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Tracy Payne

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How to Use Editing Tools in Microsoft Word

Find and Replace

1. The Find and Replace tools are located in the Edit menu. You may also access them using CTRL +F for find or CTRL +H for replace. The purposes of these functions are to allow the user to easily find and replace words or phrases throughout the document. These are great editing tools for detecting over used words and phrases.

2. To use the Find function simply type what you are searching for in the Find what box. In order to make your search more refined you may select any of the functions listed in the Search Options portion of the Find and Replace dialog box. To locate Search Options choose the More button. (The label of this button becomes Less when expanded.) When you are finished, click on Find All to begin your search.

3. Using the Replace function is very similar to Find. Enter what you are searching for in the Find what box and its desired replacement in the Replace with box. As in the Find function the Search Options can be located by clicking on the More button. When you are ready select Find Next to begin the process. This will highlight in black the first occurrence. At this point, you may choose replace to change the first occurrence and then proceed to step your way through all of them using the Find Next button. If you are sure you wish to replace all occurrences than simply hit the Replace All button.

4. Located at the very bottom of the Find and Replace dialog box are the options Format and Special. These can be used to find and replace various types of standard and special formatting.

Auto Text

1. Auto Text is found in the Insert menu. It is used to insert commonly used phrases and salutations into Word documents. When you become accustomed to using this feature it can become a great time saving tool.

2. To use Auto Text you may scroll through the list or type in the item you are searching for. When you find what you want to use, select the item, and click on the insert button. You may also add your own Auto Text entries.

3. Another way to use this feature is to navigate to the Auto Text menu and choose the desired category to display available items. This feature is faster than opening up the Auto Text dialog box.

Format Painter

1. Format Painter can be found on the Standard tool bar and is an easy way to identically duplicate formats throughout the document.

2. To use this function highlight the text that contains the format that you which to copy. Next, click the Format Painter button. At this point a paint brush will appear next to the mouse pointer. Finally, highlight the text you wish to change. By double clicking on the paint brush you may do multiple selections. To exit this function, press the escape key.


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