Kindergarten information

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Specialized Instruction and Services

for Students with Significant Challenges

District 75 provides instructional support in a wide variety of settings for students with significant challenges, which may include those on the autism spectrum or with significant cognitive delays, emotional disturbances, and sensory impairments and or multiple disabilities.

Additional services are provided in the following areas as indicated: bilingual instruction and support, English as a Second Language (ESL), travel training, activities of daily living (ADL), as appropriate.

For students with significant hearing and/or vision impairments, District 75 offers special class service. Specialized equipment and related services are integrated into the curriculum throughout the school day. These services may include audiology, assistive technology, sign language interpretation, orientation and mobility, and Braille.

Partnering with Families

The goal of District 75 is to maximize independence and opportunity to students to increase potential. We partner with families to ensure the best outcomes for all students.

District 75 classes serving kindergarten students include:

Special Class, 12:1:1 Ratio

- 12 students - One teacher - One paraprofessional

Serves students with academic and/or behavioral management needs that interfere with the instructional process. They may require additional adult support and specialized instruction that can best be accomplished in a self-contained setting.

Special Class, 8:1:1 Ratio

- 8 students - One teacher - One paraprofessional

Serves students whose needs are severe and chronic requiring constant intensive supervision, a significant degree of individualized attention, intervention and intensive behavior supports as well as additional adult support.

Special Class, 6:1:1 Ratio

- 6 students - One teacher - One paraprofessional

Serves students with high needs in most areas including academic, social and/or interpersonal development, physical development, and management. Classes provide intense individual programming, continual adult supervision, and when indicated a specialized behavior management program, and speech/language therapy (which may include augmentative/alternative communication).

Special Class, 12:1:4 Ratio

- 12 students - One teacher - In addition, one paraprofessional for every three students

Serves students with severe multiple disabilities which may include, limited language, academic delays and who may be unable to function independently. Classes may provide a program of habilitation and treatment including training in daily living skills, communication skills, sensory stimulation, and therapeutic interventions.

District 75 Citywide Programs

Specialized Programs for Students with

Significant Challenges

Information for Families of Students Entering Kindergarten

Corinne Rello-Anselmi, Deputy Chancellor Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support Ketler Louissaint, Superintendent District 75

[rev 10/16]

Service may also be provided to District 75 students in:

General Education Classrooms Special Classes located in

community school buildings Special classes in specialized

schools Agencies, hospitals and at


For more information about District 75's programs for kindergarten students, contact our Placement Office at (212) 8021578

Meet with District 75

If you would like to visit, some of our Kindergarten sites are listed here. Please call to make an appointment to meet our staff and see the various programs we offer.

District 75 classes are housed in community schools throughout the city and in self-contained school buildings. A District 75 class in a community school might be described as "P169M@P102M," where P169M is a District 75 program in Manhattan located in Public School 102, Manhattan.

X ? Bronx K ? Brooklyn M ? Manhattan

Q ? Queens R ? Staten Island (Richmond)

Staten Islan d










12:1: 1 8:1:1 6:1:1 12:1: 4

P010X@P304X P176X@P178X P188X@P034X P352X@P134X P723X@P338X P141K@P380K P369K@P067K P396K@P396K P771K@P329K P138M@P030M P138M@P033M P169M@P102M P811M P004Q@P179Q P177Q P255Q@P151Q P993Q@P130Q P037R@P037R P373R

2750 Lafayette Avenue Bronx, NY 10465 850 Baychester Avenue Bronx, NY 10475 770 Grote Street Bronx, NY 10460 1330 Bristow Street Bronx, NY 10459 1780 Dr. M.L.K. Blvd. Bronx, NY 10453 370 Marcy Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206 51 St, Edwards Street Brooklyn, NY 11205 110 Chester Street Brooklyn, NY 11212

2929 West 30th Street Brooklyn, NY 11224

144 East 128th Street New York, NY 10035

281 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10001

315 East 113th Street New York, NY 10029

466 West End Avenue New York, NY 10024 196-25 Peck Avenue Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

56-37 188th Street Flushing, NY 11365

50-05 31st Avenue Woodside, NY 11377

200-01 42nd Avenue Bayside, NY 11361 15 Fairfield Street Staten Island, NY 10308 91 Henderson Avenue Staten Island, NY 10301

Barbara Hanson John Siracuse Shanie Johnson Lourdes Mendez Shante Chunn Michele Thornton-Mannix Rudy Giuliani Nira Schwartz-Nyitray Denise D'Anna Greg Soulette Greg Soulette Susan Finn Barry Daub Marcy Berger Kathy Posa Richard Marowitz Jacqueline Zaretsky Florence Gorsky Paulette Benevento

Julio Morales (718) 823-5684 Vera Celentano (718) 904-5750 Dawn Zerbo (718) 561-2052 Saturine Packer (718) 893-6813 Shante Chunn (718) 960-4400 Simone Sanchez (718) 388-4800 Dorothy Collins (718) 855-6838 Hansraj Soodoosingh (718) 385-6200

Denise Ramos (718) 891-3600 ext. 0

Steve Morris (212) 369-2227

Mara Gruskin (212) 563-4886

Bree Carnovale (212) 876-1829

Jennifer Celadilla (212) 579-3788 Jacqueline Berman (718) 264-0916

Neil Avrut (718) 357-4650

Josephine Morales (718) 274-2897

Alexis Tandit (718) 224-0490 Florence Gorsky (718) 984-9800 Susan Di Scala (718) 816-8897

Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support ASD Programs Family Resource Guide

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) PROGRAMS The ASD Nest Program and the ASD Horizon Program are two different special education programs in District 1-32 schools that serve certain students with autism who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).1 Each program is designed to strengthen academic and social skills, but have different service delivery models and eligibility criteria. The same application process applies to both ASD Nest and ASD Horizon Programs.




The ASD Nest Program is a partnership between the NYCDOE The ASD Horizon Program was developed by the NYCDOE and New York University's (NYU) ASD Nest Support Project2. in collaboration with the New England Center for Children



This program serves students with ASD and typically

This program serves a maximum of eight students with ASD

developing students in a reduced class-size Integrated Co- in a Special Class (SC), with one special education teacher

Teaching (ICT) model, with one special education teacher and and one classroom paraprofessional (8:1+1). As students

one general education teacher. As students get older, the

get older and develop necessary academic and social skills,

class size increases, as does the ratio of students with autism opportunities for inclusion with typically developing peers is

to typically developing students. There is no classroom


paraprofessional in this model.


Staff receive training in specialized teaching strategies for

Staff receive training in specialized teaching strategies for

students with ASD, including Social Development Intervention (SDI) developed by NYU. SDI is an evidence-

students with ASD, including the Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia3 (ACE), developed by NECC. ACE is an

based program that supports the social/emotional

evidence-based program based on Applied Behavior

development of ASD Nest students.

Analysis (ABA), which supports the academic and

social/emotional development of ASD Horizon students.


As in all NYCDOE schools, ASD Nest Program classes use the As in all NYCDOE schools, ASD Horizon Program classes use

Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). ASD Nest Program the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). ASD Horizon

classes combine CCLS and SDI to improve social

Program classes provide a supportive classroom, combining

understanding while also supporting academic success. SDI is CCLS and ACE instruction delivered individually, based on

taught in small groups and reinforced throughout the day. student need for academic and social support.


Related service providers use SDI to help students develop Related service providers work collaboratively with

relationships and improve social functioning. This pragmatic classroom teachers using individually customized ACE

(social) language curriculum is taught in small groups of ASD lessons to address specific communication and socialization

Nest students and reinforced by classroom teachers.

challenges faced by students with ASD.

1 More intensive supports for students with ASD are provided by District 75: 2 3 The New England Center for Children:

Last Updated: September 7, 2016

Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support ASD Programs Family Resource Guide




Students accepted to the ASD Nest Program must meet the Students accepted to the ASD Horizon Program must meet

following criteria:

the following criteria:


Students must be eligible for an educational disability classification of Autism.


Average to above average intellectual functioning with

Low average to average intellectual functioning with uneven

consistent development across all cognitive areas including cognitive skills.

but not limited to, verbal and nonverbal reasoning abilities,

working memory, language, and attention.


Academic skills on or above grade level. Students are able Academic skills on or near grade level. Students benefit

to work independently and in small groups, with minimal

from instruction based on the principles of ABA and can

redirection. Students participate in standard assessments, work independently with some redirection and adult

including New York State (NYS) Math and English Language support. Students participate in standard assessments, Arts (ELA) exams.4 Accommodations are provided as written including New York State (NYS) Math and English Language

on the student's IEP.

Arts (ELA) exams. Accommodations are provided as written

on the student's IEP.


Language skills on or close to age level, except in pragmatic Students may have mild to moderate expressive and

(social) language, including staying on topic, meaningful

receptive with pragmatic (social) language delays. Students

conversation, and socially appropriate nonverbal gestures, entering kindergarten can speak in at least 2-3 word,

responses and facial expressions. For example, students may meaningful sentences and older students are able to string

have challenges that include inappropriate responses

words to express needs and wants, but need support to

and/or misinterpreting others' statements and/or behaviors. communicate effectively in the social arena. Echolalia may

also be present.


Mild to moderate delays. Students demonstrate challenges Mild to moderate delays in initiating and sustaining peer

in interacting and/or playing with peers or adults, rigidity, interactions. Students may participate in social activities, but

and difficulties with self-regulation.

often prefer to engage in solitary activities.


Students may have mild behavior challenges, but are not

Students may have mild to moderate behavior challenges,

physically aggressive, do not engage in self-injurious

but are not physically aggressive, do not engage in self-

behaviors, and do not tend to show "escape behaviors,"

injurious behaviors, and do not tend to show "escape

such as running away from staff or exiting the classroom or behaviors," such as running away from staff or exiting the

school building.

classroom or school building.

4 The school or district-based IEP Team is responsible for determining student eligibility to receive accommodations on state, local, and classroom tests:

Last Updated: September 7, 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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