Advanced Placement Economics


Accounting (CTE 6320)

Teacher: Mr. Latter

Fall 2020 (Distance Learning)

Course Syllabus & Classroom Expectations


Welcome to Accounting!  You have made a great choice, in my opinion, in taking this class. You will get the chance to see if Accounting could be a career choice for you. As you probably already, accountants are in great demand because our economy revolves around money and accountants know how to track the money and report the results to many different stakeholders. And even if you’re not going to major in accounting or business, knowing accounting can help you in your personal financial future. I was a CPA and accountant for 21 years before I made a career switch to Education. Let’s get ready to roll!

Course Description

Accounting students study the basic principles, concepts, and practices of the accounting cycle for a service business and a merchandising business. Topics covered include analyzing transactions, journalizing and posting entries, and preparing payroll records and financial statements. Business ethics and professional traits that make accountants successful are emphasized.

Key Topics Covered

>Purpose and Importance of Accounting

>Key Traits of Great Accountants

>The Accounting Cycle (recording, classifying, analyzing & reporting transactions: learning to perform accounting)

>Accounting Systems (software to perform accounting)

>Accounting as a College Major & Career

More Detailed List of Course Content & Objectives

Summary of Key Classroom Teaching & Learning Platforms

>All Course Resources & Lessons Accessible via Schoology (Learning Management System that all PFHS students & parents have access to). You will also be using accounting software platforms which you will have access to.

Mandatory Attendance at Synchronous Classes

Attendance is mandatory at each synchronous class via Google Meet (product like Zoom). Attendance will be taken and input into Phoenix (grading & attendance system) for each class, just as if we were having class in person. After attendance is taken your attendance for the duration of the class is required and tracked.

Distance-Learning Classes, Learning Lab, and Etiquette

Our synchronous (video on Google Meet) distance-learning classes will be held on the days and times per the school schedule, which assigns synchronous (Google Meet) A-day classes on Tuesdays & Wednesdays and B-day classes on Thursdays & Fridays. The Google Meet access code for our class will be communicated separately and housed in your Schoology class named Accounting.

Each synchronous class will be 60 minutes, followed immediately by a 22-minute voluntary “learning lab” associated to that same class. The learning lab is a voluntary synchronous session that may be used by any student(s) to ask questions or seek additional help. Simply stay on the video after the main class.

We are all expected to behave in an appropriate manner in each synchronous class. Come to learn in a safe and respectful environment! Key behaviors expected of all students (and teacher) include:

➢ Be on time! Attendance is taken each class at the beginning of class and logged into Phoenix.

➢ All students are strongly encouraged to show their “live face”! I really hope that you do, and I will encourage you to do so! It will make it more meaningful and personal for the class and me if you do. If you cannot or do not want to show your face, then you are asked to display a current picture of yourself (no emojis or random pictures).

➢ Each synchronous class will be interactive and involve your participation. It will not be a 60-minute lecture! Come ready!

➢ You are expected to stay in class (on video) until the end! Teachers have been asked to track and report students that leave class without permission.

Grading Policy

Summative grades will comprise 100% of a student’s grade (class assignments, tests, and projects).

Summative grades include two subgroupings:

1) A “Major Summative” grade is a single assessment (test or project, for example) that comprises between10-20% of the final quarterly grade. The total of all Major Summative assessments will comprise at least 80% of the student’s final quarterly grade. Each Major Summative assessment will be preceded by a “Formal Formative” assessment, which is not included in the student’s final quarterly grade. A Formal Formative assessment is included in the gradebook (Phoenix) and serves as preparation for an upcoming Major Summative but is not used in calculating the student’s final quarterly grade.

2) A “Minor Summative” is a single assessment that comprise less than 10% of the quarterly grade.

Each quarter will consist of 500 earnable points or 1,000 maximum points earnable for the entire course. Quarterly points are assigned as follows:

>250 points: Tests (Major Summative*)

>150 points: Projects or Large Assignments (Major Summative)

>100 points: Minor Summative (small assessments)

500 points per quarter

*Each test will be preceded by a Formal Formative (review for test)

Phoenix continues to be the official grading system for PFHS, not Schoology. Check your grades often and report any concerns to me

Test Retake Policy

Students have an opportunity to take a retake on any test grade below 80%. Original test scores of 80% or higher are not eligible for retake.

If the retake score is 80% or higher the student will be assigned an 80% for the final grade, which will replace the original score. If the student scores below an 80% on the retake, they will earn either the grade received on the original test or the retake, whichever is higher.

Opportunities for retakes will be announced in class. An email from the student to Stephen.latter@ is required to request a retake. A retake will be of equal rigor and length as the original assessment.

Late Work Policy

> Project or other assignments will be accepted past due for full credit provided the student has proactively contacted Mr. Latter and a future turn-in-date has been agreed to with the student successfully meeting the revised due date. The revised due date must be no later than 1-calendar week after the original due date of the assignment or no later than the class period before the end of the quarter, whichever is sooner. Assignments not turned after the second due date will receive reduced credit.

Teacher Contact Information & Background

Email Contact: Sending me an email through Schoology is the best way to contact me. My email is stephen.latter@ . I check my email consistently and respond quickly.

My Background: I have 18 years of teaching experience and 21 years of business & finance experience. At the high school level, I have previously taught personal finance, economics, accounting, and marketing. At the college level, I have taught accounting. I am a former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA). I am married, live in Vienna, VA, and have three adult children. I love watching sports of all types and spend my free time exercising, biking, traveling, and reading!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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