Course Planner - post-16 - Edexcel, BTEC, LCCI and EDI

GCSE English Language 2010 Fast-track One Year Course Planner

|Term 1 |Texts |Assessment |

| | | | |

|Unit 1 Non-fiction Reading and Writing (Controlled assessment) |Unit 1 continued |Edexcel Unit 1 pre-release |Obtain the Edexcel Unit 1 controlled assessment |

|Develop skills of reading analysis via pre-released texts. |Writing short texts for film or web page to |texts |pre-release texts from |

|Identify key points |inform/advise/explain/persuade |Unit 2 prose text | choose English Language |

|Audience and purpose |Audience, register and purpose | |specification or cut and paste link below into your web|

|Presentational devices |Structure and form | |browser address bar: |

|Language |Ideas and planning | |

|Selecting details and comparing | | |ge/Pages/default.aspx |

|Speaking and Listening – conduct first assessment by the end of term |Unit 2 The Writer’s Voice (Exam) | | |

| |Introduce text and skills | |Set, mark and moderate the Unit 1 |

| |Read chosen text | |Tasks |

| |Refer to Edexcel support on Teach-it | | |

| | | |See your Exams officer Dec/Jan about exam entries for |

| | | |June. |

|Term 2 |

|Unit 2 The Writer’s Voice (Exam): | | |Obtain Edexcel Unit 3 controlled assessment tasks from |

|Continue with text |Unit 3 Spoken Language (Controlled assessment) | | choose English Language |

|Clarify format and scope of Language questions |Introduce the study of spoken language | |specification or cut and paste link below into your web|

|Practise exam techniques |Teach the differences between spoken conversational language and | |browser address bar: |

|structured questions |scripted language by using examples from | |

|Develop writing skills for practical writing |various sources such as YouTube, TV, radio, phone-ins, sound archives, | |ge/Pages/default.aspx |

|Planning |Edexcel resource bank CD-Rom etc | | |

|Audience and purpose |Students analyse and compare: form, purpose, formality, influence | | |

|Structure and organisation |Students use Edexcel resource bank or create at least TWO examples for| | |

|Vocabulary and register |use in Controlled Assessment | | |

|Use of rhetoric | | | |

|Range and variety of sentences/structures | | | |

|Paragraphing and cohesive devices | | | |

| | | | |

|Speaking and listening – conduct second assessment by the end of this | | | |

|term | | | |

|Term 3 | | | |

| | | | |

|Unit 3 Spoken Language(Controlled assessment) |Unit 2 The Writer’s Voice (Exam) | |Submit online internally moderated marks for Units 1 |

|Focus on scripting : |Reading revision: Use past papers to time | |and 3, including Speaking and Listening |

|Story and script genres |Practical Writing revision: Use past papers to time | |Sit Unit 2 examination May/June. |

|Dialogue/monologue | | | |

|Speaking and listening – conduct the third assessment by the end of | | | |

|this term | | | |



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