An Introduction to Education - Cambridge Scholars Publishing

[Pages:30]An Introduction to Education

An Introduction to Education

Edited by

Hasan Arslan

An Introduction to Education

Edited by Hasan Arslan

This book first published 2018

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Copyright ? 2018 by Hasan Arslan and contributors

All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN (10): 1-5275-0932-X ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-0932-0


Foreword ................................................................................................... vii

Chapter One................................................................................................. 1 Fundamental Concepts of Education Hasan Arslan

Chapter Two .............................................................................................. 11 Theories in Language Learning and Teaching Alina Andreea Dragoescu

Chapter Three ............................................................................................ 23 Sociology of Education: Theoretical Context and Current Issues Mehmet Ali ?bay

Chapter Four .............................................................................................. 37 Philosophy of Education: Theoretical and Practical Considerations Tomas Butvilas, Eva Kr?lov? and Kstutis Trakselys

Chapter Five .............................................................................................. 63 Psychology and Educational Psychology Mirela Samfira

Chapter Six ................................................................................................ 93 Education Policy Osman Ferda Beytekin

Chapter Seven.......................................................................................... 103 Comparative Educational Systems Sari Hosoya


Table of Contents

Chapter Eight........................................................................................... 129 Sociocultural Perspectives: An Opportunity to Understand Science Education in a Different Dimension. S. L. Ramos-de Robles and A. J. Gallard Mart?nez

Contributors............................................................................................. 143


The book "An Introduction to Education" is a set of strategies and materials in education, developed to assist teachers in guiding their classroom and students in understanding fundamental subjects of teaching. Introduction to education means to ensure the highest levels of academic achievement for all students and it helps students develop a positive selfconcept by providing knowledge about various dimensions of teaching. Introduction to Education which includes the contributions of academics and researchers aims to provide highest academic achievement in teacher education. The book concludes eight chapters: Fundamental Concepts of Education, Teachers and Teaching, Social Foundation of Education, Philosophy and Educational Philosophy, Psychology and Educational Psychology, Foundation of Educational Politics, Comparative Educational Systems, and Sociocultural Perspectives: An Opportunity To Understand Science Education in a Different Dimension.

The first chapter is dedicated to the Fundamental Concepts of Education. Hasan ARSLAN underlines the concepts of education in teacher education. The author gives theoretical perspectives and descriptions in education and states that education is a process that begins at birth and continues till the end of life. The early stage of life is very crucial since this period affects the following process. However, we are not able to totally control the early stage because children remain under the care of their families until they begin attending school. Even if children study in schools, many factors such as friends in and out of the school affect their educational process.

The second chapter deals with Teachers and Teaching. Alina Andreea DRAGOESCU focuses on all aspects related to learning and puts forward a critical enquiry regarding what confers value upon the educational experience. The discussion emphasises language learning, as well as the basic factors which affect learning in general ? learner motivation, language acquisition, and other processes related to cognition ? from the standpoint of cognitive learning theories.

The third chapter examines Social Foundation of Education. In this chapter, Mehmeet Ali ICBAY first defines the two disciplines, education and sociology, and then talks about what research the sociology of education does. After that, he presents a brief history of the theoretical



framework. Starting with the classical works by Durkheim and Weber in the sociology of education, the chapter continues with the three turning points after the Second World War.

The fourth chapter is dedicated to Philosophy and Educational Philosophy: Theoretical-Practical Considerations. Tomas BUTVILAS, Eva KR?LOV? and Kstutis TRAKSELYS present theoretical and application. In the theoretical part, the authors mainly focus on existing philosophical schools of education while presenting six approaches that are still in use all over the world in classrooms in schools and auditoriums at higher education institutions. On the other hand, the presented educational philosophies give some basis for describing real educational activities with children and adults in both country cases.

Another chapter on Psychology and Educational Psychology by Mirela SAMFIRA argues why is psychology important in the field of education? While the question is a simple one, the answer is much more complex. Information in the field of psychology is extremely important in almost all human fields where humans exist. The goal of this chapter is not to debate the role and importance of psychology in humans' life, but to emphasise its applications in the field of education.

The sixth chapter draws attention on Foundation of Educational Politics. Ferda BEYTEKN provides a historical, philosophical, political, and sociological reflection on the relationship connecting education with sociology, culture, anthropology, politics, and economics. Education policy refers to the collection of laws and rules that govern the operation of education systems.

The seventh chapter focuses on Comparative Educational Systems. Sari HOSOYA states that an educational system is political to some extent. When the objectives of education behind the educational system are suitable for the social environment and the needs of the people, the system functions quite well. On the other hand, if it does not match the needs, it does not work effectively. The government is required to balance the aims of the educational system and the needs of the people thoughtfully.

The last chapter is written by S. L. Ramos-de ROBLES and A. J. Gallard MARTNEZ. The authors draw attention on Sociocultural Perspectives: An Opportunity To Understand Science Education In A Different Dimension. The authors suggest that in the science education community in terms of ranking of importance, research into the social and cultural aspects of teaching and learning is second to the cognitivist who seems to mainly use positivism as a way make sense of data.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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