Math 6/7

Mrs. Ryan

1st Nine Weeks

Unit 1 DATA ANALYSIS (Approximately 4 weeks)

Construct Frequency Distribution, Tables, and Graphs


• Formulate questions that can be answered by data. Collect data by using samples from a larger population (surveys), or by conducting experiments.

• Construct frequency distributions, tables, and graphs.


a. Formulate questions and collect data from a census of at least

30 objects and from samples of varying sizes.

b. Construct frequency distributions

c. Construct graphs and charts using the appropriate scale:

frequency distributions bar graph scatter plots

frequency tables line graph box and whisker plots

histogram stem & leaf plots

pictograph line plots

Measures of Central Tendency


• Analyze data using mean, median, and mode, including recognition of outliers.

• Analyze data using range, quartiles, interquartile range.

• Compare measures of central tendency and variation from samples to those from a census. Observe that sample statistics are more likely to approximate the population parameters as sample size increases.

Measure of Variation


f Analyze data using appropriate graphs, including using box-and-whisker plots and scatter plots.

g. Analyze and draw conclusions about data, including

a description of the relationship between two


Choose and interpret appropriate table or graph


c. Choose appropriate graphs (categorical or numerical). Graphs should include pictographs, histograms, bar graphs, line graphs, and line plots.

d. Use tables and graphs to examine variation that occurs within a group and between groups.

• Relate the data analysis to the context of the questions posed.

Unit 2 FACTORS AND MULTIPLES (Approximately 2 weeks)

Factors and Multiples


• Apply factors and multiples

• Divisibility Patterns

Prime Factorization


• Decompose numbers into their prime factorization (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic)

• Prime/Composite



• Determine the greatest common factor (GCF) and the least common multiple (LCM) for a set of numbers

• Use Prime Factorization to find GCF and LCM

• Problem Solving

• Exponential Notation

Unit 3-Fractions, Decimals and integers (Approximately 3 weeks)

Fractions: Equivalences and Operations


a. Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.

b. Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers.



a. Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as the distance from zero on a number line

b. Compare and order rational numbers

c. Add, subtract, multiply and divide positive and negative numbers.

d. Plot points on a coordinate plane

Strategies Used:

Reciprocal Learning Concept Attainment Cooperative Groups

Observation Checklists Paired Learning Vocabulary

Connected Mathematics Self-Assessment Performance tasks

Grading Policy:

Tests 45%

Quizzes 20%

Class work/tasks 25%

Homework 10%

Homework Policy:

All homework is expected on the due date.

Late work:

Late work will be accepted, but points will be deducted as follows; 20 points the first day late, 40 points the second day and will not be accepted there after. Any project/task will not be accepted more than one week late, and ten points will be deducted each day it is late.

Make-up Policy:

Students need to check the calendar for work missed due to an absent. Work needs to be completed according to the number of days absent plus one. Ex: 4 days absent = 5 days to make up work.

Important information:

Email: mary.ryan@

Blog site: McClure homepage, teacher blogs and click on Mrs. Ryan- Ryan’s Route.

Cobb Co. policy states math tests are to be kept on file at school. Please contact me if you would like to examine one of your child’s tests after we have reviewed them in class.

According to Cobb County policy, in order to continue on the advanced mathematics path, each student must have an 85% yearly test average and exceed standards on the Math CRCT. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Helpful websites:

Holt my.

Username: mryan306

Password: math

My child and I have read the following syllabus.

I understand Cobb County’s policy, in order to continue on the advanced mathematics path, I must have an 85% yearly test average and exceed standards on the Math CRCT.

Student signature___________________________________________

Parent signature____________________________________________


Math 6/7



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