International Student Program Quality Standards for Schools


International Education Division

International Student Program - Quality Standards for Schools

|Component |Outcome |Performance Indicators |Resources |

| | | | |

|Standard 1 |Schools have effective monitoring processes that |Schools only deal with International Education Division accredited agents and do not enter into any |SRK Chapter 3 |

| |use a range of strategies to provide information |financial arrangements with agents. | |

|Management of education |to the International Education Division regarding | |List of accredited agents: |

|agents |the integrity of agents. |Where applicable schools are invited to provide feedback to the International Education Division | |

| | |using the Agent Performance and Conduct Feedback Form, and the Accredited agents and School Overseas | |

| | |Visits Feedback Form regarding: |Feedback Form – Agent Performance and |

| | | |Conduct |

| | |Level of quality and services agents provide | |

| | |Feedback received from parents, students or other sources related to agents’ performance. |Feedback Form – Accredited agents and |

| | | |School Overseas Visits |

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|Standard 2 |School marketing information is school specific, |Schools have a website that: |SRK Chapter 3 |

| |accurate, current, timely, of high quality and |Demonstrates commitment to the International Student Program and to cultural awareness | |

|Marketing information |easily accessed by students, parents and agents. |Contains key contact details; as a minimum, the name and email contact of ISC and school |*School website |

| | |administration email and telephone number | |

| | |Describes support services available to international students |*School marketing material |

| | |Outlines school facilities and local area information | |

| | |States the provider name (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) and the CRICOS |International Education Division website: |

| | |Provider Code: 00861K | |

| | |Provides a link to the International Education Division website. | |

| | | | |

| | |Other marketing materials will promote the excellence of the Victorian education system in addition | |

| | |to individual school performance and include the Department of Education and Early Childhood | |

| | |Development as the provider name and CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K. | |

| | | | |

|Standard 3 |Schools assist in assessing the academic |Schools assist the International Education Division in assessing the academic suitability of the |SRK Chapter 7 |

| |suitability of applicants and notify the |applicant and proposed study plan. | |

|Acceptance, |International Education Division of their | |AEI-NOOSR Country Education Profiles |

|pre-arrival and arrival |recommendation. |Schools are contactable year round to respond to requests to place prospective international |online: |

| | |students, consider change requests and provide homestay and airport reception details. | |

| |Schools have appropriate | |DIAC: .au |

| |pre-arrival and arrival arrangements for students.|Schools: | |

| | |Support students by providing the International Education Division with two school mobile numbers |TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service):|

| | |dedicated to the International Student Program for the International Education Division, homestay |.au/living-in-australia/help-wi|

| | |host and student to contact as required. This can be determined by the Principal in accordance with |th-english/help_with_translating/ |

| | |school capabilities. | |

| | |Notify the International Education Division of any changes in Principal Class Officers, International|*CASES21 |

| | |Student Coordinators and other school staff relevant to the International Student Program | |

| | |Notify the International Education Division when holiday contact details change. |Homestay Profile |

| | | | |

| | |Schools who accept welfare responsibility for students: |Airport Reception and Transfer Information |

| | |Are prepared to greet and settle potential arrivals up to 7 days prior to scheduled course |Sheet |

| | |commencement dates | |

| | |Provide homestay details directly to the representative education agent or direct to the parent and |*School Emergency Contact Card |

| | |student no later than 3 weeks prior to scheduled course commencement dates | |

| | |Provide a completed Homestay Profile to the International Education Division no later than 3 weeks | |

| | |prior to scheduled course commencement dates | |

| | |Provide details regarding airport reception or transfer to school arranged homestay including local | |

| | |transfers from a homestay arranged by a private English language provider | |

| | |Have a pool of registered staff members available to perform airport reception or transfer to school | |

| | |arranged homestay as part of their contingency arrangements | |

| | | | |

|Standard 3 | |Must not use private transport service providers unless in an emergency and with the knowledge of the| |

| | |International Education Division. | |

|Acceptance, | | | |

|pre-arrival and arrival | |When undertaking airport reception, schools: | |

|(continued) | |Complete the Airport Reception and Transfer Information Sheet and provide this to the International | |

| | |Education Division prior to the student’s arrival. | |

| | |Ensure that a school representative is contactable at all times by the International Education | |

| | |Division | |

| | |Use a sign featuring the school logo and student's name upon arrival | |

| | |Check passports to confirm student identity and provide identification of self | |

| | |Provide a phone card, or arrange a supervised call, for student to ring home and advise parents of | |

| | |their arrival | |

| | |Provide the student with an emergency card listing the mobile phone number of the Principal Class | |

| | |Officer and International Student Coordinator | |

| | |If applicable, provide the homestay host with an emergency card listing the mobile phone number of | |

| | |the Principal Class Officer and International Student Coordinator | |

| | |Assist with luggage and transport to school and/or homestay. | |

| | |Contact the ELS/C to confirm that the student has arrived. (including contacting private ELS/Cs.) | |

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| | |Schools enter student details on CASES21, including visa and homestay details within 5 working days | |

| | |from the commencement of study. | |

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| | |Schools must inform the International Education Division if student has not arrived as scheduled. | |

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|Standard 4 |Schools deliver an ongoing orientation program |As part of the orientation process students receive comprehensive documentation which is easily |SRK Chapter 7 |

| |that provides students with information to help |understood and includes information regarding: | |

|Orientation |them adjust to living and studying in Victoria. |The school and its academic programs |*School diary (school rules) |

| |. |General support services and special programs | |

| | |Student Code of Conduct |Key Policies Document (translated) |

| | |Visa conditions (translated) | |

| | |Accommodation arrangements |Visa Conditions (translated) |

| | |Homestay guidelines, where applicable | |

| | |General health care and personal safety |Orientation Program Checklist |

| | |Local area including shops and services | |

| | |Transport between school and homestay |ISANA – ESOS Rights and Responsibilities |

| | |Dispute resolution procedures |animations: |

| | |Legal rights and responsibilities |.au/index.php?option=com_conte|

| | |Key policies (translated) |nt&task=view&id=258 |

| | | | |

| | |Schools use the orientation program checklist to ensure they complete all of their respective |ISANA Rainbow Guide |

| | |responsibilities. |.au/Aei/Default.aspx |

| | | | |

| | |Schools also use the orientation program checklist as evidence that visa conditions, school rules and| |

| | |key policies have been read and understood by the student. | |

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|Standard 5 |Schools provide students with appropriate support |Schools support students whilst they are in the Victorian Government ELS/C. This includes: |SRK Chapter 8 |

| |during their 20-week intensive English language |Translating and communicating ELS/C reports to the student’s parents. | |

|Student involvement in |program. |Participation of students in the host school orientation program |Orientation Program Checklist |

|English Language School/ | |Assistance by the host school with enrolment and orientation at the ELS/C | |

|Centre (ELS/C) programs | |Contact with students once per term to ascertain academic progress and personal acclimatisation | |

| | |The host school contacting the ELS/C monthly to ascertain the students’ academic progress and | |

| | |personal acclimatisation | |

| | |Inviting students to participate in host school events (where applicable) | |

| | | | |

| | |Schools establish contact with the student prior to the commencement of study at the host school | |

| | |(including contacting students who are attending private ELS/Cs.) | |

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|Standard 6 |Accurate information is kept about the student. |Schools use the International Student File Coversheet to record current contact details (telephone |SRK Chapter 8 |

| | |numbers, addresses and email addresses) of the: | |

|Record keeping | |Student |International Student Attendance Summary |

| | |Homestay host |Report |

| | |Relative (where student is living with them), and | |

| | |Parents (including home address in students native language) |International Student Welfare & Compliance |

| | | |Record |

| | |In order to be compliant with ESOS legislation, schools use the International Student File Checklist | |

| | |to ensure international student files contain the following information: |School Based Contract Template |

| | | | |

| | |Student’s personal details |Application to Transfer Form |

| | |Copies of student’s current visa and passport | |

| | |Student’s current residential address. |Student Non-Compliance Coversheet and |

| | |School reports/records of academic performance (may be held electronically) |Checklist |

| | |Attendance records (may be held electronically) | |

| | |Application form |Critical Incident Report |

| | |Requests for transfer and requests for deferment of study | |

| | |Records of variations to student enrolment |Orientation Program Checklist |

| | |Proof of current student health cover policy | |

| | |Copies of invoices provided to the school |International Student Survey |

| | | | |

| | |To monitor student progress, schools use the International Student Attendance Summary report and the |International Student File Coversheet |

| | |International Student Welfare & Compliance Record to: | |

| | | |International Student Exit Survey |

| | |Review student attendance every fortnight | |

| | |Review students’ course progress and course duration (at a minimum) at the end of each term |International Student File Checklist |

| | |Take appropriate action when student is at risk of not meeting course requirements | |

| | |Record incidents of misbehaviour that are in breach of the School Code of Conduct |Homestay Site Visit Checklist |

| | | | |

| | |Have a staged strategy to escalate student review when attendance: | |

| | |falls to 90% (individual counselling with reference to school contract, parents informed) |Homestay Responsibility Agreement |

| | |falls below 90% (Principal counselling, involvement of homestay hosts and parents, school contract | |

| | |and notification to PPSSU) |Homestay Profile |

| | |falls to 85% (International Education Division counselling and contract) | |

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|Standard 6 | | | |

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|Record keeping | | | |

|(continued) | | | |

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|Standard 7 |Schools regularly report student progress and |Host schools: |SRK Chapter 8 |

| |welfare to parents. |Provide translated school reports in parents' preferred language each semester | |

|Reporting to parents | |Keep parents informed of any significant or serious events involving their child |Homestay Profile |

| | |Provide periodic feedback on student welfare, achievements and extracurricular activities. | |

| | | |School Based Contract Template |

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| | | |Translated fact sheets on VELS report |

| | | |cards: |

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| | | |treports/default.htm |

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| | | |All Graduates: |

| | | |.au |

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| | | |NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for|

| | | |Translators and Interpreters): |

| | | |.au/ |

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| | | |TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service):|

| | | |.au/living-in-australia/help-wi|

| | | |th-english/help_with_translating/ |

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|Standard 8 |Schools demonstrate due diligence in the selection|Schools actively seek host families to ensure there are sufficient homestay providers on the school |SRK Chapter 5 |

| |and monitoring of homestay arrangements (including|register to support the proposed number of students. | |

|Accommodation arrangements |all accommodation arrangements that do not include| |SRK Chapter 6 |

| |a parent). |To select and approve the homestay host, schools: | |

| | |Use the Homestay Site Visit Checklist to help with the site visit before approval of the homestay |Department of Justice WWCC |

| |Schools maintain an adequate number of high |host |

| |quality homestay hosts with reference to the |Have a set of structured interview questions to ask the homestay host |ildren |

| |number of proposed students each year. |Have proof of Working With Children Checks for all persons over 18 years of age living in the house | |

| | |Ensure all relevant parties sign the Homestay Responsibility Agreement |Homestay Responsibility Agreement |

| |Schools select homestay hosts with reference to a |Include host in the homestay register with the documentation from the site visit | |

| |set of clear criteria and student needs, |Provide details of the homestay to parents/agent and the International Education Division as soon as |Homestay Profile |

| |expectations and preferences. |placement is confirmed using the Homestay Profile | |

| | | |Homestay Site Visit Checklist |

| |Schools have capacity to provide alternative / |To monitor the homestay hosts, schools: | |

| |emergency accommodation arrangements if required. |Visit the student at the homestay each semester |Homestay Policy Template |

| | |Invite the homestay host to school events and activities | |

| | |Involve the homestay host in monitoring the student’s attendance and academic performance |Information for Homestay Providers and |

| | |Undertake an annual appraisal of homestay hosts, including a confidential discussion with the |Third Parties |

| | |student. | |

| | | | |

| | |To keep records of homestay arrangements, schools keep confidential records on: | |

| | |Number of students in each homestay (schools must not place more than three students in the one | |

| | |homestay, regardless of provider.) | |

| | |Number of students changing homestay | |

| | |Issues and problems with homestay | |

| | | | |

| | |Schools have a registered pool of staff that can provide temporary accommodation to students in the | |

| | |event of an emergency. Working with Children Checks are also required for all adults residing in any | |

| | |such emergency homestay accommodation. | |

| | | | |

| | |The school develops and has the school council endorse a homestay policy that is consistent with | |

| | |International Education Division guidelines and the Homestay Policy Template. | |

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|Standard 8 | | | |

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|Accommodation arrangements | | | |

|(continued) | | | |

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|Standard 9 |Schools have adequate care and welfare |Schools appoint a Principal Class Officer, as the person responsible for welfare related issues and |SRK Chapter 5 |

| |arrangements for international students to ensure |care arrangements and also the management of critical incidents and student emergencies, and provide | |

|Care and welfare |their physical safety and emotional wellbeing. |relevant details to the International Education Division and school community. |Key Policies Document (translated) |

|arrangements | | | |

| | |Schools ensure care arrangements are ongoing for students who stay in Victoria during school |Critical Incident Report |

| | |holidays. | |

| | | |International Student Holiday Plan |

| | |Schools provide: | |

| | |A school emergency contact card which contains the name and current mobile phone number of school |*School Emergency Contact Card |

| | |staff to contact after hours in cases of emergency | |

| | |Access to careers counselling |International Student Welfare & Compliance |

| | |Year 10 and 11 students with advice on VCE course selection |Record |

| | |Year 12 students with advice on tertiary and other educational pathways. | |

| | | | |

| | |Schools provide ongoing support relating to: | |

| | |Extra-curricular activities | |

| | |Health related issues | |

| | |Cultural awareness programs | |

| | |Counselling | |

| | |Legal rights and responsibilities | |

| | |Personal safety. | |

| | | | |

|Standard 10 |The school’s International Program adopts the ISP |Schools use the International Student Annual Survey and the International Student Exit Survey to | |

| |Quality Assurance Framework’s guiding principles |attain student feedback on the level and quality of: |International Student Annual Survey |

|Program provision and |which demonstrate: |Care and welfare arrangements | |

|school level reporting |High ethical standards – by ensuring all parties |School services and support |International Student Exit Survey |

| |commit to accuracy, honesty and timeliness, accept|Accommodation and homestay arrangements | |

| |their responsibilities and operate with a view to |Orientation program |*School Accountability |

| |the best interest of students at all times |Academic and school program. |and Improvement Framework |

| |Excellent client services – by showing cultural | | |

| |sensitivity and efficient procedures and systems |This information is used to inform schools of areas for improvement. |*Annual Implementation Plan |

| |Commitment to accountability – by providing high | | |

| |quality information to demonstrate the quality of |The International Program is an integral feature of the school Strategic Plan. |*Strategic Plan |

| |Victoria’s international student program | | |

| |High level of care – by ensuring that all students|Schools actively monitor and plan the future of the program by: | |

| |enjoy a safe and supportive international |Undertaking an annual self-assessment of their program informed by the school’s own internal | |

| |experience for the duration of their time in |performance measures such as surveys, focus groups, meetings with students, SRC feedback, etc. | |

| |Victoria |Publishing an Annual Implementation Plan as part of the School Accountability and Improvement | |

| |Building relationships – by implementing regular |Framework, outlining how it will meet the guiding principles of the Quality Assurance Framework | |

| |and open communication across all levels of the |Reporting to the school council on the program, including feedback on survey results and future | |

| |program and sustaining contact with students |direction of the program. | |

| |beyond the initial experience | | |

| |Strengthening capacity – by implementing |Schools adequately resource and support the program by: | |

| |strategies across all levels of the program to |Employing an equivalent full time International Student Coordinator once the number of international | |

| |ensure that the program delivers high quality |student enrolments reaches 15 students (pro rata up to 15) | |

| |outcomes and continues to improve. |Providing a separate and discreet budget for the international program based on the number of | |

| | |international student enrolments. | |

| |Schools meet the performance monitoring and |Schools support International Student Coordinators to undertake the ISC Professional Learning | |

| |reporting arrangements of the Quality Assurance |Program. | |

| |Framework, which aligns with the School | | |

| |Accountability and Improvement Framework. |Schools provide the International Student Coordinator name and contact details to members of the | |

| | |school community and to other persons / organisations involved in the International Student Program, | |

| | |to assist in building productive working relationships and networks. | |

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|Standard 10 | | | |

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|Program provision and | | | |

|school level reporting | | | |

|(continued) | | | |

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|Standard 11 |Schools provide program completion and transition |Schools provide support, information and material that meets the needs of students exiting the |SRK Chapter 8 |

| |support and advice to students. |program including information on: | |

|Departure and post |. | |DIAC: .au |

|placement | |Education and career pathways | |

| | |Returning home strategies. |International Student Exit Survey |

| | | | |

| | |Schools ensure that they have evidence of counselling students who choose to undertake further study | |

| | |in Australia or return home. | |

* (Refers to Resources provided and completed by schools)


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