How to search A+ Education Database - Monash University

Captivate Simulations Storyboard

Guide Me Simulation

How to search A+ Education Database



Image of the first slide presentation

Information caption:

Search A+Education database

Follow instructions in the blue boxes of this Guide Me to help you to perform a search in A+Education (via Informit)

For optimum viewing of this guide me ensure your screen resolution is set to at least 1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher.

This activity should take you approximately 3 minutes to complete.

Instruction caption:

Click START to begin.

Screen Step 2


Image: Image of slide containing introductory information

Instruction caption:

Scenario: Learn how to use the various features of the database for researching the topic play in early childhood

Information caption:

Click continue button

Screen Step 3



Image of Monash University Library’s website

Information caption:

Begin from the Library's Homepage...

Screen Step 4



Monash University Library’s online resources page

Instruction caption:

Select Databases

Screen Step 5



Library’s Databases and Electronic resources page

Information caption:

From the Databases and electronic resources page...

Screen Step 6



Library’s Databases and Electronic resources page subject listing

Instruction caption:

Select Education

Screen Step 7



List of Library databases for Education

Instruction caption:

Select connect

Screen Step 8



Informit A+Education database welcome screen

Information caption:

From the Informit A+Education database page...

Screen Step 9



A+Education database welcome page moves across to search boxes

Information caption:

You can begin to search

Screen Step 10



A+Education search screen

Instruction caption:

Type early childhood and enter

Screen Step 11



A+Education search screen

Instruction caption:

Click the drop down menu

Screen Step 12



Menu of search options

Instruction caption:

Select SUBJECT - All Subject fields

Screen Step 13



A+ database search box

Instruction caption:

Type play and click the drop down menu below

Screen Step 14



Search menu is displayed

Instruction caption:

Select SUBJECT – all subject field

Screen Step 15



The search screen with all our selections is displayed

Screen Step 16



The full search is displayed

Instruction caption:

Click the SEARCH button

Screen Step 17



The results page displays

Information caption:

There are 289 results for this search

Screen Step 18



Scroll to the Limit To part of the search box

Information caption:

Results can be limited by date range…

Screen Step 19



The Date Range box is selected

Instruction caption:

Type 2000 and enter

Screen Step 20



The results list is shown again

Information caption:

There are now only 174 results

Screen Step 21



Looking at result number 1

Instruction caption:

Select Complete Record

Information caption:

Need more information about each citation?...

Screen Step 22



The first record opens to be displayed in full

Information caption:

The complete bibliographic record displays…

Screen Step 23



Scrolling down the full bibliographic record. The subject headings highlighted in red.

Instruction caption:


Information caption:

The Subject Headings (SMJ, SMI) list some of the topics covered

The Abstract (AB) gives a brief summary of the article

Screen Step 24



Focusing on the lower part of the full record

Instruction caption:

Select Back to results to see the whole list again

Screen Step 25



Back to the brief record

Instruction caption:

Click Check for full text

Information caption:

Or you can simply choose to see if the full text of the article is available...

Screen Step 26



The SFX screen appears and displays various holdings

Instruction caption:


Information caption:

See if the Full Text is held electronically here

Or check the Library Catalogue for print holdings

See if this journal is refereed/peer-reviewed

Screen Step 27



The SFX screen is still displayed with arrow pointing to electronic journal

Instruction caption:

Click on the GO button

Screen Step 28



The ProQuest journal page is displayed

Instruction caption:

Select Full Text - PDF

Information caption:

This journal is supplied by ProQuest

Screen Step 29



The selected journal article is displayed

Instruction caption:

Click the close button

Information caption:

You can save or print this article

Screen Step 30



The A+ Education results page is displayed again

Information caption:

For further information and assistance please contact the Information Desk at your library.

Screen Step 31



End of Guide Me

Instruction caption:


Information caption:

Click REPLAY to work through the Guide Me again.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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