Reconstruction Document Based Questions

Reconstruction Document Based Questions

DUE: Monday, March 15th = 100pts total

OBJECTIVE: To test your ability to work with historical documents. Some of the documents have been edited for the purposes of the question. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the source of each document and any point of view that may be presented in the document.

BACKGROUND: The Civil War and the period of Reconstruction brought great social, political, and economic changes to American society. The effects of these changes continued into the 20th century.

Directions: Download the DBQ documents from my blog. Use your knowledge of US History to analyze and organize the documents provided in the packet.


• _____ /30pts: QUESTIONS (analyze the documents)

Answer the questions that correspond with the documents online

• _____/70pts: CHARTS (organize the documents)

Use your answers to the questions to help you organize the information in the charts.

** Attention: you might ask a neighbor or friend for help – discuss together the issues and questions to learn and understand – DO NOT COPY = ZERO!!

**Disclaimer: Some documents may work for both charts!

**3 points bonus if ALL answers are typed (questions and chart)

Document A: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

The title of the flyer states “The Freedman’s Bureau! An agency to keep the NEGRO in idleness at the EXPENSE of the white man. Twice vetoed by the PRESIDENT, and made a law by CONGRESS. Support Congress & you support the Negro. Sustain the President & you protect the white man.”

1. What is the freedman doing?

2. What are the white people doing?

3. What effect does this document have on the fate of the Freedman’s Bureau?

Document B: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

4. Where were Black Colleges predominately set up before the Civil War?

5. Is there a correlation (relationship) between the establishment of Freedman’s Bureaus and Black Colleges in the South? If so, why do you think the two would be set up this way(How would they benefit from this set up) ?

Document C: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

6. Summarize how the freedmen are trapped on the planter’s land. (2pts)

7. Why was the sharecropping system considered an endless cycle for southern farmers?

Document D: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

8. Who are the characters in the cartoon?

9. According to the cartoon how did the KK influence southern politics?

10. According to the cartoon how did the KKK influence southern society?

Document E: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

11. What role did the speaker play in the migration of freed slaves to the North and the West?

12. How was life different for the relocated Negroes?

13. Would this document support Reconstruction? Why?

Document F: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

14. With the ability to freely go to church, why were churches important to freed people? (Hint: What else were churches used for?)

Document G: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

15. What does this document say? (in your own words) (2pts)

16. Define: nullify.

17. How did this document “nullify” the 15th amendment?

Document H: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

18. What doe the 13th amendment say?

19. How did this affect the slaves?

Document I: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

20. How does the 14th Amendment define citizenship?

21. During Reconstruction, how was the 14th amendment intended to help formerly enslaved people?

Document J: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

22. Based on this document, identify one way the Ku Klux Klan terrorized African Americans

23. According to this document, how did the actions of the Ku Klux Klan affect African American participation in the political process?

Document K: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

24. What are the differences in the maps?

25. According to this map, how did the economic role of African Americans change between 1860 and 1880?

Document L: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

26. What effect did Jim Crow laws have on African American life?

Document M: (circle one: success / failure circle one: pol / econ / soc)

27. According to this contract, what does the landowner agree to furnish

28. Explain the details concerning payment between a sharecropper and landowner


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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