Report for Executive Committee February 6, 2002 meeting.



BUILDING NAME AND ADDRESS - George Durrand Residence

10417-Saskatchewan Drive, Edmonton

Register of Historic Buildings in Edmonton - “B” List


The George Durrand Residence is recommended for designation as a Municipal Historic Resource because of its historical and architectural significance.



The George Durrand Residence built in 1913 is an example of a high-style four square or “Prairie” house with a rectangular floor shape. It is 2 ½ stories with a wood frame superstructure and wood frame roof structure. The exterior cladding is brick. The massive square piers of masonry used to support the porch roof is considered a universal feature of high-style examples. The period of this style is predominately dates from 1900 to 1920.


It is a high-style Four Square house with a bell cast hip roof, bellcast hip dormers, an arched open front entry porch with paired square columns, with lower and upper bay windows, eave brackets and mullioned windows.


The building was constructed upon poured concrete & brick foundations and wood frame construction. The exterior cladding is brick veneer. The prominent front verandah has a curved roof supported by paired square columns on square brick piers. The eaves of both the verandah and house are made distinctive by their brackets.


Historical Importance

George Durrand was a local businessman and Manager of the family business, Durrand Sand Co. located at 8130 – 103 Street. It is believed that George’s father William started this family business which also included brothers Duncan and William Jr.



The George Durrand property is a rectangular structure located on the south side of Saskatchewan Drive near the prominent “T” intersection of 103 and Saskatchewan Drive. The property overlooks the River Valley with a spectacular view of the River Valley and Downtown. The property is also serviced by a lane located on the east side which provides access to parking at the rear.


The house is one of the original structures still remaining on this block and on the whole of Saskatchewan Drive which consists predominantly of highrise apartments or condominiums. Because of the location of Saskatchewan Drive and the views it offers, the remaining houses are potentially threatened as the demand for apartments or condos continues to grow.



The George Durrand Residence will provide a strong visual reminder of the origins of Saskatchewan Drive and its original residential character in area facing development pressure due to the location and spectacular views of the downtown skyline. It will remain as an office building for professionals, such as doctors, architects or lawyers. It will also help the area retain some of its historic character and charm by keeping parts of the past mixed with the new.


Apart from loss of the east and west portions of the front verandah, a small addition of a rear porch, and inappropriate windows in the roof dormers, the original exterior character of this building is largely intact and unaltered.


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