| |Where does your organisation sit on the CSR Continuum? | |

|Stage |Approach |Tick |Sample Practices |Tick |

| |Does not view itself as responsible for its social| |Fights against regulations that promote | |

| |or environmental performance. | |sustainability. | |

| |No obligation beyond profits. | |Defends against attacks to its reputation that in | |

|Pre-CSR |Adheres to the lowest acceptable or legal | |the short term could affect sales, recruitment, | |

| |standard. | |productivity and the brand. | |

| | | |Avoids environmental and social measures not | |

| | | |required by law. | |

| |Subscribes to basic level of CSR performance as | |Informal or limited corporate commitment to CSR. | |

| |“good business”. | |Informal and ad hoc CSR programs | |

| |Doesn’t believe business has a responsibility to | |Charity, staff, customer and environmental programs | |

| |improve social or environmental conditions. | |are basic, traditional and minimal. | |

| |Manages its liabilities by obeying the law and | |Treats environmental and social initiatives as | |

| |labour, environmental, health and safety | |costs. | |

| |regulations. | |Develops and implements policies and procedures in | |

| |Bases decisions on “compliance” considerations – | |order to minimize any social or environmental damage| |

| |i.e. compliance with norms and laws: what is | |that might result from their business activities. | |

| |legally required and charitable? | |May inform selected stakeholders of activities, for | |

| |Takes an ad hoc approach to CSR, typically in | |example, customers or government. | |

|Basic CSR |response to crisis or vocal stakeholder concerns; | |Marketing and public relations is the focus of | |

| |focuses on external relations issues. | |communication. | |

| | | |No CSR reporting, beyond a basic promotional summary| |

| | | |of community activities. | |

| |CSR is perceived as a strategic business | |Incorporates CSR into vision, mission, values, | |

| |opportunity; identifies areas where CSR can be | |though doesn’t integrate CSR system into its | |

| |good for business and invests in those as | |performance management program. | |

| |opportunities. | |One or two CSR business strategies to grow markets, | |

| |Moves from defence to offence; realises it can | |generate revenues and improve conditions, e.g. a | |

| |save costs with proactive eco-efficiency and | |renewable energy business line for an oil and gas | |

| |community investment programs. | |company; affordable housing or micro-finance | |

| |Business model is not influenced by firm’s CSR | |programs for banks and credit unions. | |

| |objectives. | |Sustainability function is entirely managed in | |

| |Bases decisions on traditional benefit/cost | |specialty department. | |

|Proactive CSR |analysis: what is financially justified? | |Develops partnerships with stakeholders to identify | |

| | | |innovative product and service solutions. | |

| | | |More substantive CSR reporting, including a few CSR | |

| | | |indicators. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Where does your organisation sit on the CSR Continuum? | |

|Stage |Approach |Tick |Sample Practices |Tick |

| |CSR objectives affect business model: CSR | |Incorporates CSR into vision, mission, values. | |

| |institutionalised by embedding CSR policies, | |Board oversight and CEO management/leadership on | |

| |procedures and practices throughout operations to | |CSR. | |

| |ensure integration of sustainability into | |Integrates CSR into performance management systems. | |

| |decision-making. | |Makes CSR commitment, develops policy to formalise | |

| |Integrates CSR into key business strategies. | |commitment; creates programs to implement policy; | |

| |Anticipates wider consequences of decisions and | |evaluates success and measures progress; involves | |

| |builds this awareness into decision-making | |stakeholders in program development and evaluation; | |

| |processes. | |reports on CSR progress. | |

| |CSR practices used as a strategic differentiator. | |Establishes formal and consistent CSR programs; CSR | |

| |Bases decisions on emerging global norms of | |is integrated into corporate objectives, key | |

| |integrity, ethics and justice: what is morally | |business strategies and business plans. | |

| |expected? | |Identifies and manages its positive and negative | |

| | | |socio-economic and environmental impacts. | |

|Integrated CSR | | |Establishes, and tracks performance against stretch | |

| | | |indicators of success; benchmarks performance | |

| | | |against other companies and industries. | |

| | | |Engages stakeholders in two-way CSR dialogues; | |

| | | |involves them in developing strategic business | |

| | | |objectives as they relate to CSR goals. | |

| | | |Promotes CSR within industry. | |

| | | |Marketing efforts focused on reputation management. | |

| |Mission or purpose of business is to improve | |All of integrated CSR practices plus products, | |

| |conditions in society or the environment. | |services, processes and profits are used to advance | |

| | | |sustainability and improve world conditions. | |

| | | |Creates opportunities for customer and the public to| |

| | | |advance sustainability. | |

| | | |Develops partnerships with stakeholders to tackle | |

| | | |social and environmental issues. | |

| | | |Initiates public policy dialogue on key CSR issues. | |

| | | |Marketing efforts are focused on social and | |

|Mission-Driven CSR | | |environmental causes to create awareness, change | |

| | | |public and corporate behaviour and move public | |

| | | |policy towards greater sustainability. | |



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