GE Foundation - CyberGrants

GE Foundation

Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program Announcement

User/Web FAQs

Introduction to Announcement

Recently the GE Foundation announced that it will direct more than $20 million in 2009 funding to organizations responding to the impact of the economic downturn. Focused on addressing basic needs, specifically the provisioning of food and shelter, these organizations have experienced a significant increase in demand without the proper funding to keep pace with the need.

To that end, a Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program has been created. Effective immediately, the GE Foundation will double all gifts made by GE employees and retirees up to $25,000 (for a $50,000 match) to qualified organizations providing these basic needs.

What changes are expected in the Matching Gifts program?

The GE Foundation has created a separate Matching Gifts Program, in addition to its existing Matching Gifts Program, to address the increasing demand for basic needs, specifically food and shelter. This program will match 2:1 all gifts made by GE employees and retirees up to $25,000 - for a $50,000 match - to qualified organizations.

Effective immediately and throughout 2009, qualified gifts that were previously matched dollar-for-dollar under the traditional Matching Gifts Program will now be matched two-for-one. Organizations participating in either program will be required to comply with program guidelines.

Are these changes permanent?

No. These are temporary changes to address present economic conditions. The changes will be effective immediately through the end of 2009.

When can I make my gift?

In order to be eligible for the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program, a gift must be made to the recipient organization between now and the end of 2009 (i.e. December 17, 2008-December 31, 2009). Per existing Program guidelines, gifts made in 2008 must be registered in the Matching Gifts system by April 15, 2009. Gifts made in 2009 must be registered in the Matching Gifts system by April 15, 2010.

How can I participate in the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program?

• After making your gift, register your gift by logging into the GE Foundation Matching Gifts website (click on the “GE Participants” button).

• From the main welcome page you will see text at the top announcing the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program, including a link to access the new program page. While the gift registration process is largely the same as the normal Program, Food & Shelter gifts MUST be registered via this new page that is specific to the Food & Shelter Program (instructions and FAQs are available within the website).

How will the GE Foundation determine whether the organization is qualified?

Within the Matching Gifts website, organizations will self-identify as to whether their primary mission is focused around the provision of these food and shelter human services. Each organization will also be reviewed at the time of payment to ensure its self-identification is accurate.

How will I know if an organization is qualified?

Within the Matching Gifts website GE employees and retirees will have the ability to view information associated with the recipient organization, which identifies whether it has met initial policy guidelines. Matching gifts payments will not be guaranteed until a more thorough review of the organization has been completed at time of payment. After payments are made, a list of those receiving the 2:1 match will be available through the same website.

Can I recommend an organization to qualify for the program?

Employees and retirees can submit new organizations to take part in the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts program (or the normal Matching Gifts Program) through existing nomination processes within the Matching Gifts website. It remains the responsibility of the organization to self-select as a qualified human services agency (they can do so once added to the Matching Gifts system and a donor has registered a gift).

As referenced within the Matching Gifts site for GE employees/retirees:

“…use the search function (“Organization Quick Search”) to find your organization. In the search results that are returned to you, find the organization to which you contributed and click the 'Select' button to begin registering your gift. Please note that if an organization has not yet participated in the GE Foundation's Matching Gifts program you will need to click 'Nominate' - this will alert the Customer Service team to add the organization to the program. You will receive an email response once you are able to register your gift. If the organization to which you contributed was not found in the Organization Search, click here to submit an Organization for consideration.”

When will matching payments be made?

The regular quarterly payment schedule still applies: payments will be made in February, May, August, and November of 2009.

What are the steps/schedule by which registered gifts and recipient organizations receive payment?

• After making a gift, the employee/retiree must register the contribution by logging into the Matching Gifts website (click on the “GE Participants” button to log in using GE SSO ID/password). There will be separate registration pages for the Matching Gifts Program and the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program.

• After a gift is registered, the recipient organization must then confirm that the employee/retiree gift has been received (see associated question below).

• Once the gift has been confirmed, the organization and the original gift are reviewed by the GE Foundation for qualification for the Matching Gifts program (and the Special Food & Shelter Program if applicable).

• Once approved, the GE Foundation matching gift will then be included in the subsequent quarterly payment. The timing of this payment is based upon the organization’s confirmation of the gift, not when an employee has made or registered the gift. The schedule of GE Foundation payments is posted within the Matching Gifts website (matchinggifts).

For example, to be reviewed for inclusion in the November 2009 payment, a gift must be confirmed by the recipient organization by September 30. This schedule is posted online, within the Matching Gifts website, for both GE donors and recipient organizations to view.

How does a recipient organization confirm gifts?

Organizations confirm receipt of gifts within the same Matching Gifts website (matchinggifts - click on “Non-Profit Participants” button to log in). The system is real-time, so as soon as a GE donor registers a gift the recipient organization is welcome to log in and confirm immediately. Monthly reminder letters are sent as a courtesy to organizations with gifts to confirm, but they may log in at any time to do so and do not need to wait for a letter. An organization has 12 months from the date a gift is registered to confirm.

How can I find organizations in my area whose primary mission is providing food and/or shelter relief to individuals and/or families?

Once logged in, users can visit the “Organization Quick Search” section on the Matching Gifts home page. You can search using a keyword (e.g. “food,” “housing,” “homeless,” etc.) in a particular city or state. You can also contact your local GE Volunteers Council () or local United Way (). Finally, you can also search online using sites such as , , and .

Are these changes permanent?

No. These are temporary changes to address present economic conditions. The changes will be effective immediately through the end of 2009.

Does a gift that is matched 2-for-1 affect my annual maximum?

No. The Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program is separate from, and in addition to, the normal Matching Gifts Program. Within the normal Matching Gifts Program, each GE Donor has an annual maximum of $50,000 – this remains unchanged. Within the Special Food & Shelter Matching Gifts Program, GE donors may register up to an additional $25,000 to qualified Food & Shelter organizations for a 2:1 match.


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