INTEGRATED SCIENCE - Giakonda Solar Schools




GRADE 1 – 7

Published by the Curriculum Development Centre

P.O. Box 50092



© Curriculum Development Centre, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright owner.


Quality, lifelong education for all which is accessible, inclusive and relevant to individual, national and global needs and value systems

Table of Contents


Acknowledgements vii






1.2. HEALTH 3






2.2 HEALTH 9




GRADE 3 13


3.2 HEALTH 15




GRADE 4 18


4.2 HEALTH 20




GRADE 5 26


5.2.0 HEALTH 28


5.4.0 Plants and Animals 32


GRADE 6 39


6.2.0 HEALTH 41




GRADE 7 47


7.2.0 HEALTH 49






The review of the Integrated Science syllabus was necessitated by the need to provide a curriculum that is interrelated and interconnected at all the levels of the education system in order to provide quality education. It is envisaged that it will transmit to the young learners the knowledge, skills, positive values and attitudes that allow them to live and grow into resourceful and useful members of their communities. Learners will therefore be provided with opportunities and experiences necessary for the development of mental, physical, emotional, social and hence realise their potentials. The syllabus will also provide young learners an opportunity to do hands-on, minds-on and hearts-on activities through manipulation of objects and models, interaction with nature through observation of living and non-living things in their environment as is required in the field of science. It will enhance children’s readiness for learning science and as a foundation for lifelong learning.

This syllabus has incorporated the emerging needs of society (cross cutting issues) such as sexuality education, environment, gender, HIV and AIDS, Nutrition and Health, in order to ensure children’s safety and equip them with basic knowledge, essential skills, values and develop positive attitudes needed for their progression in the field of science and the world of work.

It is hoped that this syllabus will encourage learners to be creative, problem solvers and critical thinkers and hence make science more meaningful enjoyable and contribute to the caring of their immediate environment.

It is also my sincere hope that this syllabus will encourage teachers to do science with their learners as opposed to teaching science to them.

Mr Chishimba Nkosha

Permanent Secretary



The syllabus presented here is a result of broad-based consultation involving several stakeholders within and outside the education system.

Many individuals, institutions and organizations were consulted to gather their views on the existing syllabus and to accord them an opportunity to make suggestions for the new syllabus. The Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education wishes to express heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated for their valuable contributions, which resulted in the development of this syllabus.

The Curriculum Development Centre worked closely with other sister departments and institutions to develop this document. We sincerely thank the Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services, the Directorate of Planning and Information, the Directorate of Human Resource and Administration, the Directorate of Open and Distance Education ,the Examinations Council of Zambia, the University of Zambia, schools and other institutions too numerous to mention, for their steadfast support.

We pay special tribute to co-operating partners especially JICA in collaboration with Hiroshima University and UNICEF for rendering financial and technical support in the production of the syllabus.

C.N.M Sakala (Mrs.)

Director-Standard and Curriculum



The contributing subjects to this learning area are Environmental Science, Home Economics and Agricultural Science. It also integrates other cross cutting issues such as Environment, Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Hygiene, Nutrition, Substance Abuse, sexuality education, Water and Sanitation.


The success of Integrated Science can be achieved by maximum participation by learners. This learning area, that enhances creativity, analysis, problem solving and an investigative approach, can be taught effectively using a variety of methods both in the classroom and outside. Learners are expected to conduct experiments, study tours, field work and project work.


Integrated Science is an area in which learners are required to develop scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes which will help them to explore and understand their immediate environment and the world at large.

By the end of Grade 7 learners are expected to develop:

• an attitude of scientific curiosity and enquiry;

• the ability to generate new ideas;

• ability to co-operate;

• willingness to share knowledge;

• an understanding of human beings and their environment;

• awareness of a variety of life;

• an understanding of the relationship of living things in their environment; and

• Knowledge, skills and positive attitudes in health and nutrition.


Continuous assessment will be emphasised by using various methods of testing according to topics and themes at various levels. The Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) will prepare detailed procedures on how continuous assessment will be conducted by the teachers. ECZ will also develop examination syllabus to provide teachers with guidelines on the Outcomes to be tested. The scheme of assessment will consists of school based assessment and final examination that will be conducted by the Examinations Council of Zambia.

School based assessment will be in the form of tests. Tests will be in the form of diagnostic, aptitude, achievement, oral, practice attitude and performance, learners.


Time allocation for this syllabus will require at least five periods of 2hrs 30 minutes per week for grades 1 to 4 while for grades 5 to 7, six periods of 4hrs per week.



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Demonstrate the ability to follow basic hygienic practices |

|Develop investigative skills |• Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the local environment |

|Recognise the importance of personal health | |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate environment | |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |



| |1.1.2 The Senses | Identify the parts associated with the |Parts associated with the five |Observing the parts |Appreciating the sense |

| | |senses |senses(Sight - eyes; smell- nose; hearing |associated with senses |organs |

| | | |- ears; taste - tongue; touch –skin) | | |

| |1.1.3 Stages of | Identify the stages in the human life |Stages in the human life cycle such as |Classifying humans |Cooperating during group |

| |Human Life |cycle. |Baby, toddler, infant, child, teenager, |according to stage of |activities |

| | | |adult, aged person |growth |Appreciating human life |

| | | | |Communicating the role of |cycle |

| | | | |clinics | |

| | | Describe what a human being can do at |Activities at different stages of human | | |

| | |different stages of growth. |growth(Sitting; crawling; standing; | | |

| | | |running | | |

| | | Mention what the clinic does for babies and| Role of clinics such as; Vaccination of | | |

| | |children in the community |children and babies | | |



| | | Demonstrate how to clean the face, teeth, |Ways of Cleaning the face, teeth, hands | | |

| | |hands and feet. |and feet. | | |

| | | |Importance of hand washing in Prevention| | |

| | | Explain the importance of washing hands. |of transmission of germs(diseases) | | |

| | |Explain the importance of keeping the surroundings|Importance of clean surrounding in | | |

| | |clean. |Prevention of breeding/transmission | | |

| | | |grounds of germs | | |

| |Common Diseases | State common communicable diseases |Communicable diseases such as Diarrhea, |Communicating information on|Cooperating in group work |

| | | |Dysentery, Cholera, HIV and AIDS, common|common diseases | |

| | | |colds | | |



| | |Distinguish between urban and rural |Refer to Houses, roads, heating and | | |

| | |environment. |lighting, water supply | | |

| | |Explain the importance of the environment to | Importance of environment in | | |

| | |living things. |providing Food, shelter, medicines, | | |

| | | |water, wood, | | |



| | | Observe the early stages of plant growth. |Plant growth stages (Seed, root and | | |

| | | |shoot). | | |

| |1.4.2 Animals around us | Identify wild and domestic animals in the |Wild animals(e.g. Lion, elephant, |Classifying animals in the |Appreciating all animals |

| | |local environment. |zebra) and domestic animals(e.g. Cow,|local environment |Asking questions for more |

| | | |pig, sheep) |Communicating what animals do|understanding |

| | | | | | |

| | | Name things that all animals do. |Common Activities of animals such as | | |

| | | |Moving, feeding, breathing, growing, | | |

| | | |reproducing, etc. | | |



| | | Describe properties of materials. |Properties of materials | | |

| | | |(Rough/smooth; hard/soft; | | |

| | | |flexible/rigid; strong/fragile, | | |

| | | |sinking, floating) | | |

| | | Explain different uses of materials. |Uses of materials (Shelter, | | |

| | | |clothing, building, toys) | | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body | |

|Develop investigative skills |• Demonstrate the ability to move legs and arms |

|Recognise the importance of health |• Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of good hygiene |

|Develop investigative skills on health Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate environment |• Demonstrate the existence of matter in solid, liquid and gas form |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about | |

|plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| | | Describe the functions of the major |Functions of major parts; | | |

| | |internal parts |Brain-thinking, throat -passing food, | | |

| | | |lungs - exchanging air, | | |

| | | |stomach-digesting food, intestine-food| | |

| | | |absorption, heart- pumping blood | | |



| | | Explain the danger of eating exposed |Danger of exposed food: may cause | | |

| | |food. |diarrhoea | | |

| | | Explain the need to drink clean and safe|Drinking clean water to avoid taking | | |

| | |water |in germs/disease | | |

| |2.2.2 HIV and AIDS | State what HIV and AIDS stand for. |HIV-Human Immuno- deficiency Virus; |Communicating information on|Awareness of HIV and AIDS |

| | | |AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency |HIV, its transmission and |Cooperating in group work |

| | | |Syndrome |prevention |Caring for the infected and|

| | | | | |affected |

| | | | | | |

| | | Mention ways through which HIV can be |HIV Transmission through contaminated | | |

| | |transmitted |Blood and body fluids | | |

| | | Explain how HIV can be prevented. |Prevention by avoiding touching blood | | |

| | | |and body fluids, sharp objects. | | |



| | | Explain why wastes should be deposited in | | | |

| | |the right places. |Depositing waste in the right places | | |

| | | |to avoid contamination of the | | |

| | | |Environment. | | |

| | | Describe the effects harmful things on the |Effects of harmful things: cause | | |

| | |environment |diseases, kill plants and animals, | | |

| | | |change the habitat of living things. | | |

| | | Explain the importance of keeping our homes|Keeping homes and schools clean to | | |

| | |and schools clean. |avoid land and water pollution | | |

| | | Explain what people in the community do to |Caring of surrounding by cleaning, | | |

| | |care for their surroundings. |planting flowers, trees and grass. | | |

| | | |Slashing, decorating. | | |



| | | Describe the life cycle of a plant |Seed- seedling-adult plant with flowers- | | |

| | | |adult plant with fruits-adult plant dies | | |

| |2.4.2 Types of Animals | different types of animals in the environment.|Insects and animals (e.g. mosquitoes, |Observing animals in the |Appreciating animals in|

| | | |bees, worms; spider, lion, elephant, |environment |the environment |

| | | |tilapia, snake, eagle, cow). |Communicating ways of |Caring for the animals |

| | | | |conserving animals |in the environment. |

| | | | | |Participating actively |

| | | | | |in group activities |

| | | Mention some animals which depend on others for |Animals that depend on others for | | |

| | |food. |food(Dog, cat, lion, fox, snake, leopard) | | |

| | | Mention some animals which feed on grass and crop |Animals that depend on plants for | | |

| | |plants. |food(Goat, pig, cow, rabbit, impala) | | |

| | | Mention places where wild animals are found |Places where animals are found (bush, | | |

| | | |dessert, woods, river, lake, etc.) | | |

| | | Explain how animals protect themselves from their |Protection of animals from enemies by | | |

| | |enemies |Camouflage, running, horns | | |

| | | Explain the importance of conserving wild life. |Conserving animals to avoid extinction, | | |

| | | |gain foreign exchange through tourism | | |



| | | Demonstrate that some materials are soluble and |Dissolving and non-dissolving | | |

| | |others are insoluble |substances (e.g. Sugar, salt, chalk, | | |

| | | |dust, sand) | | |

| | | Show that some materials dissolve quicker in hot |Comparing the dissolving rate of | | |

| | |water than in cold water. |materials such as sugar and salt in | | |

| | | |hot and cold water | | |

| |2.5.2 Sources of Sound | Mention the Sources of Sound. |Sources of sound (Metals, drum, |Communicating sources of |Appreciating different |

| | | |speakers, headphones, bell) |sounds |sources of sound |

| | | | | |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |Classifying different sounds |activities |

| | | Distinguish between different sounds. |Different sounds such as Loud/soft, | | |

| | | |high pitch/low pitch, | | |

| |2.5.3 Light | the sources of light |Sources of light (Sun, fire, candle, |Communicating the sources of |Appreciating light and its |

| | | |bulb) |light |sources |

| | | | |Relating the position of light |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |to shadows and shades |activities |

| | | Relate different positions of the source of light |Relating the position of the light to| | |

| | |to shadow and shade at different times. |the size of the shadow and shade at | | |

| | | |different times. | | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Show basic knowledge and skills in taking the pulse rate |

|Develop investigative skills |• Show basic skills and knowledge in measuring temperature of various |

|Recognise the importance of personal health |objects |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate |• Demonstrate the ability to classify plants and animals |

|environment | |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about | |

|plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| |3.1.2 Nose | State the function of the nose |Function of the nose: for smelling |Communicating information on|Participating actively in class|

| | | |and breathing with |the function of the nose |activities |

| |3.1.3 Structure of the Body | Demonstrate the movement of arms and |Movement of arms and legs |Comparing movement of legs |Appreciating body movements |

| | |legs | |and arms |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |Observing major movable |understanding |

| | | | |joints of the body | |

| | | | |Communicating information on| |

| | | | |the human skeleton | |

| | | Name the major movable joints in the |Movable joints (Elbow, knee, | | |

| | |body. |shoulder, hip, wrist and ankle). | | |

| | | Explain the role played by bones, joints|Function of bones and muscles(Hold | | |

| | |and muscles. |structure, support the body and help | | |

| | | |in movement | | |

| | | Explain what happens if a bone gets |Broken arm or leg: pain, no movement | | |

| | |broken. |or playing. | | |

| | | Identify the major parts of the human |Parts of the human skeleton (Skull, | | |

| | |skeleton |neck, arms, ribs, hip, legs, feet, | | |

| | | |spine) | | |



| | | Classify foods according to their nutrients. |Food nutrients such as Energy foods: rice | | |

| | | |nshima, potatoes; Body building foods: meat, | | |

| | | |eggs beans Protective foods: fruits, vegetables,| | |

| | | Demonstrate the composition of a balanced diet |Composition of balanced diet: e.g. nshima, meat | | |

| | |for health from available foods. |and vegetables | | |

| |3.2.2 Drug | Identify common drugs in the community. |Common drugs: paracentamol, quinine, vermox, |Investigating common drugs |Awareness of common |

| |Abuse | Explain the effects of taking too much drugs |alcohol. |Communicating the effects of|drugs |

| | | |Effects of too much drugs: addiction, death |taking drugs |Using drugs correctly |

| | | |Poor/ bad health, | | |

| |3.2.3 Illnesses and | the common causes of diseases |Common causes of diseases: Parasites, bacteria |Investigating the common |Awareness of common |

| |Diseases | |and viruses |causes of diseases |diseases, their causes |

| | | | |Comparing infectious and |and prevention |

| | | | |non-infectious diseases |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |Communicating ways of |work |

| | | | |preventing diseases |Caring for the sick |

| | | List common diseases in the community |Common diseases: Malaria, cholera, dysentery, | | |

| | | |colds, bilharzia. | | |

| | | Distinguish between infectious and |Infectious (HIV, TB, Measles, chicken pox) | | |

| | |non-infectious diseases |.Non-infectious (Asthma, Malnutrition). | | |

| | | Explain different ways of preventing diseases |Personal hygiene, good sanitation, vaccination, | | |

| | | |healthy food. | | |

|3.3 THE ENVIRONMENT |3.3.1 Soil Formation | State what weathering is. |Weathering as the breaking up of rocks to form |Communicating the agents of |Appreciating the |

| | | |soil |weathering |formation of soil |

| | | | |Investigating the layers of |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |soil |work |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Identify the agents of weathering in soil |Agents of weathering: Wind, trees, water, | | |

| | |formation |animals | | |

| | | Demonstrate the formation of soil layers. |Soil layers: top soil, subsoil and bedrock | | |

|3.4 PLANTS AND ANIMALS|3.4.1 Plant | Classify plants into flowering and non- |Flowering Plants(e.g. maize, beans ross flower) |Classifying plants into |Appreciating classes of |

| |Classification |flowering. |and non- flowering plants (e.g. ferns, moss, |flowering and non- flowering|plants |

| | | |pine) | | |

| |3.4.2 Animal | Classify animals into vertebrates and |Vertebrates-e.g. Man, chicken, snake, fish, |Classifying vertebrate and |Participating actively |

| |Classification |invertebrates. |frog; Invertebrates-e.g. Worms spiders, insects.|invertebrates |in class discussion |

| | | Classify vertebrates into their groups. |Groups of vertebrates: Mammals, birds, |Grouping vertebrates into |Appreciating groups of |

| | | |amphibians, fish, reptiles |their five groups |animals |

| |3.4.3 Homes of living | Identify different places where animals and |Place of living (e.g. Land (forest, soil, |Comparing places where |Caring for environment |

| |things |plants live |plains, moulds, water (ponds, rivers, seas). |animals and plants live |where plants and animals|

| | | | | |live |



| | | Demonstrate the process of melting, evaporation |Process of: Melting, Evaporation| | |

| | |and freezing. |freezing and condensation. | | |

| |3.5.2Solutions | Demonstrate the existence of saturated and |Saturated and unsaturated |Observing the existence of |Cooperating in group activities |

| | |unsaturated solutions |solution of: Salt and sugar |saturated and unsaturated | |

| | | |solutions |solutions | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Show basic knowledge and skills in cleaning and caring for the external body|

|Develop investigative skills Recognise the importance of personal health |parts |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health |• Demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in appreciating nature |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate environment | |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment | |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| |The Ear | Identify the basic parts of an ear. |Basic parts of ears: Earlobe, middle ear and |Communicating features and |Appreciating the role of ears|

| | | |inner ear |functions of ears |as sense organs |

| | |State the function of ears. |Function of ears: hearing, balancing | | |

| |4.1.3 The skin | Identify the parts of the skin. |Parts of the skin: Epidermis, dermis, hair |Communicating different parts of |Appreciating the skin and its|

| | | |follicle, sweat poles. |the skin: |functions |

| | | | |Communicating the effects of |Awareness of the common skin |

| | | | |lightening creams |diseases |

| | | State the functions of the skin. |Functions of the skin: Protection, Sensitivity, | | |

| | | |stores fat, temperature control. | | |



| |4.2.2 Water in the Body |Explain the importance of water in the body. |Importance of water in dissolving |Investigating the effects of |Appreciating the importance|

| | | |substances, distributing heat, |dehydration. |of water |

| | | |moistening skin |Communicating ways of |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |preventing and treating |understanding |

| | | | |dehydration | |

| | |Explain the effects of dehydration. |Effects of dehydration: Kidney failure,| | |

| | | |death | | |

| | |Explain how to prevent and treat dehydration |Prevention by: Oral rehydration Therapy| | |

| | | |(ORT), Drugs | | |

| |4.2.3 Medicines | Identify traditional and conventional medicines for |Traditional Medicines such as: |Communicating traditional and |Appreciating the use of |

| | |common ailments. |(Tembusha/ aloe Vera, moringa, |conventional medicines for |medicines |

| | | |cinnamon, ginger, garlic; Conventional |common ailments |Cooperating in group |

| | | |(paracetamol, antibiotics, malarial | |activities |

| | | |drugs) | | |



| | |Explain the effects of human activities on forests. |Human activities leading to | | |

| | | |deforestation, soil erosion and | | |

| | | |droughts | | |

| | |Describe ways of conserving forests. |Ways of conserving Tree planting, | | |

| | | |avoiding bush fires, alternative | | |

| | | |heating system, logging | | |

| |4.3.2 Game Management | Explain how to control the wild animal population |Control of wild animals: Game cropping |Communicating ways of controlling|Appreciating conservation of |

| |Areas (GMA) |in the GMA |and conservation. |animal population in GMAs |wildlife |

| | | | |Investigating threats to wild |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |life |activities |

| | | | | |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | | | | | |

| | | Explain threats to wildlife |Threats to wildlife: Poaching, | | |

| | | |encroachment, increase in human | | |

| | | |population | | |

| | | the importance of conserving wildlife. |Conserving wild life for Tourism | | |

| | | |attraction, increasing wild life | | |

| | | |population, source of income | | |

| |4.3.3 Soils | Classify soil samples according to types |Types of soils: Clay, loam and sand. |Classifying soil according to |Appreciating different types |

| | | | |types |of soil |

| | | | |Comparing natural and artificial |Cooperating in group work |

| | | | |methods of improving soil | |

| | | | |fertility | |

| | |Describe how soil fertility can be improved. |Improving soil fertility by using: | | |

| | | |Inorganic and organic manures. | | |

| | |Explain why natural methods of improving soil fertility |Retaining soil fertility by natural | | |

| | |are better than artificial ones |methods and making of soil acidic by | | |

| | | |artificial methods. | | |

| |4.3.4 Pollution | Identify different types of pollution. |Types of pollution: air, land and water|Communicating types of pollution|Awareness of pollution |

| | | |pollution | |Cooperating in group work |

| | | | |Investigating the sources of |Applying the three Rs of |

| | | | |pollution on |conservation |

| | | Identify the sources pollution in the community |Sources of: Burning, mining, quarrying,| | |

| | | |automobiles, industrial activities, | | |

| | | |farming. | | |

| | |Explain ways of conserving natural resources. |Conserving resources: use of the three | | |

| | | |Rs of conservation(Reduce, Reuse and | | |

| | | |Recycle) | | |



| |4.4.2 Plant Growth |Identify conditions necessary for seed germination |Conditions required for seed germination such|Investigating conditions |Appreciating germination |

| | | |as: Moisture, favourable temperature, air |necessary for germination |and growth of plants |

| | | | |Investigating factors necessary|Asking questions for more |

| | | | |plant growth |understanding |

| | | | |Observing the growth of maize |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |Recording the growth of maize |activities |

| | | | |at every stage. | |

| | |Investigate factors necessary for plant growth |Factors for plant growth: Water, nutrients, | | |

| | | |sunlight, air, favourable temperature | | |

| | |Grow maize seeds to maturity |Steps in growing maize: Soil preparation, | | |

| | | |planting, watering, removing weeds applying | | |

| | | |fertilizer / manure. | | |

| |4.4.3 Domestic Animals | List the main animals kept by farmers in the |Animals such as: Cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, |Investigate types of animals |Appreciating the role |

| | |community |chickens, ducks, guinea fowl |kept by farmers in community |played by farmers in |

| | | | |Communicating the importance of|keeping animals |

| | | | |keeping animals in the |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |community |activities |

| | |Explain why some animals are kept in certain areas |Favourable pasture and conditions, | | |

| | |only. |traditional practices | | |

| | |State the importance of animals in the community. |Importance of animals: Sources of food, | | |

| | | |hides, manure, ploughing and transportation. | | |



| | | Describe what forces can do |What forces do: moving objects, changing | | |

| | | |direction of objects, changing shape of | | |

| | | |objects. | | |

| | | Explain ways in which animals or machines can |Use of force in daily life; animals and | | |

| | |help us to push or pull. |machines in: Transportation, work, pumping | | |

| | | |water, ploughing | | |

| |4.5.2 Air | Demonstrate the existence of air |Air as a form of matter that occupies space|Investigating the existence |Appreciating the existence of |

| | | |(Balloon and transparent cup & water |of air |air |

| | | |experiment). |Communicating the uses of |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |air. |understanding |

| | | | |Observing the advantages and |Participating actively in class|

| | | | |disadvantages of strong winds|activities |

| | | Explain the uses of air. |Uses of air: Breathing, burning, and making| | |

| | | |food | | |

| | | Explain advantages and disadvantages of strong |Advantages: Power generation, sailing of | | |

| | |winds. |boats, drying things, seed dispersal and | | |

| | | |pollination; | | |

| | | |Disadvantages: Destruction of trees, | | |

| | | |buildings, spreading of bush fires | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Magnets |Explain what magnets do. |Moving, pushing and pulling of magnetic |Observing types of magnets|Appreciating magnets |

| | | |materials |and what they do. |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |Classifying materials into |understandings |

| | | | |magnetic and non - magnetic |Cooperating in group activities|

| | | | |Observing the repulsion and | |

| | | | |attraction of magnets | |

| | | | |Differentiating a magnet from| |

| | | | |a non-magnet | |

| | | | |Comparing the poles of a | |

| | | | |magnet to the north and south| |

| | | | |poles of the earth. | |

| | |Identify different types of magnets |Types of magnets: bar, horseshoe and circle| | |

| | | |magnets. | | |

| | |Identify magnetic & non-magnetic materials. |Magnetic Materials e.g. Iron and steel, | | |

| | | |etc. & Non-magnetic materials e.g. Copper, | | |

| | | |aluminium, plastic etc | | |

| | |Identify the poles of a magnet. |Poles of a magnet: North and South poles. | | |

| | |Demonstrate the laws of repulsion and attraction. |Like poles repel; unlike poles attract. | | |

| | |Relate the poles of a magnet to the earth’s north and |North-north and south-south direction of a | | |

| | |south poles |freely suspended magnet. | | |

| |4.5.4 Light | Demonstrate the movement of light in a straight |Movement of light in a straight line : |Observing path taken by light|Asking more questions for more |

| | |line | |during its propagation |understanding |

| | | | |Demonstrating the passage of |Participating in group |

| | | | |light through different |discussions actively |

| | | | |materials | |

| | | Investigate the passage of light through |Passage of light through material: | | |

| | |different materials. |Transparent, opaque and translucent | | |

| | | |materials | | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Show basic knowledge and skills in measuring mass , weight and volume of |

|Develop investigative skills Recognise the importance of personal health |different substances |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health |• Demonstrate basic understanding of good and bad conductors of electricity |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate environment |• Demonstrate basic understanding of pest control using natural pesticides |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment | |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| | | Describe the structure of the heart |Structure of the heart | | |

| | | Demonstrate how to take the pulse. |How to take the pulse | | |

| |5.1.2 Puberty | Identify male and female parts of the body. |Male and female parts of the |Comparing the body parts between|Showing respect for each other |

| | | |body(Private and non-private |boys and girls |Awareness of ones changes at |

| | | |parts) | |puberty |

| | | Describe changes that occur at puberty in human | Changes at puberty | | |

| | |beings. |Physical: Pubic hair, beards, | | |

| | | |breaking of voice, pimples, | | |

| | | |pelvic girdle, enlargement of | | |

| | | |breasts. | | |

| | | |Emotional; moods, sexual feelings| | |



| | | Explain ways of providing good ventilation |Ways of good ventilation; air | | |

| | |in buildings |conditioners, Air vents, Windows, Fans | | |

| | | Demonstrate ways of treating a suffocated |Removing source of suffocation; | | |

| | |person. |artificial breathing, First Aid treatment| | |

| | | |for a suffocated person. | | |

| |5.2.2 Air and water borne |Name common airborne and water borne diseases in |Common air and waterborne diseases: |Identifying common airborne and |Awareness of waterborne and |

| |Diseases |Zambia |Tuberculosis, pneumonia, cholera, |waterborne diseases |airborne diseases |

| | | |typhoid, dysentery, measles and |Communicating symptoms of |Cooperating in group work |

| | | |bilharzia. |airborne and waterborne diseases |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | |Describe symptoms of common air borne and water borne |Symptoms: TB prolonged cough, sweating at| | |

| | |diseases. |night, fever, loss of weight and | | |

| | | |appetite, eyes, rash, Dysentery: bloody| | |

| | | |stool | | |

| | |Describe how to prevent air and water borne diseases |Ways of preventing air and waterborne | | |

| | | |diseases: Good ventilation, and hygiene | | |

| |5.2.3 Malaria | Identify causes of malaria |Causes of malaria: Anopheles mosquito |Communicating causes, prevention,|Awareness of causes and |

| | | |bite (plasmodium) |treatment, signs and symptoms of|prevention of malaria |

| | | | |malaria |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | | | | |Appreciating the knowledge on |

| | | | | |malaria prevention |

| | | State the symptoms of malaria |Symptoms of malaria: Fever, vomiting, | | |

| | | |headache, body pains, loss of appetite. | | |

| | | Describe ways of preventing and treating of |Ways of preventing malaria: Sleeping | | |

| | |malaria |under Insecticide Treated Nets (mosquito | | |

| | | |nets), spraying Mosquito breeding places | | |

| | | |and homes, clearing Mosquito breeding | | |

| | | |places. | | |

| |5.2.6 HIV and AIDS and |Describe ways in which STIs and HIV are transmitted. |Ways of STIs and HIV transmission, |Communicating ways of HIV and |Awareness of STIs and HIV |

| |STIs | |unprotected sexual activities; |STIs transmission |Cooperating in group activities |

| | | |contaminated blood, breast milk and sharp| | |

| | | |instruments. . | | |

| | | | | |Empathy for patients |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Investigating ways of treating | |

| | | | |and caring for HIV and AIDS | |

| | | | |patients. | |

| | |Identify ways of preventing the spread of HIV and |Ways of prevention | | |

| | |STIs |Abstinence, use of condoms etc. | | |

| | |Describe the care and treatment for AIDS patients. |Care and treatment of AIDs patients; Good| | |

| | | |nutrition, good hygiene, love and support| | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |ART | | |



| | | Mention the substances which are harmful to |Harmful substances: Cocaine, mandrax, | | |

| | |the human body. |heroin, petrol, alcohol, dagga. | | |

| | | State the harmful effects of substance abuse |Harmful effects: Aggressiveness, brain | | |

| | |on the body. |damage, unconsciousness, restlessness, | | |

| | | |nausea, addiction | | |

| | | Explain the effects of drinking alcohol |Effects of alcohol: poor health, | | |

| | | |violence, accidents | | |



| | |Mention ways in which water can be retained in the|Retention of water in soil: Mulching, | | |

| | |soil. |shading terracing, weeding and intercropping| | |

| | |Demonstrate the drainage rates of soils. |Drainage rates of clay, loamy and sandy | | |

| | | |soils | | |

| |5.3.2 Fertilizers | Explain what organic and inorganic |Organic-Natural fertilizers, inorganic- man |Communicating organic and |Appreciating role of |

| | |fertilizers are. |made fertilizers |inorganic fertilizers |fertilizers in agriculture |

| | | | |Demonstrating how to make |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |composite manure |understanding |

| | | | |Communicating advantages of and|Cooperating in group work |

| | | | |disadvantages of chemical | |

| | | | |fertilizers in agriculture | |

| | | Demonstrate how to prepare compost manure.|Way of Preparing compost manure: pile of | | |

| | | |layers under the shade | | |

| | | Explain the importance of maintaining a |Importance of maintain a supply of composted| | |

| | |supply of composted materials. |materials: Continuous supply of manure to | | |

| | | |plants. | | |

| | | Explain the advantages and disadvantages |Advantages: required nutrients, quick | | |

| | |of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. |absorption. Disadvantages; spoil soil, | | |

| | | |leaching, cost | | |



| |5.4.2 Invertebrate Animals | |Different Invertebrate Animals; |Observing basic structure of |Appreciating the nutritional value |

| | | Identify the different types of |Insects (bees, dragon flies, wasps, |insects and spiders |of insects |

| | |invertebrate animals |grasshoppers, beetles and |Communicating ways in which | |

| | | |butterflies), worms, spiders, crabs,|insects are useful |Participating |

| | | |lobsters and snails. |Comparing the basic structure of|in group activities |

| | | | |insects and spiders | |

| | | Investigate the basic structure of insects |Basic Structures of insects and | | |

| | | |spiders: insects (head, thorax, | | |

| | | |abdomen, antennae, six legs, wings) | | |

| | | Explain the difference between insects and |spiders(eight legs and two body | | |

| | |spiders |section) | | |

| | | State ways in which insects are useful. |Usefulness of insects: Source of | | |

| | | |food; assist in pollination. | | |

| |5.4.3 Pest and Parasites |Identify common pests and parasites in the local |Common pests and parasites: Aphids, |Investigating the common pests |Appreciating the knowledge about |

| | |environment. |locusts, caterpillars, ticks, |in local the environment |pests and parasites |

| | | |beetle, worm, flea weevils, |Communicating harm caused by |Cooperating in group activities |

| | | |termites, tsetse fly, lice |pests and parasites | |

| | | | |Investigating ways controlling |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |pests and parasites using local |understanding |

| | | | |and commercial chemicals | |

| | | | |Communicating harmful effects of| |

| | | | |pesticides to the environment | |

| | | Describe the harm caused by pests and parasites on|Harm caused by pests and parasites: | | |

| | |plants and animals. |Suck nutrients, cause diseases, | | |

| | | |affect growth of the host. | | |

| | |Explain how pests and parasites can be controlled |Parasite and pests control; | | |

| | |using local plant materials and commercial |Local: Spraying garlic, red pepper | | |

| | |chemicals. |and ash; Commercial: Doom, Boam, | | |

| | | |Rogo | | |

| | |Explain how chemical pesticides can cause harm to |Harm on environment caused by | | |

| | |the environment. |Chemical pesticides: contamination | | |

| | | |of environment, killing of | | |

| | | |beneficial living things such as | | |

| | | |snails, worms, rats | | |



| | |Identify sources of electricity |Sources of electricity: battery, | | |

| | | |hydroelectric power and thermal | | |

| | | |power station, electric generator, | | |

| | | |solar cells. | | |

| | |Identify electrical appliances used at home, school and|Electrical appliances used; | | |

| | |in the community. |Electric heater, stove, iron, | | |

| | | |fridge, fan. | | |

| | |Identify good and bad conductors of electricity |Good conductors: Copper wire, iron | | |

| | | |sheets, carbon, Bad conductors: | | |

| | | |wood, plastic, rubber. | | |

| | |Describe the uses of good and bad conductors of |Uses of good and bad conductors: | | |

| | |electricity. |Electric wires and appliances; | | |

| | | |insulators and handles of electric | | |

| | | |appliances | | |

| | |Explain methods of conserving electricity in homes and |Use of energy saver bulbs, switch | | |

| | |schools. |and save practices, alternative | | |

| | | |sources of energy | | |

| |5.5.2 Heat Conductors | Describe what heat is |Heat; The flow of thermal energy |Measuring Temperature of |Measuring of temperature |

| | | |from warmer object to cooler |human body; boiling water; | |

| | | |objects |and air inside and outside |Applying good and bad |

| | | | |the room |conductors of heat in |

| | | | |Comparing good and bad |everyday life |

| | | | |conductors of heat |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | | | |Inferring materials that are |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |good conductors of heat and |activities |

| | | | |those that are bad conductors| |

| | | | |of heat | |

| | | Determine the temperature of human body; |Temperature measurement: of human | | |

| | |boiling water; and air inside and outside the |body; boiling water; and air inside| | |

| | |classroom. |and outside the classroom | | |

| | | Distinguish good and bad conductors of heat. |Good conductors: metals; Bad | | |

| | | |conductors: wood rubber, wool, | | |

| | | |plastic | | |

| | | Identify materials which are good insulators. |Good insulators: wood, plastic, | | |

| | | |rubber | | |

| | | Explain the uses of good and bad conductors of |Good conductors: for cooking | | |

| | |heat. |utensils such as a pan, pot, | | |

| | | |pressing iron, | | |

| | | |Bad conductors: warmth, making | | |

| | | |handles for pots/pans/utensils. | | |

| |5.5.3 Measuring Matter | Identify instruments used to compare how heavy |Instruments for measuring mass and |Measuring mass and weight |Applying measurements in |

| | |objects are |weight: beam balance, , Electronic |using beam and spring |everyday life |

| | | |balances, spring balance, force |balances |Participating actively in |

| | | |metres | |group activities |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Communicating the difference | |

| | | | |between mass and weight | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Inferring the mass of objects| |

| | | | |on the moon |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | | Demonstrate the effect of gravity on objects |Effect of gravity: pulling objects | | |

| | | |down/towards the centre of earth. | | |

| | | Distinguish between mass and weight |Difference between mass (meaning: | | |

| | | |amount of matter, unit: grams and | | |

| | | |kilograms) and weight (meaning: | | |

| | | |pull of gravity, unit: the Newton) | | |

| | | |Note: In everyday life we use | | |

| | | |kilograms/grams when we measure | | |

| | | |weight, but this is not the case in| | |

| | | |science. | | |

| |Volume | Identify various instruments and apparatus used|Instruments for measuring volume; |Identifying various |Appreciating the skill of |

| | |to measure volume |Beaker, measuring cylinder, |instruments used to measure |measuring |

| | | | |volume |Asking questions for more |

| | | | |Measuring volume of liquids, |understanding |

| | | | |regular and objects |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |Designing an experiment to |activities |

| | | | |measure the volume of an | |

| | | | |irregular object | |

| | | the volume of liquids. |Measuring Volume of given liquids. | | |

| | | Measure the volume of various regular and |Measuring Volume of regular (l x b | | |

| | |irregular solid objects. |x h) and irregular (displacement | | |

| | | |method) solid objects. | | |

| |5.5.5 Simple Machines | Explain what simple machine is. |What simple machine is ; that which|Identifying simple machines |Appreciating the role |

| | | |is used for making work easier for |at school and at home |played by simple machines |

| | | |us by allowing us to push or pull |Manipulating simple machines |Cooperating in group |

| | | |over increased distances | |activities |

| | | | | |Asking questions for more |

| | | | | |questions |

| | | Identify six kinds of simple machines used in |6 Kinds of simple machines; Lever,| | |

| | |the home and school. |Wheel & Axle, Inclined Plane, | | |

| | | |Wedge, Screw | | |

| | | Demonstrate the use of simple machines in doing|Application of simple machines: | | |

| | |work . |Pulling, cutting, transportation, | | |

| | | |watering, digging | | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Show knowledge and skills of maintaining a healthy human body |

|• Develop investigative skills |• Demonstrate basic skills of making a magnet |

|• Recognise the importance of personal health |• Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conserving plants and animals in the |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate |environment |

|environment | |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment | |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| | | Describe the functions of blood in |Functions of blood: Transportation of; food , | | |

| | |the body. |gases and water; defence of body | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Describe how blood circulates in the |Double circulation of blood in the body: Artery | | |

| | |body. |and Veins | | |

| |6.1.2 Features of pregnancy | Describe features of pregnancy. |Features of pregnancy: Protrusion of the tummy, |Communicating features of |Awareness of pregnancy features|

| | | |enlargement of breasts. |pregnancy | |

| | | | |Communicating signs and |Cooperating in group work |

| | | | |symptoms of pregnancy | |

| | | Identify signs and symptoms of |Signs and symptoms: Morning sickness, vomiting. | | |

| | |pregnancy. | | | |

| |6.1.3 | Identify health and social |Health and social risks for teenage pregnancy: |Communicating risks |Awareness of health risks |

| |Health risks |consequences of teenage pregnancy |Trauma, Disability, Complications to the mother |associated with teenage |associated with teenage |

| | | |and the baby, Premature death |pregnancy and early sexual |pregnancy and early sexual debut|

| | | | |debut | |

| | | Identify health risks associated with|Health risks associated with early sexual debut:| | |

| | |early sexual debut. |contraction of STIs and HIV, unwanted/teenage | | |

| | | |pregnancy, cervical cancer. | | |



| | | Explain the importance of vitamins and minerals in |Importance of vitamins and minerals: Protection | | |

| | |a diet. |against diseases, better body functioning | | |

| | |Explain the importance of eating a variety of foods.|Importance of eating a variety of food: Good healthy| | |

| | |Explain the importance of food labelling and |Importance of food labelling: Expiry date, and | | |

| | |packaging. |nutrients, information of packaged foods. | | |

| | |Identify common deficiency diseases in the |Common dietary diseases: Scurvy, rickets, night | | |

| | |communities. |blindness, marasmus, kwashiorkor, goitre | | |

| | |Interpret children’s clinic cards in relation to |Interpreting the children’s clinic cards: weight, | | |

| | |dietary intake. |age growth curve, | | |

| |6.2.2 Effects of harmful| how substance abuse can ruin the |How substance abuse can ruin lives: Addiction, |Communicating the dangers of|Awareness on how to help |

| |Substance |lives of people. |diseases, crime, accidents |substance abuse |substance addicts |

| | | Explain how substance addicts can be helped.|Helping substance addicts: Recreation, | | |

| | | |rehabilitation | | |

| |6.2.3 Living with HIV | Describe the challenges of living with HIV |Challenges of living with HIV and AIDS: Emotional, |Communicating challenges of|Awareness of challenges of living|

| |and AIDS |and AIDS |economic, social, moral. |living with HIV and AIDS |with HIV and AIDS |

| | |. | | | |



| | |Describe the process of evaporation and |Evaporation (change from liquid to gas | | |

| | |condensation |state, Condensation (change from gas to | | |

| | | |solid) of water. | | |

| | |State the effects of the water cycle in everyday |Effects of water cycle: draughts, floods, | | |

| | |life. |changes in weather. | | |



| | |Describe the process by which plants make food. | | | |

| | | |Process by which plants make food: Carbon | | |

| | | |dioxide combines with water to make starch| | |

| | | |in presence of light and chlorophyll. | | |

| | |Test for the presence of starch in a leaf | Testing for starch in a leaf: Use of | | |

| | | |iodine solution to obtain a blue/black | | |

| | | |colour | | |

| |6.4.2 Care for Domestic | Explain the basic needs of livestock. |Basic needs of livestock: Food, shelter, |Communicating information on|Appreciating needs for |

| |Animals | |water. |cleanliness and care of |livestock |

| | | | |livestock |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |Investigating the |activities |

| | | | |management of livestock |Showing care when attending|

| | | | | |to livestock. |

| | | | | | |

| | |Explain the importance of cleanliness in the |Importance of cleanliness in the care of | | |

| | |care of livestock. |livestock: avoid outbreak of diseases. | | |

| | |Find out the advantages of keeping livestock |Advantages of keeping livestock together: | | |

| | |together. |protection, reproduction, interaction | | |

| | |Find out the disadvantages of crowding |Disadvantages of crowding livestock: | | |

| | |livestock. |Outbreak of diseases, fights, overgrazing,| | |

| |6.4.3 Vertebrate Animals |Identify the different types of vertebrate |Vertebrate animals: |Classifying vertebrates |Participating in group |

| | |animals |- Mammals: man, cow |according to where they |discussion actively |

| | | |-Birds: duck, eagle, |live, body covering , how |Cooperating in class |

| | | |- Reptile: lizard, crocodile, tortoise. |they move, how they breathe |activities |

| | | |- Fish: Tilapia, |and reproduction. | |

| | | |- Amphibians: frog etc. |Investigating adaptations | |

| | | | |of vertebrate animals | |

| | | | |Comparing life cycles of | |

| | | | |vertebrate animals | |

| | |Describe adaptations shown by vertebrate animals|Adaptation of vertebrates: | | |

| | | |Breathing-nose/gills, feeding-long neck & | | |

| | | |special mouth protection-changing of the | | |

| | | |colour & strong legs and | | |

| | | |movement-fins/legs | | |

| | |Describe the life cycle of vertebrate animals |Life cycle of vertebrate animals (birds, | | |

| | | |fish, frog e.g. Eggs, young adult. Mammals| | |

| | | |e.g. mother, young, adult. | | |

| | |State ways of conserving vertebrate animals |Conserving vertebrates: avoiding | | |

| | | |unnecessary killing, maintaining habitats.| | |



| | |State the physical properties of air. |Physical properties of air: Invisible, no | | |

| | | |smell, colourless. | | |

| | |Demonstrate that air has weight and occupies |Characteristics of air: Weight, mass and | | |

| | |space. |occupies space. | | |

| |Sound | Explain what sound is. |Sound as a form energy |Demonstrating sound |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |production |activities |

| | | | |Comparing high volume to |Appreciating different |

| | | | |lower volume |sources of sound |

| | | | |Predicting how sound | |

| | | | |travels | |

| | | Demonstrate how sound is produced |Vibrating materials (vibrating air is called| | |

| | | |“sound wave”) when shaking, hitting, | | |

| | | |plucking and blowing. | | |

| | | Describe how sound travels from one |Transmission of sound: sound travels through| | |

| | |place to another. |air, water and solids | | |

| | | Demonstrate how the volume of sound can|Making sound louder: Increasing the sound | | |

| | |be increased. |waves, e.g. plucking harder. | | |

| |6.5.3 Pressure | Show the effect of pressure on objects.|Effects of pressure: Increases the force |Demonstrating the effect of|Appreciating the |

| | | |applied |pressure |application of pressure |

| | |Explain why tools and implements should be |Why tools/implements are sharp: Less force |Observing the sharpness of |Cooperating in group work |

| | |sharp. |is applied/required |tools in relation to | |

| | |Explain why water tanks are placed on a higher |Why tanks are placed on high level: |pressure | |

| | |level. |Increasing water pressure. |Investigating that air | |

| | | | |exerts pressure | |

| | |Demonstrate that air exerts pressure. |Air pressure in balloons, tubes | | |

| | | Explain why pumping a bicycle tube |Building up of pressure inside the tube. | | |

| | |becomes more difficult as the tube gets | | | |

| | |inflated. | | | |

| |6.5.4 Communication |State methods of communication. |Methods of communication: conversation, |Communicating with others |Appreciating methods of |

| | | |mail, Phones, drums, radio, television. |using the most effective |communication |

| | | | |method |Cooperating in group work |

| | | | |Investigating how sound | |

| | | | |waves are used in | |

| | | | |communication | |

| | |Explain the importance of communication |Importance of communication: Passing of | | |

| | | |messages from place to place or person to | | |

| | | |person. | | |

| | |Describe how sound waves are used in |Use of sound waves: Carrying sound through | | |

| | |communication. |vibration of particles in the medium. | | |



|• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about the human body |• Show knowledge and skills of plant propagation in the local area |

|Develop investigative skills |• Demonstrate basic skills of wiring a three pin plug |

|Recognise the importance of personal health |• Show basic understanding of the use of conductors and insulators of electricity |

|Develop investigative skills on personal health Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes for the immediate environment| |

|Develop investigative skills about the immediate environment | |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the basic facts about plants and animals | |

|Develop investigative skills about plants and animals | |

|Develop knowledge, values and positive attitudes about materials and energy | |

|Demonstrate investigative skills about materials and energy | |



| | |Identify the organs of the digestive system. |Organs of digestive system: Liver, pancreas, | | |

| | | |mouth(teeth & tongue), stomach, intestine | | |

| | | |(large and small) | | |

| | |Identify parts of the alimentary canal where |Small intestine-nutrients are absorbed, Large | | |

| | |digested food is absorbed. |intestine-water and minerals are absorbed | | |

| | |Explain what happens to undigested food. |Undigested food: expelled as faecal material | | |



| | |Explain how viruses and bacteria can affect health |Effect of viruses and bacteria: Causes of | | |

| | | |diseases | | |

| | |Identify common diseases of the skin |Ringworms, measles, scabies, Scurvy, | | |

| | | |warts, chicken pox, skin cancer. | | |

| | | Explain the prevalence of diseases in relation to |Effect of disease prevalence on health | | |

| | |the provision of health services. |services: Pressure on health services | | |

| |Fruits |Identify fruits used as food. |Fruits used as food: Mangoes, avocados, |Classifying fruits and |Appreciating a variety of fruits |

| | | |paw paws, oranges, and passion fruits. |seeds used as food |Participating actively in class |

| | | | |Communicating the |discussion |

| | | | |importance of eating a | |

| | | | |variety of fruits | |

| | |Identify seeds used as food. |Seeds used as food: Legumes and cereals. | | |

| | |State the importance of fruits in improving health |Importance of fruits and seeds: contains | | |

| | | |vital vitamins and minerals. | | |



| |Water supply system |Identify sources of water in the village and towns. |Sources of water: Wells, rivers, dams, bore |communicating various |Applying the conservation |

| | | |holes, taps |sources of water |of water methods. |

| | | | |Communicating how to |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |conserve water |activities |

| | | | |Demonstrating the |Questioning new ideas for |

| | | | |treatment of water |more understanding |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Identify different types of water treatment systems. |Water treatment in urban and rural areas: | | |

| | | |boiling, filtration, decantation, | | |

| | | |chlorination. | | |

| | |State the importance of water treatment |Importance of water treatment: Makes water | | |

| | | |clean and safe. | | |

| | |Describe ways of conserving water |Water conservation: turning taps off if not | | |

| | | |in use, washing clothes at once, etc. | | |

|7.4.0 PLANTS AND ANIMALS |7.4.1 The flower | Identify the parts of a flower. |Parts of a flower: Anthers, filament, petals,|Observing parts of |Appreciate the |

| | | |Ovary, stigma, style, sepal, stalk |flowers |organisation of floral |

| | | | |Recording information on|parts |

| | | | |observations |Cooperating in group |

| | | | | |activities |

| | | | | |Respecting other people’s |

| | | | | |opinion |

| | | Explain the functions of the parts of the |Functions of anthers, filament, petals, | | |

| | |flower |Ovary, stigma, style, sepal, stalk. | | |

| |7.4.2 Pollination and |Describe pollination. |Pollination: Transfer of pollen grains from |Communicating agents of |Appreciate the role of |

| |fertilization in flowering plants| |anthers to stigma. |pollination |insects and wind in |

| | | | |Comparing pollination |pollination. |

| | | | |and fertilisation in |Cooperating in group |

| | | | |plants |activities |

| | | | | | |

| | |Identify the agents of pollination. |Agents of pollination: Wind, water, animals | | |

| | | |(birds, insects and mammals) | | |

| | |Describe fertilization in flowering plants. |Fertilisation in plants: Joining of ovule | | |

| | | |and pollen grains. | | |

| |7.4.3 Fruits and seeds |Explain why plants produce seeds. |Why plants produce seeds: for plant |Comparing varieties of |Actively participating in |

| | | |propagation. |fruits and seeds |class discussions |

| | | | | |Questioning new ideas for |

| | | | | |more understanding |

| | |Explain the importance of improving seed varieties | Importance of improving seed varieties: more| | |

| | | |yields and resistance to diseases and draught| | |

| |7.4.4 Seed dispersal |Describe what seed dispersal is. |Seed dispersal as a method of spreading seeds|Communicating agents of |Awareness of the |

| | | |in the environment. |seed dispersal. |importance of seed |

| | |Describe ways in which seeds are dispersed. |Ways of seed dispersal: Wind, animals, water,| |dispersal |

| | | |and explosive method. | | |

| | |Explain the importance of seed dispersal. |Importance of seed dispersal: for survival of| | |

| | | |plant species. | | |

| |7.4.5 Propagation | Explain what plant propagation is. |Plant propagation: means by which plants |Communicating methods |Applying knowledge of |

| | | |continue their existence. |of plant propagation |plant propagation in |

| | | | | |everyday life. |

| | | | | | |

| | |State methods of plant propagation. |Methods of plant propagation: Seed and | | |

| | | |vegetative propagation. | | |

| | |Demonstrate how some plants are propagated in the |Plant propagation: Row planting e.g. maize, | | |

| | |local area. |beans; Planting by broadcasting e.g. millet, | | |

| | | |sorghum. | | |



| | |Identify different types of energy |Types of energy: mechanical(potential, | | |

| | | |kinetic), electric, sound, chemical, | | |

| | | |thermal energy, heat, light | | |

| | |Explain how energy is converted from one form into |Energy conversion E.g., Bulb (Electrical| | |

| | |another. |energy to light to heat), a ball rolling| | |

| | | |from the top(Potential –kinetic energy),| | |

| | | |battery (chemical- electrical), | | |

| | | |radio(electrical- sound), | | |

| | | |touch(chemical- light) | | |

| |7.5.2 Electric current | Explain what an electric current does |Electric current is the flow of charges |Planning the construction of|Cooperating in group activities |

| |and Circuits | |(from positive to negative terminal) and|a simple electric circuit. |Applying knowledge on circuits in|

| | | |helps to power up appliances. |Comparing a series and |everyday life |

| | | | |parallel circuit |Questioning questions for more |

| | | | | |understanding |

| | | Demonstrate how to construct a simple |Making a simple circuit: Wire, switch, | | |

| | |electric circuit. |dry cell, bulb, flow of electricity from| | |

| | | |the cell to the bulb and back. | | |

| | | Distinguish between a series and parallel |Series (bulbs in same line) and | | |

| | |circuit |parallel(bulbs in two different lines) | | |

| | | |circuits | | |

| | |Describe the action of a switch in a circuit. |Action of a switch: open or close the | | |

| | | |circuit. | | |

| |7.5.4 Lightning |Identify the causes of lightning. |Causes of lightning: static electricity |Experimenting with static |Appreciating the power of |

| | | |(presence of charges). |electricity |lightening in nitrogen fixing |

| | | | |Observing lightning |Applying knowledge to avoid |

| | | | |Note: This is possible when |damage by lightning |

| | | | |done in the rainy season |Cooperating in group activities |

| | |Explain the effects of lightning on plants, animals |Effects of lightning: Damage, fire, | | |

| | |and buildings. |death. | | |

| | |Demonstrate how to prevent damage from lightning. |Preventing damage from lightning: | | |

| | | |Lightning arresters, avoid standing | | |

| | | |under trees when it is raining or | | |

| | | |walking in rain, stay away from | | |

| | | |electrical appliances during thunder | | |

| | | |storms. | | |

| | |State the importance of lightning in farming |Importance of lightning: Fixes nitrogen | | |

| | | |back in the soil | | |

| |7.5.5 The Solar System |Describe the solar system. |Solar system: The sun and the 8 planets |Communicating information on|Appreciate the existence of a |

| | | | |solar system |solar system |

| | | | |Observing the phases of |Questioning new ideas for more |

| | | | |the moon |understanding |

| | | | |Experimenting with the |Listening with respect |

| | | | |position of the sun in |Cooperating in group activities |

| | | | |June(winter in Zambia) and | |

| | | | |in October (summer in | |

| | | | |Zambia) | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Explain the differences between the sun and its |Difference between sun and the planets: | | |

| | |planets |size, luminous/non luminous | | |

| | |State the source of light in the solar system. |Source of light in the solar system: Sun| | |

| | |State the reasons for seasons and day and night |Seasons: revolution of the earth and its| | |

| | | |tilted axis; Day and night: earth’s | | |

| | | |rotation | | |

| | |Compare the movement of the earth and the moon |Earth orbits the sun, Moon orbits the | | |

| | | |earth and produces phases of the moon. | | |

| | | Describe the formation of solar and lunar eclipses.|Formation of solar and lunar eclipse: | | |

| | | |Moon between sun and earth, earth | | |

| | | |between sun and moon | | |

| | |State uses of solar energy |Uses of solar energy: Generation of heat| | |

| | | |and electricity, used by plants to make | | |

| | | |food | | |

| |7.5.6 Metals and | types of metals and non-metals |Types of metals (aluminium, copper, |Comparing metals and |Awareness of non-metals and |

| |Non-metals | |iron, zinc);Non-metals (carbon, |non-metals |metals |

| | | |hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide) |Experimenting with types of |Participating actively in group |

| | | |Conduction and non- conduction of |materials using an electric |discussion |

| | | |electricity |current. | |

| |Mining |Identify minerals mined in Zambia |Minerals mined in Zambia: Copper, gold, |Communicating metals mined |Appreciation the importance of |

| | | |cobalt, lead, iron, zinc Silver, tin, |in Zambia |copper |

| | | |coal, aluminium. |Investigating how much |Cooperating in group activities |

| | | | |copper is exported annually |Applying entrepreneurial skills |

| | | | |and from where | |

| | | | |Communicating the need to | |

| | | | |make copper products within | |

| | | | |Zambia | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |List the properties of copper. |Properties of copper.(electrical | | |

| | | |conductivity, resistance to rust) | | |

| | |Explain how copper is extracted and refined. |Extraction of copper: Drilling/ | | |

| | | |blasting-crushing- floatation- | | |

| | | |electrolysis | | |

| | |Identify items made from copper within Zambia. |Items made from copper: Ornaments, | | |

| | | |jewellery, copper coins, cables, | | |

| | |Explain the importance of making copper items within|utensils: | | |

| | |Zambia. |Foreign exchange, taxes, trade, | | |

| | | |employment. | | |

| | |Describe the impact of mining on the environment. |Impact of mining: Pollution of air, | | |

| | | |land, water. | | |


The following table shows the “Scope and Sequence” of integrated science syllabus from G1 to G7.

|  |Sub-Topics & Knowledge |

| |G1 |G2 |G3 |G4 |G5 |G6 |G7 |

| | |  |3.1.2 Nose |  |5.1.2 Breathing |  |  |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |• Function of the nose | |・The roles of breathing: | | |

| | | | | |・The types of organs in | | |

| | | | | |breathing | | |

| | | | | |・The function of organs | | |

| | | | | |in breathing | | |

| |  |  |  |4.5.4 Magnets• The nature |  |  | |

| | | | |of magnet | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | |• Types of magnets | | | |

| | | | |• Magnetic Materials | | | |

| | | | |• Two types of poles of a | | | |

| | | | |magnet | | | |

| | | | |• The laws of repulsion | | | |

| | | | |and attraction | | | |

| | | | |• The uses of magnet | | | |

| |  |  |  |  |5.5.2 Electricity |  | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |• What electricity does | | |

| | | | | |• Sources of electricity | | |

| | | | | |• The application of | | |

| | | | | |electricity in our life | | |

| | | | | |• Conductors of | | |

| | | | | |electricity | | |

| | | | | |• Uses of good and bad | | |

| | | | | |conductors in our life | | |

| |  |  |  |  |5.5.3 Heat Conductors |  | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |• What heat is | | |

| | | | | |• Temperature measurement | | |

| | | | | |• Good and bad conductors | | |

| | | | | |of heat | | |

| | | | | |• Good insulators | | |

| | | | | |• The uses of good and bad| | |

| | | | | |conductors of heat in our | | |

| | | | | |life | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |7.5.2 Electric current and Circuits

• What Electric current is

• How to make a simple circuit

• Two types of circuits

• Action of a switch | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |7.5.3 Lightning

• Causes of lightning

• Effects of lightning

• Preventing damage from lightning

• Importance of lightning | | |  |  |  |4.5.2 Forces

• Types of forces

• What forces do

• Use of force in daily life |5.5.6 Simple Machines

• What simple machine is

• 6 Kinds of simple machines

• Application of simple machines |  |  | | |  |  |  | |5.5.4 Measuring Matter

• Instruments for measuring mass and weight

• Effect of gravity

• Difference between mass and weight |  |  | | |  |  |  | |  |6.5.3 Pressure

• Effects of pressure

• The relation between area and force

• Application of pressure in our life |  | | |  |  |  |  |5.5.5 Volume

• Instruments for measuring volume

• Measuring Volume of given liquids

• Measuring Volume of regular and irregular solid objects. | |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |6.5.4 Communication

• Methods of communication

• Importance of communication

• Use of sound waves |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |7.5.4 The solar system

• The formation of Solar system

• Difference between sun and the planets

• Source of light in the solar system

• The movement of the earth and the moon

• The cause of day & night

• The cause of seasons

• Formation of solar and lunar eclipse

• Uses of solar energy | |


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