Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPER)

Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)

Stanford University Department of Economics

25th Annual Summer Institute for Teachers

Looking Back/Looking Forward

July 30 – August 3, 2012

Application Form

Name __________________________________________________________________

Home Address____________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ Zip_________________

School_______________________________________ District ___________________

Daytime/Cell Phone______________________________ Home Phone__________________


Subjects taught / grade level_________________________________________________

1. Why do you want to attend this institute? What are one or two hopes that you have for participating?

2. Briefly describe a question or topic that you would like to see discussed at the Institute that relates to Looking Back/Looking Forward.

Please turn over

3. Please describe how you think you can contribute to help assure the continued excellence of the Stanford summer institute.

Housing: Campus housing in undergraduate residences is not provided but is available for participants through the Conference Service office. Information about this housing and the application form is available at . Please review the information and if you wish to apply, click on online application in the Application

Procedures section. On the next page, click on the Visiting Scholar option and follow the directions. Please fill in the fields in the eligibility information section. The Economics Institute will supply the Conference Services with a list of its visiting scholars.

Institute Acceptance

Preference will be given to applications received by Monday, May 14, 2012.

Applications will be accepted on a space available basis up to Friday, July 13, 2012.

Teachers who have not attended the Institute previously or who have less than three years of Economics teaching experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications should be sent to Don Hill via email to donhll52@ or mailed to

Don Hill

531 West Hillsdale Blvd

San Mateo CA 94403

Note: The Institute is designed for high school teachers of Economics. Many teachers of history and government from high school and middle school have, however, attended and highly valued the experience during the last 24 years. Community College Economics professors have also regularly attended and highly valued the Institute.


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