APUSH - Weebly

APUSH Unit 9 Review Mr. Evans


- Immigration

- Population

- Annual Production of Goods

- Role of Women and Children

- Investment income and growth pains

- Abundant Natural Resources

Rail Road Revolution

- Connecting geographical markets

- Concern:

- Few integrated Lines – originally

- Developers thought in Regional Terms

- Over built in old developed areas and scarce tracks in newly settled country

- Consolidators

- J. Edgar Thompson

- Cornelius Vanderbilt

- William Vanderbilt

- Double Tracking

- Time Zones

Robber Barons v. Captains of Industry

- Erie Gang

Transcontinental Railroad

- The Pacific Railway Act

- Union Pacific

- Patties – Irish

- Central Pacific

- Chinese – Gang System

- Promontory Point, Utah

- Golden Spike

- California Rail Roads

- The Big Four


- Grievances with Rail Road

- Short Haul Rates v. Long Haul Rates

- Availability of trains

- Silo Rental

- Patrons of Husbandry

- Grange

- Oliver H. Kelley

- Granger Laws

- Greenback Party

- Cooperatives

- Munn v. Illinois

- Walbash v. Illinois

- Grange Fails

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- Farm Alliances

- Interstate Commerce Act

- Interstate Commerce Commission – ICC

- Courts

J. P. Morgan

- Interlocking Directorate

Technological Revolution

- Gallaudet University

- Thomas Gallaudet

- Alexander Graham Bell

- Telephone

- AT&T

- Women’s Role

- Typewriter

- Christopher Latham Sholes

- Remington Arms company

- Thomas Alva Edison

- Wizard of Menlo Park

- Patents

- Light Bulb

- Harvey Firestone

- Vulcanization – Rubber

- George Westinghouse

- GE General Electric - (Edison)

- Cyrus McCormick

- Mechanical Reaper

- International Harvester Company

- Elisha Otis

- Safety Hoister

- Steel – Effects

- Gustavus Swift

- refrigerated rail way car

- Steel

- Bessemer Method (system)

- Sir Henry Bessemer

- Andrew Carnegie

- William “Pig Iron” Kelley

- Andrew Carnegie

- J. Edgar Thompson Works

- Vertical Integration

- J.P. Morgan

- United States Steel Corporation

APUSH Unit 9 Review Page 3


- First Colonies

- Way to defer risk

- Jacksonian Era

- Corporation Laws

- Civil War

- Courts guaranteed – Limited Liability

- Santa Clara County v. The Southern Pacific Railroad 1886

- 14th Amendment – Corporation is a person

- John D. Rockefeller

- Horizontal Integration/Consolidation

- Standard Oil and Trust

- Age of Trust

- American Tobacco v. U.S., 1911

- James Duke

- Sherman Antitrust Act

- U.S. v. E.C. Knight, 1894

- Sugar Trust Case

American Aristocracy

Alexis de Tocqueville

- Corporate Aristocracy

Theodore Veblen

- Conspicuous consumption

- Conspicuous waste

Henry George

- Single Tax

- Progress and Poverty

- Unearned increment

Edward Bellamy

- Looking Backward

- Nationalist Clubs

- Socialistic

Henry Demarest Lloyd

- Wealth against Commonwealth

The Social Gospel

- Walter Rauschenbusch

- Washington Gladden

The Success Gospel

- Bourgeois virtues

- Russell B. Conwell

Horatio Alger

- Ragged Dick

Social Darwinism

- Herbert Spencer

- Law of the Jungle

- William Graham Sumner

- Lester Frank Ward


- Charles Pierce

- William James


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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