Proofreading and Editing Symbols - Faculty of Education

[Pages:71]Proofreading and Editing Symbols

Proofreading symbols are used to identify mistakes and to state the needed correction, .-sted below are the most common proofreading symbols, along with explanation and examples of each.

Explanation of the Symbol


Begin a new paragraph

^ H e explained the rules of

Capitalize a lowercase letter

Henderson middle School

Use a lowercase letter

great skiing trips in the^)A/fnter

Insert a missing word, letter, or punctuation mark

My friend Joe![ln^w green car.


Close up space

Somebody will help you soon,

Delete and close up

taught my sister etiq^Qette

Delete a word, letter, or punctuation mark Joy g a v e i w ^ l o o many reasons. th*iv*ti4

Spell out

CSP^thejJO'inches of fabric

Change the order of letters or words Move the circled words to the place marked by the arrow (write fr in the margin.)

O Add a period

In t h e ( [ ^ h of leaving, he forgot The young boysthre\A^e cows ................

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