EndNote - Scripps Research

Reference Manager 11

Training Guide



Angela Murrell

Outreach and Instruction Librarian

Kresge Library



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Must be TSRI Faculty, Post Doc, Student, or Staff

Use your TSRI email account (Without the @scripps.edu part) to sign in

Reference Manager Training Guide Page

A. Getting Started 2

B. Working with Reference Manager 4

C. Searching PubMed w/in Ref. Man. 8

D. Automatically Importing Records

1. Ovid 10

2. Web of Science 12

E. Manually Importing Records

1. PubMed 13

2. Manual Import into Reference Manager step 14

3. SciFinder Scholar 15

F. Generating a Reference List 16

G. CWYW 17


Please feel free to ask questions throughout the workshop. If you have questions that occur to you after the workshop, or that you wish to discuss individually, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Please take a moment to let me know how we can improve our training program. Contact information is optional, but if provide we can respond to you directly concerning any questions you may have.

A. Getting Started

1. Download the upgrade from

2. Add a shortcut to Reference Manager to the desktop

• Go to Start > Programs > ReferenceManager 11 > right click on “Reference Manager 11”

• Select Send to then Desktop (Create shortcut)

3. Add Reference Manager to the Quick launch bar

• Go to Start > Programs > ReferenceManager 11 > “Reference Manager 11”

• Drag the file to the Quick Launch bar.

4. Create a new Database

• Open Reference Manager

• Go to File > New Database…

• Name the database.

• Choose the location to save it to from the Look in: pull down list.

• Click New.


• New databases open in “Read-Write Share”. You can check the Access rights by going to File > Preferences.

• When opening an existing database, you can choose Access rights as:

Read-Write Share

Read-Only Share

Read-Write Exclusive -must be in this mode to edit term lists or copy periodical lists.

5. To set the current database to Read-Write Exclusive,

• Close the database.

• Then go to File > Open Database…

• and select “Read-Write Exclusive” for Access rights:.


6. Setting SFX as the OpenURL tool

In order to use this, you must have the Journal Title in the term list, with correct full title and/or the ISSN in the proper field. For PubMed, use the updated filter PubMed2.cap on the Library Training & Guides page.

• Go toTools> Options … Click on Internet search tab

• Check the box next to Enable OpenURL.

• Delete current text in OpenURL Path: box.

• Type in:

• Copy the text of into the Arguments box.

• Click Apply.

• Click OK.

7. Copy a Periodical list to the Term Manager

• The database must be open in “Read-Write Exclusive” access mode.

• Activate the term manager , go to Tools > Term Manager > activate or F5

• Click on the “periodicals” tab.

• Go to Tools > Term Manager > Copy Periodicals…

• Select the list from “Copy from:” pull down menu (Chemical, Humanity, Medical)

• Click OK [pic]

B. Working with Reference Manager

1. Open the sample database

• Go to File > Open database…

• The sample database is located in My Documents (use the pull down Look in: menu, or the My Documents button on the left menu.)


• Be sure to select “Read-Write Exclusive” from the Access rights: pull down menu.

• Click Open.

2. Searching the database

• Open the Reference Manager database

• Go to Reference > Search References

• From the drop down menu choose the database to search.

• Select a Field from the drop down menu

• Type in a search term. If the field is indexed, a list of possible terms will appear.


• Double-Click on your choice.

• Close the box by clicking “X”.

• You may add additional fields and terms in the rows below. Repeat the steps above.

• They can be connected using Boolean terms using the “Connector” drop down menu.

o “AND” requires both search parameters to be in the record.

o “OR” will find records were either parameter is met.


• Click on the binoculars to perform the search.

• Results display on the right in the Results column. (ie. 5 for Author McCowen, B.; 3 that also include the word “whistle’ in the title.)

• Click on the result number to view records.


• To manipulate or close the “retrieved” window, Right-Click on the reference list.

• Choose Close Retrieved Reference List to close the window.


3. Edit terms in the Term Manager

• If Term Manager is not open, activate it (Tools > Term Manager > Activate)

• Click on the “Terms” tab in the Term Manager.

• To change a term, highlight the term.

• Then go to Tools >Term Manager > Global Edit


• In the Global Edit window you will see the term listed in SOURCE. Type your correction in DESTINATION box. (To close the Keywords box it click x in corner.)

• Click Replace. This will change all occurrences of the term.

4. Copy Field:

Use this to add a note or change a field to a list of selected records.

• First mark the records to change.

• Then, in one record, type in the correct information in the selected field.

• Next go to Edit >Copy Field… a window will pop up.


• Select the Reference List (default is the current one) and select “Marked references.”

• Then choose to Overwrite or Append to the existing field.

• Click Copy. Pop ups will appear asking to perform change on each record.

• Click Yes to All, or go through each record question individually.

5. Add links to files and pdf’s

• Highlight the record,

• Click in the field you wish to add the link to.

• Go to References > Link to … or CTRl-k

• Locate the pdf or file

• Click Open.


6. Adding URL’s

• Highlight the record,

• type or copy paste the URL into the Web/URL field.

C. Searching PubMed from within Reference Manager

• Go to Tools > Internet Search

• A search window will open.


• Be sure PubMed is selected from the pull down menu.

• Select a field to search.

• Type in your search term(s)

• To add additional terms use a “Connector” (AND, OR, NOT)

• Choose the second field.

• Type in term(s)

• Click the Binoculars.


• The search will then display a number of records retrieved.

• Click OK.


• The records will display in a separate TAB in the “Reference List” window.

• Mark or highlight records you wish to keep.

• Right click in the lower frame of the Reference Window.

• Select Copy Between Databases..


• Select which references to copy (Highlighted, Marked, Unmarked, All)

• Select the destination database.

• Click Copy.


• Close the Search Tab by clicking on the “search” tab.

• Right Click on the lower part of the “Reference List” window.

• Select Close Search Database… (fist choice in the drop down menu)

D. Automatically Importing Records

Some databases support direct exporting of citations into Reference Manager.

1. Importing from Ovid

• First perform your search in an Ovid database. (These can be found from the Kresge Library webpage by clicking on Databases.)

• Select citations for downloading by selecting the checkbox next to a citation.

o Scroll to Results Manager at bottom of screen.

o Under Results, select “selected results”

o Under Fields select the option desired (ie. Citation + Abstract + Subject headings)

o Under Results Format select Direct Export.

o Under Actions click on Save.


***If you have more then one reference management software, a screen will appears, select “Export results to Endnote, Procite, or Reference Manager,” and click continue.

• Then the Select Reference Manager Database window will appear.

• You might need to select the specific folder your database is in using the Look In: feature.

• Click Open.

• Reference Manager will open and display the new record(s):


2. Importing from Web of Science

• First perform your search in ISI Web of Science.

• Mark the records you wish to save.

• Click on Submit Marks at the bottom of each screen of results. [pic]

• Then click on Marked List button at the top. [pic]

• Select the fields you want to export:

Recommended: Author Title

Source Abstract

Keywords Addresses



• Click the button Export to Reference Software

• If you only have one type of citation software, then the processing screen will appear and after a few seconds a Select Reference Manager Database window will appear.

• Choose the database to save citations to. Click OPEN.


• Reference Manager will open and display the new record(s):

E. Manually Importing Records

Some Databases do not. This is the procedure to import records from these databases in the form of .txt files. First select and download the references using the instructions specific for the database.

1. Importing from PubMed (Manual Import)

• First perform your search in PubMed.

• Next, Mark the citation(s) you wish to Export to RefMan.

• In the Pull Down Menu next to the Display box: select “MEDLINE”.


• The display will change automatically. Your selected results will be displayed in MEDLINE format.

• Next, in the Send To pull down menu, select: “File”.


• When the File Download window appears:

o Click Save and select the drive/folder you want your file saved in.

o In the File name: box type the name of the file (or use the default).

o For Save as: select the “Text file (.txt)” for the type.

• Click Save.

• Go to Reference Manager and use the Manual Import

2. Manual Import into Reference Manager step

(uses .txt file downloaded from PubMed or SciFinder Scholar)

• To import citations that have been saved in text format, go to File >Import Text File…

• A box will appear:


o In Database: use the pull down list to choose name of Database you want your citations to go in.

o For Filter: use the [pic]button to select the filter for the database the records are from.

o Text File: use the [pic] button to select the file that you saved the records as, should be a “.txt” file type.

• Click Import.

• A status of your imported results will appear.

• Click OK.

• Click Close.

Import Options: Use these Import Filters for the following databases:

|Database |Format of Records |Import Type |Import Filter |

|ELLeN (TSRI catalog) |? |Manual |++++ working on |

|PubMed |MEDLINE |Manual |PubMed2.cap must download |

|SciFinder Scholar |Tagged .txt |Manual |SciFinder.cap |

The following databases allow Direct Importing*: all on Ovid platform, Web of Science

*(Since these are direct imports, RefMan may not ask for import filter after selecting the RefMan Database.)

3. Importing citations from SciFinder Scholar (Manual Import)

• Search SciFinder as usual.

• Once you have selected the citations you wish to import, click on Save As found at the top of the search screen.


• Select the folder you wish to save the file.

• Enter in the name you wish the file to be called.

• Under Save As type: select “Tagged Format”. Click on Save.

• Go to Reference Manager and use the Manual Import (see item C.1. above).

F. Generating a reference list

• In Reference Manager, open the database you wish to work with.

• Go to Tools >Bibliography >Generate from Reference List…

• In the General tab choose

o References to include: “All references in List” or “Marked References”

o Destination: “File” will allow you to send it to word processing software.

o Output style: click on the button with 3 dots (…) next to the output style box. This will open a window and also you to browse for the style, or type in a few letters and a drop down list will appear.

o Choose your style and click Open.

o Optional Fields: select or deselect any fields.

[pic] [pic]

• In the Bibliography tab the format should be set based on the style you choose. However you can change the title, the prefix or suffix separators, etc.

• In the Page tab you can choose margins and page numbering.


• When done click OK.

• Save as box appears.

o Select location of file.

o File name: choose a name.

o Save as type: use the pull down menu to select Microsoft Word or WordPerfect.

• Click Save.

• Then open the file in the Microsoft Word or WordPerfect and do any touchups

G. Cite While You Write

This is a feature of Reference Manager that allows you to automatically insert and format citations into a MS Word or Word Perfect document.

This is the tool bar for Reference Manager.


You can also access the features from Tools > Reference Manager 11 >

1. Adding citations in MS Word

a. Insert Citation

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Insert Citations… or click [pic]

• Type in a word in the title, year, and/or author name.

• Highlight the reference of interest.

• Click Insert.

b. Insert Marked Reference(s)

• Go to Reference Manager 11.

• Mark (Check) the reference to add. (Hold down CTRL to select more then 1.)

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Insert Selected Citation(s) or click [pic]

2. Choosing a reference style [pic]

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Generate Bibliography…

• Under the Bibliography tab

• select the format from the pull down menu next to Output Style:.

• select the font and size, indentation and reference numbering.

• Under the Fields tab select any optional fields.

• Click OK.

3. Unformat Citations [pic]

• To return to the {Author, year id/#} format and still be linked to Reference Manager

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Unformat Citations

4. Remove Field Codes[pic]

• To convert a formatted document to a finished, Word document no longer linked to Reference Manager

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Remove Field Codes

• This will create a copy or the document that can no longer be affected by Reference Manager. The original document is still linked to Reference Manager.

5. Go to Reference Manager 11 [pic]

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Go to Reference Manager

• If Reference Manager is open, this will toggle you to Reference Manager.

6. Editing citations in MS Word [pic]

In order to edit citations in a Word document, you must use the Edit Citations feature, or the change will disappear the next time you use Format Bibliography.

• Click on the citation you wish to edit.

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Edit Citation(s)


• Makes changes to the highlighted citation.

• To add another reference to this citation, click Insert… in the Reference Manager Edit Citation window.

• Click OK.

7. Notes [pic]

Notes only work with a Numbered citation style that uses notes, such as Science, or Nature styles.

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Insert Note… or click

• Type in the content of the note, or type the note where you want it surrounded by the citation delimiters{} and begin with “NOTE:”

• Font may be problematic!

8. Preferences [pic]

• Go to Tools > Reference Manager 11 > Cite While You Write Preferences…

• Set features such as open Reference Manager when Word opens, return to Word after inserting citations, etc.


TSRI, 400-S




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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