn-rate average: 0.96). |

| |Created accurate, easy-to-read projected-budget graphs. |

| |Sharepoint Work |

| |Worked to keep most of the Sharepoint development and features within the standard Sharepoint Farm (Infoweb) capabilities. |

| |Business Intelligence and Scorecard (Sharepoint KPI) scoping. |

| |Worked with developer to hone requirements for CAML customization, custom filtering, tagging, custom web parts, etc. |

| |Supported the project team by creating a Project Management portal () with online announcements, inline |

| |schedules, Outlook integration, document libraries, etc. |

|Director of Technology |This position is responsible for overall planning, organizing and execution of Software Development, Quality Assurance, Database |

|Catalysis Corporation |Management and Network Administration duties at Catalysis and includes the following responsibilities: |

| | |

|Apr 2005 to Feb 2008 |Actively manages software development team. |

| |Recommends and plans information technology to support and meet company objectives based on research and evaluation |

| |Manages IT department and directly supervises the Senior Manager of Development, QA Manager, Data Management Lead, Internal |

| |Systems Manager, Manager of Technical Projects, and Network Administrator |

| |Reviews and approves technical architecture plans for internal or client-facing projects |

| |Implements and executes new/upgraded information systems |

| |Ensures the consistency and maintainability of existing applications by creating, maintaining and enforcing standards/procedures |

| |for implementing technical solutions |

| |Structures, trains, leads and develops staff members for maximum effectiveness |

| |Maintains current knowledge of trends and regulations to ensure systems effectiveness and compliance |

| |Oversees technology-related security and disaster recovery plans; sets network & desktop security & use policies & guidelines |

| |Assumes contractual management responsibilities, assists in requests for proposals, vendor selection, and contract monitoring; |

| |manages IT vendor relationships for equipment, software, services, and staffing |

| |Works directly with clients on large or complex projects on technical architecture, options, and integration |

| |Contributes to client RFPs & SOWs as necessary. Reviews & approves large-project development estimates |

| | |

| |Reports to Managing Director. |

| | |

|Technology Division Manager |This position was responsible for creating, implementing, and managing information systems for a large, high-profile, Court |

|King County, Department of |Clerk’s Office. The primary responsibilities of the Technology Division Manager include: |

|Judicial Administration | |

| |Work closely with the senior management team to develop and promote a customer-focused approach to deliver the technology systems|

|Feb 2002 to Apr 2005 |within DJA to its clients. (Internal and External to DJA) |

| |Provide leadership for Technology Division staff in developing innovative applications, implementing new technology and methods, |

| |providing first-rate customer service, adhering to workplace policies and promoting professional development, |

| |Create, develop, and coordinate system architecture, processes and plans for strategic and tactical use of information |

| |technology, |

| |Oversee Technology projects and manage project managers to meet customer expectations for service delivery and |

| |cost-effectiveness, |

| |Conduct, direct and evaluate research on computer and communications architecture, standards, methods, tools and products and |

| |their suitability for the Department’s needs in the context of existing systems and future market trends. |

| |Develop, make recommendations, advocate, monitor and control expenditures for the division and project budgets. |

| |Manage the work, prioritize tasks and provide technical direction to all DJA staff. |

| |Manage staff in performance of their duties and be able to assist staff with duties they are assigned including: programming, |

| |database administration, LAN administration, desktop support, reporting, application development, and more. |

| |Define policies and procedures and implement changes. |

| | |

| |Reported to Director. |

| | |

|Chief of Information Technology |Overall responsibility for creating, defining, and carrying-out technology initiatives for both museums including design, |

|Seattle Art Museum |implementation and migration. Managed and communicated technical strategy, direction, issues, projects, budgets and technologies|

| |through meetings, online white papers, tech specs and presentations to staff, division heads, Museum Director, board, vendors and|

|Jun 1997 to Mar 2000 |community partners. Hands-on work with cross-organizational teams to implement technology both for internal and public use. |

| |Responsible for developing and implementing new media applications including Internet presence and web technology. |

| | |

| |Assigned and managed projects and staff; ensured schedules, budgets and criteria were met and processes followed. Designed, |

| |directed and/or programmed various internal and public web-enabled software applications and databases. Created, facilitated and|

| |collaborated with web/media team on webcasts, web site, multimedia kiosk projects, intranet, commerce site, etc. Created New |

| |Media Center. Researched, coordinated and implemented the digitization, conversion and web publication of the museum’s art |

| |collection. Installed, supported and/or expanded server and application infrastructure including email, web servers, database |

| |servers, application servers and media streaming servers. Upgraded and architected multi-building network and wiring |

| |infrastructure. Connected the museum to the Internet. Numerous system conversions and upgrades, from RFP to sign-off. |

| |Coordinated, negotiated and collaborated with outsource vendors. Provided computer training, support and Help Desk processes for|

| |all staff. Implemented e-commerce solution for the museum. Responsible for all IT public access security. Initiated and |

| |collaborated on receiving grants and partnerships with businesses and government agencies. Reported to Museum Director. |

| | |

|Director of |Started and managed several technical departments and two profit centers. Project management, employee relations and customer |

|Technical Services |services. Coordinated technical transitions for newly acquired companies, buildings and states. Project leader or team |

| |participant for numerous departmental projects including process reengineering, software enhancements, ISO9002, documentation |

|Manager |control, purchase order system and reorgs. Designed, implemented and expanded server, data and telecommunication networks. |

| |Programmed and managed transition to Visual Basic, SQL Server, Internet access, barcoding, Windows NT, and EDI capabilities. |

|Supervisor |Technical liaison for account executives and customers. Technology demonstrations and training. Security strategies along with |

|Pac Services, Inc. |disaster recovery plans. Web manager, programmer, liaison. Reported to President and General Manager. |

| | |

|Aug 1991 to Jun 1997 | |

| | |

|Quality Coordinator, |LAN/WAN design, implementation, maintenance and admin. Started and managed Software Duplication dept (profit center), Quality |

|Air Force Officer |Assurance dept and IS/Technical Services. Hardware and software purchasing. Tech support. Started employee training and safety |

| |programs. |

|Pac Services, Inc. | |

|Microdisk, Inc. |Hardware repair and installation using oscilloscope and VOM. UNIX, C, and BASIC, multi-user database programming. Production |

|US Air Force |and inventory control. LAN Admin. Quality control/assurance inspection. QA procedures and manual writing. Airplane |

| |navigation. |

|Dec 1985 to Aug 1991 | |

Education and Organizations

|Univ.of Washington |Business Intelligence Program |2007 |

|Univ.of Washington |Business School, Exec Programs - Principled Negotiation, Effective Comm, etc |1992 – 2004 |

|Univ.of Washington |Data Communications Certificate Program |1991 |

|Officer Training School |Management and Leadership |1986 |

|Univ.of Washington |B.A. Mathematics |1985 |

|Various Sources |Numerous technical and management seminars / conferences, memberships |ongoing |

|Joseph Shuster |Samples of Work |

|5908 155th Ave. NE - Redmond, WA 98052 |(Document type is indicated in parenthesis) |

|(425)-869-8521 - joShu@ | |

Newer examples, now combined into a couple of documents.

|Title |Description |Role |

|"Shuster Sampler #2" |Samples of work from my time at Catalysis. (2005-07) |Author, Architect, etc. |

| |More software dev-related material including technical designs, screen shots, | |

| |project management docs, etc. | |

|"Shuster Sampler #1" |Samples of work from my time at King County. (2002-05) |Author, Architect, etc. |

| |This PDF contains numerous work samples combined into one concise document. | |

| |Workplan, Gantt, Intranet, Quarterly Report, Alternatives Analysis, DRP, etc. | |

Older examples (available on request)

|Title |Description |Role |

|Datafeed Specification |A technical specification describing a datafeed for a client. |Author |

|Dept WorkPlan Gantt |Gantt chart with linked schedules. |Author |

|Communication Plan |A Project Management document that describes the communication plan for a |Author |

| |project at King County. | |

|Tech Top Three |A simple report to show project status per technical area. Includes department |Author, Project Manager |

| |workplan as a Gantt chart. | |

|Project and Scope Sample |An earlier project / scope document for a 3-building network integration. Exec |Author, Network Architect |

| |summary, features / benefit analysis, etc. | |

|ProjectHomePage |A project I managed using the Intranet to publish schedule info, bug lists, etc.|Author, Project Manager |

| |Note: this is an Intranet snapshot so some sublinks are not present. | |

|National Instruments Case Study |Case study of a hardware/software combo used to monitor temperatures of Bill |Quoted, Project Lead, Programmer |

| |Gates’ Leonardo Codex. | |

|WorkFlowSpec |Spec document used as basis for a process re-engineering project. |Coordinator, Author, Contributor |

|GoalsMission |Summary of departmental Goals and Mission Statement. Used in conjunction with |Author |

| |strategic planning group. | |

|TechUpdate |Informal intranet document used to update staff on tech project statuses and |Author |

| |accomplishments. Provides a good way to assess my throughput. | |

|Microsoft Industry Solution1 |Microsoft Case Study “slick” of the SAM e-commerce project. Page 1 |Quoted, Project Lead, Programmer |

|Visual Commerce Case Study |SAM’s outsource partner also profiled the SAM ecommerce project. |Quoted, Project Lead, Programmer |

|RFP |A simple RFP that includes a hierarchical list of functional requirements. |Primary author, coordinator. |

|CodeSample |Just a couple simple code samples in VB and C. |Programmer. |

|TechAnalysis |Analysis summary of movie “stuttering” problem. |Author, Researcher |

|TrainingDocument |Training notes/outline used to teach Project, converted for Intranet use. |Author, Teacher |

|QA3 |ISO9000 document with process flow chart. |Co-author |

|eMuseum |Live, web-enabled front-end for the museum’s SQL Server database of art. |Project Manager, Editor |

|Erika Langley |Streaming video of artist interview. |Producer, Video Editor, Streaming Tech |

|NW First Peoples Art |Web page of Northwest First Peoples art at the Seattle Art Museum |Project Mgr, programmer, Digitizer, |

| | |Co-designer |

|Soha's Story |Flash conversion of artist’s work about story of a little girl in ancient egypt.|Programmer, Sound Engineer |

|Annual Meeting Video |A streaming Powerpoint presentation using synchronized page flips and audio. |Coordination, |

| | |Programmer, Audio Tech |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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