EPT: Business Administration and Economics

Chung Ang University

EPT: Business Administration & Economics

Name: ________________________

ID Number: __________________

Video Homework 1: Thomas Suarez: A 12-year-old app developer

Video Summary: Summarize the TED talk.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|app | |

|fortune teller | |

|kit | |

|persuaded | |

|encouragement | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|How old is the boy in the video? | |

|Name two apps he has designed. | |

|What kind of club has he started as his school? | |

|Who is his hero? | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about this video? How do you feel about the boy giving the speech?

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Video Homework 2: S Korea's nut rage executive sentenced

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|Macadamia nuts | |

|breached | |

|aviation | |

|terminal | |

|enraged | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|How long was Cho Hyun Ah's prison sentence? | |

|What was her position in the company? | |

|Why did Cho become so angry? | |

|What did she order the pilot to do? | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about the “nut rage” scandal? Are the super wealthy given special benefits in the society? Explain your opinion.

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Video Homework 3: Parts Unknown: Korean-American food stays true to its roots

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|cuisine | |

|strip mall | |

|crack an egg | |

|over rice | |

|Western taste | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|Where are they? | |

|What do they eat? | |

|What kind of ingredients are in it? | |

|Is the dish cold or hot? | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about this video? What's your favorite Korean dish? How often do you eat it? What's your favorite restaurant to eat this food?

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Video Homework 4: On the road: South Korea popular culture

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|persuasive | |

|avid | |

|exports | |

|Launch party | |

|devour | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|Rain says Korean male characters are _________, _________,| |

|and ________. | |

|Lovely Girl was sold to China for how much per episode? | |

|Who is Pys's producer? | |

|What's the most viewed video ever on Youtube? | |

Giving an Opinion: How do you feel about “Hallyoo?” Are you proud of Korean popular culture? Why do you think Korean popular culture is so popular in other Asian countries? Explain.

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Video Homework 5: President Park calls for eased business restrictions 박대통령, 오늘 경제활성화 위한 규제개혁회의

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|regulation | |

|red tape | |

|yield | |

|“sitting idle” | |

|livelihood | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|What kind of reform did President Park propose? | |

|What effect is deregulation expected to have on the | |

|economy? | |

|How many new jobs were created due to eased regulations? | |

|An economic effect of ___________US$ was created. | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about government deregulation? Are you concerned about the environmental effects that deregulation can lead to? What other concerns, if any, do you have?

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Video Homework 6: A Look at the Next Winter Games 2018 Pyeongchang

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|estimated cost | |

|task | |

|facilities | |

|amazing | |

|acupuncture | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|When will Pyeongchang host the Winter Olympics? | |

|This is Korea's ______ Winter Olympics. | |

|What is the estimated cost? | |

Giving an Opinion: How do you feel about Korea hosting the Winter Olympics? Are you proud that your country will be hosting the games? Are you planning to see any of the games in Pyeongchang?

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Video Homework 7: Working conditions for temporary laborers unchanged: Statistics Korea 비정규직 630

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|Temporary laborer | |

|exceeds | |

|opting | |

|“bite the bullet” | |

|crisis | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|The number of temporary workers in Korea is (increasing/ | |

|decreasing). Choose one. | |

|_____ out of 10 workers in Korea are temporary workers. | |

|What's the average per 100 for OECD countries. | |

|On average 960,000 new businesses open annually, but | |

|________________ of them go out of business. | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about this situation? Are you concerned that there are too many temporary workers in Korea? Are you worried that temporary workers are not being treated fairly?

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Video Homework 8: South Korea's 'Selfie Stick' crackdown

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|Selfie stick | |

|crackdown | |

|bluetooth | |

|outlaw | |

|interfere | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|How does the selfie stick control your phone camera? | |

|Why has the Korean government outlawed non-certified | |

|selfie sticks sellers? | |

|Where did the selfie stick come from? | |

|Google says ____________ is the king of the selfie stick. | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about selfie sticks? Do you have a selfie stick? Do you think they are annoying or embarrassing? Would you use one? Explain.

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Video Homework 9: K-Pop Boot Camp

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|the charts | |

|Lucrative endorsement deal | |

|“wannabe” | |

|a crash course | |

|Long-term contract | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|Gangnam style got more than ____________ hits on Youtube. | |

|Which 9-girl group is featured in the news story? | |

|What entertainment company does she go to? | |

|They spend (days, months, years) in a training program. (Choose one) | |

Giving an Opinion: How do you feel about the news story? How do you feel about Korean popular music? Is K-pop too stressful for those who are training to be K-Pop stars. Explain your answer.

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Video Homework 10: Samsung Electronics Sets Record with 200 Trillion in Sales [Arirang News]

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|barrier | |

|staggering | |

|demand | |

|rival | |

|rolled out | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|What sales record did Samsung break? | |

|Samsung's operating profits increased a staggering _____% | |

|on year. | |

|Many pointed to Samsung's ______ of devices as a reason it| |

|was able to increase its global market share. | |

|Samsung rolled out _______ different models last year. | |

Giving an Opinion: How do you feel about Samsung products? Do you prefer Apple products? What kind of phone do you currently use? Would you like to change it? If so, what kind of device would you like to use?

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Video Homework 11: Social venture businesses in Korea on the rise

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|social venture | |

|enterprise | |

|boost | |

|start ups | |

|pursuit | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|What is the aim of the social venture? | |

|Who created the flower prints seen in the video? | |

|What percent of net profits does the company plan to give | |

|to the comfort women museum? | |

|How much money will the government give to a start-up to | |

|support start-ups? | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about this video? Are you interested in creating a social venture? If you could create a start-up, what would you do? Explain.

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Video Homework 12: English teacher who earns $500k - BBC News

Video Summary: Summarize the news story.

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Vocabulary Builder: Write the dictionary definitions of the words.

|Look smart | |

|income | |

|headquarters | |

|chauffeur | |

|eeping fit | |

Comprehension: Answer the questions.

|When does Gwen Lee start her day? | |

|How much does she earn per year? | |

|Her income comes from students in the classroom and | |

|_________. | |

|What does she do to keep healthy? | |

Giving an Opinion: What do you think about the video? How do you feel about private language education. What do you think about “celebrity teachers” who make lots of money teaching. Give your opinion.

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