I.S. 347 School of the Humanities Social Studies Unit Syllabus

Class: 801, 802, 803, 831

Unit: Industrial Revolution

Duration: 4 Weeks (through the middle of October)

Essential Question: How did industrialization change the face of America?

Guiding Questions: Were Corporation leaders pioneers of industry or “robber barons”?

Did the Industrial Revolution change working conditions for the better or for the worse?

How responsive were early labor unions to the needs of all the nations’ workers?

Should the Federal Government have played a greater role in regulating the industrialization of the U.S.?

Items to Be Assessed:


- Industrial Revolution - Manufacturing - Textiles - Textile Machine

- Transcontinental Railroad - Morse Code –Telegraph -Technology

-Patent -Stock-Corporation – Big Business -Laissez-Faire -Monopoly

- Sherman Antitrust Act - Assembly Line -Mass Production -Model T

- Child Labor - Unions - Strikes -American Federation of Labor

- Collective Bargaining


-Samuel Slater - Robert Fulton - Samuel F.B. Morse - Alexander Graham Bell

-Thomas Edison - Henry Ford - Andrew Carnegie - John D. Rockefeller

-Samuel Gompers


- 1750s Industrial Revolution begins in England.

-1793 Samuel Slater steals plans for textile mill from England and opens up a factory in Rhode Island.

- 1798 Eli Whitney invents interchangeable parts

- 1814 First Lowell Textile Factory opens up in Massachusetts

- 1830 Peter Cooper builds the first locomotive railroad.

- 1832 Samuel F.B. Morse creates the telegraph (a device that could send information over wires across great distances)

- 1870 the first National Labor Union is created called the Knights of Labor

- 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone

-1879 Thomas Edison invents the electric light bulb

- 1880s George Westinghouse builds a power system that could send electricity across many miles.

- 1886 Haymarket Riot occurs in Chicago

- Late 1800s- Corporations are established.

- 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act is passed, making it illegal to create monopolies or trusts that restrained trade.

- 1892 Homestead strike occurs at Andrew Carnegie’s Homestead steel factory.

-1894 Pullman Strike occurs

- 1908 Henry Ford introduces the Model T car


- Industrial Revolution

- Opening of Textile Factories in Massachusetts

` -Telegraph is invented

- Electric Light bulb is invented

-Haymarket Riots

-Pullman Strike

-Homestead Strike

-1876 World Fair

- Model T Car is invented

Aims for Each Lesson and Homework Assignments:

Lesson 1: How did the Industrial Revolution begin?

Standards: SS1 – U.S. History, SS2 – World History

HW: Answer the following questions:

1. What was the Industrial Revolution?

2. How does manufacturing benefit society?

3 . Where did the Industrial Revolution start?

4. What are the benefits of Assembly lines?

5. Describe how interchangeable parts work.

Lesson 2: What was the role of Samuel Slater in the Industrial Revolution?

Standards: SS1 – US History, SS2- World History

HW: Answer the following questions

1) Who was Samuel Slater?

2) How did Samuel Slater help grow American Industry?

3) Why do you believe Samuel Slater brought the blueprints for a textile machine to the U.S.?

4) What is a textile machine?

5) What was it like to be a factory worker during the Industrial Revolution?

6) Complete paragraph on differences between your day and a child who worked in Samuel Slater’s mill.

Lesson 3: How did improvements in transportation effect economic development?

Standards: SS1 – US History , SS3- Geography

HW: Answer the following questions:

1. What improvements were made in transportation?

2. How did the transcontinental railroad change American lives?

3. Why is transportation important to our lives?

4. Complete Railroad Advertisement Drawing

Lesson 4: What were the improvements in communication during the Industrial Revolution?

Standards: SS1 – US History

HW: Answer the following questions:

1. What does the word “communication” mean?

2. Explain the benefits of a mass communication system such as Morse code.

3. How did the invention of the telephone change American lives?

4. What is Morse Code?

5. Explain how Morse Code works.

Lesson 5: What were the technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution?

Standards: SS1 – US History

HW: Complete Research Questions for placard.

Lesson 6: How did Corporations grow as a form of business?

Standards: SS1 – World History, SS4- Economics

HW: Answer the following questions.

1) What is a corporation?

2) Name some corporations today

3) Why did Businessmen form corporations?

4) What is a stock?

5) Who owns large corporations?

6) Complete Corporation Outline .

Lesson 7: Were corporation leaders captains of industry or robber barons?

Standards: SS 1 – U.S. History SS4- Economics

HW: Answer the following questions:

1. What Corporation did Andrew Carnegie own?

2. What Corporation did John D. Rockefeller run?

3. What Corporation did JP Morgan run?

4. What does Laissez-faire mean?

5. What does the term “Big Business” mean?

Lesson 8: How did Corporations operate without government regulation?

Standards: SS1- U.S. History SS4- Economics

HW: Answer the following questions:

1. What is a monopoly?

2. Why was a corporation having monopolies a negative for the U.S.?

3. How did corporations create a separation between the poor and the rich?

4. What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?

5. Why did the government try to breakup monopolies?

Lesson 9: How did the invention of the Model-T Car change the United States?

Standards: SS1- U.S. History SS4- Economics

HW: Answer the following questions

1) What is an assembly line?

2) What are the benefits of an assembly line?

3) Who invented the Model-T Car?

4) How did the invention of the Model-T Car change the United States?

5) How much did the first American cars cost?

Lesson 10: What were working conditions like during the Industrial Revolution?

Standards: SS1- U.S. History SS4- Economics

HW: Answer the following questions:

1) What does the term “Labor” mean?

2) Why did factories use child labor?

3) Write a journal entry describing work conditions in factories during the Industrial Revolution. Describe what your work hours were, what the factory looked like, what the other workers were like and what kind of jobs people did.

Lesson 11: How did the creation of Unions fight poor working conditions?

Standards: SS1- U.S. History

HW: Answer the following questions

1) What is a Union?

2) Why were Unions created?

3) What does collective bargaining mean?

4) How do Unions protect workers?

5) What is a strike?

6) How do Unions accomplish their goals? What methods do they use?


• Students will complete a Railroad advertisement poster

• Students will complete a Placard researching an invention during the Industrial Revolution

• Students will complete an argumentative essay on a Corporation leader during the Industrial Revolution.

Assessments (Exams, Essays, DBQ’s, Reflections):

• Homework

• Exam on “The Industrial Revolution”

• Railroad Advertisement

• Invention Project

• Argumentative Essay on Corporation Leaders


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