Logiciels AlarmeFB - Free

AlarmeFB software

on PC and Smartphone

User guide


NB : The labels of apparatus and detectors are examples, these being

configurable as desired.


1 - Presentation

2 - Features

3 - Installation

4 - Setting

5 - Domotic

6 - Implementation

7 - Management

8 - Application Android

9 - Authorities AlarmeFB

10 - Example of use

11 - License

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1 – Presentation

AlarmeFB is a management software of alarms and domotic that allows :

▪ manage a domotic system from the detectors and integrated programmers

▪ to be informed directly (without subscription) by "SMS flashes" the intrusions or incidents

▪ to have access always available and only to you (no server or "cloud")

▪ to test in local or remote the detectors and/or connected apparatus

▪ validate or invalidate locally or remotely one or more detectors and/or programmers

▪ controlled remotely by secure SMS all connected apparatus

▪ start or stop AlarmeFB remotely by secure SMS

▪ choose between 3 interface types: voice, graphics (buttons) or text (SMS) for mobile

Security system :

▪ private phone number 3G USB key without any connection to an external contributor

▪ phone number calling AlarmeFB controlled by comparison with the list of registered number

▪ PIN code of the SIM card into the 3G USB key checked each received command

You can test AlarmeFB with or without 3G USB key and if the concept appeals to you make or not the electronic/s card/s later. If you only want a system of alarms, card "PC interface" enough.

The card/s "Power module" is/are only necessary for domotic and these may be replaced or mixed with a transmitter and receiver modules "X10".

If you do not have a 3G USB key, the "Local mode" allows you to use AlarmeFB domotic, sending SMS and

the remote control will obviously not operational (see help configuration).

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2.1 – Features for alarms

▪ AlarmeFB is compatible with all mobile phones and all smartphones

▪ AlarmeFB PC with a "parallel port" supports all versions from Windows XP®

▪ up to 24 wired detectors with dry contacts "NO" or "NC"; benefits : the wired detectors are not jamming, cheaper and without batteries so always operational

▪ up to 24 permanent alarms (fire, flood, gas leak, power failure ...)

▪ up to 24 partial areas (garage, room, basement, unoccupied areas overnight, ...)

▪ up to 9 phone numbers simultaneously or sequentially called if an N° is inaccessible

▪ custom alert messages up to 1,330 characters for each detector and programmer

▪ SMS in "flash" mode to receive live and immediately alert (between 15 and 20 seconds) then the reception time of an email can be several minutes (the burglar is already gone!)

2.2 – Features for domotic

▪ realistic and innovative domotic from your own pictures (no need to create 3D drawings or images)

▪ true unlimited scenarios combining all relations with the conditions "If", "Or", "Then"

▪ up to 20 devices (5 units per map "power module" x 4 cards); to order a apparatus, simply connect directly without adding a receiver module else by "X10"

▪ 9 weekly and/or daily programmers (lights, radio, coffee maker, shutters, irrigation, ...)

▪ interface on mobile or not Android® smartphones in text mode (SMS) and on Android smartphones in text mode (SMS), graphics (buttons) or voice (recognition and synthesis)

▪ full remote control and on/off function with secure SMS messages confirmation

▪ logging of all events and all orders issued and their answers

2.3 – Possible configurations

▪ configuration 1 : only software AlarmeFB = domotic in local and remote

▪ configuration 2 : configuration 1 + "PC interface" card = domotic and alarms in local and remote

▪ configuration 3 : configuration 2 + "X10" modules = domotic + alarms + controled apparatus by the electrical network

▪ configuration 4 : configuration 2 + 1 to 4 cards "Power module" = direct connection of apparatus without "X10" modules

The only AlarmeFB software can make domotic local and remote (presence simulation, watering, gate, garage door ...). The card "PC interface" is only necessary for manage alarms and the card/s "Power module" is/are needed to order "direct links" the apparatus, these can be replaced by the "X10" (see help configuration).

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3 – Installation

From the link , download to your hard disk the file

"Install_AlarmeFB.exe" which contains the entire project.

If the recipient system is :

Windows Vista,

Windows 7,

Windows 8,

Windows 10,

first read this document : Installation procedure from Windows Vista to Windows 10.

Launch and follow the instructions of the program "Install_AlarmeFB.exe".

This will install the software AlarmeFB in a new directory called "AlarmeFB" and create sub-directory "Photos" and "Documents" containing all the documents needed to manufacture the electronic cards as well as diagrams, examples of images, photos and advice.

It is very important to read the file "Read me" and "Useful information".


The application "AlarmeFB.apk" is also provided to control AlarmeFB from an Android smartphone or for download directly onto it with the browser on your smartphone, scan the "QR code" below with your smartphone.


If you install the application from the supplied file, follow the instructions of the manufacturer of your smartphone

which is usually done by its USB connection and in debug mode.

If you have the message "Install blocked", go to "Settings", select "Security" and check the box "Unknown sources".

If an SD card is in the smartphone, the application will automatically saved to it else it will be saved in its internal memory.

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4 – Setting

AlarmeFB automatically generates its initialization file (which is widely commented) using

Information you provide it in the tabs "Management settings". See the video setting


If the phones are of "fixed" type, they must be able to receive SMS (see with your operator).


The programmers are similar to detectors but their release is temporal.

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Setting (continued)


Any apparatus powered by the alternate current is compatible with AlarmeFB respecting the deposit on the

consumption of each device.


The principle of setting of AlarmeFB is to relate a detector/programmer and one or more apparatus and/or an SMS message to be transmitted when the detector/programmer is activated.

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Setting (continued)


Next all relations can be combined in scenarios with the conditions "If" and "Or" for activate other relations

with "Then".

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5 – Domotic

The domotic of AlarmeFB is based on an innovative and realistic concept as follows :

1) you are shooting your rooms or your externals towards the apparatus to be controlled

2) you declare all apparatus that you just photograph (Settings – Apparatus tab)

3) you save all your photos in the "Photos" directory of AlarmeFB under names corresponding to views

4) clicking on the "Domotic" button on the home screen of AlarmeFB and from that moment, each photo will be accessible by a button called the name thereof

5) there remains only you "put" the "targets" in the photos and select the associated apparatus


More, thanks to 2 programs that are called "Splashtop Personal" for the mobile and "Splashtop Streamer" for the

PC downloadable at : , you may now to pilot from your chair all AlarmeFB and all your domotic on smartphone, tablet or phablet Android, iOS or Windows Phone and connected to your Windows PC via WiFi, USB or LAN.

6 – Implementation

After setting, the use of AlarmeFB is as simple as possible only by clicking on the button "Partial alarm" or on the button "Total alarm".

AlarmeFB is active after launch when you receive on your mobile the following message :

"SMS Test, AlarmeFB is operational". From that moment, you can control AlarmeFB remotely.

"Partial alarm" only control the detectors selected in the "Partial" tab, this is useful for monitor areas out of sight or unoccupied (up to 24 zones) during your presence at the scene.

"Total alarm" will control all detectors declared in the "Detectors" tab (up to 24 detectors) while your absence on the scene.

Automatically other programs can be run to each change mode of AlarmeFB.

To do this, simply create the file/s batch (.bat) to have the necessary operations to make in the correspondent mode :

AlarmeFB Name of batch file Example of use

Launched ► ActionLaunch.bat launch other programs

Total alarm ► ActionTotal.bat launch a camera surveillance software

Stopped ► ActionStop.bat stop the camera surveillance software

Partial alarm ► ActionPartial.bat turn off all apparatus of the unoccupied area

Exit ► ActionExit.bat shut down all ongoing programs

These files must be saved in the same directory as AlarmeFB.

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Implementation (continued)

The "Partial" tab is used to select the detectors (local, garage, basement, ...) that will be controlled when AlarmeFB will be "Partial alarm" mode.

The "Permanent" tab is used to select the detectors (fire, flood, breakdowns, ...) that will be controlled continuously from the launch of AlarmeFB regardless of the operating mode.

The "Programmers" trigger the apparatus associated with the day and time scheduled regardless operating mode.

The relations are based on principle of correlations between detector/programmer, apparatus and SMS message, the possibilities for each detector/programmer declared are :

▪ detector/programmer in correlation with an SMS message = alarm only

▪ detector/programmer in correlation with one/several apparatus = domotic only

▪ detector/programmer in correlation with one/several apparatus + an SMS message = domotic and alarm

Then you can create scenarios by combining relations with the conditions "If", "Or" and the action "Then". In each condition and action, you can insert as many relations you desire. These scenarios are validated when the requirement/s ("If" and "Or") is/are filled and activate the relations/s cited by action "Then". This feature you allows to realize all your desires in domotic and alarm.

You have the opportunity to test locally each detector by checking the box near his label (this will trigger if a message is linked, sending the SMS) or each apparatus by clicking the button without sending SMS message.

For optimum operation, it is necessary to have a signal displayed (at the bottom left of the screen AlarmeFB) with at least one green bar that is a reception level of 20% minimum. If necessary, insert an extension cable between the PC and the 3G USB key to the best position.

A small tool called "Signal GSM Monitor" free and available on the "Google Play" website to install on your smartphone will help you determine the location of the best GSM signal reception to put them the 3G USB key.

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7 – Management

The remote control of AlarmeFB can be done in 3 ways :

1) with a mobile/fixed or non-Android smartphone using the SMS, the commands (uppercase or lowercase) are :

▪ Code? or ? = list all available commands as below

▪ CodeR = Run AlarmeFB in total alarm (after leaving the scene)

▪ CodeS = Stops AlarmeFB (before entering the scene)

▪ CodeT = Tests AlarmeFB (return state AlarmeFB : "activated", "stopped" or "partial")

▪ CodeL = List all the triggers (declared, example : D3 = Entrance)

▪ CodeLA = List all Actives triggers (with or without issued alert message)

▪ CodeEnn = Edit the trigger N° nn (trigger label + label/s of apparatus + message)

▪ CodeAnn = Activates the trigger N° nn (lights the apparatus linked to trigger + alert)

▪ CodeDnn = Disables the trigger N° nn (off the apparatus linked to trigger)

▪ CodeInn = Invalid the trigger N° nn (making the trigger inoperable to issue an alert)

▪ CodeVnn = Valid the trigger N° nn (reset the trigger to operable after an invalidation)

Code = PIN code (4 digits) for the SIM card into the 3G USB key that must be entered before each command to secure the system

trigger = a detector or a programmer

nn = 1 to 24.

2) with an Android smartphone in voice mode (see below the picture of 1th screen)

3) with an Android smartphone in graphics mode (see below the picture of 2th screen)

The alert messages will always be received by the SMS application of the phone.

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8 – Application Android

On a smartphone, all the commands listed above are managed by the Android application "AlarmeFB.apk" and provides an easy interface and an easy management of the PIN code, number of phone, N° of trigger and a log of issued commands and received responses.

The application can also be fully controlled in voice mode for commands and responses. He it is necessary to download the speech engine "IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ" free and an voice too free from "Google Play", I find it better than other speech engines.

A list of possible commands is displayed continuously when you are in this mode.


When you first launch the application, you will be asked to enter the phone number, the PIN code of SIM card contained in the 3G USB key connected to the PC and the mode in voice operation or not. Thanks to this double security, only the smartphone/s having this information will/have control AlarmeFB.

The "Initialize" allows possibly change these 3 parameters and to update the list of detectors/programmers after modification/s thereof in AlarmeFB settings on the PC.

The "Journal" will display all the commands sent from the smartphone with their answers and erase or not this log.

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9 – Android permissions of AlarmeFB

During the installation of AlarmeFB on the smartphone, Android tells you the permissions that the application request. Here are the explanations and reasons for them :

Authorization : Edit/delete the contents of the SD card

Reason : For store the list of detectors and the informations entered in the function "Initialize" to automatically generate all SMS settings when issuing a command and also for save the log.

Authorization : Send SMS

Reason : For send the commands (and only the commands) to manage AlarmeFB on the PC remote. You control the number of SMS messages issued because only pressing a button or command voice will cause the sending of an SMS.

Authorization : Receive SMS

Reason : For filter SMS of confirmation to AlarmeFB or the result of an command he issued.

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10 – Example of use


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11 – License

The AlarmeFB software (on PC and smartphone) and all accompanying documents for the realization of electronic cards are free of charge and free of use, in accordingly :

▪ any marketing of an element or assembly is prohibited

▪ reverse engineering is prohibited

▪ all the software and documents is provided "AS IS" without any warranty

▪ use AlarmeFB software (PC and smartphone) is at your own risk

▪ the author disclaims any consequences resulting from the use of software AlarmeFB

▪ only the "Installation_AlarmeFB.exe" file can be distributed without any modification

For inquiries, please contact the author.

Author : Francis Brument

Email : brument.francis@free.fr


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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