Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of ...

Catalogue no. 81-582-G ISSN 1927-6257

Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the PanCanadian Education Indicators Program

November 2021

Release date: November 1, 2021

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Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021

Table of contents

Note to readers on the gender variable................................................................................................ 4 Acronyms and abbreviations.................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 8 Project Team............................................................................................................................................ 9 Section A: A portrait of the school-age population............................................................................ 10 Section B: Financing education systems............................................................................................ 19 Section C: Elementary-secondary education..................................................................................... 30 Section D: Postsecondary education ................................................................................................. 41 Section E: Transitions and outcomes.................................................................................................. 57 Appendix 1: Structure of education and training in Canada............................................................. 68 Appendix 2: Canadian and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicators............................................................................................................................................... 73

Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G


Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021

Note to readers on the gender variable

This variable is obtained through administrative data shared with Statistics Canada by other organizations. Hence, it is possible that sometimes the only information available is "Sex at birth" in which case it is used as a proxy for "Gender." Also, some organizations include "Non-binary genders" in the "Unknown gender" category for the gender variable provided in their files which makes it impossible to publish data on non-binary population. Statistics Canada and the Canadian Government tries to make our gender data as inclusive as possible and we will keep working with our data provider to maximize alignment with the new recommended standard on gender.


Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G

Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021

Acronyms and abbreviations

ASETS ? Access and Support to Education and Training Survey AUS ? Australia AUT ? Austria BEL ? Flanders (Belgium) BTSD ? Basic training for skill development CANSIM ? Canadian Socio-economic Information Management System CAUBO ? Canadian Association of University Business Officers CCSIS ? Community College Student Information System CEGEP ? Coll?ge d'enseignement g?n?ral et professionnel CCES ? Canadian Centre for Education Statistics CESC ? Canadian Education Statistics Council CFI ? Canada Foundation for Innovation CHL ? Chile CIHR ? Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIP ? Classification of Instructional Programs CMA ? Census metropolitan area CMEC ? Council of Ministers of Education, Canada CPI ? Consumer Price Index CV ? coefficient of variation CZE ? Czech Republic DEU ? Germany DNK ? Denmark EAG ? Education at a Glance ELMLP ? Education and Labour Market Longitudinal Platform ENG ? England (UK) ESDC ? Employment and Social Development Canada ESES ? Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (formerly ESESP - Elementary-Secondary Education

Statistics Project) ESP ? Spain EST ? Estonia FEDEX ? Survey of Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education FIN ? Finland FINCOL ? Financial Statistics of Community Colleges and Vocational Schools FIUC ? Financial Information of Universities and Colleges Survey FOG ? Follow-up Survey of Graduates FRA ? France FTE ? Full-time equivalent GBR ? England (UK) GBR-NIR ? Northern Ireland (UK)

Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G


Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021

GDP ? Gross domestic product GED ? General education diploma GERD ? Gross domestic expenditures on research and development GRC ? Greece HRSDC ? Human Resources and Skills Development Canada IALSS ? International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey ICT ? information and communication technologies IDN-JAK ? Jakarta (Indonesia) IEA ? International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement ILO ? International Labour Organization INAC ? Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada INES ? Indicators of Educational Systems IRL ? Ireland ISCED ? International Standard Classification of Education ISR ? Israel ITA ? Italy JPN ? Japan JRT ? Job readiness training KOR ? Korea LFS ? Labour Force Survey LICO ? Low-income cutoff LTU ? Lithuania NDL ? Northern Distance Learning NDM ? New Dissemination Model NEET ? not in employment, not in education (or training) NGS ? National Graduates Survey NHS ? National Household Survey NLD ? Netherlands NLSCY ? National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth NOR ? Norway NSERC ? Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NZL ? New Zealand OAC ? Ontario Academic Credits OECD ? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PCAP ? Pan-Canadian Assessment Program PCEIP ? Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program PIAAC ? Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies PIRLS ? Progress in International Reading Literacy Study PISA ? Programme for International Student Assessment POL ? Poland PPPs ? purchasing power parities


Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G

Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021

PPVT-R ? Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised PSIS ? Postsecondary Student Information System PS-TRE ? problem solving in technology-rich environments R&D ? Research and development RAIS ? Registered Apprenticeship Information System RUS ? Russian Federation SAIP ? School Achievement Indicators Program SCF ? Survey of Consumer Finances SCI ? Survey of Colleges and Institutes SDG ? Sustainable Development Goal SGP ? Singapore SHS ? Survey of Household Spending SLID ? Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics SSGS ? Secondary School Graduates Survey SSHRC ? Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada SUFSB ? Survey of Uniform Financial System ? School Boards SVK ? Slovak Republic SVN ? Slovenia SWE ? Sweden TALIS ? Teaching and Learning International Survey TLAC ? Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree-granting Institutions TUR ? Turkey UCASS ? University and College Academic Staff System UKM ? United Kingdom UNESCO ? United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UOE ? UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection USA ? United States USIS ? University Student Information System YITS ? Youth in Transition Survey

Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G


Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program November 2021


This handbook updates the general descriptions for the indicators of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) as new sets of tables are released. It is a reference document that gives readers a broad understanding of each indicator, rather than the very specific methodological descriptions that would be necessary to reproduce the indicator using the raw data.

The PCEIP tables highlight the most recent data available for five broad indicator sets:

1. A portrait of the school-age population 2. Financing education systems 3. Elementary and secondary education 4. Postsecondary education 5. Transitions and outcomes.

The following information forms the main body of the Handbook, and is presented for each of the PCEIP indicators:

? A brief, general description. ? The major concepts and definitions used. ? An overview of the methodology. ? A short review of any major data limitations, including interjurisdictional comparability as needed. ? The data source(s) used to produce the indicator.

Two appendices conclude this Handbook. One that presents the structure of education and training in Canada and another that details the relationship of some indicators to international comparators.


Statistics Canada ? Catalogue no. 81-582-G


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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