| | | | |

|National Restaurant Association Education Foundation |Mathematics Content Standards |Demonstration of Proficiency |Maine Learning Results- |

|(NRAEF) Duties, Skills, and Tasks |And |(Possible evidence, project, performance |Guiding Principles |

| |The Eight Mathematical Practices (CCSS) |assessment, etc.) |& |

| | | |Career and Education Development |

| | | |(optional) |

|Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches |

|List the characteristics of milk and identify ways to |  | |GP:A-F |

|keep it safe. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|Identify the different forms of cream and their fat | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|contents. | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|Differentiate between butter and butter substitutes and | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|recognize the characteristics of each. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|Identify the different types of cheese and give examples| | | |

|of each. | | |CED: A,B,C |

|List the characteristics of eggs and identify ways to | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|keep them safe. | | |relationships |

|Prepare and serve eggs using a variety of cooking | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|methods. | | |roles |

|Prepare pancakes, crêpes, waffles, and French toast. | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|Prepare ham, hash, grits, cold cereals, oatmeal, and | |f, g, h, i |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|sausage. | |Using appropriate tools to measure quantities| |

|Prepare coffee, tea, and cocoa. |f, g, h, i |and attending to precision in measurements. | |

|Give examples of different types of sandwiches, |Math Practice 5: Use appropriate tools strategically.| | |

|including simple hot, open faced, hors d’oeuvres, | |Recognizing the difference of weighed | |

|grilled, deep-fried, and simple cold. | |measurements and volume measurements (16 oz | |

|Explain the roles of the three components of a sandwich:|Math Practice 6: Attend to precision. |of flour) ≠ 2 cups). | |

|bread, spread, and filling | | | |

|Prepare common sandwich spreads and fillings. |Math.HSN-Q.A.1: Use units as a way to understand | | |

|List the necessary tools and equipment to make |problems and to guide the solution of multi-step | | |

|sandwiches at a sandwich station. |problems; choose and interpret units consistently in | | |

|Demonstrate preparation of several types of sandwiches. |formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the | | |

| |origin in graphs and data displays. | | |

| | | | |

| |Math.HSN-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy | | |

| |appropriate to limitations on measurement when | | |

| |reporting quantities. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |m. All about choosing the appropriate tools. | |

| |m. Math Practice 5: Use appropriate tools | | |

| |strategically. | | |

|2. Nutrition |

|a. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice|Connect to Health standards | |GP:A-F |

|industry. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|b. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|c. Describe how phytochemicals and fiber function in the| | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|body. |Connect to Science (Biology) | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|d. Name the types of carbohydrates and fats and describe| | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|their function in the body. | | | |

|e. Identify food sources of carbohydrates and fats. | | | |

|f. Describe cholesterol and identify its food sources. | | | |

|g. Describe the makeup of proteins and their function in| | | |

|the body. | | | |

|h. Identify food sources of proteins. | | |CED: A,B,C |

|i. Describe the three major vegetarian diets. | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|j. List the functions of vitamins, minerals, and water | | |relationships |

|in the body. | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|k. Identify food sources of vitamins, minerals, and | | |roles |

|water. | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|l. Explain what food additives are and how they function| | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|in food. | | | |

|m. Explain the role of digestion in nutrition and | | | |

|health. | | | |

|n. List and describe techniques for food preparation | | | |

|that preserve nutrients. | | | |

|o. Suggest ways to make menus and recipes more | | | |

|healthful. | | | |

|p. Suggest healthful substitutes for high-fat items. | | | |

|q. List and define recent developments in food | | | |

|production that may affect nutrition. | | | |

|Cost Control |

|a. Identify the types of costs incurred by a foodservice|Look at Social Studies Economic standards |Building cost/revenue functions and |GP:A-F |

|business and give examples of each. | |interpreting graphs to show cost/compare |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|b. Explain the purposes of a budget. |Math Practice 4: Model with mathematics. |different prices for the same product. |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|c. Explain the purpose of a profit-and-loss report. | |Determining pricing of final products based |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|d. Identify methods for analyzing profit-and-loss |Math.HSF-IF.B: Interpret functions that arise in |off from cooking loss/usable portions |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|reports. |applications in terms of the context. | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|e. Explain the purpose of invoices in a foodservice | |d. Laying out a budget using a histogram/pie | |

|business. |Math.HSF-BF.A.1: Write a function that describes a |chart to determine where the money is being |CED: A,B,C |

|f. Identify tools to help control costs. |relationship between two quantities. |used |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|g. Define and calculate food cost and food cost | | |relationships |

|percentage. |Math.HSN-Q.A: Reason quan-titatively and use units to| |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|h. Given a problem, calculate as purchased (AP) and |solve problems. |Determining and justifying if the menu price |roles |

|edible portion (EP) amounts. | |is adequate based off the cost of preparation|C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|i. Calculate the total cost and portion costs of a |d. Math.HSS-ID.A.1: Represent data with plots on the | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|standardized recipe. |real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box | | |

|j. Develop a recipe cost card for a standardized recipe.|plots). | | |

| | | | |

|k. Explain the importance of portion control to food | | | |

|cost. |Math.HSS-IC: Understand and evaluate random processes| | |

|l. Give examples of portion-control devices used in |underlying statistical experiments. | | |

|foodservice operations. | | | |

|m. List the steps in the process to control food costs. | | | |

|n. Forecast sales by analyzing and evaluating sales | | | |

|histories, popularity indices, and production sheets. | | | |

|o. Calculate a recipe’s yield and the number of portions| | | |

|it will produce. | | | |

|p. Use a conversion factor to calculate a new yield for | | | |

|an existing recipe. | | | |

|q. Explain the importance of standards for controlling | | | |

|production volume. | | | |

|r. List and describe standard procedures used for | | | |

|controlling production volume. | | | |

|s. List and explain the various methods for menu | | | |

|pricing. | | | |

|t. Explain the importance of standard labor costs to a | | | |

|business’s success. | | | |

|u. List factors that affect labor costs. | | | |

|v. Describe the relationship between sales volume and | | | |

|labor costs. | | | |

|w. Explain the difference between a master schedule and | | | |

|a crew schedule. | | | |

|x. Describe the components and factors to consider when | | | |

|developing labor schedules. | | | |

|y. List and describe purchasing, receiving, and storage | | | |

|procedures that help to preserve quality and control | | | |

|costs. | | | |

|z. List ways to evaluate a finished product for quality.| | | |

| | | | |

|aa. Describe the process for identifying quality | | | |

|problems in the kitchen. | | | |

|bb. Determine the dollar value of inventory. | | | |

|cc. List and explain the various methods of inventory | | | |

|pricing. | | | |

|Salads and Garnishing |

|a. Define professionalism, and explain what it means to | e. | |GP:A-F |

|culinary professionals. |Math Practice 4: Model with mathematics. | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|b. List the stations and positions in the kitchen | |e. Creating equations to scale up/down |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|brigade and the dining brigade. |Math Practice 6: Attend to precision. |recipes (attending to precision) |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|c. Perform basic math calculations using numbers or | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|fractions. |Math.HSN-RN: Extend the properties of exponents to |f. Comparing and contrasting the different |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|d. Identify the components and functions of a |rational exponents. |unit measurements | |

|standardized recipe. | | |CED: A,B,C |

|e. Convert recipes to yield smaller and larger |Math.HSN-Q: Reason quantitatively and use units to |g. Determining what measuring device to use |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|quantities based on operational needs. |solve problems. | |relationships |

|f. Explain the difference between customary and metric | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|measurement units, and convert units between the two |f. Math Practice 3: Construct viable arguments and |h, i. Calculating portion cost/creating a |roles |

|systems. |critique the reasoning of others. |menu/Revenue |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|g. Demonstrate measuring and portioning using the | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|appropriate small wares and utensils. |g. Math Practice 5: Use appropriate tools | | |

|h. Given a problem, calculate as purchased (AP) and |strategically. | | |

|edible portion (EP) amounts. | | | |

|i. Calculate the total cost and portion costs of a |h, i. | | |

|standardized recipe. |Math Practice 8: Look for and express regularity in | | |

| |repeated reasoning. | | |

| | | | |

| |Math.HSA-CED: Create equations that describe numbers | | |

| |or relationships. | | |

|Purchasing and Inventory |

|a. Define the terms purchasing, selection, and |Look at Social Studies Economics Standards |  |GP:A-F |

|procurement. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|b. Outline the objectives of the purchasing function in | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|a foodservice operation. | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|c. Explain the relationship between primary and | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|intermediary sources and retailers. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|d. Explain the differences between formal and informal | | | |

|buying and the formal bidding process. | | |CED: A,B,C |

|e. List the types of goods and service that a | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|foodservice operation might buy. | | |relationships |

|f. Describe the buyer’s role in a foodservice operation | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|and explain the importance of ethical behavior to a | | |roles |

|buyer. | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|g. List the factors that help to determine an | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|operation’s quality standards. | | | |

|h. Identify ways to communicate quality standards and | | | |

|give examples of standards a foodservice operation might| | | |

|use. | | | |

|i. Describe buyer considerations when conducting a | | | |

|make-or-buy analysis. | | | |

|j. Outline the process for procuring products and | | | |

|services. | | | |

|k. Identify production records used to calculate buying | | | |

|needs. | | | |

|l. Write purchase orders for items to be purchased. | | | |

|m. List ways to verify that supplier services meet an | | | |

|operation’s needs. | | | |

|n. List factors that affect food prices. | | | |

|o. List proper procedures for receiving deliveries. | | | |

|p. List proper procedures for storing food and supplies.| | | |

| | | | |

|q. Describe perpetual inventory and physical inventory | | | |

|systems. | | | |

|r. Explain the difference between perishable and | | | |

|nonperishable food items. | | | |

|Meat, Poultry, and Seafood |

|a. Outline the federal grading systems for meat. |Math Practice 3: Construct viable arguments and |Quality vs cost comparisons with graphs and |GP:A-F |

|b. Describe the various kinds of meat. |critique the reasoning of others. |arguments about the pricing |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|c. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures| | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|for meat. | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|d. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|meat. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|e. Outline basic techniques for cooking meat. | | | |

|f. Match various cooking methods with different forms of| | |CED: A,B,C |

|meat. | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|g. Outline the federal grading systems for poultry. | | |relationships |

|h. Describe the various kinds of poultry. | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|i. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures| | |roles |

|for poultry. | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|j. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|poultry. | | | |

|k. Outline basic techniques for cooking poultry. | | | |

|l. Match various cooking methods with different forms of| | | |

|poultry. | | | |

|m. Outline the federal grading systems for seafood. | | | |

|n. Describe the various kinds of seafood. | | | |

|o. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures| | | |

|for seafood. | | | |

|p. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for | | | |

|seafood. | | | |

|q. Outline basic techniques for cooking seafood. | | | |

|r. Match various cooking methods with different forms of| | | |

|seafood. | | | |

|s. Identify and describe different types of charcuterie.| | | |

| | | | |

|t. Explain garde manger and how it relates to | | | |

|charcuterie. | | | |

|Marketing |

|a. List the benefits of public relations. |a, b. |a, b. Compare marketing dollars spent to |GP:A-F |

|b. Identify opportunities for public relations. |Math.HSS-IC: Understand and evaluate random processes|income using statistical tools |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|c. Explain the importance of the menu to a foodservice |underlying statistical experiments. | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|operation. | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|d. Describe à la carte, table d’hôte, California, |Math.HSS-ID: Summarize, represent, and interpret data| |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|limited, du jour, and cycle menus. |on a single count or measurement variable. | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|e. Organize the information on a menu. | | | |

|f. Explain principles of menu layout and design. |ECONOMICS | |CED: A,B,C |

|g. Identify ways to test new menu items. | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|h. Explain the purposes of a menu sales mix analysis. |h, i. | |relationships |

|i. Define profitability and target margin. |Math Practice 2: Reason abstractly and | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|j. Classify menu items according to their popularity. |quantitatively. | |roles |

|k. List and compare basic pricing methods. |Math Practice 3: Construct viable arguments and | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

| |critique the reasoning of others. | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

| | |h, i. Looking at food cost percentage | |

| |Math Practice 4: Model with mathematics. |compared to sell points | |

| | |Determining what items should go on a menu | |

| |Math.HSS-ID: Summarize, represent, and interpret data|based off the food cost percentages/sell | |

| |on a single count or measurement variable. |volume | |

|Desserts and Baked Goods |

|a. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. |b. | |GP:A-F |

|b. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s |Math Practice 5: Use appropriate tools strategically.|b. Measuring ingredients weights/volume – |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|percentages. | |determine which one is applicable in a given |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|c. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. |Math Practice 6: Attend to precision. |scenario |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|d. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, | |The precision of a scale |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. |Math.HSN-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy |c. Creating equations to scale up/down |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|e. Mix yeast dough using the straight-mix method. |appropriate to limitations on measurement when |recipes (attending to precision) | |

|f. Proof bake shop items. |reporting quantities. | |CED: A,B,C |

|g. Prepare yeast breads. | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|h. Prepare different types of quick breads and cake |c. |f. Determining the density of the bread based|relationships |

|batters. |Math Practice 4: Model with mathematics. |on different yeast/baking temperatures |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|i. Identify the functions of icings and determine which | | |roles |

|are best suited for different baked goods. |Math Practice 6: Attend to precision. | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|j. Describe and prepare steamed puddings and dessert | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|soufflés. |Math.HSN-RN: Extend the properties of exponents to | | |

|k. Prepare pie dough using the 3-2-1 method. |rational exponents. | | |

|l. Describe the procedure for baking blind. | | | |

|m. Describe roll-in dough, phyllo dough, and pâte à |Math.HSN-Q: Reason quantitatively and use units to | | |

|choux. |solve problems. | | |

|n. Prepare cookies using various makeup methods. | | | |

|o. Explain how chocolate is made, including chocolate |f. Math.HSG-MG.A.2: Apply concepts of density based | | |

|liquor, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder. |on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g., | | |

|p. Demonstrate how to store chocolate properly. |persons per square mile, BTUs per cubic foot). | | |

|q. Explain how chocolate is tempered. | | | |

|r. Explain how crème anglaise, pastry creams, and | | | |

|Bavarian creams are made, and how they are used in | | | |

|desserts. | | | |

|s. List the characteristics of ice cream and give | | | |

|examples of other frozen desserts. | | | |

|t. List the steps for preparing poached fruits and | | | |

|tortes. | | | |

|u. List guidelines for plating and presenting desserts. | | | |

| Sustainability in the Restaurant and Foodservice Industry |

|a. Define the terms sustainability and conservation. | Look at Science Standards |  |GP:A-F |

|b. Explain why water conservation is important. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|c. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|operation can improve the efficiency of its water usage.| | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|d. Explain the differences between renewable and | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|nonrenewable energy sources. | | | |

|e. Explain why using energy efficiently is important. | | |CED: A,B,C |

|f. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice | | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

|operation can improve the efficiency of its energy | | |relationships |

|usage. | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|g. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice | | |roles |

|operation can build or make structural improvements to | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|its facility in a sustainable way. | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|h. Identify ways to reduce the total amount of waste in | | | |

|a restaurant or foodservice operation. | | | |

|i. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation| | | |

|can reuse. | | | |

|j. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation| | | |

|can recycle. | | | |

|k. Define the term local sourcing. | | | |

|l. Identify the steps a restaurant or foodservice | | | |

|operation should take to purchase and then promote the | | | |

|use of sustainable food products. | | | |

|m. Identify the issues surrounding the global production| | | |

|of seafood, coffee, animals, and organic food. | | | |

|Global Cuisine 1: The Americas |

|a. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | Look at Social Studies | |GP:A-F |

|and cooking techniques of Northeastern American cuisine.| | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

| | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|b. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|and cooking techniques of Midwestern American cuisine. | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|c. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|and cooking techniques of Southern American cuisine. | | | |

|d. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |CED: A,B,C |

|and cooking techniques of Southwestern American cuisine.| | |A. Learning about self-knowledge and interpersonal |

| | | |relationships |

|e. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |B. Learning about and exploring education, career, and life |

|and cooking techniques of Pacific Coast/Rim cuisine. | | |roles |

|f. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |C. Learning to make decisions, plan and create |

|and cooking techniques of Mexican cuisine. | | |opportunities, and make meaningful contributions |

|g. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | | |

|and cooking techniques of Central American cuisine. | | | |

|h. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | | |

|and cooking techniques of Caribbean cuisine. | | | |

|i. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | | |

|and cooking techniques of Brazilian cuisine. | | | |

|j. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | | |

|and cooking techniques of Bolivian cuisine. | | | |

|11. Global Cuisine 2: Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Asia |

|a. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, |  | |GP:A-F |

|and cooking techniques of French cuisine. | | |A. A clear and effective communicator |

|b. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner |

|and cooking techniques of Italian cuisine. | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|c. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen |

|and cooking techniques of Spanish cuisine. | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker |

|d. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, | | | |

|and cooking techniques of Moroccan cuisine. | | | |


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