Editing Exercise: The following sentences are excerpts ...

Editing Exercise: The following sentences are excerpts from your emails. Please work together to make the necessary correction(s) in each sentence.

From Friday afternoon, I have been thinking.

I realize this class very helpful to me.

When I was out of ELI, I didn't know what I have to do.

i lost my way and i ended up soaked in water.

I'm planning to acheive master degree. 

Novels belong to magical realism school are my favorite.

My hobbies are playing tennis, listen to latinos music and watch football.

After heard about Dr. Bishop’s lab interests, I contact him and visited his lab.

I participate the part of cloning.

The atmosphere in this lab let me feel excited.

Since I take the Grad Core class in ELI, enroll two of academic classes, and be volunteer in lab, my schedule become really tight.

Cooperated with marketing department, I joined two public charities campaigns.

This intern-ship also arose my interests to participate non-profit organizations.

I'm really expecting your class in this semester.

I have joined the ELI last Fall 2008, I started at High-Intermediate level.

I've worked for three years after i graduated as a programmer, however, now I'm planning after I do my master…

I want after we finish this class to be ready for the graduate academic classes.

I still have some family members there, whom I always pray for them to be safe.

After this semester, I am planning go to NYC to study.

During my spare time, I usually went to see movies, and I like to go out shopping.

My learning goal for this semester will be focusing on writing and prepare for the TOEFL-IBT.

i would highly be having a lot of information regarding that.

I have weakness on speaking and listening.

As I can see my self, I think my most strength is listening.

But as my weakness it probably is writing.


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