Edison Park Elementary presents

Edison Park Elementary presents

The Howler

February 2013

School Events

Science Fair

By: Michael Julia and Kylie, 7th

“Science fair is used to teach the kids about the scientific, method and creativity,” Mrs. Carman offered referring to the number one project due early in the school year. This project allows students to choose their topic as well as experiment and present it to middle school classes. The top three get to go to the City Science Fair.

An Experiment, which deserves to go to city finals to be beyond average and must be unique. Mrs. Carman said, “Middle Schoolers are getting better at making their projects and as a result they are more experienced. These students get inspired by their teacher and ideas they would love to learn more about. The

Science Fair all rainbows and sunshine because the experiments are very time consuming but what is learned, it is amazing.

As the years passed and the technology improved, Edison Park finally made a

move and used Microsoft PowerPoint instead of the big Tri-fold poster boards. As a result, Edison Park Elementary Science Fair was successful. Middle Schoolers did their best to make their projects epic.

Travel Chicago

A Day in the Life of a Chicago Firefighter

By: Dylan and Justin, 7th

The Chicago fire department keeps citizens safe and happy. The Howler was lucky enough to visit Mr. Gary Gordon’s fire house, finding out what they do every day. Located in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago, this fire station holds one truck with a ladder, two engines that pump water and carry the equipment, one ambulance which carries the sick or the injured people, as well as a chiefs buggy (the car that the fire chief rides in.) Seven firefighters can

ride in a fire truck, while only four paramedics can fit in an ambulance.

The fire house itself has a large kitchen, a workout room, bed room lockers, a conference room, and more. “Twenty firemen can be working at the house at one time,” said one of the firefighters.

One of firefighter explained. “Kids come in on field trips and we show them around. Then we teach them about fire safety and how to stay safe. We also do fire drills at the local school.”

The fire men and women of Chicago are heroes. They put their lives in danger for the safety of this city. Therefore time you see one say “thank you” because they work hard for their neighbors,

ride in a fire truck, while only four paramedics can fit in an ambulance.

The fire house itself has a large kitchen, a workout room, bed room lockers, a conference room, and more. “Twenty firemen can be working at the house at one time,” said one of the firefighters.

One of firefighter explained. “Kids come in on field trips and we show them around. Then we teach them about fire safety and how to stay safe. We also do fire drills at the local school.”

The fire men and women of Chicago are heroes. They put their lives in danger for the safety of this city. Therefore time you see one say “thank you” because they work hard for their neighbors.

This Month in Chicago History

Chicago Candy

By: Jack G, Ethan R, Ryan, 7th

Everyone loves candy including Chicagoans, so a classic that was made right here in the windy city, Dots, a delicious gumdrop, is a favorite. Originally it was created in the 1890’s when looking at them from an aerial view they look like a bunch of dots. Dots were endorsed by Mason CO, owned by Ernest Von Au and Joseph Mason. In 1972 Tootsie industries bought this product.

Ever since 1945 Dots claimed the number one spot for best gumdrop in the U.S.A. Since they are gluten and peanut free, so children with allergies are able to eat this candy. The introductory flavors were orange, lemon, and lime which are still available today. New packs are Tropical, Yogurt, Sour, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and Valentines Dots. Wild cherry, pomegranate, cinnamon, green tea, wintergreen and special individual packs are also available.

Dots were bigger back in bigger boxes back in the 1900's and the box cover looked much more different than it does today. Tootsie industry's has sold and produced 4-billion boxes of Dots. There have been many famous events in Illinois like the World Fair and the opening of the Sears Tower. Unfortunately the creation Dots is one of the historic events of Chicago’s that people.

World Headlines

Hurricane Sandy

By: Adam, Jacob, and Nikki, 7th

All around the world, everyday, countries suffer from massive hurricanes and tsunamis, mind blowing earthquakes, ground lifting tornadoes as well as different natural storms. Last fall multiple states in this country were tortured by Super Storm Sandy, resulting weeks without any power, loved ones lost and suffering severely. Although it is getting better slowly, there is still millions of dollars in damage to repair. Here is their story.

Late in October 2012, a torturous hurricane hit the United States. With gusts of wind, over 110 mph, 300,000 homes were destroyed and 100 ripped right off the ground. There were not many options to avoid this disaster.

Sandy broke the 1998 record, of most enormous tropical storm, ever. Three forces, wind, sand, and water, all met to make up this hurricane. The diameter of the storm was 1,000 miles and it affected 24 states. The major damage was in Delaware, New York and New Jersey. Other cites and states like Chicago and Indiana, were affected by harsh storms and winds. Millions of citizens were out of power for more than 2 weeks. Around Halloween, people nicknamed this storm, Frankenstorm, because it began to take over their lives. People without homes are staying in the shelters, that were set up in suburbs where there was not a monstrous amount of damage. Most others are staying with relatives where they can be close that they have each other. About 121 people died and hundreds are still missing. Hurricane Sandy submerged cars in seawater, smashed them into trees and other debris, as well as managed to set a few on fire. The estimate of cars damaged were 230, 000. Approximately 130,000 cars rained were in New York, 600,000 in New Jersey, and other 400,000 were in the District of Colombia and the other 13 states stretching from North Carolina to Maine. The damage will cost over 65 billion dollars.

People from all around the world are helping out the victims, from regular everyday citizens to the more well known names. Christina Aguilera, Bruce Springsteen, Steven Tyler, Jimmy Fallon, Mary J. Blige and many more, put on a benefit concert. All the money they raise will go towards repair and anything else needed. Others are donating water, food, money, and whatever they can.

The people that have been struck by the storm, have gone through much pain over the past 3 months, they are struggling to repair the damage. Those who have experienced this storm are more prepared for future storms. Hopefully all the disasters will be repaired soon and life can continue.

Shout Out To Staff

Ms. Griffiths or Mrs. Rubel

By: Jack, Hailey, and Ethan C, 7th

Did someone mention that Ms. Griffiths is going to change her name? That is right she is getting married.

Soon to be Mrs. Rubel, Ms.Griffiths has been teaching for over two years with a passion. Teaching math class for her 3rd grade, and is one of the highlights of her day. When she was young, she was an avid reader and continues to do so during her free time.

A magical place for Ms. Griffiths to go to is New York City. Maybe it is because of the entrancing Broadway shows and spectacular night life.

One of her favorite restaurants to go to is Ditka’s, and ordering their Pot roast nachos. During the summer, she loves to go to the beach to relax. All of the Chicago sports teams are special but her favorite is the Bears. It is clearly noticeable that she is a big Chicago fan.

This summer wedding is going to be outdoors on a beautiful Jamaicans beach. She will be wearing a long strapless dress.

Apparently teachers are a lot like kids; they still have their favorite T.V shows and their Cell phones too. Edison Park is lucky to have Ms. Griffiths.

Wedding Bells By: Kevin and Jazlyn, 7th

One of the many young teachers to join the Edison Park family this past September is Mrs. Stern. She is 4/5 multi age instructor in room 202. Her success in life started somewhere before she uncovered her teaching talent. Coming to Edison Park was very exciting and she is looking forward to a whole new school of smiling faces. “Everyone is surprisingly nice, welcoming, and I am overjoyed by the ride. Mrs. Stern was introduced to her fiancé by a close friend who went to the same high school as Mr. Stern. This bud thought it would be epic to set them up on blind date, and obviously she was right. The day he proposed was right after her birthday. Her birthday was absolutely awful because it was raining and all of her plans had been ruined. But the day after he came to the rescue with a fun fall dinner. They watched a Charlie Brown movie and then he asked the intense question. Their similarities of traveling and that they shared the same values kept them together. Their wedding was on October 6th, because it was the same month of her birthday and their promise of love. They were hoping for fantastic weather. It wasn’t the sunshine they were hoping for but they found a way to make it work. They invited one-hundred forty close friends and family. There was no flower girl or ring bear. They did not have any younger kids in either family except a two year old nephew, who was too little for the job. A perfect wedding was preformed with dear friends, family and a unique experience for both groom and bride. The theme of the wedding was “Eurovintagesheek” with a black old fashioned tuxedoes and black dresses. Her dress was not the traditional white and entirely covered in lace. The planning was not stressful until the month before the wedding although her mom guided and helped along the way.

Eighth Grade Profiles

The Next Justin Bieber

By: Alexa, Cass, Jessica, Leyla, 7th

Joey is one of those people who is friends with everyone. He has a great sense of humor, is outgoing, and enjoys a wide variety of interests, ranging from travel to sports, as well as everything in between.

Hanging out with his friends at school, playing basketball and going on the computer, with Joey no one ever knows where he might appear.

Some of his hidden talents are ping pong, in which he is a master, and Ultimate Frisbee, a sport where the disk is passed down a field as fast as possible.

For the rest of his life, Hamburgers would be his choice of food to eat because, “they have a variety of different foods such as meat, vegetables, and bread.” “ Hawaii is a relaxing place, and he would love to go visit one day because “It seems like you can do anything there”.

Buzz Light-year one of Joeys favorite movie characters is also. When he went to Disney World he was able to meet him it was one of his amazing childhood memory.

When it comes to major inspirations, Justin Bieber, “because of his young successful career, and he gets a lot of money, as well as girls.” This leads him to become a actor and singer when he is older.

Obviously Education is essential to succeed in life. High School selectives in sports as well as academics has leads, this eighth grader to choose the high school St. Patricks, which offers programs. Joey would like to learn how to read and write the Latin language, “because in the medical community all the words are Latin. He believes it is very important to learn.”

Following St Patricks, Stanford is one of his number one collage of choice because it has great academic programs as well as amazing sports.

Edison Park has been very proud to have Joey as a student since September of 2008, when the school first opened. He is an important asset to the wolves sports teams and clubs not to mention his award winning personality. The Howler wishes Joey the best luck on this journey to high school.

Rockin’ with Rowan By: Giancarlo, Neftaly and Cameron, 7th

For eighth graders this is their last year at Edison Park Elementary before they move on to high school. With such short time left, Wolves should know more about them. Austin, a bright student with a wonderful personality, came here last year, in December, from Immaculate Conception and already thinks of his classmates as a family. “I like the teachers here because they help me with my school work. I will miss them because it will not be as easy to get assistance in high school as it is here at Edison.” Austin has three siblings, two older brothers, Matt and Nathan, as well as one younger sister, Melony. “My mom inspires me because she got straight A’s in high school and encourages everyone to do their best.” With such support Austin would like to go to Notre Dame for high school because Matt, who graduated from there, said it really prepared him for college. If Austin could live anywhere, it would be in Hawaii because, “It is a beautiful, exotic place with a safe and calm environment.” Also, if he could have a super power it would be to fly so he can, “Travel really fast and easy,” maybe he would go to Hawaii. “If I would create a new sport it would be water football but I realize that it already has been invented, water polo, so I would not even try.” Austin likes to play basketball and football with friends at recess and after school. “I would not pick a new name because I thought my parents picked well.”

Now wolves should know Austin a little better. Keep reading the Howler for more eighth grader updates. GO WOLVES!

“The Directioner” By: Juliet, Grace and Molly

Graduation may be scary to many eighth graders but Katie has avoided the fear and slowed down to show her true identity. In September, Katie is off to Taft High School for the next four years. She feels more confident about the new school because a cluster of her friends will also attend, unfortunately not all of them. Katie’s opinion of a good friend is, “Someone you can trust and talk to whenever you need it.” Therefore she will miss Edison Park deeply, because of her friendships and teachers. As Katie begins her high life, she offers advice to future 8th graders, “Be nice to everyone, and try your best to get in all your work. It will save you a ton of trouble and will save your school life.” Then she states that an 8th grader has never ending advantages, “You know what the easier subjects are and which teachers do not forgive missing homework.” As the One Direction Infection continues its path around the world, Katie admits she has been infected. “I love Rock Me by One Direction as well as Niall.” Katie’s role model is Avril Levine because she likes the type of person Avril displays. Not everyone likes sports, but Katie does, “I like soccer. Its fun! I play defense and I am really good at it.” With that said fashion design is in her future. As a stylist you get to travel to many different countries. The place she would go first is Italy because, “Half of my family is Italian and I heard it is a very beautiful place. “

Every kid has that moment in time she, wish she could change. Katie would go back to, “The beginning of last year. I became very addicted to my computer and my grades reflected it. However I am refocused on my grades now because I know that they are very important. Eighth grade are the “big kids” with a lot of responsibility so many would think that is their favorite grade. Howler was surprised with Katie’s response, “No it is probably not 8th grade, I think kindergarten because you get naps AND snack time.” Every student has their own niche, where they excel. For Katie it is Social Studies. “I really like Social Studies because I enjoy learning all about that material.” As a compassionate and original person Katie seems to have a bright future planned ahead. Katie is excited to move on to high school, but she will never forget Edison Park and her teachers, who affected her life for the better.

The Fashionista of Edison Park

By Maura, Sam, and Shannon, 7th

There they are, proudly strutting down the halls while ruling the school in their very last year here. This eighth grade class has made it extremely far because the majority have been at Edison Park since the inaugural 2008-2009 school year. Of course new people have joined along the way. Viewed as smart, talented, and amazing, does anyone really know who they are individually? The Howler got an inside look at the life of Natalia.

When it comes to school, Natalia is mature, organized, friendly and especially loves how, “The school lets me be myself with a ton of activities to choose from.” Natalia thought for quite a while before she then stated, “Edison impacted my life greatly and I have made connections with everyone. I like how the school lets me be my own person and do my own thing.” Although she feels her class is, “just like a family,” she is looking forward to high school and is excited to make new friends, “It would be like a new start.” However, she does not yet know where she plans to attend.

As for college, it is an easy choice because she plans to go to DePaul University. What makes the university her top choice is that it has a beautiful campus and is close to her family.

Because pre-school teachers are with little kids all day, having fun and singing, Natalia would like to be one, for just a day. However, Natalia wants to invest her life in fashion and photography by experimenting with designing outfits and attending classes to on photo journalism.

Natalia spends much time playing the piano and shopping. What girl does notlove shopping? Forever 21 is by far her favorite store because, “They have so many clothes. I like to experiment with fashion and Forever 21 always has exciting, new clothes.” As well as these hobbies, Natalia also enjoys reading books because it excites her and is a nice break from everyday life.

A portable closet would be her choice of a dream invention, “With a press of a button, it pops out of a little box full of clothes. It would be so cool to get to bring so many outfits with me all the time!” Imagine that rolling down the halls at Edison Park.

Life at home is pretty chaotic with two younger brothers in the family. A sister would be really nice to have because then there would be someone for which to talk and relate. Natalia’s mother inspires her the most by encouraging her to do better in life.

Her relatives are all from Poland, which is very important because she prefers Polish food and cherishes its fascinating history. This unique culture is also a great interest because she thinks it is so cool to compare their everyday life to hers.

Because of the recent election, the Howler learned that Natalie wanted Obama to win because, “I feel like he had changed the country for the better. I also like how Michelle, the First Lady, has improved fitness and health in millions of children’s’ lives.” However, if Natalia herself were President, she would do her best to let everyone’s voice be heard in the country and help others in poor communities.

Natalia is a young girl who knows where she wants to be in life and she will make a statement.


The Dream Team

By: Jeslyn, Marija, Michael, 7th

“Oh My Gosh! Can you believe it? Our very own Wolves got third in CPS’s Cross Country Championships,” exclaimed an Edison Park Wolf. This year the 7th and 8th girls team, coached by Ms. Diggins and Mrs. Carman, had an amazing year. Colette, Jeslyn, Alexa, Grace, and Jazlyn offered the inside scoop.

Jumping up and down, because of their medal, these runners explained how they had super high achievements. Practices really helped boost up our endurances. The body gets so used to running a mile and a half that it just comes natural. Colette said, “The school practices weren’t that hard but during the strike we woke up very early and went to Bunker Hill to practice.”

“I run about a mile and a half when I have free time, and yes. I think we had enough practices, but I wish they were longer.” Said Jeslyn.

The team members gave some advice to people who are not runners. Grace said, “Start slow and then build up to your 5k. It is also important to get great running shoes.” Alexa offered, “Take your time, breath through your nose and out threw your mouth.”

Before every meet the Edison Park Wolves pray. They cross their hands and say something that motivates like, “I hope we qualify as a team or indivually.” The girls also have an important quote that raises hope, “Run hard, be strong, and think big.”

The team members gave each other motivation and everything they need to place in the city championships. During the race they were sick, tired, the weather was freezing cold, and the meet was very unorganized. They were exhausted and relieved when they made third place. Many girls said that they were exhausted, but very relieved that they made third place. However everyone put in their best effort.

The Edison Park Wolves are proud of the girls cross country team and hope that they have a wonderful season next year. If they keep up their hard work and encourage other girls to run, the team may get even higher placings.

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