Focus Group Activity

Focus Group Activity U.S. Geography Geography 3410

Objective: The group should be able to discuss and identify major sectors of the economy for the region assigned with examples of activities most prevalent or predominant in the economic base.

Purpose: to take advantage of combined team efforts as part of on-going individual pursuits in learning about the regions and in preparations for a formal exam over the subject. Alternative models devised for more than one region and shared by participating groups should provide some efficiencies and varying perspectives in how better to comprehend regional characteristics and their distinctions. In addition, a clearer understanding of what is critical to each region’s level of well being, quality of life, and its role in relationships with other regions may be gained.

Assignment: Your group should focus specifically on developing a best but quick way to describe/convey characteristics of the economic base for the North American region assigned to you within the time allotted.

Region ____________________ Time _______ The results are to be recorded in written

and graphic or diagram form for a very brief explanation to the class as a whole. The chalkboard is to be used as a tool while addressing the class. Develop some form of sketch or outline on the board prior to the end of your allotted work time. Group reporter representatives will then briefly explain their results on key from the instructor. A copy of each group’s findings is to be submitted to the instructor by the end of the period. Include this instruction sheet with the first and last names of each group participant.

Suggestions: Your task is to identify basic economic functions associated with your assigned region. Be able to (quickly) make a working distinction between non-basic and basic economic activities. Concentrate then on basic activities. Then proceed to discussing and identifying the economic sectors that seem most outstanding or characteristic for the region’s economic base – or which are most predominant and important for the region’s economic base. What types of economic activities do not seem so prevalent or especially important for that region’s economic base? Which economic activities are closely dependent upon or have strong relationships with other regions or areas outside the region – and in what way? No need to exhaust the subject.

Focus on examples in all cases. Get something together!

Organize quickly and accomplish what you can!

Group Coordinator – assigns participant tasks and moves group through the agenda

*Time Watcher – monitors time - works closely with group coordinator

Recorder(s) – to record outcome briefs on paper – submits copy with names to instructor

Chalkboard worker(s) to copy results on board as they become ready

Reporter to explain results to class

All members participate in and contribute to the assignment

Be ready with your chalkboard “stuff” by the end of the allotted time. Date _______

Group participants: ________________________ _________________________

(first and ________________________ _________________________

last names) ________________________ _________________________


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