Evaluating the Impact of the Great Society

Evaluating the Impact of the Great Society

|Major Great Society Programs |

|Health and Welfare |Education |The “War on Poverty” |Consumer and Environmental Protection |

|Medicare (1965) established a comprehensive |The Elementary and Secondary Education Act |The Office of Economic Opportunity (1964) |The Water Quality Act and Clear Air Acts (1965) |

|health insurance program for all elderly people;|(1965) targeted aid to students and funded |oversaw many programs to improve life in inner |supported the standards and goals for water and |

|financed through the Social Security system. |related activities such as adult education and |cities, including the Job Corps, an education |air quality. |

| |education counseling. |and training program for at-risk youth. | |

|Medicaid (1965) funded by federal and state |Higher Education Act (1965) supported college |Housing and Urban Development Act (1965) |The Highway Safety Act (1966) supported highway |

|governments, provided health and medical |tuition scholarships, student loans, and |established new housing subsidy programs and |safety by improving federal, state, and local |

|assistance to low-income families. |work-study programs for low- and middle-income |made federal loans and public housing grants |coordination and by creating standards for |

| |students. |easier to obtain. |emergency medical technicians. |

|Child Nutrition Act (1966) established a school |Project Head Start (1965) funded a preschool |Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan |The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966) |

|breakfast program and expanded the school lunch |program for the disadvantaged. |Development Act (1966) helped revitalize urban |required all consumer products to have true and |

|program and milk program to improve children’s | |areas through a variety of social and economic |informative labels. |

|poor nutrition. | |programs. | |

Pecos (Texas) Independent School District

Metric Mind Engineering

Shippensburg (Pennsylvania) Sentinel

Cherokee Nation

Kansas State Bank

Seattle (Washington) Housing Authority

Texas Department of Human Services

American International Schools

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (North Carolina)

Directions: Carefully examine each of the pictures and describe what is happening in each. Use the chart “Major Great Society Programs” found on page 736 of the textbook to determine which specific program is addressed in each picture and complete the following chart.

|Picture Source |Describe What is Happening in the Picture |Which Program of the Great |How does this program support what is shown in this picture? |

| | |Society is Addressed? | |

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|Pecos Independent School District | | | |

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|Metric Mind Engineering | | | |

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|Shippensburg Sentinel | | | |

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|Cherokee Nation | | | |

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|Picture Source |Describe What is Happening in the Picture |Which Program of the Great |How does this program support what is shown in this picture? |

| | |Society is Addressed? | |

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|Kansas State Bank | | | |

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|Seattle Housing Authority | | | |

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|Texas Department of Human Services | | | |

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|American International Schools | | | |

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|National Institute of Environmental Health | | | |

|Sciences | | | |

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|Picture Source |Describe What is Happening in the Picture |Which Program of the Great |How does this program support what is shown in this picture? |

| | |Society is Addressed? | |

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|Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg | | | |

|County | | | |


1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?

1. What do you see here?

2. How can the government help in this situation?

3. Which Great Society program supports what is seen in this picture?

4. How does this program support what is shown in this picture?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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