Materials Release Agreement for

NAMI Sharing Hope and Compartiendo Esperanza Programs

All interested NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates in good standing are welcome to take part in the NAMI Sharing Hope or Compartiendo Esperanza initiatives. Because one of the primary goals of the initiatives are to build partnerships between NAMI and African American or Latino communities, materials are only made available for use among NAMI sites. Sites are welcome to take part in either or both Sharing Hope and Compartiendo Esperanza initiatives but please note, though built upon similar goals and management, these programs and their materials are different in cultural adaptation and one cannot be simply replicated as the other.

To receive these materials, interested sites must show an initial understanding and commitment to the goals and policies of these initiatives by completing and returning this agreement form. Upon receipt of this completed form, the NAMI Multicultural Action Center will provide your site’s coordinator with access to elected program materials on the NAMI website. 

Materials are provided in the following electronic formats: PDF; Microsoft Excel; PowerPoint; and Word. Additionally, all Compartiendo Esperanza materials are available in English and Spanish. Please be sure that the coordinator named is able to work effectively with these file types or has assistance available. This individual will also be NAMI’s point of contact going forward (unless otherwise noted in the future) so that we may keep our records up to date of where initiative activities are underway and provide your site with necessary updates.

The goals and policies, as well as an overview of program implementation steps and materials components, are provided on the following pages.

The NAMI Multicultural Action Center is available for assistance once you decide to take part in either of these initiatives. Please return this completed form and contact us with any questions you may have at sharinghope@ and esperanza@ (fax: 703-524-9094).

Select desired program materials: Sharing Hope (African American) Compartiendo Esperanza (Latino)

NAMI State Organization or Affiliate: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________

Coordinator: ______________________________________Title: ______________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________

Account username for : _____________________________________________________________

Registered account with the NAMI website is necessary for electronic access to program materials.

Coordinator named above agrees to adhere to program policies once utilizing initiative materials, including required reporting following any given presentation.

NAMI site named above will ensure compliance with initiative policies and notify the NAMI Multicultural Action Center in the event another individual becomes coordinator.

__________________________________________________________ _____________

(Signature of Executive Director or Board President—direct email stating support is accepted) (Date)

Eligibility and Program Policies

Sharing Hope and Compartiendo Esperanza materials are available for any NAMI state or affiliate organization in good standing who commit to follow the following program policies:

• All NAMI material is copyrighted.

• No group or individual may rewrite any of the NAMI Sharing Hope or Compartiendo Esperanza materials without prior consent from NAMI.

• None of the core component of this program shall be changed or revised in any way without prior consent from NAMI.

a. Sharing Hope and Compartiendo Esperanza presentations must be facilitated by a minimum of two presenters: a person living with mental illness and a family member.

b. No presentation shall be given in a time frame of less than one hour (Sharing Hope) or 90 minutes (Compartiendo Esperanza).

• NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates utilizing the program must complete required reporting forms following any given presentation.

• NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates utilizing the program materials must keep NAMI Multicultural Action Center notified of any change of site coordinator and/or their contact information.

Sharing Hope Goals

• Build positive and lasting relationships within African American communities

• Increase understanding and awareness of mental health recovery by sharing lived experiences of people with mental illness and family members.

• Address mental health stigma in the African American community by providing science-based information on mental illness.

• Foster dialogue within predominantly African American groups about mental illness and support for individuals with these illnesses and their families.

• Welcome African American communities to NAMI education and support programs.

Compartiendo Esperanza Goals

• Develop positive and lasting relationships with Latino organizations.

• Educate Latinos about mental illness signs, symptoms, treatment and support.

• Address mental health stigma in the Latino community by providing science-based information on mental illness.

• Increase understanding and awareness of mental health recovery.

• Introduce NAMI education and support programs to the Latino community.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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