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DE Announcements

1. Membership

a. New members: Adrienne Duarte, Tracy Redden, and Marvin Turk.

b. Not returning: Wendi McLain and Chris Mangels

c. Student Representative: Brenda Reymundo

d. Virtual: Heather Moore

2. The DEC Report

a. Bb

i. Server clean-up: Jeremy went into the Bb database and deleted deleted classes. (

ii. Web link: When the COS home page goes down, students think Bb is down. They can go to or .

b. Begin posting audio of meetings on iTunes. Approved by DECOS 4/8/08.

c. What I did this summer.

I planned eight major tasks for the summer. Below are my comments about the status of each of those tasks:

1. Support 22 summer faculty teaching 33 online classes. I have spent many hours developing Bb shells (93) for faculty teaching summer online and face-to-face classes. Additionally, I have coordinated efforts with Jeremy Tierce, in Computer Services, to be sure all summer enrollments were integrated with the Bb system. Several faculty new to Bb have requested some Bb management and technical support, but overall we have had a very low incidence of Bb technical issues. We continue to work with students to help them with minor log-in and software compatibility problems. Summer numbers are: 40 online sections, 983 students, 22 different instructors.

2. Conduct faculty training. I have met with nine faculty for one-to-one Bb orientation and consultation regarding using educational technology for teaching. Additionally, I conducted two sessions of a workshop I developed to introduce faculty to online teaching. The table below summarizes faculty workshop status. 47 faculty enrolled for one session or the other. Approximately 50% were full-time faculty. Seven full-time faculty have completed the workshop. Reception of the workshops was overwhelmingly positive. Comments reflected gratitude that I had provided the opportunity and information for them. Additionally, unsolicited comments indicated that they felt they learned “a lot.” Preliminary data of a pre- and post-self evaluation, suggest that faculty increased levels of skill and knowledge of course learning outcomes by one to two levels. Due to the nature of faculty summer schedules, the majority of participants are continuing to work on workshop tasks. I have committed to supporting them in the workshop throughout the summer.

|Introduction to Online Teaching | | | | | |

|Summer 2008 Workshops |Enrolled |In Progress |Postponed |Dropped |Completed |

|Session #1 |26 |13 |5 |1 |7 |

|Session #2 |21 |17 |0 |4 |0 |

3. Prepare Student Orientation for fall.

a. I planned to prepare an online orientation for students ready for fall. The orientation would be accessed through our website. As of July 16, I have completed the content and sent it to Instructional Media to be converted to a QuickTime movie.

b. In preparing the online orientation, it became clear that it would be helpful to have an online course available for students to learn how to be successful in online classes. I have prepared the outline for DECOS review with the goal of submitting the outline to the CC this coming fall semester.

c. I wanted to plan Blackboard orientation walk-in sessions for students to be held during the first week of classes. Toward this end, I have arranged to be at the LRC Reference Desk for certain periods of time during the first week to answer questions about Bb. I believe this effort will be a valuable use of my time at least for the fall semester. I will be able to learn more about the types of support needs our students have.

d. As part of the student orientation, I have successfully launched our COS DE Website. We have two links on the main COS page, now. The DE pages include: DE Mission Statement; instructions for logging into Bb; FAQ; faculty contact list; online readiness survey (an interactive survey form is forthcoming); Bb technical support; tips for being a successful online student; and links to online student services. Several short captivate movies will be installed on the site in the next week or two to demonstrate basic Bb functions.

4. Prepare Epsilen Training Materials.

a. I have been talking to our Epsilen representatives this summer regarding obtaining a version of the testing feature for our trial. At this point, I have some faculty lined up to do a conference call with Epsilen to put something together.

b. I trained Student Services managers and provided an orientation for Jennifer LaSerna and Brent Calvin.

c. I am continuing to prepare online training materials and will be scheduling training sessions for faculty to support our Epsilen trial and decision-making process.

5. Develop Program Review. I located some valuable resources to help with the program review process. I am in the process of reviewing these materials.

6. Prepare fall workshops. I have prepared two online workshops for fall: Teaching for Active Learning Online; and Digital Copyright. I may also present these workshops “on the ground,” but I am waiting to coordinate these efforts with FEC.

7. Complete Board Report. I am in the process of preparing the annual DE report for our Board of Trustees. It is due no later than August 31, 2009.

8. Prepare DE Handbook. I have a draft DE handbook under way.

I was also involved in the following miscellaneous activities:

a. I have contributed to ELI efforts by serving on hiring committees, in addition to my role as one of the budget committee members.

b. I conducted some Correspondence Program compliance research.

c. I am preparing a draft Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to present to the Technology Committee.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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