Contrast Baths - Hartman Hand


Contrast Baths

Swelling from an injury is called edema. It is a natural part of the healing process, but too much edema interferes with a quick recovery.

Edema decreases the nutritional flow to vessels, nerves, joints and muscles. Without proper nutrition, healing is slowed, tissues swell and become stiff.

The purpose of the contrast bath is to relax the blood vessels in warm water and contract them in cool water. This process will allow greater nutritional flow and acts as a “pump” to reduce the edema and soothe tissue pain.


1. Prepare two basins or pails of water, which will cover the swollen or painful area.

2. One basin will contain warm water (100-110 degrees).

3. The other basin will contain the cool water (55-65 degrees).

4. The treatment protocol is indicated below:

Warm water 2 minutes

Cool water 1 minute

Warm water 2 minutes

Cool water 1 minute

Warm water 2 minutes

8 minutes total

You can perform this before or after other assigned exercises. Perform ______ times daily.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 585-924-3642.


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