Stowe School Risk Assessment

RISK ASSESSMENT For: Site shut down due to CoVID-19

Date of Assessment: 16 June 2020 Date of Review: 31 July 2020 (or sooner if required)

The following assessment has been created to cover Stowe School employees (Operational and Teaching staff), residents and site security/ property due to the pandemic CoVID-19. From Monday 15th June additional Government easing of the restrictions for none essential retail, though the site will remain shut down from many normal working practices.

To ensure compliance and the safety of site residents and limited ‘Staff’ (who have been designated to attend the site) the risk assessment sets out current hazards and controls measures. Staff must have gained permission to attend the site from the Headmaster/ Director of Operations/Deputy Headmaster (MDGW), and an assessment of their work needs (if it is not possible to complete their job of work from home) must be made.

As this is unprecedented times, this risk assessment can change (possibly daily) as the Government send out updated guidance and advice to reduce the spread of CoVID-19. If additional staff start to attend the site for work, and staff numbers increase then areas/ rooms/ buildings/ departments and activities will need to be looked at individual risk assessments to ensure precautions and social distancing can be observed. The Government are currently reviewing the 2-metre rule for Social distancing, at this moment it remains the same.

The health and welfare of staff who are working at home and/ or have been furloughed for this period of time should also be considered. It is important that clear communications are sent out to them from line managers and as a community they are encouraged to kept up to date/in touch with each other personally (by social media/ emails/ phone calls/newsletters, the VLE etc).

|Activity/ |What are the |What Risks do they pose and to |Risk |What existing control measures are in place to reduce |Risk Level |What further action / control |Date to complete |

|Process/ |Hazards to Health and Safety |whom? |Level |the risk? |Achieved |measures are still required to reduce|further action: |

|Operation | | |H/M/L | |H/M/L |the risk | |

| |Limited cleaning staff/ cross|Increased spread of communicable |M |Staff have access to wipes and hand gel (Vanbrugh, |L |Plug street & Dobinson passage & | |

| |contamination |diseases | |Leoni, Art, Music school, MFL entrances). Designated | |StoweBucks, Music and Art disabled | |

| | | | |washrooms to be used only. 3 members of the Housekeeping| |toilets open only. | |

| | |Poor hygiene conditions in wash | |Dept will do these essential areas | | | |

| | |rooms (washrooms closed and limited| |(handles/doors/toilets high maintenance areas). | |If staff come to site and work in any| |

| | |cleaning) | |Handwashing advice to be followed by all staff as per | |other building then they must contact| |

| | | | |government guidance. | |RD for a supply of gel and wipes. | |

| | |Running out of soap and hand gel | |Staff are responsible for cleaning their own areas and | | | |

| | | | |areas that they touch/ work in from wipes provided. | | | |

| | |Risk to staff | | | | | |

| |Lone working and Personal |Checking Water quality |H |Estates staff on site during the working day (Monday to |M |Radios will be held by depts and will|Daily |

| |safety | | |Friday) to look at any emergencies. | |be used to keep in touch/ | |

| | |Working remotely in buildings | |Maintenance staff have a program of work to walk around | |emergencies. | |

| |Welfare provision reduced | | |the buildings to carry out compliance checks (water | |From 27/5/20 all departments will go | |

| | |No provision for food | |hygiene(Legionella RA) and room safety (including | |back to using the designated radio | |

| | | | |lighting/ water leaks/ property damage etc). During such| |channel – Security are still on | |

| | |Heating shut down | |time staff/residents may be asked to leave the rooms for| |channel 1 for any emergency. *** | |

| |Hot desk working within the | | |short time to allow the compliance checks to take place.| | | |

| |common room |Risk to staff | | | |Wednesday is full site fire alarm | |

| | | | |Emergency call out procedures still in place as normal, | |testing day. | |

| | | | |cover provided by AS/RP/JE. | | | |

| | | | |All STAFF must enter and exit via the Security Cabin so | | | |

| | | | |that they can be recorded as on site. | | | |

| | | | |STAFF will be asked to provide their own meals (drinking| | | |

| | | | |water available) and to personally clean all areas they | | | |

| | | | |use for food preparation. | | | |

| | | | |Security will provide limited access to the Mansion | | | |

| | | | |building, keys can be collected from Security. | | | |

| | | | |Staff must not hot desk in the Common room. They will | |Observe 2-metre social distancing at | |

| | | | |have access to their own commuters in their office | |the Security Cabin by staying outside| |

| | | | | | |(or in car through window) | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Noted in the staff bulletin | |

| |Lack of first aid staff/ |Illness or injury during work |M |First aiders on site will be shift and time dependant. |L |If these staff are off site then 999 | |

| |provision |activity | |Currently during the normal working day at least 1 | |should be called (evening shifts) | |

| |HP | | |member of operations staff will be on site who is first | | | |

| |RD/RP/BS |Risk to staff | |aid trained. Radio access to staff on site to call for | | | |

| |Security - NC/ KC/ PG/MM/SH | | |assistance channel 1 or Security internal 8228. | | | |

| |Fire within a building |Entrapment |H |Fire precautions system fully running throughout all the|L |HMO residents have been asked to | |

| | |Burns possible death | |site buildings. | |self-test weekly and inform AS that | |

| | | | |Fire alarm to be monitored by Security team 24/7. | |this has been completed. | |

| | |Risk to staff and residents | |Weekly fire alarm testing to take place (Wednesdays). | |Statutory contracted checks will be | |

| | | | |All staff to follow the normal School evacuation | |continued to ensure compliance with | |

| | | | |procedures if the alarms sounds (Teaching staff must | |fire regulations and the Schools | |

| | | | |tell security what buildings they are working in). | |ability to reopen without delay when | |

| | | | |Some classrooms and offices have been closed down (plugs| |required. | |

| | | | |turned off), windows and doors closed and buildings | | | |

| | | | |locked. | | | |

| | | | |Where staff work in rooms (Offices/ classrooms), they | | | |

| | | | |should be left at the end of the working day with doors/| | | |

| | | | |windows closed/ locked and secure. | | | |

| |Burst pipes |Damage to property |M |Presence of RP/AS to undertake regular building checks |L |House teams have been asked to carry | |

| |Electrical faults |Flood/ electrical failure etc | |(BMS/Boilers/ electrical systems/ water clarity) and | |out a weekly walk round of the rooms.| |

| |Adverse weather conditions |Risk to residents/staff working on | |site walk rounds. | |Where they are not on-site RP/AS will| |

| | |site | |Windows and doors in buildings not in use have been | |undertake. | |

| | | | |closed/ locked. | | | |

|Residents living on site |Accessing the grounds and |Using the Gym/Pool/Golf course |M |The NT gardens will be open to the public from 02/06/20 |L |Residents presenting symptoms should | |

| |School buildings | | |on a booking system. Stowe colleagues can access the | |notify their line manager so that | |

| | |Risk to all persons on site | |grounds as long as they observe the 2-metre rule and the| |they self-isolate as required in the | |

| | | | |government guidance for social distancing from other | |Government guidance for ****Test and | |

|Stowe Staff visiting site | | | |families. As adults the residents and staff are | |Trace. | |

| | | | |responsible for complying with this requirement. The | |Signage in place on the gym doors for| |

|Prospective Parents/ | | | |sports buildings are shut down and should not be | |no access. | |

|pupils visiting the site/ | | | |accessed (Gym/Drayson Hall/fives and squash | |During the use of the outside sports | |

|Boarding House | | | |courts/Swimming Pool). | |facilities Staff, as adults, must | |

| | | | |Residents and staff have been offered the use of the | |abide by the Governments social | |

|New pupils visiting the | | | |outside sports spaces, this will be coordinated by the | |distancing guidelines | |

|School shop | | | |Director of Sports. Separate RA in place. | | | |

| |Inviting visitors and guests |Spread of CoVID-19 |M |To comply with the Government Personal visitors to |L |**Where parents do not live in the | |

| |Additional staff family |Breach of Government guidance | |residents’ houses must not take place. | |same household, children under 18 can| |

| |members* | | |STAFF are not permitted to bring siblings/ spouses to | |be moved between their parents’ | |

| | |Risk to all STAFF staff/ residents | |work/ site with them without a separate RA in place. | |homes. | |

| | |on site | |Residents must follow the Government guidance with other| | | |

| | | | |families on site, 6 people can meet outside providing | |From 15th June 20 single person | |

| | | | |those from different households strictly observe social | |residents can choose a family/ | |

| | | | |distancing. | |household ‘bubble’ to stay with | |

| | | | |Golf course risk assessment in place. | |overnight, and social distancing is | |

| | | | |Use of outdoor Sports facilities in place. | |relaxed. | |

| | | | |School shop access risk assessment in place – all | | | |

| | | | |parents/ pupils must make an appointment to visit the | | | |

| | | | |school shop. | | | |

| | | | |Prospective Parent/ pupils risk assessment and | | | |

| | | | |procedures document in place. All visits are by | | | |

| | | | |appointment. | | | |

| |Loss of basic living |Loss of power/gas/water etc. |H |Estates to be on site during the working day to look at |L |Key staff to monitor (Security) and | |

| |facilities | | |any emergencies and to keep the basic facilities | |maintain (Estates) the fire alarm | |

| | |Risk to all residents | |working. Emergency call out procedures still in place. | |system. | |

| |Fire within the building | | |The fire precaution system is running 100%. If the alarm| |Fire alarm testing in residential | |

| | | | |is activated residents and staff must follow the School | |properties will commence 17/6/20 – | |

| | | | |procedures. | |individual RA in place. | |

| | | | |Buildings/ rooms have been closed down and where not in | | | |

| | | | |use electrical equipment turned off/ unplugged. | | | |

|Site security |Visitors access to the site |Theft of items and property / |H |NT gardens open to public visitors from 02/06/20 – |M |Any required deliveries (waste | As required |

| | |property damage | |signage at the front gate and in the grounds that the | |management/ post) security will be | |

| |Residents inviting visitors | | |Mansion remains closed. | |informed from RP. | |

| |to their residents |Residents and staff personal safety| |Security patrol on site that is mobile. | |The main road has a public bridal way| |

| | | | |CCTV in operation on site. | |and members of the public will still | |

| |Residents/ staff using the |Spread of CoVID-19 | |Buildings to be locked down and checked daily. Where | |access the site (as daily exercise). | |

| |School facilities (pool/ Golf| | |STAFF require entry to rooms to work they will either | |Security are aware of this risk and | |

| |course/ tennis/ squash |Risk to all on site and Parents/ | |have a key (so they are responsible for unlocking/ | |are making regular mobile patrols. | |

| |courts) |pupils | |securing the building), or request in advance the | | | |

| | | | |building to be opened. Security will not have the man | | | |

| |Teaching staff accessing the | | |power to constantly open and close buildings. | | | |

| |site | | |Security Cabin manned 24/7. Barrier to be down and | | | |

| | | | |visitors stopped on entry. | | | |

| |Parents and pupils accessing | | |No Catering deliveries due to lock down/ Catering dept | | | |

| |to collect personal | | |closed. | | | |

| |belongings (Boarding Houses) | | |Residents to inform Security if personal ‘on line’ food | |Individual RA and arrangements to be | |

| | | | |deliveries are expected. | |in place for all Parents/ pupils | |

| | | | |Colleagues wishing to walk with their families (same | |visiting site (Boarding Houses) to | |

| | | | |members of the household or one other at a social | |collect personal belongings. | |

| | | | |distance) should drive on to site through security and | | | |

| | | | |have their ID badge with them* | | | |

|External works programme |Contractors accessing the |Cross contamination and spread of |M |Royal mail to deliver to one point only. Post room will |L |Review the need for external |Ongoing |

| |site |CoVID 19 | |be open 10 – 10:30 am and 16.00 – 16.30pm only. | |contractors due to the requirements | |

| | | | |Waste removal (Grundons/AVDC) will still take place. | |for some statuary compliance | |

| | |Risk to contactors and Stowe | |Gas and oil deliveries will be allowed on site as | |maintenance work which will continue | |

| | |community | |required. | |to be undertaken. | |

| | | | |Any food deliveries made by residents will be allowed on| |Emergency call out contractors such | |

| | | | |site (stopped at Security and resident made aware). | |as Drain Doctor/ Weston Power/ BT | |

| | | | |School major works projects have been halted for the | |will have controlled site access. | |

| | | | |duration of shut down. | | | |

| | | | |Contractors attending site must have RAMS in place for | |If emergency/ compliance contractors| |

| | | | |CoVID 19. | |are required to work in a room/area |As required |

| | | | |SHPT (Messenger) contractors working under their own | |where there is a resident or STAFF, | |

| | | | |RAMS in Temple room (Mansion) full contractor contained | |they will be asked to leave the room/| |

| | | | |site compound open from 01/06/20. | |property for the durations of the | |

| | | | |Emergency call out contractors will be contacted as | |works. | |

| | | | |needed. If this occurs they will be assisted by the | | | |

| | | | |member of the Estates call out (2-metre rule will | | | |

| | | | |apply). | | | |

|Names of Persons involved in the Activity/Process/Operation |Signature |

|Director of Operations | |

| | |

| | |

|Name of Assessor RD |Signature |

| |Date |

Additional Stowe Risk Assessments in place to run along this master document:

• CoVID 19 for Housekeeping Staff

• CoVID 19 for Estates (Maintenance and H&S) offices

• CoVID 19 for Security Department

• CoVID 19 for Grounds staff

• CoVID 19 for Parents/ pupils access to Boarding Accommodation (to collect personal Belongings)

• CoVID 19 for accessing outdoor Sports facilities (Staff/ residents * Families only)

• CoVID 19 for the use of the Golf course

• CoVID 19 for key workers children on site

• CoVID 19 for School Shop (Appointments for pupils/ parents uniform fitting)

• CoVID 19 for Prospective Parents (Including a separate document for the procedures)

• CoVID 19 for the Food Service’s and Hospitality (in place post department opening)

• CoVID 19 for the recording of ‘Perfect Day’

• CoVID19 for Fire Alarm Testing in residential properties (version 3)


The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

• a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

• a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

• a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms. Stay at home (self-isolate) and get a test.

Hand Washing Guidance

• Wash your hands with soap and water often – for at least 20 seconds

• Wash your hands as soon as you get home

• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze

• Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands

• Not touch your face if your hands are not clean

*Updated information from 11/05/2020 from the Headmaster for residents and Stowe colleagues the grounds are open, however the following rules must be followed:

If driving you must:

1. Have the Stowe Staff sticker in your car and go through the security gate.

2. You may bring others from your own household for a walk in the grounds

3. Please wear your Stowe Identification badge as you may be checked in the grounds

4. You must maintain social distancing and government guidelines for outdoors activities at all times

5. You must leave the grounds through past the security hut.

If walking in from locally you must:

1. You may bring others from your own household for a walk in the grounds

2. Please wear your Stowe Identification badge as you may be checked in the grounds

3. You must maintain social distancing and government guidelines for outdoor activities at all time.

***Departmental Radio Channels are as follows:






CHANNEL 6:         SHPT

CHANNEL 7:         SEL




****Test and Trace

Anyone in England with coronavirus symptoms can now get a test. If it's positive you'll be contacted by text, email or phone and asked to log on to the NHS Test and Trace website.

There you will be asked for personal information including:

• Name, date of birth and postcode

• Who you live with

• Places you visited recently

• Names and contact details of people you have been in close contact with in the 48 hours before your symptoms started

Close contacts are:

• people you spend 15 minutes or more with at a distance of less than 2m

• people you have direct contact with - such as sexual partners, household members or people with whom you have had face-to-face conversations at a distance of less than 1m

The contact must have taken place between two days before and up to seven days after symptoms appeared.

No one contacted as a result of you testing positive for coronavirus will be told your identity.

A parent or guardian will need to give permission for a call with under-18s to continue.

What if I am contacted by the tracers?

Anyone deemed at risk of infection will be told to stay at home for 14 days.

You will be asked to self-isolate, even if you do not have symptoms, to stop you from unknowingly spreading the virus.

This means that you should not leave your home for any reason. If you need food or medicine, you should order it online or by phone, or ask friends and family to drop it off on your doorstep.

What are the self-isolation rules?

The people you live with won't have to self-isolate, unless they also develop symptoms, but they must take extra care around you regarding social distancing and hand washing.


Related documentation: All related Government guidelines on social distancing (Staying at home and away from others (Social Distancing 28/05/2020) Government personal hygiene guidance, works on site list, relevant department risk assessments, building fire risk assessments.

Circulation list: HoD of current site workers, ELT, School Website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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