Overview of Strengthening Career and Technical Education ...

Overview of Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act -Perkins V State PlanYear Submission of State PlanSubmission Revision of Performance Levels (Part of MA State Plan)Receipt of Grant AwardState FY2020 (7/1/19 -6/30/20)Spring 2019 Massachusetts DESE submits 1 Yr. Transition PlanSecondary and Postsecondary Institutions are NOT required to submit a 1 Yr. Transition Plan Not ApplicableSecondary and Postsecondary institutions submit Grant Applications and receive awards, as approved by Resource Allocation and Strategic Planning Office (RASP).Grant recipients will not be required to complete CLNA or Program Application. State FY2021 (7/1/20 – 6/30/2021)April 2020 MA DESE submits 4 Year Plan covering FY 2020 – 2023May 2020: USED Approved MA State PlanApril 2020 MA DESE submits State Determined Performance Levels (SDPL’s), including baseline levels. May 2020: USED Approves MA SDPL’sLEA’s (optionally) submit Local Determined Performance Levels (LDPL’s) with Perkins V Grant Application or by last Fri. in October 2020.Summer – November 2020 CCTE Office reviews and approves institutions’ PROPOSED LDPL’s.Spring - Summer 2020 Secondary and Postsecondary institutions complete: Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Perkins V Application Summer/early Fall 2020Perkins V Application is reviewed and approved by RASP Office.CLNA is not submitted although is referred to in Perkins Application. It should be kept on file at each institution for review during DESE Monitoring Process and for strategic improvement initiatives. State FY 2022 (7/1/21 – 6/30/22)Feb – March 2021?If Appropriate, MA DESE may amend State PlanState may adjust Performance Levels, per USED ApprovalLocals may adjust Performance Levels, per DESE ApprovalFeb – March 2021 State & Local Institutions can review core indicators of performance, disaggregated by each special population, and consider improvement strategies.Spring - Summer 2021Secondary and Postsecondary institutions complete: Perkins V Application State FY 2023 (7/1/22 – 6/30/23)Feb – March 2022?If Appropriate, MA DESE may amend State PlanFeb – March 2022 MA Actual Performance reviewed to USED Approved SDPL’s. State to submit and or amend Progress Report(s), as appropriate.February 2022Institutions submit Improvement Plans for each special population within each indicator that failed to meet LDPL/SPDL.?Spring - Summer 2022, Secondary and Postsecondary institutions complete: Secondary and Postsecondary institutions complete: Update of CLNAPerkins V Application State FY 2024 (7/1/23 – 6/30/24)Feb – March 2023?If Appropriate, MA DESE may amend State PlanFeb – March 2023 MA Actual Performance reviewed to USED Approved SDPL’s. State to submit and or amend Progress Report(s), as appropriate.February 2023Institutions submit and/or amend Improvement Plans for each special population as needed.Spring - Summer 2023, Secondary and Postsecondary institutions complete: Perkins V Application ................

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