
Shamoral S. JohnsonLIS 745June 6, 2014Assignment 2The databases that I used to retrieve the information for Dr. Liwen Vaughan in addition to Google Scholar are Library information science and technology abstracts (LISTA), Emerald Insight, and Education Full Text. I used LISTA because Professor Liwen Vaughan is a researcher in the field of Library and Information Science. After researching the Professor, I decided that this subscription based database would provide the information and full text articles published by her. The articles also provide substantial information which is available for further research. I searched the Emerald Insight database because it’s recognized as a scholarly publisher of journals. This database includes journals in management and library information service journals. Because Professor Liwen Vaughan has provided research in this field I chose to use this database as well. Education Full Text is a database that includes numerous journals and articles published. While searching the various databases I retrieved information for research conducted by Professor Vaughan. I believe that the databases, in which I accessed, provided articles written by Dr. Vaughan as the first, second or third author. I’ve included the database and website where the information can be retrieved in the reference section of this document. As I compared the results from the databases, in which I searched for the information, I found that the results from Education Full Text and Library Information Science and Technology were the same. They both provided two full text articles by the same name and dates. The names of the articles are Web data as academic and business quality estimates: A comparison of three data sources and Exploring the relationship between media and political parties through web hyperlink analyses: The case of Spain. Google Scholar also listed the two articles that were included on LISTA and Education Full text. However, there were several others found on Google scholar that was written by Professor Vaughn. Emerald Insight provided the same articles listed above as well. In addition, there were more up to date articles on this database. The information in this article was published during the present year 2014. The other two articles that are found on all four databases are published in 2012. Emerald appears to have the most recent information and full text articles. Also, I believe that Emerald Insight is the easiest when trying to retrieve results. The database is user friendly in regards to listing the search criteria in which I was looking for. During my research I found that Google Scholar retrieved all of the titles that were accessible on the paid databases. These titles were also available to download and view in full text. These articles were written by Professor Vaughn in between the same years in which I conducted my search on the paid databases. Google Scholar provided several criteria and it wasn’t difficult to search for using this database. Although, many of the results in this database didn’t match the criteria I was looking forward to completing my research. I was successful at retrieving the same articles.Google Scholar included three articles. These articles include the three full text articles that were found on LISTA, Emerald Insight and Education Full text. During my search on Google Scholar I didn’t expect for the same articles to appear in full text that were available on the paid databases. These articles include the two that were mentioned earlier which are: Web data as academic and business quality estimates: A comparison of three data sources and Exploring the relationship between media and political parties through web hyperlink analyses: The case of Spain. In addition, it also includes Web co-word analysis for business intelligence in the Chinese environment which is found in the Emerald Insight database. This additional article on Google Scholar isn’t included on the LISTA or the Education Full Text database. Dr. Vaughan mentions Google, Yahoo, MSN Live, and Bing as well as other search engines in her articles. For example, In the Article Exploring the relationship between media and political parties through web hyperlink analyses: The case of Spain. Professor Vaughan speaks of business issues such as political parties in other countries. The full text article also goes in detail about how data is used to link analysis when comparing information to gain new interaction between the median and political parties. In the article Web data as academic and business quality estimates: A comparison of three data sources. Included in this article are data and comparisons of how some are starting to measure academic and business performance by the correlation it has with in link counts. Dr. Vaughn in this article speaks of how the quality of businesses and academics can’t be measured by this technique. Web co-word analysis for business intelligence in the Chinese environment is a full text article that also focuses on businesses that are measured on the web co-links and co-words that provides information about businesses. This article speaks of when two companies are on the same webpage they are being related to one another and at times analyzed. When comparing the two and providing a search one method was more sensitive that the other. It was also found that the search engine had potential to be more successful in the Chinese environment with the better development of search engines. The last full text article which was published and found on Emerald Insight database is Firm web visibility and its business value this full text provides information on the results found after comparing the relationships between firm web visibility and the effectiveness of advertising. The articles that were found on the databases listed all researched business and/or academic related issues. Again, the articles that were found listed various search engines. Not only were search engines included other sites such as Amazon and EBay were referred to as well in some of the full text articles. I believe that the various search engines are being compared in the data because it’s becoming the tool in which individuals and business compare and analyze the proficiency and strategies in which they work to improve. Also, because many individuals utilize various links when conducting research as well as retrieving other important information there are co-links and co-words that are used to show how effective these websites are. However, I don’t believe that the effectiveness of an academic organization or business should be totally dependent on such.After conducting my research for Professor Liwen Vaughan I am including the bibliographic records that I was able to retrieve. The current bibliographic record includes the full text articles that were retrieved from the three databases that I researched. The three databases are Google Scholar, Emerald Insight, Library Information Science and Technology and Education Full Text. This record also includes the records that were listed in Google Scholar from the year of 2012 to present.Bibliographic Record BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 (n.d.).Vaughan, Liwen. "An alternative datasource for web hyperlink analysis " Sites Linking I" at Alexia Internet." Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information (2012).—. "Exploring the relationships between media and political parties through web hyperlink analysis: The case of Spain." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (2012): 967-976.—. "Firm web visibility and its business value." Internet Research (2014).—. "Web co-word analysis for business intelligence in the Chinese environment." Aslib Proceedings (2012).—. "Web data as academic and business quality estimates: A comparison of three data sources." Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (2012): 1960-1972.Vaughn, Liwen. "Discovering business information from search engine query data." Online Information Review (2014). References and Resource Links1)LISTA ) Emerald Insight ) Education Full Text) Google scholar ................

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