Mandatory Training Requirements for the GS-1102

Mandatory Training Requirements for the GS-1102

|Level |Course |Prerequisite |Course Length |Audience |

|Level I |CON 101, Fundamental s of Contracting (OR) |None |160 Hours (OR) |GS-5/7 |

| |Acquisition Planning I, | |80 Hours, | |

| |Contract Formation I, and | |40 Hours, and | |

| |Contract Administration I | |40 Hours | |

| | | | | |

| |CON 104, Contract Pricing (OR) | | | |

| |Price Analysis, |None |120 Hours (OR) |GS-5/7 |

| |Cost Analysis, and | |40 Hours, | |

| |Federal Contract Negotiation Techniques | |40 Hours, and | |

| | | |40 Hours | |

|Level II |CON 202, Intermediate Contracting (OR) |CON 101 (OR) |160 hours (OR) |GS-9/11/12 |

| |Acquisition Planning II, |Acquisition Planning I, |80 Hours, | |

| |Contract Formation II, and |Contract Formation I, and |40 Hours, and | |

| |Contract Administration II |Contract Administration I |40 Hours | |

| | | | | |

| |CON 204, Intermediate Pricing |CON 104 (OR) |80 Hours |GS-9/11/12 |

| | |Price Analysis | | |

| | |Cost Analysis | | |

| |CON 210, Government Contract Law |Level I courses |80 Hours |GS-9/11/12 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |CON 333, Management for Contract |All Level I and II courses |40 Hours |GS-11/12 |

| |Supervisors | | | |

| | | | | |

| |40 hours of skills currency training and continuing | | | |

| |education every two years after all mandatory | | | |

| |training requirements have been met. | | | |

|Level III |CON 301, Executive Contracting |All Level I and II courses |40 Hours |GS-13 and above|

| | | | | |

| |Forty hours of skills currency training and | | | |

| |continuing education every two years | | | |

Training Requirements for the GS-1105/1106

|Course |Prerequisite |Course Length |

|Mandatory Training: | | |

|Simplified Acquisition |None |40 Hours |

| | | |

|Additional Recommended Training: | | |

|Advanced Simplified Acquisition |Simplified Acquisition |40 Hours |

|Acquisition of Commercial Items |None |16 Hours |

|Market Research |None |8 Hours |

| | | |

|24 hours of skills currency training and continuing | | |

|education every two years | | |


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