Cowboy Artists of America | To Authentically Preserve ...



~ A Non-Profit, 501(c)(3) Organization ~

*Scholarship Application for Specific Workshop or Training Opportunity*

1. Personal information:

Name ____________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________



Phone #(‘s)________________________________________________________________________

Email ____________________________________________________________________________

2. Workshop/Training Opportunity for which you are applying:


3. Amount requested to attend above workshop/training opportunity: $___________________

4. Have you received financial assistance from the CAA Joe Beeler Foundation in the past?

Yes_______ No_______ (please check one)

If “Yes” answer, please provide what year and event attended: _______________________________


5. Describe your prior artistic training and/or experience (instruction, workshops, exhibitions, etc.)






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6. In what way do you feel this assistance will further your artistic abilities and goals?





7. Please provide images of 5 recent works created by you within the past 1 to 2 years.

Please provide the titles, sizes, media, and year produced with each image. Also, please provide

2 references from past instructors or mentor artists, if possible. If you have a website, please include

your website address.

*Images should be sent by email to: douglas.sally@, preferably as an attached file. Please make sure file size is small enough for sending by email, but large enough to be viewed easily*

8. IMPORTANT! Applications must be received by the CAA Joe Beeler Foundation at least 30 days

prior to the start date of the event you are planning to attend. By email is preferable.

9. After the event, the CAA Joe Beeler Foundation requests that you send photographs of works created

during the event attended, as well as photographs of yourself in attendance of the event. These

photographs will be considered for possible use in materials promoting the Cowboy Artists of America

Joe Beeler Foundation and its goals, and by signing below you release their use to the CAAJBF.

I have completed the CAAJBF application for scholarships and,

to the best of my knowledge, guarantee its accuracy, and I will

comply with any requirements as stated.


Signature of Applicant



Please send completed, signed application, along with photos to:

Email: douglas.sally@

Cowboy Artists of America Joe Beeler Foundation

C/O Sally Douglas

8321 FM 219

Clifton, TX 73364 Tel.: 214-679-2853 (cell)

“The Cowboy Artists of America Joe Beeler Foundation is dedicated to the development and education of artists in the traditions of the Cowboy Artists of America”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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