
|Title | |Publisher Name | |Publisher Web Address | |

|Evaluated by | |

|Stated Target | |Subject Area | | | |

|Population | | | | | |

| |Macintosh: OS 8.x, OS 9.x, OS X |Minimum Processor Required | |Other Required | |

| |Other: Unix/Linux | | | | |

|Product Resources |Required (R) or Optional (O) Hardware |Publisher Policies |Documentation Content |In software |Avail |Accomp |

| | | | | |On-line |Matl |

|My Rating of Documentation /Contents: (Mark one) poor 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 excellent |

|Notes (Explanation of thoughts and observations related to above information) |Rationale (Reflective summary of why rating was assigned): |

This evaluation tool was adapted from the following resources: Sector Courseware Evaluation Forbs by Reid, Allard & Hofmeister of Utah State University, Uconn Educational Software Evaluation Form by Sweeney & Rucker, and Blackhurst’s Technology Self-Assessment for Special Educators.

Learning Considerations

|Category | |Presentation Mode |Response to Student Answers |Feedback Mode |Student Progress Monitoring |

|Tutorial | |Visual (Text) |Positive feedback |Visual (text) |On-going student progress feedback|

|Drill and Practice | |Visual (Images) |Negative feedback |Visual (images) |AutoSave of student progress |

|Simulation | |Visual (Animation) |_______________ |Auditory (text) |Can save individual settings for |

|Demonstration/ | |Visual (Video) |Correct response given after |Auditory (sound) |___ students |

|Information or Reference | |Auditory (Narrative) |_____attempts |Auditory (music) |Can save data for ___ students |

|Productivity | |Auditory (Instructions) |Correct response never given | |Student performance report on |

|Instructional Game and Problem | |Auditory (Music) |Lesson/concept retaught after _____ | |screen |

|Solving | |Other |incorrect answers | |Student performance report |

|Multimedia Literature | | |Correct concepts dependent on | |print-out |

|Test | | |spelling | |None |

|Other: _____________ | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|My Rating of Learning Consideration: (Mark one) poor 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 excellent |

|Rationale (Reflective summary of why rating was assigned): |

Universal Design Considerations: Demands on User

|To successfully use this program a user must: |

|Visual Requirements |Cognitive Requirements |Reading Level Requirements |Auditory Requirements |Response/Input Requirements |

|Have a color monitor |Spell responses correctly |Read directions |Remember auditory sequential directions |Respond within time limit |

|Read upper and lower case |Use capital letters and/or punctuation |Read menus |Remember auditory directions |Use single keystrokes |

|Differentiate colors |correctly |Read documentation |Respond to auditory only prompts |Use multiple keystrokes |

|Track mouse/pointer |Remember menu commands |Read information at indicated grade level |Understand synthesized speech |Use numerals |

|Differentiate objects |Remember sequence of directions |Have adult help because of the reading |None |Use symbol keys |

| |Remember keyboard commands |level | |Use arrow keys |

| |Remember login/password |None | |Use function keys |

| |Other ______________ | | |Use a mouse |

| | | | |Use other pointing device |

| | | | |Speak |

|Reflective Summary (Summarize the demands on the user responding to each of King’s (1999) categories of demand [See Appendix B]: |

|Physical Demands: |

| |

|Linguistic Demands: |

| |

|Cognitive Demands: |

| |

Universal Design Considerations: Adaptability

|As a teacher, you can: |

|Content Modifications |Criteria Modifications |Rate/Time Modifications |Sound Modifications |Allows for Adaptive Device Modifications |

|Add to content |Adjust number of items |Adjust time allowed for response |Add synthesized speech support |Touch Window |

|Change content |Adjust number correct before proceeding |Change cursor movement speed |Add digitized speech support |Single Switch |

|Choose level of kinds of items |Adjust number of misses allowed |Change speed of presentation |Cannot modify sound |Multiple Switch |

|Permit access to different components or |Cannot adjust criteria |Cannot modify rate/time | |Voice Recognition |

|content depending on user abilities |Other: | | |Adapt cursor/pointer size |

|Cannot change content | | | |Intellikeys |

|Change presentation language | | | |None of the above |

|Reflective Summary (Summarize the extent to which the software is adaptable to diverse learners): |

|My Rating of Overall Universal Design Consideration (Demands on User and Adaptability Sections Together): (Mark one) |

|poor 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 excellent |

|Rationale (Reflective summary of why rating was assigned): |

| |

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| |

Technical Quality Section

|This program has the following technical capabilities: |

| |Good Poor NA | |Good Poor NA | |Good Poor NA |

|Reaction to illogical input |3 2 1 ( |Booting of program |3 2 1 ( |Help screens |3 2 1 ( |

| | | | | | |

|Reaction to repeated incorrect |3 2 1 ( |Individualized reinforcement |3 2 1 ( |Student motivation |3 2 1 ( |

|responses | | | | | |

| | |Quality of speech synthesis | |Cost effectiveness |3 2 1 ( |

|Correct Grammar and spelling on |3 2 1 ( | |3 2 1 ( | | |

|screen and in documentation | |Adjustable sound levels | |Instructions are clear and easily |3 2 1 ( |

| | | |3 2 1 ( |accessed | |

|Use with peripherals | |Clear graphics | | | |

| |3 2 1 ( | |3 2 1 ( |Help messages are easy to |3 2 1 ( |

|Way to exit activity | |Program can handle multiple users | |understand and helpful | |

| |3 2 1 ( | |3 2 1 ( | | |

|Avoids stereotypes | |Content is accurate | |Program operates without crashing |3 2 1 ( |

| |3 2 1 ( | | | | |

|Graphics are age appropriate | |Program can be run without technical |3 2 1 ( |Program can be operated though | |

| |3 2 1 ( |expertise | |multiple means |3 2 1 ( |

| | | |3 2 1 ( | | |

|My Rating of Technical Quality: (Mark one) poor 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 excellent |

|Rationale (Reflective summary of why rating was assigned): |

Summary Section

Bring forward ratings and summarize here.

|Documentation/ Content Rating |Learning Considerations Rating |Universal Design Considerations Rating |Technical Quality Rating |Overall Rating |

| | | | |(Mean score) |

| | | | | |

|Overall strengths of program |Overall weaknesses of program |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

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| | |

| | |

|Describe characteristics of students for whom software is well suited |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Discuss changes that might be made to the software that would improve its effectiveness |

| |

| |

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| |

Appendix A

Source: The Gardner School. (2003-04). Eight ways of being smart. Retrieved August 11, 2006, from

|Intelligence Area: |Is Strong In: |Likes to: |Learns Best Through: |Famous Examples: |

|Verbal-Linguistic |Reading, writing, telling stories,|Read, write, tell stories, |Reading, hearing and seeing |T.S. Eliot, Maya Angelou, Virginia |

|(Word Smart) |memorizing dates, thinking words |talk, memorize, work at puzzles|words, speaking, writing, |Woolf, Abraham Lincoln |

| | | |discussing and debating | |

|Math-Logic (Number |Math, reasoning, logic, |Solve problems, question, work |Working with patterns and |Albert Einstein, John Dewey, Susanne |

|Smart) |problem-solving, patterns |with numbers, experiment |relationships, classifying, |Langer |

| | | |categorizing, working with the | |

| | | |abstract | |

|Spatial (Picture |Reading, maps, charts, drawing, |Design, draw, build, create, |Working with pictures and |Pablo Picasso, Frank Lloyd Wright, |

|Smart) |mazes, puzzles, making images, |daydream, look at pictures |colors, visualizing, using the |Georgia O’Keeffe, Bobby Fischer |

| |visualization | |minds eye, drawing | |

|Bodily-Kinesthetic |Athletics, dancing, acting, |Move around, touch and talk, |Touching, moving, processing |Charlie Chaplin, Martina Navratilova, |

|(Body Smart) |crafts, using tools |use body language |knowledge through bodily |Magic Johnson |

| | | |sensations | |

|Musical (Music Smart) |Singing, picking up sounds, |Sing, hum, play an instrument, |Rhythm, melody, singing, |Leonard Bernstein, Wolfgang Amadeus |

| |remembering melodies, rhythms |listen to music |listening to music and melodies|Mozart, Ella Fitzgerald |

|Interpersonal (People |Understanding people, leading, |Have friends, talk to people, |Sharing, comparing, relating, |Mahandas Gandhi, Ronald Reagan, Mother |

|Smart) |organizing, communicating, |join groups |interviewing, cooperating |Theresa |

| |resolving conflicts, selling | | | |

|Intrapersonal (Self |Understanding self, recognizing |Work alone, reflect, pursue |Working alone, doing self-paced|Eleanor Roosevelt, Sigmund Freud, |

|Smart) |strengths and weaknesses, setting |interests |projects, having space, |Thomas Merton |

| |goals | |reflecting | |

|Naturalist (Nature |understanding nature, making |be involved with nature, make |working in nature, exploring | |

|Smart) |distinctions, identifying flora |distinctions |living things, learning about | |

| |and fauna | |plants and natural even | |

Appendix B

User demands as defined by King (1999)

|Physical Demands |Determine the amount of muscle strength and movement are required to initiate, pursue, and complete a task. |

| | |

|Cognitive Demands |Determine the amount of thinking that is required to use a device. May include sensing, remembering, discriminating, analyzing, |

| |and sequencing actions needed to operate the device. |

| | |

|Linguistic Demands |Determine the amount of symbolic interpretation and processing that the user must invest in order to operate a device. |

| | |



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