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February 19, 2009


General Information


The purpose of PSEO is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high school students. It provides high school students, who are academically and socially capable of doing college work, an additional education option.

PSEO Eligibility

1. All high school students preparing to enter grades 9, 10, 11, 12 may be eligible.

2. Students preparing to enter grades 11 or 12 should have passed all areas of the 10th Grade Ohio Graduation Test and have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.

3. Each college has different eligibility requirements. Edison Community College requires students who will be in grades 9 and 10 have a minimum composite score of 25 on the ACT or 1140 on the SAT.

(To register for the ACT test go online to )

(To register for the SAT test go online to )

4. Students who will be in grades 11 and 12 must either:

• score a minimum composite score of 25 on the ACT

• or 1140 on the SAT

• or achieve “College Level” on the college’s placement test

Program Options

Students may elect at the time of college enrollment one of the following options


1. Option A is enrollment in college course for college credit only. (All costs are the responsibility of the student).

2. Option B is enrollment in college courses for high school credit and for college credit. (Cost for course and books are paid by the Miami East Schools. Student may need to buy additional materials such as tools, calculators, art materials, online orientation training and parking passes.)

Financial Considerations for failures and withdrawals

Students who receive a grade of “F” (failure), “W” (withdrawal), or “FUW” (failure – unofficial withdrawal) will be responsible for reimbursing Miami East District for the cost incurred before graduation. Students may withdraw from and/or change a college course without financial penalty ONLY within the specific drop/add period outlined by the college. Any changes in the college course schedule must be approved by the high school counselor. PSEOP does not fund summer classes.

High School Attendance Policy

Attendance at Miami East High School for students participating in the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option is required ONLY during class time scheduled at Miami East.

Conflicts such as: Two Hour delays, OGT testing days and exams must be discussed with Mrs. Turnbull.


Transportation to and from the college is the responsibility of the student/parent. Exception is made and transportation can be available for students/parents who have been determined to be financially in need based upon the eligibility scale for free and reduced lunches.


All students participating in PSEO must meet with Mrs. Turnbull 3 times (Spring, Fall, Winter)a year. At this meeting course planning for high school, PSEO and future college are reviewed. Students complete their quarterly graduation plan forms and receive their PSEO Authorization Forms.

All participants must carry at least 5 total high school credits and no more than eight high school credits throughout the school year to be considered full time.

Important points to consider when scheduling:

• “B” Average Amendment A student may not enroll in any specific college course through this program if the student has taken high school courses in the same subject area as that college course and has failed to attain a GPA average of at least 3.0 in those high school classes.

EXAMPLE: Student has a C in English 10 – student may not enroll in college composition or literature courses.

The high school determines high school courses in which the student does not

have a ”B average”. The college determines which college courses the student

is ineligible to take because of the “B Average Amendment”.

Graduation Requirements: No high school graduation requirement may be waived for any student participating in this program. All college course work taken for high school credit must be completed and transcript must be received in the high school office before a high school diploma can be awarded.

Grade Point Average and Honor Roll: All courses taken at the college level for high school credit will be computed in the student’s high school grade point average and class rank. College courses will not be included in the quarter average for honor roll recognition because the college calendar differs from the high school calendar and official notification of grades is a requirement for receiving credit.

Scheduling Conflicts: Scheduling conflicts with college courses, high school courses and school activities are the sole responsibility of the student. High school schedule can not be adjusted to fit time restraints of PSEO courses.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Distinction: Students who participate in this program for more than one year on a full time basis will not be eligible for Valedictorian and Salutatorian honors.

Granting of Credit

To receive credit, all college courses taken for high school credit must meet the subject area or COMPARABLE course requirement. College courses taken for high school credit must have prior administrative or counselor approval in order to count toward high school graduation. College credits have to be converted to high school credits in the following method:


1 hr. = .20 high school credit 1 hr. = .133 high school credit

2 hr = .40 high school credit 2 hr. = .266 high school credit

3 hr. = .60 high school credit 3 hr. = .399 high school credit

4 hr. = .80 high school credit 4 hr. = .532 high school credit

5 hr. = 1.0 high school credit 5 hr. = .665high school credit

Athletic Eligibility

Students must be enrolled and receive passing grades in subjects that, when credit is converted to high school credit, will earn a minimum of five credits or equivalent per year toward graduation.

How to verify grades for Athletic Eligibility

At the midterm and end of the 1st and/or 3rd quarters, all athletes and/or cheerleaders at Miami East High School must have an eligibility form signed by every one of their college teachers showing the student’s grade in the class on that date. This form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Turnbull by the last day of that midterm or marking period.

To comply with the athletic eligibility guidelines, verification of passing grades in all classes and achievement of the minimum grade point average (calculated by multiplying the # of high school credits possible times the grade received and averaging the total) must be on record in the Guidance Office. The high school grade card and midterm report will show the student’s high school grades, but the forms are necessary to show the student’s college course grades.

A student will be considered INELIGIBILE on the 5th school day after the last day of the midterm or marking period if all grade forms have not been turned in to Mrs. Turnbull.

NOTE: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL YOUR FORMS IN ON TIME. If you have difficulty getting a college teacher to sign your form, let Mrs. Turnbull know immediately.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PSEO

Each of the following points can be considered either advantages or disadvantages for students. It is important that students think carefully about what their goals are in being involved with the PSEO Program. By knowing what you hope to get out of the program it is easier to determine the advantages for you.

1. Students can receive dual credit – high school and college.

2. Grades earned in college will be included in the high school GPA.

3. Students split their time on college and high school campuses.

4. College courses are open to general college student population not just PSEO students.

5. Time conflicts can occur when college and high school courses are offered.

6. Transportation time needs to be calculated into students’ school day requirements.

7. Each college has articulation agreements with other colleges. These policies decide how credit is recognized from one college to another.

8. The high school gives midterm reports, colleges do not.

9. The high school and college calendars differ and students must follow both.

10. The high school and college weather delays and cancellations differ and students must follow both.

11. Students enrolled in college courses may not have room in their schedules to take AP courses at the high school. AP courses are valued by colleges and if a student receives a score of 3 the high school AP course will be used in place of Freshmen college courses.

12. AP and Honors courses at the high school receive additional weight in the GPA, courses taken through PSEO do not receive additional weight.

REMINDER: Pay close attention to deadline dates. All posted dates (such as enrollment, drop/add and sports eligibility) are specific and are adhered to closely by the colleges and the high school.

Comparable PSEO Courses for

MEHS Graduation Requirements

Courses taken at Edison Community College (or any other college) need to be comparable to Miami East’s course offerings to meet graduation requirements. This does not stop a student from taking a course, but the course might not be used to meet the graduation requirements at Miami East.

The following courses at Edison College have been approved for replacement of high school graduation requirements are:

• Biology – BIO 121 & BIO 122

• Physical Science – CHM 110

and either/or CHM 111 or PHY 121

• Algebra 2 – MTH 122

• Algebra 3/ Trig – MTH 123 & MTH 125

• American History – HST 121 and HST 122

• American Government can be replaced by:

- PLS 121S American National Government

and any one of the following

- PLS 122S State and Local Government

- PLS 225S Constitutional Law

- PLS Selected Topics in Political Science

- ECO 121(for students graduating before 2010)

• ENGLISH 11 - Eng 121S (Edison’s prerequisite for ENG 122S)

- Eng 122S Composition II

- And Eng 221S American Literature I


- Eng 222S American Literature II

• ENGLISH 12 - ENG 121S and ENG 122S

or any other composition course


- ENG 229 British Literature

* if a student is participating in PSEO full time and is not in the high school building for classes- it is the student’s responsibility to stay on top of happenings and information at the high school.

* if a student is participating in PSEO at another college courses taken for high school required classes need to be approved by the high school prior to enrollment.

Revised 2/20/08

Timeline for PSEOP at Miami East High School

To Participate in PSEOP you must:

• February 19, 2009

Attend the mandatory meeting at MEHS to understand the program, the student’s responsibilities, the parent’s responsibilities and the school’s responsibilities.

• On February 19th or no later than March 31st, 2009

Sign the front and back sides of the “Intention to Participate” form and return it to Mrs. Turnbull.


• Return your completed Edison College application to Mrs. Turnbull.

• .Call Edison College at778-7920 to make appointments for:

o PSEO Testing

o academic advising

o Orientation Date

• Sign up to meet with Mrs. Turnbull, your high school counselor, to check your grade point average and course grades.

• Summer 2009

Attend the required PSEOP orientation at the college.


Keep Mrs. Turnbull updated on your progress and any questions or concerns you may have during the school year. You will schedule with Mrs. Turnbull and your college counselor again in November for your Winter/Spring courses.

NOTE: At any point during this timeline a student may withdraw from the program and/or drop-add courses UNTIL one week after classes begin in the Fall (or whatever is the announced PSEO withdrawal deadline). The parent takes on the Financial Responsibility to pay back any and all courses that the student was enrolled in and withdrew from after that deadline!

Miami East High School

Post Secondary Education Options Enrollment

Information/Counseling Opportunity Form


We (parent and student) have been informed regarding the following areas of the post-secondary enrollment options:

Please check each line.

1. ____ Program eligibility

2. ____ College credit conversion to high school credit

3. ____ Deadline dates

4. ____ College and high school scheduling process

5. ____ Financial Responsibilities

6. ____ Consequences of failing and/or missing deadlines

7. ____ MEHS graduation requirements

8. ____ “B” Average Amendment

9. ____ Parent/ student responsibilities

10. ____ MEHS Honor Roll qualifications and Athletic Eligibility

We understand our rights and responsibilities as explained regarding these options.

Student _____________________________________ Date _________________

Parent ______________________________________ Date _________________


Intention to Participate

We counseled about the benefits and disadvantages of the Senate Bill 140 Post-Secondary Option. Our decision is to take part in this program during the 2009-10 school year.

We understand that to qualify for the program our student must meet all the requirements including taking the placement tests deemed necessary by the participating college.

Parent Signature: ________________________

Student Signature:________________________

This form must be returned to the Miami East High School Guidance Office by March 30, 2009 in order to participate in the Post Secondary Option Program during the 09-10 school year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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