Home learning grid for Primary 462299859271000Primary 4 Class NovelThe Primary 4 teachers have chosen a novel to share with you all. It is called ‘Escape from Mr Lemoncello’s Library’ written by Chris Grabenstein. We will share new chapters each week through 4 videos, and suggest you watch one video each day. We will add a suggested task each week for you to try based on the novel. We hope you enjoy it! Chapters 1-3: 4-6: Chapters 7-9: Chapters 10-12: : This book uses great descriptive language to help you understand the setting of the book. Using the description in Chapter 11, can you draw what the Library building might look like? Listen carefully for all of the important details. WritingReadingNumeracySenses PoemCan you write a poem using the five senses? Think about something you would like to write about and use the planning sheet (see attached sheet) to brainstorm what it:Looks likeTastes likeSounds likeFeels like andSmells likeThen create your own poem. You might want to design your poem in the shape of your chosen object.Here are some examples:10547352241550063517335500Personal ReadingContinue with the book you started at the beginning of term. Read the next chapter of your book.Task- Summarise what you have read this week. You could write a short summary or create a comic strip.Continue to read other books for enjoyment throughout the week.407670160020001919605000EstimationThis week will be working on estimation. This links very closely with our rounding work from last week. When we round a number up or down and then add it to another, we are estimating the answer. If we then worked out the actual answer, it should be fairly similar to your estimation. Estimation can be used with many different mathematical problems. You will find a worksheet to match each challenge attached as a document. 1* Challenge- Round to the nearest ten2* Challenge- Estimate the sum3* Challenge- Estimation – problem solvingFind practice work and challenges set for on Sumdog.You will find additional numeracy work on Education City, set by class teachers. SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths‘er’Our spelling pattern for this week is ‘er’. Think of some words which contain this sound. Choose one of the lists below and complete the following tasks:- ABC order: First write your spelling words in a list then write them in alphabetical order. -Hidden words: Draw a picture. Hide your spelling words in your picture somewhere. Can somebody in your home find the words?List 1 List 2her afterriver paperverb waterterm sternunder verseover sisterevery anothersilver motherSchool DaysHow was school different for the adults in your life? Think of 5 questions you could ask an older person in your family, maybe over the phone or someone at home, about how school was for them. For example, what games did they play? What were their favourite subjects or teachers or school dinners? How would you answer your own questions?185420000Right Angles Watch this short video to learn about right angles and make your own right-angle checker! your checker to complete the worksheet attached.ChallengeHow many right angles can you spot in your home? Find 10 right angles in objects or furniture, you can list them, draw them or take photographs.Find practice work and challenges set for shape on Sumdog. You will also find a shape ‘city’ set on Education City.Religious & Moral EducationArt/Music/Drama/PEIDL Theme/ProjectEid al-FitrLat week Ramadan ended for Muslims with a celebration called Eid al-Fitr. HYPERLINK "" Think about the festival days you celebrate. Answer the questions below either for yourself or for someone else.What special festival days do you celebrate? Why do you celebrate that festival?What special things do you eat at that festival?Do you wear any special clothes?Are there any special rituals that you do at this festival?Do you get anything or give anything at this festival?13950951397000P.E.Take part in Mr Moir’s workout on the school website. Check out some of his extra challenges.13379453048000MusicTry Bucket Drumming!Watch these videos to help you with your drumming:Action Time Level 1 Tango Level 1 Art116014510604500From Mrs Bremner - Learn how to draw an Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree: Add some African animals to your tree drawing: ChainsWatch this video to learn about different food chains: 405130463550Read the other information on that webpage and then try the interactive quiz.Something fun!Modern LanguagesProblem to solve!16643353365500Secret CodeBecome a secret agent and design your own secret code to write messages for others to crack. Secret codes are ways that spies can leave messages that only certain people can read. It’s a great way of sending secret messages that contain sensitive information. Design your own secret code by writing the letters A-Z on a piece of paper. Next to each letter draw a shape (square, triangle, circle etc) and colour it in. You can use the shape more than once, but it will need to be a di?erent colour. You should have a unique symbol next to each letter. This is your secret code. Now write a message using the cod Now write a message using the code. Your message should look like a random collection of shapes. Give the message and the code sheet to a family member and see if they can work out your secret message. Ask a grown-up to take a photo of your secret code and share it with your teacher.SpanishTry the Spanish games on Primary Games Arena to improve your vocabulary, pronunciation and knowledge. Find more Spanish activities on Education City. SolitaireYou will need a pack of cards for this week’s activity. Watch this video to learn how to play a child’s version of Solitaire: If you manage that, try playing the full version of the game: Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesQuestions18738853238500Food Safety and HygieneWhen working with food, there are many things we must do to keep safe. Can you think of some of the things we need to do before cooking, during cooking and after cooking to make sure we are being safe?Make a small list of these different things, you could make it into a checklist poster for every time you are cooking at home. Some ideas might be washing your hands and cleaning the surfaces. An important part of food safety is making sure we store foods correctly. Think about where you store food in your home. Some foods may be stored in the fridge or freezer whereas others may be stored in the cupboard. Food packaging will always tell you where food should be stored. Have a look at some items in your home, do they tell you where they should be kept?Play this game to help sort the items into a fridge or cupboard: Try the attached worksheet activity- try to write down as many items as you can that are stored in the fridge and cupboard. Extra: You will find a recipe you can try at home below. Enjoy!1896110000CodingCoding is when we give a set of instructions (algorithm) to the computer in a language it understands. This week you are going to write a code for the challenge below using Scratch, an online programme designed for coding.Challenge: This week’s challenge is to make two sprites tell a joke to one another. Remember a sprite is the character on screen. You will need:-to add a background and two sprites-to use coding blocks from: Events, Looks and ControlYou can use a joke that you like and can add to your project to make it more exciting. You can save your project using your name. If you are finding it tricky or would like to see the solution, click on the link below. Scratch Website: Logins for each class:P4A username: P4Alib password: p4alibeP4B username: P4Blib password: P4BlibeP4C username: missyorstonp4c password: Primaryp4cP4A- Mon-Wed Scott.Peter@liberton-pri.edin.sch.ukThurs-Fri P4B- P4C- Education City and Sumdog: If you are having problems finding and accessing the ‘cities’ in Education City or have forgotten passwords for either website, please email your class teacher who is happy to help. Keep in Touch: We enjoy hearing from you and seeing some examples of the kids work so please don’t hesitate to email your teacher to let us know how you are getting on.Health and Wellbeing- Food and Health6242685000During this time, many people are keeping busy by cooking and baking. We would have been doing some cooking this term so if you would like a little extra practice, follow the recipe below. We have tried to use a recipe that has very few ingredients, that you hopefully have in your house. Let us know if you have been cooking/ baking what you have been making. 595693520320Homemade Ice LolliesA great snack for a warm day! You can use whatever ice lolly moulds you have and you can use different ingredients to make different flavours. In this recipe you could use plain water instead of soda, you could try using other fruits and you could even add things like yogurt or honey. Have fun and experiment! See the video below for a step by step guide to the recipe: Ingredients: 2 Apples200g Strawberries250ml Soda WaterMethod: Wash and peel the apple (you might need an apple to help you with that part).Cut your apple into small chunks. Wash the strawberries and remove the green. Slice your strawberries. Add the apple and strawberries to a blender and blend until puree. Add the soda water/water and blend. Pour into ice lolly moulds. Freeze for 4-6 hours or until frozen.Enjoy! ................

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