
CRIS 2.09.10b Specific Release Notes v1.1


© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield. NG18 5BR

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 2.09.10b Specific Release Notes v1.1 1

Copyright 1

General Information 1

1. Contents 2

2. Issue Summaries 5

2.1 New Features 5

2.1.1 Interfaces 5

2.1.2 Statistics 5

2.2 Enhancements 5

2.2.1 Diary 5

2.2.2 Dictation 5

2.2.3 Event Details 6

2.2.4 Interfaces 6

2.2.5 Login 6

2.2.6 Nuclear Medicine 6

2.2.7 Patient 6

2.2.8 Printing 6

2.2.9 Reporting 7

2.2.10 Sessions (MDT) 7

2.2.11 Worklists 7

2.3 Issues Resolved 8

2.3.1 Billing 8

2.3.2 Dashboard 8

2.3.3 Database 8

2.3.4 Diary 8

2.3.5 Dictation 8

2.3.6 Event Details 9

2.3.7 Interfaces 9

2.3.8 Licence Manager 9

2.3.9 Login 9

2.3.10 Menu Options 10

2.3.11 Nuclear Medicine 10

2.3.12 Other 10

2.3.13 Patient 10

2.3.14 Post Processing 11

2.3.15 Printing 11

2.3.16 Reporting 11

2.3.17 Resource Management 11

2.3.18 Scanning 12

2.3.19 Self Check In 12

2.3.20 Sessions (MDT) 12

2.3.21 Setup Tables 12

2.3.22 Soft Forms 13

2.3.23 Spine 13

2.3.24 Statistics 13

2.3.25 Stats Scheduler 13

2.3.26 Vetting 13

2.3.27 Voice Recognition 14

2.3.28 Worklists 14

2.4 House Keeping 14

3. Trust Implementation Issues 15

3.1 Standard issues: 15

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only: 15

4. Change Details 16

4.1 Billing 16

4.2 Dashboard 16

4.3 Database 16

4.4 Diary 16

4.5 Dictation 19

4.6 Event Details 20

4.7 Interfaces 23

4.8 Licence Manager 25

4.9 Login 25

4.10 Menu Options 26

4.11 Nuclear Medicine 26

4.12 Other 27

4.13 Patient 28

4.14 Post Processing 30

4.15 Printing 31

4.16 Reporting 33

4.17 Resource Management 35

4.18 Scanning 36

4.19 Self Check In 36

4.20 Sessions (MDT) 36

4.21 Setup Tables 39

4.22 Soft Forms 41

4.23 Spine 41

4.24 Statistics 42

4.25 Stats Scheduler 44

4.26 Vetting 44

4.27 Voice Recognition 45

4.28 Worklists 45

5. Known Issues 49

5.1 Known Issue Summaries 49

5.1.1 Diary 49

5.1.2 Dictation 49

5.1.3 Event Details 49

5.1.4 Interfaces 49

5.1.5 Post Processing 49

5.1.6 Reporting 49

5.1.7 Setup Tables 50

5.1.8 Statistics 50

5.1.9 Voice Recognition 50

5.1.10 Worklists 50

5.2 Known Issue Details 51

5.2.1 Diary 51

5.2.2 Dictation 51

5.2.3 Event Details 51

5.2.4 Interfaces 52

5.2.5 Post Processing 52

5.2.6 Reporting 52

5.2.7 Setup Tables 53

5.2.8 Statistics 53

5.2.9 Voice Recognition 53

5.2.10 Worklists 54

2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 2.09.10b. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.

Notes on the following tables:

HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.

LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.

By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.

Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217746 |- |Simple MPPS |- |- |

|215856 |- |Changes to Impax desktop integration behaviour |- |- |

2.1.2 Statistics

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|200526 |- |Regular expressions in statistics |- |- |

|217544 |- |Filter "Available" stats fields |- |- |

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1 Diary

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|210726 |- |Diary room slot comments |- |- |

|215770 |- |Rooms shown in appointment diary when an exam is selected. |- |- |

2.2.2 Dictation

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|214802 |- |User id code is displayed on dictation screen instead of user name |- |- |

2.2.3 Event Details

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219356 |- |Justification status changes without vetting enabled |- |- |

|216378 |- |Configurable LMP Rules |- |Yes |

|217843 |- |Full name required in status history tooltip |- |- |

2.2.4 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218068 |- |Enhanced MWL |- |- |

|216427 |- |Interface payload filtering |- |- |

2.2.5 Login

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|208183 |- |Forced password change after administrative password reset |- |- |

2.2.6 Nuclear Medicine

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216062 |- |Isotope Half Life |- |- |

|216621 |- |No display order for Vials in NM screen |- |- |

2.2.7 Patient

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217199 |- |Unnecessary database queries when attending event |- |- |

2.2.8 Printing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218459 |- |Add an extra print order to enable Referrer alphabetic printing |- |- |

|212538 |- |Allow 'No Printer' to be specified in printer setup |- |- |

|216504 |- |Multilingual appointment letters |Yes |- |

2.2.9 Reporting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|212177 |- |Batch verify dates used for addendum reports. |- |Yes |

|217630 |- |No hover help for secretary user names |- |- |

|217220 |- |Report Viewer Size |- |- |

|217466 |- |Clear image on PACS when report viewer closes |- |- |

2.2.10 Sessions (MDT)

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|211392 |- |Public sessions in session management. |- |- |

2.2.11 Worklists

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217820 |- |Referral Source and Patient Type filters |- |- |

|217822 |- |Retain sort order between refresh |- |- |

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Billing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|215243 |- |Invoice and Receipt Printing for Insurer and Patient |Yes |- |

2.3.2 Dashboard

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217326 |- |Radiologists appear in inconsistent order when refreshing All Unverified Reports |- |- |

| | |Chart | | |

2.3.3 Database

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|214783 |- |Duplicated query string from SQL generator |- |- |

2.3.4 Diary

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219663 |- |Error when displaying the diary or diary set up for a day with an exam that |- |Yes |

| | |doesn't have a booked time. | | |

|219640 |- |Closing booked time range in diary |- |- |

|219613 |- |Extending appointment time |- |- |

|219087 |- |Diary loses exam selection after search forward |- |- |

|219340 |- |Booking deleted exams |- |- |

|217067 |- |Warning message displayed when closing non-booked room slots in DiarySetup |- |- |

|217116 |- |Diary search forward double booking slots. |- |- |

|217100 |- |Diary loses exam selection after refresh |- |- |

2.3.5 Dictation

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219933 |- |Dictation FF or RW does not continue with pedal depressed |- |- |

|218535 |- |Dictation addendum icons removed |- |Yes |

|219044 |- |Dictation list still slow to display |- |- |

|218761 |- |Erroneous report is not complete warning |- |- |

2.3.6 Event Details

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219863 |- |Referral source search tab labels. |- |- |

|217945 |- |Exam summary incompatible between versions |- |- |

|214929 |- |Send To option on event right click menu option is in the middle of printing |- |- |

| | |options | | |

|218523 |- |Request category validation |- |- |

|217591 |- |Cancel reason is not always validated |- |- |

|217698 |- |Focus transfer problem in Event Details |- |- |

|218039 |- |Integrity constraint error when attempting to move an event |- |- |

|216915 |- |Non unique attendance numbers |- |- |

|216812 |- |Search Within label alignment |- |- |

|217465 |- |Not possible for participants to show an event in session management from the |- |- |

| | |"Sessions" tab | | |

2.3.7 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|220007 |- |Incorrect details when resending pre-admit message |- |- |

|219954 |- |Authentication failure on interface pages |- |- |

|219426 |- |Orders mesasges are not always sent |- |- |

|218171 |- |Missing Orders |- |- |

|215904 |- |Duplicate Order issue |- |Yes |

2.3.8 Licence Manager

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216676 |- |'Attach Document' screen has filter on file type enabled when licence for |- |- |

| | |DOCATTACHPDF not present at current site. | | |

2.3.9 Login

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216631 |- |SSO mixed mode problem if user tries to login with blank password |- |- |

|217539 |- |Uncaught exception thrown for an invalid login attempt |- |- |

2.3.10 Menu Options

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216528 |- |Message available warning |- |- |

|216910 |- |Progress label in delete old dictations |- |- |

2.3.11 Nuclear Medicine

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219365 |- |NM Vial selection when creating administrations |- |- |

|219323 |- |Activity and volume sort order on NM admin screen |- |- |

|219361 |- |Re-ordered vial lookup list selecting wrong details |- |- |

|217156 |- |2 Vials created in the 'Nuclear Medicine' screen with an identical Serial Number |- |- |

| | |cannot be selected in Administrations screen. | | |

2.3.12 Other

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217857 |- |Squashed date fields on Request page |- |- |

|218456 |- |Message scan interval of 0 does just that |- |- |

|218374 |- |View Messages does not select a default row after a delete |- |- |

|213661 |- |java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero output to the Java Console |- |- |

|214770 |- |Not possible to revert changes to Options/Theme |- |- |

2.3.13 Patient

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219883 |- |Consent validation when consent has not changed |- |- |

|219411 |- |Don't list merged patients in duplicates screen |- |- |

|219328 |- |Address length validation warning message. |- |- |

|218421 |- |Cannot set DOD to blank |- |- |

|218221 |- |Reference number field is not disabled when a patient has been loaded. |- |- |

|218623 |- |Circular Link in Merge Chain |- |- |

|217062 |- |Match page for duplicate but merged patients. |- |Yes |

|216757 |- |Incorrect patient age |- |- |

|217449 |- |Error in console when name validation fails |- |- |

2.3.14 Post Processing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219339 |- |Post Exam Projection details screening times and error messages. |- |- |

|215921 |- |Minimized boxes on finished screen after going through post processing screens. |- |- |

2.3.15 Printing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219686 |- |Printing of EDD when below cutoff and without fetal heartbeat |Yes |- |

|219572 |- |Exception setting page preconditions |- |- |

|215260 |- |EDD and Anatomy date should not be printed if foetal heartbeat is not seen |Yes |- |

|216183 |- |Obstetric rescan days not printing as configured |Yes |- |

|217203 |- |Possible to create duplicate trust templates in Print Content Editor |- |- |

|217036 |- |Blank second pages are sometimes printed |- |- |

2.3.16 Reporting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219626 |- |Clearing a verified obstetric report gives a changed report warning |- |- |

|216839 |- |No Scan reason error |- |- |

|217151 |- |Properties of re-verified reports |- |- |

|216155 |- |Missing legend text on printed obs graphs |- |- |

|217724 |- |Error saving obstetric report |- |- |

|200573 |- |After changing scan form typed text can be lost or ignored. |- |- |

|212379 |- |XR Setting REPORT.AutoText does not insert : in title |- |- |

|217714 |- |Unable to AUTO report |- |- |

|217920 |- |End dated museum code selection |- |- |

2.3.17 Resource Management

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217313 |- |Stack trace when repeating year |- |- |

|216109 |- |Resourcing restrictions not shown in Diary |- |- |

|217324 |- |Resources list is inefficient and probably incorrect |- |- |

|217332 |- |No 'Hover help text' on Resources 'Week View' button in Diary screen. |- |- |

2.3.18 Scanning

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|217268 |- |Adding documents to events with invalid FTP configuration |- |- |

2.3.19 Self Check In

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216785 |- |Confirmation message appear after change has been saved in Auto Check in Admin |- |- |

2.3.20 Sessions (MDT)

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219920 |- |Error generated when delete and add actions without refresh for event in Session |- |- |

|219507 |- |Action completed date and time. |- |- |

|219376 |- |Session Management not fully refreshing |- |- |

|219388 |- |Session event actions available with no event selected |- |- |

|219389 |- |Session management hangs when no filters selected. |- |- |

|217079 |- |Inactive buttons when adding events to sessions |- |- |

|218025 |- |Disable list button on newly created sessions |- |- |

|217477 |- |Integrity constraint violation in session management |- |- |

|218002 |- |Auto switching between session management and main CRIS when windows minimised |- |- |

|217448 |- |Resend pre-admit from sessions module |- |- |

2.3.21 Setup Tables

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219753 |- |Workgroup prompt table not displayed |- |- |

|214491 |- |Unable to filter on normal and limited table lookups |- |- |

|217054 |- |Workgroup setup unsaved changes warning |- |- |

|217231 |- |Local Referrers loading |- |- |

|218212 |- |Cannot set max patients in diary setup |- |- |

|217398 |- |Cant see group info in Staff table |- |- |

|218227 |- |NullPointerException when loading translation table |- |- |

|217588 |- |Changing security access changes parent group |- |- |

|217358 |- |No lookup table for XR setting AutoRefreshUnreportedList |- |- |

|217346 |- |Unexpected rebook exams warning message. |- |- |

2.3.22 Soft Forms

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218461 |- |It is not possible to delete a soft form from the event forms page |- |- |

2.3.23 Spine

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218596 |- |Hard coded ports in SSO |- |- |

|215756 |- |Override dissent screens are not displayed on orders |- |- |

2.3.24 Statistics

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219632 |- |Missing ULTRAOUTC folder description |- |- |

|215669 |- |output 'width' should be changed to 'length' |- |- |

|217612 |- |NoClassDefFoundError when running a stat. |- |- |

|217081 |- |EXAM Modality F4 lookup not available. |- |- |

2.3.25 Stats Scheduler

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|210282 |- |Separate database for stats reports. |Yes |- |

2.3.26 Vetting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219864 |- |Adding resource on vetting page can blank out details entered. |- |- |

|218686 |- |Exception in vetting protocol tree |- |- |

|214567 |- |Oracle error message re: Unable to save Vetting Protocol |- |- |

2.3.27 Voice Recognition

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218730 |- |Dragon user profile should be saved at end of report |- |- |

2.3.28 Worklists

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|219989 |- |Reported by in report info list filters |- |- |

|219716 |- |New report info list filter profile not saving correctly |- |- |

|219711 |- |Unreported list does not query for unallocated reports |- |- |

|219292 |- |All exams on the Orders list are grey |- |- |

|219391 |- |Unprocessed list refreshing when event selected |- |- |

|215784 |- |Reloading data on worklists after changing a filter. |- |- |

|217315 |- |Rooms lookup does not refresh when site is changed to blank |- |- |

|218797 |- |Number of untyped dictations on dictation list |- |- |

|216384 |- |Delete Dictation does not remove speaker icon without reload |- |- |

|217154 |- |Auto Select Next Event checkbox label used incorrect case |- |- |

|216952 |- |query for total untyped dictation count and length can execute twice in a row |- |- |

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

216378 - Configurable LMP Rules

Required Trust Action: Any exams that are LMP sensitive will be changed to use the 28 day rule. Any exam codes that should use the 10 day rule will need to be configured in the Exams Per Hospital setup table.

212538 - Allow 'No Printer' to be specified in printer setup

Required Trust Action: After software update change printer config of each PC's to use "No Printer" option if users do not want an error message warning that printouts requested have no printer defined for printing.

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.

HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.

4.1 Billing

215243 - Invoice and Receipt Printing for Insurer and Patient

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The values of the Cost column are not aligned correctly when printing from the Billing module.

This applies to the following:

Insurer Receipt, Insurer Invoice, Patient Receipt and Patient Invoice.

For example they are displayed as:




Resolution: The decimal point and current symbol are now aligned in printed invoices and receipts. This change requires the print formats to be manually updated by HSS.

4.2 Dashboard

217326 - Radiologists appear in inconsistent order when refreshing All Unverified Reports Chart

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: When refreshing the above widget, the order of the displayed clinicians changes.

Resolution: Radiologists now displayed in fixed order by code on All Unverified Reports Chart.

4.3 Database

214783 - Duplicated query string from SQL generator

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: ntwist (Neil Twist)

Description: The DICOM Modality Worklist functionality executes a query where all the fields in the select are duplicated.

Resolution: The DICOM Modality Worklist database query is now more efficient as some duplicated fields have been removed.

4.4 Diary

210726 - Diary room slot comments

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: It should be possible to add comments to the room slots.

Resolution: Room slots can now have a comment attached. Which slot has a comment is indicated by a red triangle in the corner of the slot. The actual comment can be seen when the user 'hovers' over the slot and is displayed in the tool tip text. This new functionality appears both in the Diary View screen and the Diary Setup table.

219663 - Error when displaying the diary or diary set up for a day with an exam that doesn't have a booked time.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: It is possible to create an appointment that doesn't have a time. This causes errors when trying to display the diary page in either the diary itself, or the diary set up.

Resolution: Appointments that have an exam without a time no longer cause null pointer errors in the diary or diary set up, when the day, room and time the exam booked for is displayed.

In addition, when attempting to print an appointment letter for an exam without a time, an error message is displayed informing that there is an exam that does not have a time, and the letter is not printed. Any DNA letters for exams without a time print correctly, and there have been changes to the formats so that such exams no longer print 0:00 as the time, instead the time is omitted.

219640 - Closing booked time range in diary

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: If you close a time range in the diary that includes time slots that are already booked then a warning message is not displayed.

Resolution: A warning message is now always displayed if booked room slots are selected to be closed. The warning message is now always displayed relative to the diary, and so remains centred.

219613 - Extending appointment time

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Repeatedly modifying the appointment times causes the minutes label to be displayed for multiple exams.

Resolution: When repeatedly changing the appointment time of multiple exams in the diary, by dragging the end time, the tool tip showing how many minutes the exam is planned for now only displays for the current exam being dragged. Tool tips for previously dragged exams are no longer shown.

219087 - Diary loses exam selection after search forward

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The diary loses exam selection after search forward which causes the resource slot colouring to be lost.

Resolution: The room slot resource availability colouring is now preserved after using Search Forward.

219340 - Booking deleted exams

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Deleting an exam code, adding the event to the diary and booking does not remove the deleted examination.

Resolution: If an exam is deleted from an event at the time of adding to the diary, when the appointment is made for the other exams on the event using the diary, the deleted exam is removed from the event.

215770 - Rooms shown in appointment diary when an exam is selected.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: When an exam is selected in the diary CRIS automatically displays the rooms defined as available for this exam. It would be useful if this list also included the room already used on the exam if this room is not in the default list for this exam.

Resolution: If a room is assigned to an exam in event details then this room will, if configured, appear in the diary when this exam is selected.

217067 - Warning message displayed when closing non-booked room slots in DiarySetup

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: In DiarySetup, when closing a room slot that has been booked and saving, a warning message is displayed. However, if the user goes on to close other room slots on the same page that are not booked, the warning message is still displayed.

Resolution: A warning message is no longer displayed when using the diary setup to close a room slot that has no exams booked into it.

217116 - Diary search forward double booking slots.

Reported in: 06.04 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It is possible for two screens to allocate the same diary slot if both users press search forward at the same time.

Resolution: CRIS now better avoids double booking when using Search Forward.

217100 - Diary loses exam selection after refresh

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The diary looses exam selection after a refresh which causes the resource slot colouring to be lost.

Resolution: The exam selection is now preserved after a refresh.

4.5 Dictation

219933 - Dictation FF or RW does not continue with pedal depressed

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: In the report editor the dictation does not continue to fast forward or rewind with the relevant pedal depressed. The dictation will rewind or fast forward 2 seconds and then stop.

Resolution: Foot pedal controls for both 'Fast Forward' and 'Rewind' now perform their operation continuously until released.

218535 - Dictation addendum icons removed

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 06.12s, 2.09.10a.1, 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: If a secretary loads an event with a dictated addendum then f5s out of the record the addendum icon is removed. The event still has a dictation icon and it appears on the dictation list. The dictated addendum can still be listened to.

Resolution: The dictation status of addendum now persists when clearing the report screen, regardless of mode or way in which the report editor was accessed.

219044 - Dictation list still slow to display

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.07.12h, 2.09.10b Resolved by: cking (Chris King)

Description: The dictation list can take several minutes to load. Sometimes oracle decides on a bad query path when trying to fetch the total number and length of untyped dictations.

Resolution: The query that fetches the total number and length of untyped dictations has been changed to hint oracle at how to execute the query.

218761 - Erroneous report is not complete warning

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10a.1, 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: A "Report is not complete" warning message is displayed when trying to save a report with a dictation.

Resolution: On verification from the report editor on a newly typed dictation a dialog will be displayed asking the question "This report has not been marked as fully typed. Do you wish to save the report as fully typed?".

214802 - User id code is displayed on dictation screen instead of user name

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: On the dictation screen, the info at the top says 'dictated by C12345' rather than Dr X.

This would be useful for users if they could quickly see who had already dictated a report for an event.

Resolution: 'Dictated by' label on the Dictation tab now also details the name as well as the previous information.

4.6 Event Details

219863 - Referral source search tab labels.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The hospital referral source Trust/SHA search tab title is a little misleading because it does not make it clear that this tab is only searching sites configured on this CRIS instance.

Resolution: The hospital referral source Trust/SHA search tab has been changed to use the more appropriate terminology "Select Site in Trust/Domain".

219356 - Justification status changes without vetting enabled

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When the vetting module is disabled, the only way to change the justification status is to change the status of the event to request, waiting or appointment. This is currently not sufficient as it is not really possible to alter the justification status after attendance time. Trusts will currently do this a lot as they often won't justify until processing time.

Resolution: There is now an option to justify or unjustify an event from the right click menu of the event list. The option will be to justify if the event is currently unjustified and vice versa.

The checkbox is also available from the post processing page beneath the rest of the buttons, so that the event can be justified at post processing time.

217945 - Exam summary incompatible between versions

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: The 2.09.10 examsummary is incompatible with 06.12 and 2.07.12 versions of the application. Running a 06.12 or 2.07.12 client against the 2.09.10 examsummary causes every event to have a dictation icon on the event list.

Resolution: Exam summary now checks for the existence of Accession number. Any exam summaries returned from the database with no exam data will be logged for further investigation.

216378 - Configurable LMP Rules

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: CRIS currently uses the 10 day LMP rule to decide if a warning message should be displayed. Sites need to be able to configure which rule (10 or 28 day) is used for each exam code.

Resolution: There is now a 10 day and 28 day rule applied to LMP sensitivity. A blank/null value indicates that the exam is NOT LMP sensitive.

These rules are applied to exams in the 'ExamsPerHospital' setup table so sensitivity can be configured on a site to site basis.

If a particular exam is NOT LMP sensitive in this table, the 'ExaminationCodes' setup table is then interrogated to find a LMP sensitive value.

If the validity of a LMP sensitive exam fails an appropriate warning message is displayed but the event/attendance is not prevented from completing.

No LMP sensitive validation is performed for an event/attendance for a male patient.

Trust Implementation Issues: Any exams that are LMP sensitive will be changed to use the 28 day rule. Any exam codes that should use the 10 day rule will need to be configured in the Exams Per Hospital setup table.

214929 - Send To option on event right click menu option is in the middle of printing options

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: The Send To option should be below the printing options, preferably after a separator, as it is nothing to do with printing.

Resolution: The 'Send To' option has been moved to a more appropriate position within the popup menu.

218523 - Request category validation

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: In the event details the request category validation seems to be stuck. If you select that field it will not allow you to move on until a value is selected. Leaving this blank is not an option.

Further to this, the referrer location field F4 prompt will appear along with the F4 prompts for other fields within the event details page. This may only be an issue with Java 1.6.

Resolution: Multiple pop ups no longer appear if the request category field is currently blank.

217591 - Cancel reason is not always validated

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The HL7 spec states that the cancel reason should not exceed 200 characters. Rejecting a request will check the length of the text being inserted in to the ORDERS.CANCEL_REASON field. However, cancelling a request does not check the length of this text.

Resolution: The status description is now always checked to be less than 200 characters before saving a request, regardless of the chosen reason.

217843 - Full name required in status history tooltip

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: In event details, the status changes only show the user code in the hover help, not the full name. Users are currently having to work around this by using the 'exam summary' print function.

Resolution: The status history tool tip now shows the full name of the responsible user.

217698 - Focus transfer problem in Event Details

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: Entering an exam code and pressing enter moves to the next row in the exams list, then moves to the LMP field.

However, if the user refocuses the first exam and presses enter, the focus transfers to the Referral Source field.

Resolution: Focus transfer now occurs correctly on event details page.

218039 - Integrity constraint error when attempting to move an event

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: If an attendance is attempted to be moved from one patient to another, and the event is in a volume with other events, an integrity constraint error is thrown as the volume key for the event is attempted to be set to 0, which is not a valid volume key

Resolution: Volume key is now set correctly when moving an event from one patient to another.

216915 - Non unique attendance numbers

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: If two attendances are created for the same patient simultaneously it is possible to create duplicate attendance numbers.

Resolution: Now a patient should not get duplicate attendance numbers even if two terminals add two events at the same time

216812 - Search Within label alignment

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The search within label could be better positioned in the select referral source dialog.

Resolution: The "search within" label is positioned better in the select referral source dialog.

217465 - Not possible for participants to show an event in session management from the "Sessions" tab

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Sessions have been made more secure, so that only the users who are participants of a session can view the session in the session management module. When there is a list of sessions displayed within the event details page, it is only possible to do the right click "Show in Session Management", and double click to show the outcome actions when the current user is the owner, and not just a participant.

Resolution: It is now possible to either double click on a session in the sessions tab of the event details page, and it will show the outcome actions for the event, when the current user is just a participant of the session, not just the owner as was previously the case. The same is also true for right clicking on a session and choosing the show in session management option.

A number of duplicate and redundant SQL queries have also been removed when using this table of sessions in the event list page.

4.7 Interfaces

217746 - Simple MPPS

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: Provide basic support for Modality Performed Procedure Step.

Add in support for inbound MPPS messages.

- Receive DICOM Basic Performed Procedure Step message from imaging modalities

- Populate basic exam data from MPPS message

Resolution: Basic support for MPPS implemented. CRIS can now receive MPPS messages from imaging modalities and populate basic exam data obtained from the message.

220007 - Incorrect details when resending pre-admit message

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When an event is added to a session, or a preadmit message is resent from the right click menu of an event list, the source of the message is set to a sitecode. This is invalid and should be CRISGUI if the source of the message is a CRIS client. The sitecode for the message doesn't seem to be required.

Resolution: The pre admit message triggered by adding an event to a session, or by right clicking on the event list, now always has the source of the message as being CRISGUI rather than a specified site code.

219954 - Authentication failure on interface pages

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The interface status and message manager pages attempt to login with the user ID rather than the login ID. If the user ID and login ID differ then these interface pages cannot be displayed.

Resolution: Authentication has been changed to use the login id rather than the user id for the interface status viewer and interface message manager.

218068 - Enhanced MWL

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The current implementation of DICOM Modality Work List has some shortfalls in the desired functionality and could do with some optimisation of the performance of the interface.

Resolution: Modality work lists can now be managed in CRIS Session Management. The performance of modality work lists has also been improved.

This change requires new configuration. Without changes, the old modality work list functionality will continue to be used.

216427 - Interface payload filtering

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: cturner (chris turner)

Description: When the interfaces process the message triggers in INTTODO they should only create INTPROC records for applicable interfaces.

Resolution: There is now the ability to filter interface queues by trust code in todaysmessages using the syntax [queuename]@[trust].

Multiple trusts can be specified for a single queue.

This will reduce the number of redundant messages being sent for trusts that are not interested in the message.

219426 - Orders mesasges are not always sent

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: Order messages are not sent for request or waiting list events. In addition to this order messages are not sent if you change an exam code on an order before saving it as a request.

Resolution: Now an interface message will be sent if an events exam is changed

215856 - Changes to Impax desktop integration behaviour

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: ashields (Alan Shields)

Description: In response to customer requests a new specification for desktop integration between CRIS and AGFA Impax has been written. Changes to CRIS to meet the new specification are as follows

1) Upon receipt of an IMPAX_DICTATION message from PACS CRIS displays the event according to the currently selected workflow mode. If the current mode is neither REPORT or DICTATE the system should display either the report or the dictation depending upon an XR setting

2) When a report is started in CRIS it should send a RIS_DICTATION START message to PACS. When the report is saved CRIS should send RIS_DICTATION COMPLETE for the exams that have a report and RIS_DICTATION_RESET for the exams that do not have a report unless only a summary report exist (in which case we send RIS_DICTATION_COMPLETE for all, if the report is cleared without saving CRIS should send RIS_DICTATION RESET

Resolution: New XR setting REPORT.PACSWORKSTATION.Mode determines which page CRIS will open when the dictate button is pressed on IMPAX.

If set to DICTATE it will go to the dictation page

if set to anything else it will go to the report page

218171 - Missing Orders

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Orders for patients that have been merged to another cannot be found.

When you search by the minor merged patient hospital number it takes you straight to the major merged patient record and can not find the request. If you type in or barcode the E-number of the request then it also takes you to the major merged patient record and tells you incorrectly that the request has been deleted.

Resolution: When loading an order from the orders list that is assigned to a patient that has been merged, the major patient is displayed in CRIS rather than the merged patient. When the order is then created as an event on CRIS, the event is stored against the main CRIS patient.

In addition, new orders for the merged patient are no longer accepted, instead a cancel acknowledgement is sent back to the HIS, informing that the patient the order is for has been merged on CRIS.

215904 - Duplicate Order issue

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When an order comes through to CRIS, it is given a status of '42' when accepted. At this stage, the status should not return to received '36'. However, if the order comms/PAS sends us a new update, that satisfies the requirements to change the status, we don’t prevent this from happening, and the order goes back to received status.

The user cannot then do anything with the order, as it's already accepted and attended according to CRIS.

Resolution: Order update messages no longer update the order record at all, if it has already been turned into an exam on CRIS. Instead an update rejection message is sent.

4.8 Licence Manager

216676 - 'Attach Document' screen has filter on file type enabled when licence for DOCATTACHPDF not present at current site.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: When attaching documents to an event it is possible to filter for file types that are not licensed but are licensed at other sites.

Resolution: It is no longer possible to attach documents to an event unless an appropriate, in-date, licence exists for the site.

4.9 Login

216631 - SSO mixed mode problem if user tries to login with blank password

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: If CRIS is set to SSOMode=mixed and a user tries to login with a blank password both the username and the password fields are disabled and the user is forced to restart in order to try again.

Resolution: Blank usernames and / or passwords no longer cause a problem during a login attempt.

217539 - Uncaught exception thrown for an invalid login attempt

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: An uncaught exception is thrown if an invalid username and/or password is entered during login.

Resolution: The exception thrown for an invalid login attempt is now caught.

208183 - Forced password change after administrative password reset

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: When an administrator changes another user's password in the staff table the expiry date should automatically be set to a date in the past. This will make sure the user is prompted for a new password the next time they log in.

Resolution: The password expiry date is now set to 'yesterday' when an administrator changes a user’s password.

4.10 Menu Options

216528 - Message available warning

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: bcarroll (Ben Carroll)

Description: The messages available warning on the toolbar can show that there are unread messages when there are none.

Resolution: Behaviour of the message available warning improved to be more accurate.

216910 - Progress label in delete old dictations

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The progress label in delete old dictations is not displayed properly

Resolution: Progress label in delete old dictations should now appear in full

4.11 Nuclear Medicine

219365 - NM Vial selection when creating administrations

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: When creating a new administration from a vial on either the NM Admin or the NM Administration page then you cannot select a vial by typing in the vial serial number.

Resolution: The 'Create from Vial' promptField now verifies it's input correctly to requirements.

219323 - Activity and volume sort order on NM admin screen

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The numeric fields are not numerically sorted correctly when the list of vials or administrations are ordered by these columns.

Resolution: Now can sort order in NM on numeric fields

219361 - Re-ordered vial lookup list selecting wrong details

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: The F4 lookup for vials when creating a new administration does not fill in the correct details when a vial is selected after the lookup list has been re-ordered.

Resolution: The correct vial is used to populate the syringe details after the vial table has been reordered in some way.

216062 - Isotope Half Life

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: ntwist (Neil Twist)

Description: CRIS records the half life in seconds with a maximum value of approx 300 years. Carbon 14 and Krypton 81 have values significantly higher than this. The resulting decay rate gives a measurable inaccuracy of activity to 2 decimal places of MBq after 3 months.

Resolution: There are now 3 more digits available for the seconds value of the half life giving a maximum value of 316,880 years 320 days 17 hours 46 minutes 39 seconds or 999,999,999,999 seconds.

217156 - 2 Vials created in the 'Nuclear Medicine' screen with an identical Serial Number cannot be selected in Administrations screen.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: An Administration cannot be created from a Vial if there exists 2 Vial with the same S/N and identical Isotope but with different chemicals.

Resolution: Vials with identical serial numbers can now be selected individually and the form is populated with the correct data.

216621 - No display order for Vials in NM screen

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: There is no display order for vials in Vials tab in Nuclear Medicine screen.

Resolution: Can change the display order for Vials in NM screen and it will default to Creation date order.

4.12 Other

217857 - Squashed date fields on Request page

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The dates box on the request finished page is squashed, when in 1024 x 768 with 7 print doc names, in the request (porter) tab from event details tab. Also the doc names fall off the bottom of the screen perhaps put the whole tab in a scroll pane.

Resolution: Date fields in the request finished page no longer get squashed at 1024*768.

218456 - Message scan interval of 0 does just that

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: If you set a message scan interval (XR setting: GENERAL.MessageScanInterval) of 0 CRIS will constantly query the messages table as fast as it is able. A scan interval of 0 should disable message scanning altogether.

Resolution: A message scan interval of 0 is now taken to mean that messages should not be checked unless one is expected.

218374 - View Messages does not select a default row after a delete

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: If you select a message in the message viewer and select the delete button the selected row is deleted and focus is lost. This makes deleting a number of messages into a fairly laborious process. When a selected row is deleted the application should highlight the row that is in the same place in the list as the old message was. An example is given in the Additional Information section.

Resolution: 'View Messages' now always selects an appropriate row after performing a delete.

213661 - java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero output to the Java Console

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The following error 'java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero' is output to the Java Console only and not in the application.

See Additional Information for specifics of the exception.

This occurs when 'Horizontally' or 'Vertically' options are selected from the Tile menu option in the Menu tab when no Widgets are displayed.

The exception is not output with Widgets selected.

Resolution: Protected against divide by zero has been implemented into the WidgetPane.

214770 - Not possible to revert changes to Options/Theme

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: The default option select in Theme is Metal, but clicking on it changes the theme distinctly. It is not possible to revert to the default theme without restarting CRIS.

Additionally, changes to the theme are not stored as a user preference. It is unlikely users will change the theme manually every time they start or use CRIS. Thus it is probably a useless feature.

Resolution: Themes menu has been removed from Options menu.

4.13 Patient

219883 - Consent validation when consent has not changed

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: cking (Chris King)

Description: For traced patients you are not allowed to update consent to blank. However it should be possible to save a traced patient with blank consent if it has not been updated manually.

Resolution: The validation performed when saving a patient will now allow consent to blank. The validation performed when updating consent remains as before where consent cannot be updated to blank if the patient is traced.

219411 - Don't list merged patients in duplicates screen

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Merged patients can appear in the duplicates page. It is not necessary to display merged patients on this page because merged patients have already been identified as duplicates and dealt with.

Resolution: Merged patients are no longer listed in the duplicate patients page.

219328 - Address length validation warning message.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: Entering an address that is too long causes a warning message to pop up. However the lengths of the different address lines allowed is not consistent.

Resolution: Validation and warning messages are now consistent across all 'Address' lines.

218421 - Cannot set DOD to blank

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: If you add a date of death to a patient in the patient details screen it cannot be removed.

Resolution: It is now possible to remove a date of death.

218221 - Reference number field is not disabled when a patient has been loaded.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: The reference number field in the patient search details at the top of the screen is not disabled when a patient has been loaded.

Resolution: The reference number field is only available when no patient is loaded. Once a patient has been loaded, this field is disabled.

217199 - Unnecessary database queries when attending event

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: When attending an event there is a query re-selecting the patient that could be removed.

Resolution: Saving of patient records is now slightly faster.

218623 - Circular Link in Merge Chain

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: It is possible to create a circular merge chain in CRIS if both the patients to be merged are already loaded in different instances of CRIS.

Resolution: User is now warned that a merge has already been performed when attempting to create a circular merge chain.

217062 - Match page for duplicate but merged patients.

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: If you try to load a patient where there are other patients with the same NHS or CHI numbers then a list of these duplicates is shown allowing you to choose which one to select.

However this list also includes patients who have already been merged and if the user selects the merged patient and presses new event the new event is added to the merged patient.

Resolution: The new event button now always checks the merge chain for the currently selected patient, to make sure the new event is added to the correct patient, rather than patients that have already been merged.

216757 - Incorrect patient age

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The patient age displayed in the search bar displays an incorrect age if the patient was born in a leap year and you load the patient on their birthday.

Resolution: Now calculates age correctly for dob's on leap years

217449 - Error in console when name validation fails

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: Entering a forename or surname that fails validation checks causes an exception to be displayed in the console.

Resolution: Exceptions are no longer logged for any validation failures associated with a PromptField.

4.14 Post Processing

219339 - Post Exam Projection details screening times and error messages.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: The Warning messages for Contrast and mAs are displayed twice when invalid values are entered.

Resolution: Now only one error dialog is displayed.

215921 - Minimized boxes on finished screen after going through post processing screens.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The Current Location, Destination and Mobility boxes under the porters heading in the finished screen are minimised when the screen resolution is set to the minimum level of 1024 x 768.

Resolution: Post Processing screen will now display porter fields correctly in 1024 * 768 with over 7 print doc names.

4.15 Printing

219686 - Printing of EDD when below cutoff and without fetal heartbeat

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: A new XR setting is required to control printing of EDD below the cutoff. This will only be read in the print format, not the application.

Resolution: The EDD can now be always printed, never printed, or printed depending on fetal heartbeat for gestational ages below the EDD validation cut-off for North West scan forms. This requires HSS to manually update the print format.

219572 - Exception setting page preconditions

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: An exception can appear in the console when adding conditions to individual pages in Print Setup, that have yet to be saved, and therefore do not already exist in the associated table displayed on the screen. This has a minor impact on work flow.

Resolution: An exception no longer appears in the console when adding conditions to individual pages in Print Setup when the page has not yet been saved.

215260 - EDD and Anatomy date should not be printed if foetal heartbeat is not seen

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Users do not want the EDD or anatomy scan date to print on obstetric reports if the foetal heartbeat is not seen.

Resolution: The EDD is no longer printed for North West forms if the gestational age is greater than 8 weeks and the fetal heartbeat is not present.

216183 - Obstetric rescan days not printing as configured

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The 4 XR settings that start with REPORT.ObsRescan are used to configure the date and title for the suggested rescan dates. These do not always appear on the printed report as configured.

Resolution: The rescan dates and titles are now consistent with the XR settings. This change requires the print formats to be updated by request.

217203 - Possible to create duplicate trust templates in Print Content Editor

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: It appears to be possible to add multiple exam sheets for the same exam and trust.

Resolution: The print content editor now checks for duplicates, regardless of what type of template is being created.

218459 - Add an extra print order to enable Referrer alphabetic printing

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: ntwist (Neil Twist)

Description: Within the batch print users have requested that the print order becomes Alphabetical when using the referrer batch print order.

The current Referrer batch print is printing is code order which makes the Referrers names seem random when printing

We need an extra print order adding for this.

Resolution: There are now two options for sorting by referrer from the one previous option. They are: Referrer Code Order and Referrer Name Order. The logic for the code order is unchanged and is as follows: the events are ordered by referrer type which is derived from the patient type, then all referrers are sorted by code and finally they are sorted in date typed order. The name order option orders by name regardless of patient type or GP Practice, then by date typed.

212538 - Allow 'No Printer' to be specified in printer setup

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: bcarroll (Ben Carroll)

Description: Allow printer setup to be set to "No Printer" for training so that trying to print anything does not produce any output or warnings. When the printer config is set to blank then warn the user when trying to print that no printout destination has been set. By default the printer setup should still be blank.

Resolution: 'No Printer' now available in printer configuration list. This option is required so that no errors, warnings or any visible indications are generated if a user selects something to be printed and there is no printer available to be used. This is particularly useful in a training environment. Leaving the printer setup blank will generate an error message if the user tries to print that type of document. The print preview option is still available where the example printout should be shown to the screen.

Trust Implementation Issues: After software update change printer config of each PC's to use "No Printer" option if users do not want an error message warning that printouts requested have no printer defined for printing.

216504 - Multilingual appointment letters

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: There is a need to store the patients preferred language. This language should be used when printing letters to be sent to the patient.

Resolution: A facility for non-English patient appointment letter printing has been added. There are no additional languages available with CRIS at this time. Translation must be done on request.

217036 - Blank second pages are sometimes printed

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: In the printing system, if there is too much text for a content area, an extra page is created. However in some cases, such as report printing, the second page doesn't contain any text.

Resolution: Blank reports and appointment letters will no longer be printed.

4.16 Reporting

219626 - Clearing a verified obstetric report gives a changed report warning

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: If CRIS is displaying a verified obstetric report, and the user presses the clear button, a Changed Report warning is displayed.

Resolution: No warning messages should appear when clearing down an unchanged event and report that contains a "_ANOMKM" exam. Also changing the scan reason should change form correctly.

216839 - No Scan reason error

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: There is now a facility to change an obstetric report to plain text. However if you do this and then change it back to an obs report and then back to plain text again you cant save the report without getting an error message.

Resolution: Unique constraint errors no longer occur when removing and readding a scan reason from an exam at reporting time.

217151 - Properties of re-verified reports

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: With a verified report, if a user unverifies one section and reverifies it, the Last Verified properties of all report sections are updated, not just the unverified section.

Resolution: CRIS now only updates the Last Verified properties of non-verified reports when verifying the reports on an event.

216155 - Missing legend text on printed obs graphs

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: ntwist (Neil Twist)

Description: If a pregnancy has had two foetuses and one was removed part way through the pregnancy then any subsequent graphs will still show sizing data for the removed foetus. They do not, however, display legend text explaining what the additional graph markers are.

Resolution: The data sequences are now used to generate the keys rather than the number of current foetuses.

217724 - Error saving obstetric report

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: Under some conditions, an error prevents the saving of an obstetric report.

Resolution: When a scan form is changed within a new or existing report, the changes can be saved without error.

200573 - After changing scan form typed text can be lost or ignored.

Reported in: 06.04 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: After changing the Obstetric scan form any changes or additions to the free text are lost.

Also the cursor can be moved to the non editable area at the bottom of the report where text entry is not possible until the cursor is moved back up the page slightly.

Resolution: Any new comment text is preserved if scan form is changed.

212177 - Batch verify dates used for addendum reports.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: cturner (chris turner)

Description: Currently the start and end date used in batch verify always selects the reports using the original reporting date. For addendum reports it would be more appropriate to use the date that the addendum was added rather than the date of the original report.

Resolution: When using batch verify to find a list of reports to verify, the start and end date criteria now applies to the date of last addendum for reports that are currently at an addendum status.

212379 - XR Setting REPORT.AutoText does not insert : in title

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: Exam titles inserted by REPORT.AutoText are formatted differently to titles inserted by alt-0 or dragon 'insert title'. The autotext titles lack a : which causes capitalisation problems with dragon.

Resolution: Formatting of auto text and text inserted via ALT is now consistent.

217714 - Unable to AUTO report

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: When using AUTO Report, you can enter the text however the SAVE button does not work unless you have the security setting AUTO_VER_OTH.

Resolution: Null pointer exceptions have been fixed when AUTO_VER_OTHER is not set.

217630 - No hover help for secretary user names

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: When a secretary has typed a report, there is no hover help over their code displayed on screen to show their full name. The only way to see who typed it is to use report properties box.

Resolution: Secretary name has been added to the tool tip on the reporting page header.

217220 - Report Viewer Size

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: The preference setting that records the users preferred size and location is only updated when the viewer is closed and not when it is resized. This means that if the viewer is re-sized or moved and then the user logs out without closing the viewer the new size and location is not stored and used when the viewer is re-opened.

Resolution: The report viewer now saves size and position when moved or resized.

217920 - End dated museum code selection

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: End dated museum codes can be selected and saved in the report finished page without warning.

Resolution: Museum codes can not now be selected if end dated.

217466 - Clear image on PACS when report viewer closes

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: Closing the report viewer should cause a DTI clear message to be sent so that the images displayed on the PACS are cleared.

Resolution: Now a clear image PACS message is sent when report viewer closes

4.17 Resource Management

217313 - Stack trace when repeating year

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Select an availability, repeat once with a period of a year. A warning message with a stack trace is produced (not a thrown exception). The repeat functions correctly.

Resolution: A stack trace is no longer produced as a result of repeating once with a period of a year. Additionally, repeating items more than two years in the future is now possible.

216109 - Resourcing restrictions not shown in Diary

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: When selecting an exam in the scratchpad or changed pad the slots are not coloured according to the availability of a resource.

Resolution: The diary room slot colouring now works in the situations where it did not before.

217324 - Resources list is inefficient and probably incorrect

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Some unexplained stack traces appear when loading the resources list.

Also, the database query is not efficient.

Resolution: The Resources List work list now works faster and more correctly.

217332 - No 'Hover help text' on Resources 'Week View' button in Diary screen.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: If the pointer is placed over the Resources 'Week View' button in the Diary screen a 'hover help text' should appear.

Resolution: There is now a hover help on the Resources Week View button.

4.18 Scanning

217268 - Adding documents to events with invalid FTP configuration

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: With invalid FTP configuration, if an document is added to an event, the image tab persists even though the image was not stored.

Resolution: Images and documents added to events where the terminal has invalid FTP or SFTP configuration will no longer remain on the event. A dialog will display indicating the upload has failed.

4.19 Self Check In

216785 - Confirmation message appear after change has been saved in Auto Check in Admin

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: Make a change in General tab of Auto Check in Admin screen, select Save. Then select Done, 'Changed Field' message is displaying 'Are you sure you wish to clear without saving? (Qty questions has changed).

Resolution: Confirmation message should appear after change has been saved in Auto Check in Admin

4.20 Sessions (MDT)

219920 - Error generated when delete and add actions without refresh for event in Session

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: In session management, add an action for an event in a session with some comments. Then delete the action and save the change without pressing refresh. Later add the action again and save the change. Error message is displayed and change is not saved.

Resolution: It is now possible to successfully add and remove actions without requiring refreshing.

219507 - Action completed date and time.

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Actions that have been marked as completed in session management do not show the date and time of completion on hover help when the value has been loaded from the database, only when the value has changed locally.

In addition, the time shown is always in 12 hour format, and this should be 24 hour format to better distinguish the actual time in question.

Resolution: When a completed action is loaded from the database, hovering the mouse over the completed checkbox in session management will now show the date and time it was marked as completed. In additional the format of the time is now 24 hour format, rather than 12 hour.

219376 - Session Management not fully refreshing

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: When you press refresh on the session management screen the currently selected session stays on the list regardless of what changes have been made to the filters.

Resolution: The currently selected session now only remains on the list if the selected filters permit.

219388 - Session event actions available with no event selected

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: It should not be possible to enter Checklist or Outcome actions unless you have an event selected.

These fields are enabled if you have a session selected and send the events to session management but have not yet added them to the session.

Resolution: It is no longer possible to enter Checklist or Outcome actions on a session unless you have an event selected. Previously the input fields would be available if a session was already selected in the session management module and events were being added to a session.

219389 - Session management hangs when no filters selected.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Outstanding actions tabs of session management hang when refresh is pressed without any filters set.

Resolution: The outstanding actions lists on the session management module now perform much better. This is due to only one SQL query being executed in order to return all the required data. Previously many different queries were executed to get the required data, and additional unnecessary data was also being returned.

217079 - Inactive buttons when adding events to sessions

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When you add events to a new session the buttons to send, report etc are not active until the session is re-loaded.

Resolution: When adding an event to a session, any currently selected event in the session management module is deselected.

It is then possible to select an event from the list of events already on the session (either before or after pressing the "Add" button) and press a button to perform the relevant action on the event selected in the event list.

211392 - Public sessions in session management.

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Sessions have been made more secure, so that only the users who are participants or the owner of a session can view the session in the session management module.

Sometimes sessions need to be visible by everyone, and it is impractical to add all users to the session. A tick box to make a session public / private is required.

Resolution: Sessions can now be public. These may be seen and modified by any Sessions user.

218025 - Disable list button on newly created sessions

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: An error message is displayed if a new session is created, assigned a stat key and the list button is pressed. The error message appears because the session does not currently have a session key.

Resolution: User is now warned if they try to use a stat to populate events in a session but the session has not been saved.

217477 - Integrity constraint violation in session management

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: If a session has a site and venue at that site set, the site can be changed without the venue field being blanked out. Pressing save then causes an integrity constraint to be violated as the venue does not exist at the specified site. It is possible to continue once a valid venue for the new site is selected, but the venue should be blanked out when the site changes.

Resolution: Changing the site on a session now blanks out the venue currently set. This allows the user to continue without an integrity constraint error that is not clear as to the reason why, and makes it clearer that a valid venue is no longer set against the session.

218002 - Auto switching between session management and main CRIS when windows minimised

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When either the CRIS window, or session management window is minimised, it isn't redisplayed when it should be. eg. Event is actioned (Vet, Dictate button etc.) does not bring up CRIS, and clear CRIS, add to session etc. does not bring up session management.

Resolution: The switching of windows between the session management module and main CRIS application now works successfully even when the target window is minimised.

217448 - Resend pre-admit from sessions module

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: Resending a pre-admit message via the sessions module does not send the message until the session start date. It should send the message straight away.

Resolution: Using the right click, resend pre-admit message from within the session management module now always sends the message with an immediate due date rather than the specified session date. Only when adding an event to a session does the message get sent with a due date a preconfigured number of days before the session date.

4.21 Setup Tables

219753 - Workgroup prompt table not displayed

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: cking (Chris King)

Description: Pressing F4 in the workgroup field does not display the prompt table with the workgroups retrieved fro the spine.

Resolution: The waiting dialog is no longer displayed when waiting for work groups from the spine. The work group prompt table will now be displayed.

214491 - Unable to filter on normal and limited table lookups

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: In the system --> stats --> StatsDatafields setup table there is a field called Lookup Name. This is not able to be searched using the text filter box when it is populated with a list of normal or limited tables.

Resolution: Prompt table filter now works correctly for 'Normal' and 'Limited' tables.

217054 - Workgroup setup unsaved changes warning

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: gglover (Gary Glover)

Description: In the workgroups set page (Tables Setup -> Places -> Workgroups) if you set the workgroup field to an invalid value either on a new or existing entry and press save, the save does not happen. However if after doing this you close the Workgroup table you no longer get the unsaved changes warning.

Resolution: An appropriate message is displayed to the user if the saving of a new record fails for any reason. When the table is closed, the user is warned appropriately if any unsaved data exists.

217231 - Local Referrers loading

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: If you set XR RECEPT.LoadSHAReferrers to No it only loads consultants local to your trust into memory. This is the normal setup.

If you set XR RECEPT.LoadSHAReferrers to Yes it tries to load all consultants in the Whole SHA but this does not seem to work properly.

Resolution: The XR setting RECEPT.LoadSHAReferrers has been removed.

218212 - Cannot set max patients in diary setup

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: When attempting to change the number of max patients in the diary setup, an error is displayed and the number cannot be changed.

Resolution: Can now set max patients in diary setup correctly.

217398 - Cant see group info in Staff table

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: User's cannot see groups data on the Staff setup page without clicking the Edit Groups button for each user they want to view groups data for. This information could be displayed on the page somewhere.

Resolution: Table column widths altered and mouse over tool tips implemented to enable cell data to be easily viewed.

218227 - NullPointerException when loading translation table

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: Open setup tables, select 'system' and then 'Translation Table'. A NullPointerException is thrown.

Resolution: The translation table can once again be opened without error.

217588 - Changing security access changes parent group

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: Changing the access value of an inherited security setting should not update the access of the setting in the group it is inherited from. Instead the modified security setting should be added to the group being modified with the chosen access value.

If the access of an inherited security setting is modified with the keyboard and enter is not pressed then the security setting will be updated in the parent group.

Resolution: Security access is now changed correctly when row is changed before saving.

217358 - No lookup table for XR setting AutoRefreshUnreportedList

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The XR setting REPORT.AutoRefreshUnreportedList has not been assigned the Yes/No lookup table.

Resolution: - The REPORT.AutoRefreshUnreportedList now has a Yes/No lookup.

217346 - Unexpected rebook exams warning message.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: In the appointments diary setup there is a warning message that tells users they need to re-book exams if they close a room slot that already has a booked exam.

When you close an empty slot you should not get this warning. However if you close an empty slot after closing a full slot you do get this message.

Resolution: Now should get the appropriate warning when a user closes a slot already booked in the diary setup. This warning should not appear if the slot is not booked.

4.22 Soft Forms

218461 - It is not possible to delete a soft form from the event forms page

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When attempting to delete a soft form from the event forms page, a message always pops up informing that the user doesn't have permission to delete the form. This is not actually true, even when the user has permission the data cannot be deleted due to the SQL statement being incorrect.

Resolution: - It is now possible to delete a soft form from the event forms page when the user has the relevant permission.

4.23 Spine

218596 - Hard coded ports in SSO

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: The default Oracle port of 1521 is hard coded into the hss.cris.ejb.server.SSOBean class, but we cannot guarantee that is the port that is being used to connect to the database, so this needs to be configurable.

In additional the driver is also hard coded which will have to change in future to enable postgres to work with single sign on.

The hostname is retrieved from a file, so it would be possible to change the hostname for a whole URL, enabling a connection to any URL in future.

SID is currently treated in a separate way, presumably to allow connections to train / test databases, so may not need to be in the configurable URL.

Resolution: The dbhost property has been removed from the conf/ file and new properties 'driverclass' and 'jdbcconnect' have been added. 'driverclass' is set to 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver' by default and 'jdbcconnect' is set to 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localHost:1521/' by default.

215756 - Override dissent screens are not displayed on orders

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: bcarroll (Ben Carroll)

Description: If a patient is loaded with an order that has restricted details as they have not consented to data sharing, pressing change on the order displays the details, without displaying any override consent screens.

Resolution: Consent override dialogs now displayed before event details are displayed.

4.24 Statistics

219632 - Missing ULTRAOUTC folder description

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: The ULTRAOUTC folder in statistics does not have a description on the hover help.

Resolution: The ULTRAOUTC folder in the statistical reporting module now has a hover help description which reads "Outcome report data for obstetrics".

200526 - Regular expressions in statistics

Reported in: 06.04 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: We could do with some more complex regular expressions being allowed in statistics. At the moment we have the wildcard character and enumerations of the wildcard characters, however we don't have character classes such as punctuation, digit, alphanumeric etc.

Resolution: Stats now uses more advanced Oracle regular expressions.

Using the in and ex operators allows the following Posix, Anchoring and Quantifier Characters


[:alnum:] Alphanumeric characters

[:alpha:] Alphabetic characters

[:blank:] Blank Space Characters

[:cntrl:] Control characters (nonprinting)

[:digit:] Numeric digits

[:graph:] Any [:punct:], [:upper:], [:lower:], and [:digit:] chars

[:lower:] Lowercase alphabetic characters

[:print:] Printable characters

[:punct:] Punctuation characters

[:space:] Space characters (nonprinting), such as carriage return, newline, vertical tab, and form feed

[:upper:] Uppercase alphabetic characters

[:xdigit:] Hexidecimal characters


^ Anchor the expression to the start of a line

$ Anchor the expression to the end of a line


* Match 0 or more times

? Match 0 or 1 time

+ Match 1 or more times

{m} Match exactly m times

{m,} Match at least m times

{m, n} Match at least m times but no more than n times

\n Cause the previous expression to be repeated n times

Changing the operator of a field to in or ex allows case sensitive text to be typed, however a case insensitive search is performed. Changing the operator to anything other than in or ex will force uppercase text to be entered.

215669 - output 'width' should be changed to 'length'

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The width specified in the output section of a stat is actually a length and should probably be labelled as such.

Resolution: Stats output selection 'width' changed to 'length'.

217612 - NoClassDefFoundError when running a stat.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: When the XR Setting of SPINE.LRLogStatsView is set to yes, running a stat results in a NoClassDefFound error and the stat doesn't complete.

Resolution: It is now possible to run stats successfully when the XR Setting of SPINE.LRLogStatsView is set to yes, and the stat is outputting patient sensitive data.

217544 - Filter "Available" stats fields

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: A filter to search the list of available stats fields would help users search for the fields they require.

Pressing control and "F" should take the focus into the search field, and the list of fields should be filtered after each key is pressed in the field. It should be a case insensitive search, and filter the fields on both the displayed short description, as well as the longer hover help description.

Pressing return in the field should expand all folders currently displayed, unless the filter field is empty, in which case the folders should be collapsed.

All tabs that contain a tree of available fields should have this ability to filter the fields.

Resolution: There is now a filter to search the list of available stats on the Selections, Output Fields, Total Lines, Group Data By and Order By tabs in the stats module.

Pressing control and "F" takes the focus into the search field, and the list of fields displayed is filtered after each key press. It is a case insensitive search, and filters the fields that match the filter on both the displayed short description, as well as the longer hover help description.

Pressing return in the filter field expands all folders currently displayed, unless the filter field is empty, in which case the folders are all collapsed.

217081 - EXAM Modality F4 lookup not available.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: In statistics the F4 prompt for EXAMS Modality field does not show modality codes.

Resolution: The F4 lookup on EXAMS.Modality in statistics is now once again implemented.

4.25 Stats Scheduler

210282 - Separate database for stats reports.

Reported in: N/A Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: There is a chance that the stats could be required to run against a separate "Reporting" database, rather than running on the live server. As stats currently gets a new connection to the database each time a stat is run, it should be reasonably easy to specify an ip / url or a database to connect to when trying to run a stat. The user and password credentials will have to be replicated on each box to work 100% of the time.

Resolution: It is now possible to configure the stats scheduler to run queries against a second database, which could be designed specifically for reporting. The concept is that this database will be a complete copy of the live database and will be synchronised each night. This should allow large queries to be run against this database, reducing the load on the live server. The scheduler connects to the live database for all but the main stat queries which take a long time. There will therefore be no visible difference to the users, apart from the current days data not being present in the results.

Running a stat locally on the PC rather than through the scheduler will still run the query against the live database and therefore contain all current data.

4.26 Vetting

219864 - Adding resource on vetting page can blank out details entered.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: It is possible for any details entered on the vetting page to be blanked out when adding a resource via the resource module.

Resolution: Adding resource on vetting page now does not blank out details entered.

218686 - Exception in vetting protocol tree

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: The protocol tree does not draw due to an exception. This is possibly due to bad data, e.g. null codes.

Resolution: It is now no longer possible to save a protocol with a blank name. Right clicking, entering the protocol setup page, and attempting to save a protocol with a blank name now displays an error message and the protocol is not saved.

If an existing protocol name is blank, then the protocol tree is still displayed, and the protocol itself can be selected, edited, and given a name.

214567 - Oracle error message re: Unable to save Vetting Protocol

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: It would be nice if the error message displayed when creating a new Protocol that exceeds the number of characters in the free text Booking Notes field was more user friendly and not an ORACLE warning message. Currently it reads:

Failed to save Vetting Protocol - ORA-12899 value to large for column "HEAD","CRIS_VETTINGPROTOCOL_TBL"."BOOKING_NOTES" (actual 2291, maximum 2048)

Resolution: - Exception handling for all ORA-12899 exceptions has been improved to provide a clearer message if presented to the user.

4.27 Voice Recognition

218730 - Dragon user profile should be saved at end of report

Reported in: 06.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: cturner (chris turner)

Description: The training and correction in Dragon voice profiles seems to be forgotten between reports.

Resolution: Dragon user profiles are now saved when clearing, saving or verifying a report.

4.28 Worklists

219989 - Reported by in report info list filters

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: The reported by field in the report info list filters is prefixed with a space when the filter profile is created.

Resolution: Reported by in report info list filters now will not have blank space prefixing the clinician code.

219716 - New report info list filter profile not saving correctly

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: When you create a new filter profile the parameters for the date range are not saved properly.

Resolution: New report info list filters now correctly save any selected date ranges.

219711 - Unreported list does not query for unallocated reports

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: The unreported list does not execute any queries and hence update the list if the unalloctaed check box is selected and the reported by field is blank.

Resolution: The unreported list now queries regardless of whether the reported by field is blank or not.

219292 - All exams on the Orders list are grey

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: All orders on the orders list have grey exam codes. The only reason the exam codes should be grey when the rest of the row is not is for saved events that have a status of rejected.

Resolution: Exam codes on the orders list are again red.

219391 - Unprocessed list refreshing when event selected

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: When you select an event on the unprocessed list and press process CRIS loads the event and refreshes the unprocessed list.

Resolution: The unprocessed list is no longer refreshed when an event is processed.

217820 - Referral Source and Patient Type filters

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mcarter (Mick Carter)

Description: There is a need for the ability to filter all lists by "Patient Type" and "Referral Source".

Resolution: The following: day list, vetting list, request list, orders, dictation list, waiting list, appointments and unprocessed list now have filters that include "Patient Type" and "Referral Source".

215784 - Reloading data on worklists after changing a filter.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: On worklists such as "Outstanding Orders" or "Daylist" the data on these lists is refreshed automatically each time a user changes one of the filter values.

If the user changes one of the date values using the date calendar selector (double click on a date field) then this can cause the data to be refreshed more than once. This is causing needless database overhead.

Resolution: When changing filter values in work lists many database queries were being performed reducing efficiency. In order to increase efficiency the auto update of lists when a filter is changed has been removed. A manual list update with the list/refresh button is now required. In order to remind a user that this is required the text on the list/refresh button will now pulse red indicating it should be pressed to apply any changes to display filters. The button need not be pressed until all changes to filters have been made.

217315 - Rooms lookup does not refresh when site is changed to blank

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: On worklists such as the Resources List or Day List, the lookup for room can display a list of rooms that you might not expect when the site filter on the list is left blank. CRIS will display the list of rooms for the site last entered in the site field rather than default to your current site. The room prompt list expects the site field to be filled in.

Resolution: The rooms lookup is now refreshed when site is changed to blank. Additionally, if the selected site has no rooms, the lookup is now blank instead of listing the rooms of the current site.

218797 - Number of untyped dictations on dictation list

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: sjennings (Steven Jennings)

Description: The number of untyped dictations on the dictation list is 0 the first time the list is opened. If the dictation list is closed and reopened the number of dictations is displayed correctly.

Resolution: The number of untyped dictations on the dictation list now displays the correct number of dictations the first time you load the dictation list, immediately after starting CRIS. Previously this would normally read 0.

216384 - Delete Dictation does not remove speaker icon without reload

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: Delete Dictation does not remove speaker icon without reload

Resolution: Dictated icon is now correctly deleted when a dictation is deleted from the right click menu in the event list.

217154 - Auto Select Next Event checkbox label used incorrect case

Reported in: 2.07.12 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mstevenson (Matthew Stevenson)

Description: Auto Select Next Event on the Option panel off the Unreported tab of the Report Info List should use title Case ("Auto Select Next Event") like every other item on the Options panel not sentence case ("Auto select next event").

Resolution: 'Auto select next event' now reads 'Auto Select Next Event'.

217822 - Retain sort order between refresh

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: mwarren (Mark Warren)

Description: Sort order must be retained on work lists after refresh of the list. (pressing the "List" button)

Add small icon to reset sort order (e.g. at top left of table)

Resolution: All worklists now retain sort order whilst displayed. Refreshing the list will retain sort order. A reset sort button has been added to remove the sort preference.

216952 - query for total untyped dictation count and length can execute twice in a row

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10b Resolved by: bcarroll (Ben Carroll)

Description: The query that gets the total untyped dictation count and length can execute twice in a row.

Resolution: Query can now only execute once.

5. Known Issues

This section provides a list of outstanding issues in this version of CRIS.

5.1 Known Issue Summaries

5.1.1 Diary

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|216923 |- |Using Diary changed pad and search forward. |- |- |

5.1.2 Dictation

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|214961 |- |dictation playback controls use wrong symbol |- |- |

|219561 |- |Dictation Addeddum Icon removed |- |- |

|219091 |- |Dictate a future attended event |- |- |

5.1.3 Event Details

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|214657 |- |Error messages when converting orders to requests etc refer to 'could not save |- |- |

| | |attendance'. | | |

|219332 |- |Cannot change room once report is verified |- |- |

5.1.4 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|213321 |- |CRIS not closing PACS images |- |- |

|216972 |- |Unclosed connection in patient manager |- |- |

|215436 |- |Prevent the interface from trying to send non ascii characters |- |- |

5.1.5 Post Processing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|220052 |- |Unable to save two separate practitioners within post processing |- |- |

5.1.6 Reporting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|212050 |- |Batch Auto Report/Track screen is inadvertently closed when loading an event from |- |- |

| | |the Report Info List | | |

|213107 |- |Interface problem with Flexiform Codes |- |- |

5.1.7 Setup Tables

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218863 |- |Translation table not saving changes |- |- |

5.1.8 Statistics

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|212292 |- |Stats report viewer doesn't handle ~( |- |- |

|210621 |- |~ is not handled the same in stats as in reporting. |- |- |

5.1.9 Voice Recognition

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218587 |- |Wrong profiles loaded/saved |- |- |

5.1.10 Worklists

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|218710 |- |Rep. By. of report info list filter profile set to false |- |- |

5.2 Known Issue Details

5.2.1 Diary

216923 - Using Diary changed pad and search forward.

Reported in: 2.09.10

Description: If a user selects an exam on the diary changed pad and presses the search forward option the changed appointment values are not reflected in the displayed details for the exam on the changed pad. This use case is not an expected way of using CRIS.

5.2.2 Dictation

214961 - dictation playback controls use wrong symbol

Reported in: 06.12

Description: The dictation playback controls on the report editor or the report viewer uses the wrong symbol. When you press play the play arrow is replaced by a black circle to represent the fact that this button now functions as a stop button. The symbol for a stop button is a square. A (red) circle is used to mark a record button.

219561 - Dictation Addendum Icon removed

Reported in: 06.12

Description: The dictation addendum icon can be removed if the ftp to get the addended dictation fails and then the patient is cleared.

219091 - Dictate a future attended event

Reported in: 06.12

Description: It is possible to dictate an event that has been attended in the future. This is inconsistent with the report editor where it is not possible to report an event attended in the future.

5.2.3 Event Details

214657 - Error messages when converting orders to requests etc refer to 'could not save attendance'.

Reported in: 06.12

Description: If an error occurs while trying to save a request the error displayed can refer to problems saving the attendance.

The error message may confuse and compound the issue as it states 'could not save attendance' when the end user is actually trying to Add a request!

219332 - Cannot change room once report is verified

Reported in: 06.12

Description: If you do not have the GENERAL.CHANGE_VERIFY security setting it is not possible to change the room on an exam after the report has been verified.

5.2.4 Interfaces

213321 - CRIS not closing PACS images

Reported in: 06.12

Description: In some instances CRIS does not close the images in PACS. When the user is reporting, when they click verify or finish, the PACS viewer does not receive a DTI message. This is not a problem when working through a worklist, as the viewer opens the next patient's images. But when they get to the end, or verify an individual patient's report, the images are left on the screen.

216972 - Unclosed connection in patient manager

Reported in: 06.12

Description: Interfaces can fail to save patient because the hospital number is assigned to an existing CRIS patient. This results in an unclosed connection.

215436 - Prevent the interface from trying to send non ascii characters

Reported in: 06.12

Description: CRIS allows the sending of non-ascii characters in an interface message to which will be rejected by the PACS.

The chances of sending this are slim, but never the less, shouldn't be possible.

5.2.5 Post Processing

220052 - Unable to save two separate practitioners within post processing

Reported in: 2.07.12

Description: On a multi exam event it is not possible to save different practitioners for the different exams in the post processing details.

5.2.6 Reporting

212050 - Batch Auto Report/Track screen is inadvertently closed when loading an event from the Report Info List

Reported in: 06.12

Description: The Batch Auto Report/Track screen is inadvertently closed when selecting an Unreported event from the Report Info list (double clicking the Event or selecting Change).

213107 - Interface problem with Flexiform Codes

Reported in: 06.12

Description: Flexiform codes cannot be the same as the examination code they are assigned to.

If they are and they are put into the examsperhospital table, it does not take into account that they are for a specific sites and will generate an interface message containing the flexiform headers for any site the same examination code is used at.

5.2.7 Setup Tables

218863 - Translation table not saving changes

Reported in: 06.12

Description: It is not possible to change the CRIS code or Foreign code for an entry in the translation table setup.

5.2.8 Statistics

212292 - Stats report viewer doesn't handle ~(

Reported in: 06.12

Description: The stats report viewer doesn't handle ~( well. If a matching closing bracket is found then only the details contained within the brackets is missing from the output when viewed in the viewer, however if there is a ~( with no matching bracket, the viewer displays nothing.

210621 - ~ is not handled the same in stats as in reporting.

Reported in: 06.12

Description: When using ~ in a report, single ~ are displayed as single tilda, and double tilda is also displayed as single tilda. This is true for all cases that are not control characters. The viewer for stats has not been changed to reflect this however, and so is inconsistent with the report view.

5.2.9 Voice Recognition

218587 - Wrong profiles loaded/saved

Reported in: 06.12

Description: It is possible for a user to get the wrong VR profile loaded and assigned to them.

If the users profile is corrupt then VR will fail to load that profile and load the previous profile loaded.

5.2.10 Worklists

218710 - Rep. By. of report info list filter profile set to false

Reported in: 2.09.10

Description: If a filter profile on the report info list has a Rep. By. saved then the Rep. By. field on the report info lists page works fine. If that profile is then saved after removing the Rep. By., the next time the profile is used, "FALSE" is displayed in the Rep. By. field instead of blank.


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