00-1 APES study guide 3 - Weebly

APES Study Guide 6


This APES unit will culminate your learning of the essential APES-related ecology with the study of biodiversity and the loss biodiversity which along with global warming and ozone depletion constitute the three most significant present-day global environmental changes that are direct consequences of human activity.

Textbook Reference

Miller, Living In The Environment, 15th edition: Chapters 10-12 (p191-268) (77 pages)

Outside Reading


Other Materials

The Lorax

Cane Toads: An Unnatural History

Planet Earth “Saving Species”

Vocabulary (62)

|intrinsic value |habitat fragmentation |ecotourism |

|utilitarian justification |public lands |gray wolf |

|aesthetic justification |rangeland |whooping crane |

|moral justification |multiple-use land |California condor |

|global extinction |restricted-use land |orangutan |

|local extinction |National Park |giant panda |

|background extinction |National Wildlife Refuge |Pacific yew |

|mass extinction |National Forest |African black rhinoceros |

|precautionary principle |National Resource Lands |Florida manatee |

|deforestation |U.S. Forest Service |passenger pigeon |

|commercial forestry |U.S. National Park Service |northern spotted owl |

|old-growth forests |U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |dodo |

|second-growth forests |U.S. Bureau of Land Management |kudzu |

|tree plantation |edge effect |gypsy moth |

|clear cutting |gill netting |zebra mussel |

|selective cutting |long-line fishing |biomagnification |

|strip cutting |bottom trawling |bushmeat |

|surface fire |purse-seine fishing |CITES |

|crown fire |sustained yield |Lacey Act |

|controlled burn |whaling |U.S. Endangered Species Act |

Study Guide Questions (SGQs)

|1. Explain how the economic and intrinsic value of ecosystem services may be used to |6. Explain how aesthetic, cultural, and moral justifications may be used for |

|justify protecting and preserving biodiversity. Use a historic example to illustrate |protecting and preserving endangered species. Use one historic example for each |

|how economic justification has been used to protect and preserve endangered species |justification to illustrate how they have been used to protect and preserve |

|in the past. |endangered species in the past. |

|2. If you were placed in charge of managing a large area of forest, and you were |7. Describe what happens, over time, to an animal population confined in a |

|required to preserve some areas, while allowing timber harvesting in others, describe|small-protected area. Use a historic example to illustrate how an arbitrary park |

|some of the strategies you could employ to ensure that the timber harvesting is done |boundary endangered a species. |

|sustainably. |8. Identify and describe three commonly used methods of commercial fishing. |

|3. Differentiate between a surface fire and a crown fire. Identify which type of fire|9. Discuss three reasons that make it more challenging to protect endangered marine |

|is most devastating to a forest, and describe the forest management strategies that |species than to protect endangered species on land. |

|have resulted in an increase in the frequency of the most devastating types of forest|10. Identify three pieces of legislation that are vital to preserving endangered |

|fires. |species. Explain precisely what each legislates, its historical significance, and |

|4. Discuss the conflicts that arise when a forest is used simultaneously for wildlife|scope. |

|management, watershed, and recreation. | |

|5. Distinguish between the agencies, which are responsible for overseeing federal | |

|lands in the United States. | |

APES Calendar

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|October 31 |November 1 |November 2 |November 3 |November 4 |

|In Class: |In Class: |Unit 5 Test |In Class: |ScrAPESbooks Due |

|Unit Review |Unit Review |Unit 5 Vocabulary Due |Return & Review Unit 5 Test |In Class: |

|HW: |HW: |SGQs 6-10 Due |Planting Density Lab |Ecocolumn Lab |

|Unit Review |Prepare for test | |Handout: |Planting Density Lab |

| |SGQs 6-10 | |Endangered Species Assignment |HW: |

| | | |HW: |read 15 pages |

| | | |read 5 pages |10 vocabulary |

| | | |10 vocabulary | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|November 7 |November 8 |November 9 |November 10 |November 11 |

|In Class: |In Class: |SGQs 1-5 Due |In Class: |Veteran’s Day |

|Biodiversity/Ethics & Values |Habitat Loss Lab |In Class: |The Lorax | |

|Handout: |HW: |Ecosystem Services |Handout: |No School |

|Habitat Loss Lab |Habitat Loss Lab |HW: |Lorax Questions | |

|HW: |read 5 pages |read 5 pages |HW: | |

|Prelab Habitat Loss Lab |10 vocabulary |10 vocabulary |Lorax Questions | |

|read 5 pages | | |Finish reading | |

|10 vocabulary | | |Finish vocabulary | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|November 14 |November 15 |November 16 |November 17 |November 18 |

|Endangered Species Assignment and |Cane Toads Questions Due |In Class: |In Class: |Planting Density Lab and |

|Lorax Questions Due |In Class: |Planet Earth Saving Species |Planting Density Lab |Habitat Loss Lab Due |

|In Class: |Fisheries & Fishing |HW: |HW: |In Class: |

|Cane Toads |HW: |Review unit |Habitat Loss Lab |Unit Review |

|Handout: |Review unit | |Review unit |HW: |

|Cane Toads Questions | | | |Prepare for test |

|HW: | | | | |

|Cane Toads Questions | | | | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|November 21 |November 22 |November 23 |November 24 |November 25 |

|Unit 6 Test |In Class: |Minimum Day |Thanksgiving |District Holiday |

|Unit 6 Vocabulary Due |Return & Review Unit 6 Test |In Class: | | |

|SGQs 6-10 Due |HW: |TBA |No School |No School |

| |read 5 pages |HW: | | |

| |5 vocabulary |read 20 pages | | |

| | |20 vocabulary | | |


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