CBS Primary ICT Policy

IntroductionThis document is a statement of the aims, objectives, principles and strategies for the use of Information and Communication Technology at C.B.S Primary School Ennis. Our Vision In relation to ICT it is our vision that our pupils: achieve the highest standards possible in all areas of the curriculum and develop skills of information communication preparing them for an advanced technological adult life; become highly motivated, independent learners properly equipped for the modern world. Our Mission Our mission is to provide an environment for our pupils’ learning by: Providing wide ranging opportunities for pupils to use up-to-date tools and ICT resources, preparing them to become effective adults in a modern, technological world. Ensuring that the pupils attain effective ICT skills and capabilities through the provision of effective teaching and learning opportunities.Ensuring that ICT is incorporated into all curricular subjects.Ensuring that all pupils use ICT with purpose and enjoyment.Using ICT to develop partnerships beyond the school.Helping all children to evaluate the benefits of ICT and its impact on society.RationaleWe, the staff of C.B.S Primary School, recognise the potential of ICT across the curriculum and the role of ICT in the everyday life of all our pupils. We recognise the ever changing face of ICT and wish to be able to respond to new developments. ICT is a valued resource in our school. It promotes the public image of the whole school and helps pupils develop a positive self-image. We believe ICT has the flexibility to meet the individual needs and abilities of all pupils and it promotes access for pupils with learning difficulties. We believe ICT can motivate and enthuse pupils, offers potential for effective group work and facilitates interaction between staff and pupils. We believe it is vital that all our pupils gain confidence and competence in using ICT to prepare them for later life. We recognise that, ever-increasingly, ICT skills will rank in importance alongside Literacy and Numeracy skills. We also recognise that ICT provides opportunities to enhance and enrich pupils’ learning experiences across the curriculum and that it also allows pupils the chance to work more at their own pace.Advantages of ICT 1. The most up to date information may be accessed speedily2. Presentation of work is greatly enhanced3. Pupils with special needs are greatly empowered through the use of ICT4. The computer has endless patience when used for drill and practice applications5. ICT can allow for individual differences, and can tailor programmes to the child's progress6. All children find ICT a fascinating and fun source of learning7. ICT can supply children with a view outside the classroom.8. ICT provides the children with a different learning environment9. Access to the IWB and laptops means that children can view Internet, take part in interactive lessons and research information as a class.10. The IWB can also be used for power point presentations at school meetings as well as for educational DVD's or videos.11. ICT classes also supply children with an essential skill for today's working life.12. Digital Camera shots contextualize the child's life and experience within their learning.13. The Visualiser means that children can view books, objects, experiments etc. as a whole class.14. The E-Reader allows children to use books on a digital format and it decreases the weight of their schoolbag. Disadvantages1. There are major financial implications in equipping a school with ICT2. Curriculum overload is an ever present problem3. Improperly managed introduction of ICT to a school can increase the workload, and thereby the stress levels of the teachers4. Teachers need to regularly update their ICT skills5. Computers are open to viruses and even with avast 'software can sometimes still be susceptible to harmful images.Summary of School Audit-Network The server, Mail 1, is in Room 18 which was a computer Lab until 2012 when the space was needed for a classroom. A new server is in place since March 2014. The main hub is also in Room 18. All laptops are networked.There is a second hub in the Photocopy room in the Junior School to service the Prefabs. This is connected to the main hub through a port in Principal’s office. The school has a Network Attached Storage unit (NAS), attached to the second hub.Mail 2 is in Room 15. Teachers share resources through either Mail 1, NAS or Mail 2.Broadband50mb Eircom Broadband which is being paid for by the school. The school will upgrade when faster speeds become available.Rckus Wireless SystemAll school grounds covered by the system. Security work Attached StorageA NAS (1TB – mirrored) is available on the network for centrally storing files for sharing. This is also accessible from offsite with a password.Sonic WallIn the absence of NCTE Broadband filtering, this system provides the school with content filtering.Laptops and PC’sEach teacher, including resource and learning support teachers has a school owned laptop (36 in total).35 Student Laptops on two recharging unitsLaptops range in age from 5 years to new.There are two spare laptops for use in case of breakdowns or when teachers are out and have their laptops at home, an Acer notebook and a laptop with line down middle of screen which works fine with a whiteboard.We are currently building a stockpile of refurbished laptops with a view to providing a second full set of laptops for use by the students.PC’s There is a PC in Flor’s office, the server Mail 1 in Room 18 and Mail 2 in Room 15.There are a number of PCs from the Lab, mostly Windows 98, in some classrooms for use by the students. Room 19, 8 PC’s.Room 1, 1 PC.Room 20, 1 PC.Room 26, 1 PC.Tablets35 Windows OS tablets for the junior end of the school.35 Android OS tablets, mostly in use at the senior end of the school.1 i-Pad in the SLI class.Virus ProtectionVirus Protection is provided by various free antivirus systems (AVG, Avast, Essentials) Whiteboards and ProjectorsAll classrooms have an IWB, with most classrooms having a Promethean IWB.One resource room has an interactive whiteboard, Room 1. This board was paid for by Resource Teacher for Traveller’s Grant.The whiteboard in the Language unit was paid for by Language Unit funds.Printers and PhotocopiersOne networked Colour mf photocopier in the Junior School. Y-soft system currently being put in place to track printing and photocopying. A second b/w photocopier is also in the Junior Building.Colour Printer/scanner in Language unit.Two printers in Flor’s office networked from Principal’s office.Other hardwareExternal Hard Drives, Room 15 and Principal’s officePortable Projector Room 15.USB Flash drives – 350X1GB bracelets for the students and 60X8GB units for staff and BOM.School Cameras (7) Room 15Video Camera (10 years old) Room 153-d Printer Principal’s Office.4 Flat Screen Smart tv’s (one currently in regular use – staff room)Laptop, Dictaphone and Camera – Scribbler Team 6 Visualisers.350 Kindle Paperwhites.4 X Lego ‘We Do’ kitsTechnical SupportFirst line maintenance – ColmTechnical support provided by MCS, Limerick.. Ordering spare partsAssistant Principal 1 (Mr. Davoren) directs IT maintenance.Current SoftwareNessy FingersSherstonEnglish Type SeniorSketchupMicrosoft – OS and Office (volume licence)Various AppsTeaching Staff?Professional development Staff development in all areas of the curriculum is crucial to maintaining the high standards of achievement we set. ICT is a very important element of that teaching and learning environment for pupils and staff. It also plays a major part at the admin level for all staff. We view staff development as an ongoing process. The needs of individual teachers and special needs assistants are continuously monitored and IT elements are included in the school’s annually updated CPD strategy. Teachers are encouraged to take laptops home to prepare resources and develop competence/confidence in using ICT. Teachers can also access the school network from their homes and do so, on a regular basis to receive e-mails and save work such as flipcharts etc. to their school documents. ICT Co-Ordination?Mr. Colm Davoren, Assistant Principal 1, holds responsibility for ICT as part of a designated schedule of responsibilities. The Role Of The ICT Co-Ordinator Delivery of E-Learning plan in conjunction with the PrincipalAccordingly, the Assistant Principal will hold membership of the E-Learning Committee. A particular focus of their implementation of E-Learning will be the embedding practice into school culture through innovative delivery/role modelling/relevant CPD.Maintenance of an inventory of ICT equipment(S)He will be responsible for upkeep, repairs and replacement of equipment and resources (purchases made through the Principal).Application for and delivery of the Digital School of Distinction Award Of high importance in the first year will be the development of ICT related policies with a view to compliance and fulfilling the criteria for Digital School of Distinction Award. The application process will begin early in 2015.School Newspaper + WebsiteThe Assistant Principal will organize/facilitate the regular update of the school website. (S)He will also run the school newspaper/E-zine from September. Hardware Purchase:School Principal, Mr. Glynn & ICT co-ordinator Mr. Davoren will be responsible for purchase of appropriate hardware.?Software Purchase:Mr. Davoren, in conjunction with the Principal and relevant staff members will be responsible for reviewing and recommending purchase of appropriate software.?School website:The school hosts a website at School newsletters and other news items will regularly be added.School policies that are relevant to parents are on this site.Children’s class work is published using limited forms of their name for child protection purposes.Class photographs are published without names.Teachers update their school blogs regularly. The Role of the Classroom Teacher It is the role of the classroom teacher to: Integrate ICT fully into curriculum planning, classroom teaching and the assessment of pupils? work. Ensure that any ICT resource/software used in the classroom is appropriate to the curriculum needs and the learning needs of the pupils. Ensure health and safety practices are carried out. Implement the ICT Policy.Special Needs?All Learning Support and Resource teachers have laptops, as we recognise the potential of ICT to enhance the learning opportunities for pupils with special needs. Children with specific writing, reading and numeracy needs are using ICT to provide alternative and complementary educational experiences.Exceptional Students?ICT is used in all classes to challenge and extend the educational opportunities for pupils with above average attainment.Differentiation Teachers will take account of previous pupil knowledge/skills/understanding appropriately when planning for all ability groups. Many ICT programmes and activities lend themselves well to individual assessment, achievement and progression such as Accelerated Reading, Sherston, CAT testing. As part of individual engagement, a station teaching environment or as a group project, children are encouraged to access ICT tools and resources at their own level and pace. It is the experience of this school that some children discover advanced talents and skills that would not be predictable based on their academic results. Homework Pupils with access to computers will be encouraged to use them to enhance their homework. Access to the student USB flashdrives facilitates the home-school link. Assessment/record keeping Formative assessment is used to guide the progress of individual pupils in their use of ICT. It involves identifying each child’s progress, determining what each child has learned and what therefore should be the next stage in his/her learning. This is carried out by teachers using teacher observation and teacher designed tasks and tests. Access?Pupils and teachers have permanent access to ICT. At C.BS Primary all pupils have access to software titles appropriate to their curricular needs. This is provided by a fully equipped Laptop Trolley which has 35 laptops, 35 Microsoft OS tablets and 35 Android OS tablets. Most senior classes have regular timetabled access to the laptops. All pupils also have access to the Internetand printing facilities. Pupils will work in mixed or matched ability groupings according to the programmes used. ICT is presented in practical contexts which will be relevant to the children’s experiences and take account of their previous ICT knowledge. We promote a ‘hands on’ experience approach. All teachers have access to laptops which are available for use on the network. They can also be taken home to help the teachers carry out their school work.Sustainability?It is our goal to maintain an ICT infrastructure which is user friendly, and a level of competence and confidence among the staff which will allow us to embrace ICT just as effectively as other change has been embraced in the pastHealth and Safety AspectsAll monitors comply with European regulations regarding radiation, and have anti-glare screens.Two dedicated laptop trolleys are used for safe storage and charging of laptops.Appropriate seating is being made available.The children are not allowed access Internet sites without supervised permission.The children are prohibited from sending emails and accessing chat rooms. E-Readers help reduce bag weights and have eye friendly e-ink technology.Rules?1. Students are not allowed to use computers without supervision.2. The children must have signed permission to use the Internet.3. The children are not allowed to go on line without supervision.4. Students are not allowed change settings on computers.5. Students may only enter a website with permission6. Children are not allowed in chat rooms or to access or send emails under any circumstances.7. Students must show due respect to machines.8. No food or drink is allowed near laptops or e-readers.9. The laptop may only be removed from the school with permission.10. Children are required to have their cover on their e-reader at all times.E-LearningThe school e-learning plan (Appendix 1) is developed every two years and adjusted on an annual basis. This plan reflects our vision and aspirations and is developed with principal, staff, parents and pupils who form the e-learning committee. A major part of our vision is our aim to fully integrate the use of ICT throughout the whole curriculum developing pupils who are technologically ready for the modern world.We do this by:Maintaining and updating the plan.Planning fully for maximum ICT use when hardware becomes available to each class group.Integrating, as fully as possible, the desirable features for use of ICT in all aspects of the curriculum.Providing suitable training to all staff to enable them to provide effective ICT teaching; Providing all necessary resources for staff and pupils to ensure these objectives can be achieved; Keeping abreast of technological advances and ensuring that our pupils and staff are provided with the most up-to-date skills, knowledge and competences appropriate to our teaching and learning environment.E-Learning Committee (2013-2016)Mr. Dara Glynn, Mr. Colm Davoren, Ms. Marianne McGough, Ms. Brid Anne O’Shaughnessy, Janette Hillery, Seamus Fitzgerald, Ronan Kennedy, Ava Lenihan, Rosemary Njekwe & Cian PerillE-Learning Committee (2016-2019) – being populatedMr. Dara Glynn, Mr. Colm Davoren, Phil Miesle (parent), Liam Hughes (student), Rachel O’Brien (student), Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation ICT activities are integrated into policies, plans, and weekly/daily notes. Software used has been carefully mapped out to ensure that pupils’ experience of ICT is continuous and progressive. Excellence in ICT use is celebrated in displays around the school. The Principal, ICT Co-ordinator and e-learning committee are responsible for the overall monitoring and evaluation of ICT throughout the school. Evidence used to inform such evaluations may include: Children’s work on computer programmes such as PowerPoint presentations, generated graph work, video productions, recordings and desktop publishing etc. Teachers’ assessments of pupil’ work using various assessment methods e.g. teacher observation, pupil portfolios and teacher designed tasks and testsA class file containing examples of pupils? ICT work. Children?s ICT displayed in class and throughout the school. Technology Integration:Our long-term aim that technology be used to support the teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum and in all classrooms is almost realized.What should be taught in ICT to pupils in our school?Junior/Senior Infants:Names of computer/tablet parts: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer etc.Basic care of a computer/tabletManipulating the mouse and using their finger for using software for painting games, jigsaws etc.Finding letters and basic words.Reading programmes1st & 2nd Class:Revision of computer/tablet parts.Turning on and off a computer/tabletOpening & closing files/appsUse of space bar & return keys and home buttonUsing shift key for Capital letters.Using Microsoft Word to type a few sentences.Changing font type and size.Saving to file.Using Clip Art.Using educational software to reinforce class work.3rd & 4th Class:Revision of work done in 2nd class.Typing practice.Word Processing-correcting mistakes, spellcheck, etc.Formatting text.Saving to floppy.Microsoft Excel: creating spreadsheets; using tab key; alphabetical order; autosum etc.Using appropriate educational software to reinforce class work.?5th & 6th Class:Revision of work done in middle standards.Formatting text-borders, margins, tables.Importing from Paint; Graphics.Using the Internet under supervision.Research using CD Rom-Encyclopedias.Sending E-Mails under supervision.Creating database – Junior Pinpoint.Using Logo.Using appropriate educational software to reinforce class work.?Children receiving Learning Support:Using literacy & phonic software: Word Shark, Starspell, Clicker, Write-on for Windows, First Keys, Sherston, EnglishType.Using Maths software: Number Shark, Sherston.?Progression of Skills?The school has acquired a comprehensive library of computer software and also depends and relies on a wide array of freeware and shareware software as well as online drill, games, exercises and curricular supportive sites.The progression of skills as listed below are incremental in nature as each further subsequent step depends on and enhances knowledge of previous stepsJun Inf?– Computer/Tablet FamiliaritySen Inf?– Computer/Tablet Familiarity1st?- Computer /Tablet Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse; Competency using Drill Software2nd?- Computer Familiarity/Tablet; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories; Competency using Drill Software3rd?- Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Data Manipulation. E-Reader familiarity and use.4th?- Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Data Manipulation. E-Reader use.5th?- Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Search Engines, Data Manipulation. E-Reader use.6th?- Computer Familiarity; Competency Using Mouse and keyboard; File Open/Save; Write Stories with Mixed Cases; Competency using Drill Software; Internet Research, Search Engines, Data Manipulation,Publication of Work. E-Reader use.Current Usage of Facilities?Laptops are used as a medium of teaching and learning for classes 3rd -6th there is a timetable for use on the laptop trolley.Current usage includes:pre-reading and early reading work;pre-number and early number work;mathematical application;development of thinking and problem solving skills;word processing,desktop publishing;use of multimedia encyclopaedia (e.g Britannica)typing skills;internet work;communication using e-mails;project work,research in all school subjects,manipulation of digital photographsEdmodo3-D modelling software and 3-D printingLaptops and IWB’s are used as a medium of teaching and learning in all classrooms.Laptops, IWB’s and appropriate software are used in Special Educational Needs settings.Curricular Relevant Websites?English?BBC - Schools - Words and PicturesBBC - Starship - English - HomepageBBC - The Magic Key - HomepageBookPALS Storyline OnlinePhingertip FonicsPrimaryGames - Reading and LiteracyRead On - Beenleigh State SchoolSuperteach - English Grammar OnlineGeneral?BBC - Schools - 4 to 11 - learningDiscoverySchool offers teacher resources and tools for creating classroom materials.EdHelper - Theme Units, Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Teacher Tools!Education World? The Educator's Best FriendHome School Math - Free Math Worksheets for basic operations, fractions, decimals, and percents from Homeschool MathLearning Page - Lesson plans and worksheets from Math Fact CafeNCCANCTE (National Centre for Technology in Education) - HomePrimary Curriculum Support ProgramPrimary Resources - Free lesson plans, teaching ideas & worksheets for primary and elementary teachersScoilnetSCoTENS - Standing Conference On Teacher Education North and South - Special Needs EducationSEN Teacher Resources Special needs teaching materials, software and worksheets Autism, PMLD and severe learning disabiliSunshine Online Literacy HourTeaching Ideas for Primary TeachersTeachNetThe MathWork Site -- On-line math worksheet generatorMaths?A Maths Dictionary for KidsBBC - Digger and the Gang - Adventure - Maths, English and ScienceBBC - Number Time- HomepageBBC - Schools - MathsfileBBC - Starship - Maths - HomepageMegamaths - TablesPrimaryGames - Math GamesSmile Mathematics - Matching fractions, fraction flags, magic squares, exploring geometryMusic?BBC Education (NI - Schools) - Musical Mysteries - Home PageMusic for FunThe Reel Thing - Bringing Traditional Irish Music into the classroomThe San Francisco Symphony Kids Site - Welcome to SFSKIDSSESE - Geography?BBC - Schools - Barnaby BearBBC - Schools - Two CitiesBBC - Schools - what is weatherBBC Schools - Rivers and Coasts - Main menuComet - Aim a HurricaneComet - Create-a-CaneEdheads - Weather ActivitiesHurricane Preparedness - BasicsSomethingfishySESE - History?Buildings, sites, or ruins in my locality - TamhlachtEgyptians - - Mysteries of EgyptEgyptians - The British MuseumFamous People - BBC SchoolsFeasts and Festivals in the PastGames and Pastimes in the Past - Children's games and toys - the past - Perkasie, PAGreeks - 4L - History Essentials - Who were the ancient GreeksGreeks - BBC - Schools - Ancient GreeceIreland's Last Nomadic PeopleLife During World War 2 - BBC - Children of World War 2Life in the 19th Century - BBC - Victorians - Home PageLife in the 19th Century - Channel Four Victorian ChildrenThe Celts - BBC Wales - Education - Iron Age CeltsThe Irish Famine - The Romans - BBC - Romans - HomepageThe Vikings - BBC - Vikings - HomepageSESE - Science?Edheads - Simple Machines Activities - Lever - Pulley - Wedge - Screw - Inclined Plane - Wheel and Axle - GearFrom Skerrydoo to Carrickfadda - A Study of Sligo's CoastlineScence - Spy - Sci-Spy - Exploring the World of ScienceThe Eden Project - an educational site from - learn all about PlantsSPHE?Harcourt School Publishers - Disaster KitchenHarcourt School Publishers - Skeleton ShakedownHealthy TeethInternet Safety - - Safety, Awarness, Facts & ToolsKidsHealth - for KidsMeals Matter - Interactive Nutrition activities for kids - pizza game, food guide pyramid game, breakfast gameVisual Arts?I Am An Artist - Visual Arts in the Primary SchoolsAppendices: E-Learning Plan – see Appendix 1?Internet Acceptable Use Policy – see Appendix 2 ................

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