Republic of Zambia - Giakonda

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|Republic of Zambia |

|Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education |

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|(GRADES 1 – 7) |

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|Prepared by the: Curriculum Development Centre |

|P.O. Box 50092 |


|2013 |

© Curriculum Development Centre, 2012

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means, without the prior permission of the Curriculum Development Centre.


Quality, life long education for all which is accessible, inclusive and relevant to individual, national and global needs and value systems.


| |Page |

|Preface ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |iv |

|Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |v |

|Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |vi |

|Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |vii |

|General Outcomes for Grades 1-7 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |viii |

|Listening and Speaking ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |viii |

|Reading …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |ix |

|Writing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |x |

|Grade 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |1 |

|Grade 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |8 |

|Grade 3…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |12 |

|Grade 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |17 |

|Grade 5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |23 |

|Grade 6…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |31 |

|Grade 7…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |48 |


This syllabus was initially produced as a result of the Basic School Curriculum Reforms carried out by the Ministry of Education, under the Basic Education Sub Sector Investment Programme (BESSIP) from 1999 to 2002.

The reforms were necessitated by the need to solve long-standing problems in the existing curriculum such as being overloaded, compartmentalized, examination oriented and inflexible. The reforms were also an attempt by the Ministry of Education to capture the latest technological, economic, political and social developments in a fast changing world. In response to these reforms, the syllabuses have been revised in five learning areas. The learning areas are; Literacy and Languages, Integrated Science, Creative and Technology Studies, Mathematics and Social and Developmental Studies. The curriculum focuses on the development of literacy, numeracy, practical skills and personality.

It is my sincere hope that this 2012 outcomes based syllabus will greatly improve the quality of education provided at Lower and Upper Primary School level as defined and recommended in the policy document, ‘Educating Our Future’ 1996.

Nkosha C.

Permanent Secretary



The Curriculum presented here is a result of broad-based consultation involving several stakeholders within and outside the education system.

Many individuals, institutions and organisations were interviewed throughout the country in order to gather their views on the existing curriculum and also to accord them an opportunity to make suggestions for the new curriculum. The Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education wishes to express heart-felt gratitude to all those who participated for their valuable contributions, which resulted in the development of this syllabus.

The Curriculum Development Centre worked closely with other sister departments and institutions to create this document. We sincerely thank the Directorate of Standards and Curriculum, the Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services, the Examinations Council of Zambia, the University of Zambia, Schools and other institutions too numerous to mention, for their steadfast support.

We pay special tribute to cooperating partners for rendering support in the production of this syllabus.

Special appreciation also goes to the Curriculum Development Centre support staff and all those who were involved in the development of this syllabus in one-way or another.


This revised version of the syllabus reflects the educational requirements as stated in the policy document, ‘Educating Our Future’ (1996) which emphasises, among other things, literacy and life skills. Clear outcomes have been stated in such a way that the content is spread out to show the knowledge, skills, and values to be attained by learners in school.

The syllabus has two parts. These are; Literacy and Language.

1. The Literacy Component: Grades 1-7:

This covers reading and writing at Grades 1-7 and consolidating and further developing the literacy skills in Zambian Languages.

2. The Language Component: Grades 1-7:

The Language Component covers listening, comprehension, vocabulary, oral and written expression, reading, information gathering, giving and following instructions, awareness of similarities between Zambian Languages, Zambian culture, life skills, literature and culture, translations and crosscutting themes.


The teaching methodology should be based on a communicative approach whose features include:

1. Integration of the basic literacy and language skills;

2. Using the literacy and language skills in real life situations;

3. Teaching literacy and language in context;

4. Using authentic teaching materials;

5. Using a variety of reading and writing activities, including writing about real experiences and for a real purpose;

6. Pacing learners in ability groups;

7. Using continuous assessment; and

8. Using varied learner-centred communicative, interactive and participatory techniques such as:

• Role play

• Drama

• Problem-,solving

• Information transfer

• Pair or group discussion

• Field trips or project work

• Case studies

• Debate


1. Listening and Speaking

The Listening and Speaking skills are very important. Learning to listen accurately and respond to the spoken word increases the learners’ confidence, builds up their receptive skills and allows them to be exposed to different forms of language.

This is the reason why listening and speaking skills are the basis of all language work.

Therefore, by the end of Grade 7, a learner should:

a) Perform the following outcomes using the appropriate language forms:

• Identify and classify;

• Describe, narrate and report;

• Find out;

• Deny and concede;

• Express and elicit intellectual attitudes;

• Express personal meaning;

• Get things done;

• Communicate for social purposes;

• Express concepts and relationships;

• Talk about quality and quantity;

• Understand the most common and useful grammatical terms and their functions;

b) Manipulate accurately and appropriately the core structures in the context of the functions set in (a) above;

c) Use language effectively in and out of school, and demonstrate by responding in an appropriate way a spoken message;

d) Use the spoken language forms which are appropriate to different social contexts.

2. Reading

In reading, a learner will be required to read for comprehension from the beginning, and then be introduced to the types of functional reading, which will enable learners to gradually read for specific purposes in crucial areas.

By the end of Grade 7, a learner should:

a) Understand the different types of reading materials which they are likely to meet both in and out of school, i.e. texts and passages in the Learner’s Books and graded supplementary readers, reading materials in real life, e.g. signs, instructions, etc.; and reading materials related to other learning areas;

b) Have a reading vocabulary of at least 2500-3000 words, including a basic sight vocabulary of names, signs and labels needed by the learner to operate in any society and be able to read with understanding a wide variety of narrative, functional and instructional materials;

c) Read for pleasure and for specific information;

d) Read at a speed appropriate to their purpose (a speed of at least 100 words a minute is recommended for reading for pleasure by the end of Grade 7);

e) Begin to read critically and make judgements on the materials read.


Writing in Grades 1-7 comprises learning to form letters and write neatly and legibly (handwriting), learning to spell (spelling) and learning to do grammatical exercises and controlled, guided and free writing. By the end of Grade 7, the learners should have acquired those writing skills necessary for work in all learning areas for continued learning, and for the world of work if they do not continue beyond Grade 7.

Therefore, by the end of Grade 7, learners should be able to:

a) Produce the kind of writing which is likely to be required of them if they leave school after Grade 7, e.g. letters (both formal and informal); filling in forms; writing telegrams; writing a simple report, etc.;

b) Produce the kind of writing in addition to the above that will be required of them in Grade 8, e.g. continuous free prose writing and written work as required by other learning areas;

c) Spell and punctuate correctly;

d) Express clearly and correctly in writing their personal experiences, ideas, opinions and knowledge;

e) Take pride in their written work by writing work by writing neatly and keeping their work clean.




• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

• Use language to communicate in different situations

Key competences

• Show skills of reading initial sounds i.e. letters, syllables and word.

• Demonstrate basic skills in reading and writing common words and simple sentences.



|1.1 Listening and Speaking|1.1.1 Greetings | Demonstrate different forms of greetings. |Good morning, good afternoon, good |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |evening | | |

| |1.1.2 Relationships | about themselves and their families |Nuclear; father, mother, children and |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |extended family e.g. mother, father, | | |

| | | |brother, sister, nephew, niece, | | |

| | | |cousin, grand father/mother. | | |

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| | | | |Effective communication |Knowledge |

| |1.1.3 Responsibilities | Talk about chores |Domestic unisex chores and | | |

| | |and responsibilities of |responsibilities, e.g. washing, | | |

| | |members of a family |sweeping, cooking | | |

| |1.1.4 Story-telling | Narrate simple stories |Story telling ( introduction, body and|Confidence |Knowledge |

| | | |conclusion) |Creative thinking | |

| | | Relate simple stories | |Application | |

| | | |The meaning of | | |

| | | |the original story. | | |

| | | |Number of characters (names), source | | |

| | | |of story (places) | | |

| |1.1.5 Description | Describe pictures |E.g. road signs, market place, bus |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |station, hospital, police station. | | |

| |1.1.6 Counting | Count objects. |Concord/ agreement (1- 10) i.e. prefix|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |+ number e.g. ko – mwe (Tonga) kamo | | |

| | | |(Kiikaonde) | | |

| |1.1.7 Poems, rhymes and | Recite rhymes, poems or tongue twisters |Simple rhymes, poems and tongue |Application |Knowledge |

| |tongue twisters | |twisters on cross – cutting | | |

| | | |issues(Health) | | |

| |1.1.8 Riddles and puzzles | State riddles and puzzles |Riddles and puzzles. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | Explain puzzles. | | | |

| |1.1.8 Simple messages | Retell simple messages. | Simple messages. |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.1.9 Colours | Identify main colours. |Yellow, red, blue green, white, black,|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |orange, brown. | | |

| |1.1.10 Days of the week | Name days of the week. |Days of the week in familiar language |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.1.11 Commands | Respond to simple commands |E.g Stand up, sit down, jump, open the|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |door. | | |

| |1.1.12 Houses | Identify houses in the |Traditional and modern houses |Application |Appreciation |

| | |locality | | | |

| |1.1.13 Denying confirming, | Deny, confirm and affirm statements |Denying; No, not like that. |Application |Knowledge |

| |affirming and correcting | |Confirming; yes, Affirmation; it is | | |

| | | Correct wrong statements |true, | | |

| | | |Correcting; te Chanda ni Bwalya … | | |

| | | |(Icibemba), haki maabani ki maloba | | |

| | | |(Silozi) | | |

| |1.1.14 Plurals | Form plurals of nouns. |Nzolo/ba nzolo (kiikaonde), musimbi/ |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |basimbi(Tonga), kasumbi/tusumbi | | |

| | | |(luvale), nkhuku/nkhuku (cinyanja) | | |

|1.2 Reading |1.2.1 Letters, shapes, | Carry out a variety of visual discrimination |Discriminating the letters, objects |Application |Knowledge |

| |objects. |exercises |and shapes. | | |

| |1.2.2 Eye movement. | Demonstrate left to right eye movement. |Eye movement; left to right |Application |Awareness |

| |1.2.3 Jigsaw | Fit pieces of a jigsaw. |Jigsaw puzzles ( sorting, matching and|Application |Knowledge |

| |puzzles | |building the pieces) | | |

| |1.2.4 Initial sounds | Identify common initial sounds. |Short vowels: a, e, i, o, u. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Long vowel sounds: aa ee, ii, oo, uu | | |

| | | |Consonants: Specific to each language.| | |

| | | |Other sounds: bb, kk, ch, ny, ŋ,Ŵ…. | | |

| |1.2.5 Syllables | Read and relate syllables to their sounds. |Mono consonants syllables e.g. ba, ma,|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |ta | | |

| | | |Di consonant syllable: mwa, kwa, | | |

| | | |Tri consonants syllables: Ndwa, mbwa, | | |

| | | |ntha, | | |

| | | |Quardral consonants syllable: Mphwa, | | |

| | | |Nkhwa. | | |

| |1.2.6 Letters of the | Recognise sounds of the letters of the |Sounds of alphabet e.g. /e/, /k/, /g/ |Application |Knowledge |

| |alphabet |alphabet.(Zambian languages) | | | |

| | | Recognise capital and small letters of the |Letters e/E, k/K, g/G | | |

| | |alphabet(Zambian languages) | | | |

| |1.2.7 Word formation | Form and read words from syllables |Common words: mata, Zamaya, kaka mama,|Application |Knowledge |

| | | Demonstrate understanding of simple words. |tate | | |

| | | |Word to picture matching | | |

| |1.2.8 Sentence formation | Form and read simple sentences. |Read simple sentences of the Subject +|Application |Knowledge |

| | | Demonstrate understanding of simple sentences |Verb (S+V) and Subject + Verb + Object| | |

| | | |(S + V+O) | | |

| | | |Sentence to picture matching | | |

| |1.2.7 Paragraph formation | Form and read short paragraphs. |Sentence arrangement (three short |Application |Knowledge |

| | | Identify the theme of a passage. |sentences) s+v+o | | |

| | | |Main idea | | |

| |1.2.8 Extensive reading | Retell what they have read. |Retelling a story |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.2.9 Comprehension | Locate required information from a short text |Answering questions based on the |Application |Knowledge |

| | | React to instructions read. |passage | | |

| | | |Different ways of reacting to | | |

| | | |instructions | | |

| |1.2.10 Locating information | Locate information from print sources. |Conventions of print sources e.g. map.|Application |Knowledge |

|1.3 Writing |1.3.1 Manipulation | Demonstrate different manipulative skills |Mould; Shapes and letters |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Drawing and tracing things | | |

| | | |Finger and hand manipulation | | |

| | | |Pattern writting | | |

| |1.3.2 Posture | Demonstrate correct sitting posture. |Sitting like Leo (up right) |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.3.3 Hand writing | Write legibly and neatly. |Hand writing (cursive writing ) |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.3.4 Syllable formation | Form syllables by using vowels and consonants. |Disyllable formation |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |(mono di) | | |

| |1.3.5 Plural formation | Write words in singular and plural forms. |Nzolo/ba nzolo (kiikaonde), musimbi/ |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |basimbi(Tonga), | | |

| | | |kasumbi/tusumbi(luvale), nkhuku/nkhuku| | |

| | | |(cinyanja) | | |

| |1.3.6 Word and sentence | Write words from syllables |Common words: mata, Zamaya, kaka mama,|Application |Knowledge |

| |formation | |tate | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Write simple sentences |Write simple sentences of the Subject| | |

| | | |+ Verb (S+V) and Subject + Verb + | | |

| | | |Object (S + V+O) | | |

| | | |Capital and small letters | | |

| |1.3.7 Spellings | Write dictated words and sentences. |Common words and simple sentences |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.3.8 Punctuation | Punctuate given sentences |The full stop (.) |Application |Knowledge |

| |1.3.9 Composition | Write short paragraphs on topical issues. |HIV and AIDS, Corruption, Child Abuse |Application |Knowledge |

| | |(maximum of three sentences) |and Road Safety | | |



• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Key competences

• Demonstrate basic skills in reading and writing short paragraphs

• Show understanding of short written text



|2.1 Listening and Speaking |Synonyms |Use synonyms of nouns |Umulendo/umweni (Icibemba) |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Kamwale /mooye (Tonga) | | |

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| |Antonyms |Use antonyms of nouns |Phwevo/ Lunga (Luvale) | | |

| | | |Mnyamata / Mtsikana (cinyanja) | | |

| |2.1.3 Puzzles | Solve simple puzzles. |Solving simple puzzles |Application |Knowledge |

| |2.1.4 Following | Act upon the instructions. |Instructions e.g. Kwala munyako mi|Application |Knowledge |

| |instructions | |uine fafasi (Silozi) | | |

| |2.1.5 Singular and plural | Use singular and plural words in sentence (in |Singular and plural words. E.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| |words |line with noun classes). |Sipula / Lipula (silozi) Kichi / | | |

| | | |bichi (Kiikaonde) | | |

| |2.1.6 Riddles and puzzles | State and give answers to riddles. |Stating and answering riddles |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Solving simple puzzles | | |

| | | Solve simple puzzles. | | | |

| |2.1.7 Story telling | Explain the contents of the stories. |Content and meaning of stories. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Episodes | | |

| |2.1.8 Fruits | Name common fruits. |Masuku, makusu nabungulu, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |intungolu, mapopolo,mabuyu, | | |

| | | |nkhuyu, mumbita | | |

| |2.1.9 Seasons of the year | Describe seasons of the year and the activities. |E.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Mainza – farming | | |

| | | |Mupeyo – Harvesting | | |

| | | |Cilimo –Preparing the fields. | | |

| | | |(Citonga) | | |

| |2.1.10 Occupation | Mention different occupations in the community. |Occupations e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Umphunzitsi, ulimi, usodzi | | |

| | | |(Cinyanja) | | |

| |2.1.11 Quality and quantity | Talk about quality and quantity. |Quality – Tiile, nyinyani. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Quantity – ñata, (Silozi) | | |

| |2.1.12 Poems and rhymes | Recite rhymes and poems |Simple rhymes and poems |Application |Knowledge |

| |2.1.13 Buying and selling | Use language about buying and selling. |Language on buying and selling in |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |familiar language. | | |

|2.2 Reading |2.2.1 Reading aloud | Read short paragraphs aloud |Pronunciations, punctuation, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |intonation, fluency. | | |

| |2.2.2 Spelling | Spell simple words. |Simple words |Application |Knowledge |

| |2.2.3 Extensive reading | Read short stories for pleasure. |Techniques of accurate reading |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |i.e. good reading habits, | | |

| | | |vocalization, finger pointing, no | | |

| | | |head movement. | | |

| |2.2.4 Comprehension |2.2.4 .1 Read short passages and stories with |Teaching reference skills |Application |Knowledge |

| | |understanding. |Teaching new vocabulary | | |

|2.3 Writing | | Use question marks in interrogative statements |Interrogative statements in |Application |Knowledge |

| |2.3.1 Punctuation | |familiar languages | | |

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| |2.3.2 Dictation | Write dictated sentences |Simple sentences |Application |Knowledge |

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| |2.3.3 Sentence writing | Write simple sentences using the pattern |E.g Mudenda(S) wakaulila(V) |Application |Knowledge |

| |(building) |Subject+ Verb+ Object+ Object(SVOO) |Mutinta(O) bbuku(O)-(citonga) | | |

| |2.3.4 Composition | Write short guided composition on cross cutting |Writing stories in own words. i.e.|Application |Knowledge |

| | |issues |introduction main body and | | |

| | | |conclusion | | |

| | |Write short unguided composition on cross cutting issues |known events, experience( | | |

| | | |environment, HIV/AIDS, child | | |

| | | |abuse, road safety) | | |

| |2.3.5 Hand writing | Write legibly and neatly. |Hand writing (cursive writing) |Application |Knowledge |



• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

• Develop awareness of Zambian Culture and similarities among Zambian languages.

Key competences

Demonstrate basic skills of:

• Writing legibly and neatly in script and cursive forms.

• Communicating in speech in different situations.



|3.1 Listening and |3.1.1 Story telling | Retell stories (Traditional and modern). |Coherence, cohesion, voice |Application |Knowledge |

|Speaking | | |projection | | |

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| |3.1.2 | Listen to a story comprehensively |Content of the story e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| |Aural Comprehension | |character, theme | | |

| | | |Objectivity/clarity in |Application |Knowledge |

| |3.1.3 Information gathering | Gather information from different sources, and |expressing/ reporting | | |

| | |report back |Social activities e.g. ceremonies| | |

| |3.1.4 Description | Describe scenery, events, people and other |Descriptive language e.g. use of| | |

| | |things. |adjectives and adverbs | | |

| | | | |Application |Knowledge |

| |3.1.5 Proverbs and Idioms | Explain proverbs and idioms |Proverbs (akanwa kamwenfu |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |takabepa) and idioms(ukufina | | |

| | | |amolu) | | |

| |3.1.6 Poetry | Create and recite poems |Poems on cross cutting issues |Application |Knowledge |

| |3.1.7 Counting | Count objects. |Counting objects |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |(10 – 100) | | |

| |3.1.8 Directions | Ask for and give simple directions. |Simple directions e.g. turn |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |right, near, opposite | | |

| |3.1.9 Time | Tell time of the day |Actual time and period; |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |morning(07hours), midday(10 | | |

| | | |hours), afternoon(12hours), | | |

| | | |evening (18hours) | | |

| |3.1.13 Homographs and homonyms |3.1.13 Use words with the same spelling but different |E.g, bola (rotten), bola |Application |Knowledge |

| | |sounds. |(come)-Citonga | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Use words with the same spelling, same sounds but |lila (intestine), lila (cry)- | | |

| | |different meaning |silozi | | |

| |3.1.14 Dialogue | Conduct simple dialogues. | |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Simple dialogues (speech | | |

| | | |exchange) | | |

|3.2 Reading |3.2.1 | Read silently a given passage and do follow-up |Theme |Application |Knowledge |

| |Comprehension |activities. |Identification | | |

| | | |New/Familiar | | |

| | | |vocabulary | | |

| | | |Question | | |

| | | |Answering | | |

| |3.2.4 Extensive reading | Read supplementary books for pleasure. |Improve language i.e. vocabulary,|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |reading habits | | |

| |3.2.3 Scanning | Locate information from print sources. |Use of contents page and index |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |page | | |

|3.3 Writing |3.3.1 Sentences | Construct sentences using the pattern Subject + |E.g Mundia ubena kukyofwa nkinga |Application |Knowledge |

| | |Verb+ Object + Adjective (SVOA) |yakataaka-Kiikaonde (Mundia is | | |

| | | |riding a new bicycle) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use of But and AND. Eg Jinyama A | | |

| | | |abene | | |

| | | Construct sentences using BUT and AND. |Ndalya pesi tiindakkuta (citonga)| | |

| | | | |Application | |

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|3.3 Writing | | | | | |

| |3.3.2 Dictation | Write dictated short paragraphs |Simple paragraphs with correct |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |punctuation marks; full stop, | | |

| | | |capital and small letters | | |

| | | | | | |

| |3.3.3 Plurals | Form plurals from singular words |Plural and singular forms of |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |words (countable, nouns) | | |

| |3.3.4 Paragraphing | Construct short paragraphs. |Two paragraphs of five |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |sentences(each paragraph to carry| | |

| | | |different messages) | | |

| |3.3.5 Punctuation | Punctuate sentences and short paragraphs. |Punctuation marks ( the comma) |Application |Knowledge |

| | | | | | |

| |3.3.6 Summary | Summarise a story. |Summary skills i.e. note making |Application |Knowledge |

| |3.3.7 | Write informal letters. |Characteristics of informal | | |

| |Letter writing | |letters e.g. one address, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |salutation, body language, ending| | |

| |3.3.8 Translation | Translate words from English into Zambian |Vocabulary e.g. including human | |Knowledge |

| | |Languages. |parts of the body |Application | |

| | | |(external parts) | | |

| |3.3.9 Orthography | Write words and sentences using the accepted |Conjunction and disjunction, eg | | |

| | |orthography. |mwa ndu(in the house)- Silozi |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Mwandu( soaked maize residue | | |

| | | |porridge ) | | |



• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

• Develop awareness of Zambian Culture and similarities among Zambian languages.

Key Competences:

Demonstrate basic skills and knowledge to:

• Retell a read story

• Punctuate simple sentences and short paragraphs

• Describe various activities, objects, places, actions and simple processes.



|4.1 Listening and Speaking|4.1.1 Story telling | Tell different stories. |Orderly manner |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Tense | | |

| | | |Vocabulary: voice projection, | | |

| | | |introduction, main part, | | |

| | | |conclusion | | |

| | | | | | |

| |4.1.2 Synonyms and antonyms | Use antonyms of verbs. |Synonyms – Verbs, Zuza- Lunduka|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |(Tonga) Run (English) | | |

| | | |Boola/ Koza (Citonga) | | |

| | | Use synonyms of verbs. |Imana / Ikala (Kiikaonde) |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Bwela / Pita (Cinyanja) | | |

| |4.1.3 Description | Describe various activities in rural or |Descriptive language e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |urban areas. |tense, sequence indicators, | | |

| | | |adjectives. | | |

| | | |Instructions | | |

| | | Describe objects, places and actions | | | |

| | |imaginatively. | | | |

| | | Tell someone how to perform a simple | | | |

| | |process. | | | |

| |4.1.4 Hobbies | Talk about hobbies |Hobbies e.g. recreation sports,|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |reading, writing | | |

| |4.1.5 Machine parts | Name the main parts of common machines. |Parts of a common machine e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Bicycle: cheni, spoko, kalanko | | |

| | | |(Kiikaonde) | | |

| | | |Car: Vwili, gilazi, bbooti | | |

| | | |malisawa (Tonga) | | |

| |4.1.6 Events | Report and describe present events |Tense: |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Present simple tenses. | | |

| | | Report and describe past events and |Tense: | | |

| | |experiences. |Past simple tense. | | |

| |4.1.7 Social language usage | Use socially acceptable language in |Acceptable vocabulary eg at the|Application |Knowledge |

| | |different situations. |market, hospital, funeral. | | |

| |4.1.8 Expressive language | Express personal feelings and rational |Language used for expressing |Application |Knowledge |

| | |thoughts. |personal and rational thoughts | | |

| | 4.1.9 Life skills | Discuss the life skills needed for living|Life skills for happy living |Application |Knowledge |

| | |together happily. |e.g. Tolerance, patience, | | |

| | | |problem solving | | |

|4.10 Reading |4.10.1 Comprehension | Read a given passage at appropriate |Efficient reading i.e. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |pace, with understanding. |acceptable pronunciation, | | |

| | | |content answering | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Retell what has been read and answer |Passage retelling content, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |questions about it. |pronunciation | | |

| | | Summarise a story read. |Content |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Summary skills | | |

| |4.10.2 Extensive reading | Read materials on cross cutting issues. |Expand knowledge on various |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |cross-cutting issues e.g. | | |

| | | |Health, child abuse, gender | | |

| | | |base violence | | |

|4.11 Writing |4.11.1 Punctuation | Punctuate sentences and short |Inverted commas, exclamation |Application |Knowledge |

| | |paragraphs. |mark | | |

| |4.11.2 Composition | Write a short reports on present events |Tense: |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Present simple tenses. | | |

| | | |Past simple tense. | | |

| | | Write short descriptive composition on | | | |

| | |present events | | | |

| | | Write short description on a process | | | |

| | | Write short description of rural and | | | |

| | |urban activities. | | | |

| |4.11.3 Translation | Translate words, sentences and short |Simple sentence and short |Application |Knowledge |

| | |paragraphs from a Zambian Language into English. |paragraphs | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4.12 Writing |4.12.1 Dictation | Write short dictated stories. |Inverted commas, exclamation |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |mark | | |

| |4.12.2 Conjunctive and | Write sentences using conjunctives and |Conjunctives and disjunctives |Application |Knowledge |

| |disjunctive |disjunctives. | | | |

| |4.12.3 Semi Informal letter | Write a semi- formal letter. |Characteristics of a semi |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |formal letter e.g. address, | | |

| | | |salutation, body language, | | |

| | | |ending | | |

| |4.12.4 Preposition | Write sentences using prepositions. |Orthographic rules: Preposition|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |e.g. Ku, Mu, Pa,wa. | | |



• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

• Develop awareness of Zambian Culture and similarities among Zambian languages.

Key Competences:

• Demonstrate skills and knowledge to express feelings, thoughts, experiences and convictions clearly and effectively in speech and writing at this level.

• Demonstrate ability to read with steady and clear comprehension.



|5.1 Listening and |5.1.1 Listening | Listen comprehensively to a passage read |Six to eight sentence passage. |Application |Knowledge |

|Speaking |Comprehension |aloud. | | | |

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| |5.1.2 Story telling. | Narrate fiction and non-fiction stories |Contents: |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Character and confidence building, | | |

| | | |fluency. | | |

| | | |Logical order of ideas | | |

| |5.1.3 Asking for information and | Ask for information and explanations. |Questions, Directions, Vocabulary: |Application |Knowledge |

| |explanations | |Courtesy | | |

| | | |Politeness | | |

| |5.1.4 Extracting information | Extract and relate information from |Content e.g. People’s experiences, moods |Application |Knowledge |

| | |conversations. |and opinions | | |

| |5.1.5 Life Skills | Express sympathy, interest, concern, |Use correct vocabulary to express feelings|Communication |Knowledge |

| | |hope, apology and forgiveness. | | | |

|5.2 Reading |5.2.1 | Read fiction and non-fiction passages |Read and understand content from passage |Application |Knowledge |

| |Comprehension |with understanding | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |5.2.2 Summary | Explain the meaning of summary. |Writing of main ideas from a passage. |Application |Knowledge |

| | | Identify content and non content words |Content words (words that give meaning on | | |

| | | |their own) | | |

| | | |Non-content words (words that need the | | |

| | | |support of other words to give meaning) | | |

| | | |Word and sentence summaries | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | Compose different summaries. | | | |

| |5.2.3 Oral reading | Read aloud with acceptable |Pronunciation, expression, punctuation |Application |Knowledge |

| | |pronunciation and appropriate expression. |marks, voice projection | | |

| |5.2.4 Paraphrasing passages | Paraphrase what has been read from |Content (Vocabulary, sentence construction|Application |Knowledge |

| | |narratives, passages, tables, graphs, maps, plans| | | |

| | |and mathematical diagrams. | | | |

| |5.2.5 Idioms | Show an understanding of idiomatic |Language usage, vocabulary, idioms |Application Interpreting |Knowledge |

| | |language. | | | |

| |5.2.6 Summary | Summarise a story. |Summary types: compressed, thematic |Application |Knowledge |

| |5.2.7 Extensive | Locate information from print sources |Skimming, scanning note making |Application |Knowledge |

| |Reading | | | | |

| |2.2.8 Phonology | Locate phonic patterns |Locating diagraphs and blends |Application |Knowledge |

|5.3 Writing |5.3.1 Composition | Write compositions. Structure i.e. |Structure i.e. introduction, body and |Application |Knowledge |

| | |introduction, body and conclusion Handwriting |conclusion, Handwriting, logic, clarity, | | |

| | | |neatness | | |

| |5.3.2 Reports | Write reports on events and |Tense, Vocabulary, sentence construction |Application |Knowledge |

| | |situations in the local community. |Note taking | | |

| |5.3.3 Reporting | Report personal experiences. |Tense content (Vocabulary experience) |Application |Knowledge |

| |5.3.4 Reporting | Report briefly on a conversation, |Tense, Content (main points) |Application |Knowledge |

| | |speech or scene by giving the main points. | | | |

| |5.3.5 Notices and advertisement | Write notices and advertisements. |Summary, Vocabulary, size of letters, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |spellings, Heading, clarity | | |

| |5.3.6 Translation | Translate short, paragraphs from |Content vocabulary terminologies |Application |Knowledge |

| | |English into Zambian languages |punctuation, logic | | |

| |5.3.7 Free writing | Use a variety of writing styles e.g. |Essay writing, writing, logic, neatness, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |personal, imaginative and functional. |styles, synthesis. | | |

| |5.3.8 Handwriting | Demonstrate how to use cursive writing |Cursive writing (Richard Marion (script) |Application |Knowledge |

| | |respecting lines and margins | | | |

| |5.3.9 Sequencing | Arrange sentences in logical order. |Logic sentence arrangement |Application |Knowledge |

| |5.3.10 Dictation | Write from dictation |Dictation: words, sentences, spellings |Application |Application |

|5.4 Language |5.4.1 Use of Tenses | Write a paragraph |Present, Past, Future |Application |Knowledge |

| | |using a selected |Vocabulary, Sentence arrangement | | |

| | |tense | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| |5.4.2 Grammar | Build up words |Word building (Affixation) e.g. Akudya |Application |Knowledge |

| | |using different infixes, stems and suffixes. |(Cinyanja) | | |

| | | |A – prefix, - ku- infix | | |

| | | |-dy- stem –a suffix | | |

| |5.4.3 Praises | Recite common praises and poems |Recite praises and Poems about God, |Application |Knowledge |

| |Poems | |Chiefs, heroes and natural beauties | | |

| |5.4.4 Denying affirming and | Deny, affirm and correct propositions, |Content of |Application |Knowledge |

| |correcting |and note discrepancies and anomalies. |Express agreement and disagreement | | |

| | | |Formulate different questions | | |

| |5.4.5 Noun | List nouns according to noun prefixes. |Noun classes 1-6 (singular and plural |Application |Knowledge |

| |classes | |prefixes) | | |

| | | |Listing in correct order | | |

| |5.4.6 Figures of speech. | Use various figures of speech |Smiles, metaphors, satire vocabulary |Application |Knowledge |

| |5.4.7 Requests, instructions, | Influence other people through making |Correct use of language: wider vocabulary |Application |Knowledge |

| |warning, suggestions |requests and giving instructions, warnings, |to express respect, responsibility, | | |

| | |advice and suggestions. |leadership | | |

| |5.4.8 Quantity | Talk about quantity and seek factual |In area, mass, capacity, weight and |Application |Knowledge |

| |Impact and seek factual information|information |height) factual information | | |

| |5.4.9 Dramatising plays | Dramatise various activities in a play. |Emphasis |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Irony | | |

| | | |Imitation | | |

| |5.4.10 Debates | Debate cross-cutting issues. |Theme debate (cross cutting issues such as|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |health, gender, HIV/AIDS, and child abuse | | |

| |5.4.11 Meanings of proverbs and | Use and give meanings of proverbs, and|Proverbs and sayings |Application |Knowledge |

| |sayings |sayings. | | | |

| |5.4.12 sentence construction | Construct meaningful sentences using |Given vocabulary and language |Application |Knowledge |

| |5.4.13 Tenses | Change word forms to suitable tenses. |Vocabulary, past, present and future |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |tenses | | |

| |5.4.14 Punctuation | Punctuate a given passage |Punctuation: comma, full stop, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |exclamation and question marks etc. | | |

| |5.4.15 Direct and | Change direct into indirect speech and |(Interchanging) |Application |Knowledge |

| |indirect |vice versa. |Tense charge, quotes. | | |

| |speech | | | | |

| |5.4.16 Dictation | Write dictated |Vocabulary (words and sentences) |Application |Knowledge |

| | |short paragraphs | | | |

|5.5 Writing |5.5.1 Verb forms | Identify and positive and indicate the |Negative form of verb e.g. hani – (will |Application |Knowledge |

| | |negative form of a verb in a sentence. |not) in Silozi | | |

| |5.5.2 Negative form | Change sentences from positive to |Positive and negative forms: correct |Application |Knowledge |

| | |negative form and vice versa. |reversal | | |

| |5.5.3 Reduplicated and compound | Write reduplicated and compound nouns. |Reduplicated and compound/words: to show |Application |Knowledge |

| |nouns | |new meaning. | | |

| |5.5.4 Homographs | Write words that are spelt the same but |Intonation/ vocabulary(Similarly spelt |Application |Knowledge |

| | |with different meanings. |words with different meanings) e.g. ca- | | |

| | | |(eat) ca- (burn)(Silozi) | | |

| |5.5.5 Vowel doubling | Write words whose meanings are |Double vowel words e.g. mata (run) maata |Application |Knowledge |

| | |differentiated by double vowels. |(strength) in Silozi. Tola (stuntedness) | | |

| | | |Toola (pick) in Kiikaonde. | | |

| |5.5.6 Affixes | Use negative prefixes or suffixes of a |Negative suffixes & prefixes e.g. Te – ni |Application |Knowledge |

| | |verb. |Teyo (it is not) etc. | | |


General Outcomes:

• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

• Develop appreciation of literature, culture and life skills.

Key Competences:

• Demonstrate skills and knowledge to express feelings, thoughts, experiences and convictions clearly and effectively in speech and writing at this level.

• Demonstrate ability to read with steady and clear comprehension.



| |6.1.1 Aural | Answer questions based on a story or |Answering surface, |Application |Knowledge |

|6.1 Listening and Speaking|Comprehension |play. |inference and vocabulary | | |

| | | |questions appropriately. | | |

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| |6.1.2 Story/Play | Discuss main episodes in a story or |Main features of a story / |Application |Knowledge |

| | |play. |play: literacy analytical | | |

| | | |sequence | | |

| | | |Scenes, events | | |

| | | |And sub-themes | | |



| |6.1.3 Miming | Mime words or a play. |Miming (imitate) correctly |Application |Knowledge |

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|6.1 Listening and Speaking| | | | | |

| |6.1.4 Conversation | Identify the main points of an |Main points of a convention|Application |Knowledge |

| | |conversation and give an logical conclusion. |theme sub-themes logical | | |

| | | |conclusion. | | |

| |6.1.5 Reporting | Report facts on an issue e.g. |Facts on HIV/AIDS |Application |Knowledge |

| | |HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Democracy. |Human Rights | | |

| |6.1.6 Debates/ Speech | Reproduce information from a speech |Agreeing and disagreeing on|Application |Knowledge |

| | |or debate and give an opinion about it. |the debate | | |

| | | |Speech. | | |

| |6.1.7 Processes | Describe processes and activities. |Steps or stages of |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |processes | | |

| | | |Events. | | |

| |6.1.8 Descriptions | Describe a location. |Proximity Directions, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |position (i.e. right, | | |

| | | |front, behind, above). | | |

| |6.1.9 Customs | Talk about |Customs and traditions. |Application |Appreciation |

| |and |customs and |(Value, occasions and | |Knowledge |

| |Traditions |traditions. |appropriacy) | | |

| |6.1.10 Proverbs | Give correct meaning of proverbs. |Proverbs; correct meaning |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |and usage (advise, warning,| | |

| | | |praise) | | |

| |6.1.11 Composing | Compose and use appropriate songs, |Songs |Creativity |Knowledge |

| | |praises and poems on crosscutting issues. |Praises |Application | |

| | | |Poems, e.g. food, | | |

| | | |nutrition, environmental | | |

| | | |issues | | |

| | | |(Rhyming, stanza, theme) | | |

| |6.1.12 Dramatising | Dramatise stories, legends and |Dramatizing stories |Creativity |Knowledge |

| | |famous folklores. |legends. |Application | |

| | | |Folklores (role. Playing, | | |

| | | |purpose and value) | | |

| |6.1.13 Debating | Debate issues of the day in a |Debating skills |Critical thinking |Knowledge |

| | |logical manner. |(Vocabulary, voice |Application | |

| | | |projection, clarity and | | |

| | | |protocol) | | |

| |6.1.14 Social | Identify, classify and use |Identification |Application |Knowledge |

| |information |information. |Classification (about | | |

| | | |countries, people, customs,| | |

| | | |law and order, agriculture,| | |

| | | |conservation, current | | |

| | | |affairs, Historic subjects | | |

| | | |and topical issues such as | | |

| | | |HIV and AIDS, democracy, | | |

| | | |gender and governance ) | | |

| |6.1.15 Scientific | Identify, classify and use |Identification |Application |Knowledge |

| |information |information about Maths, measurement of time,|Classification | | |

| | |Science, communication sight and light. | | | |

| |6.1.16 Descriptions | Describe and report experiences, |Describing Reporting, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |past events, arrangements and intentions. |( nature, time, reason etc)| | |

| |6.1.17 Intensifiers | Use intensifiers correctly. |Intensifiers (very much), |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Mbiri – Nyanja(Hahulu – ( | | |

| | | |Silozi) | | |

| | | |(Kapati – (Chitonga) | | |

| |6.1.18 Inquiring | Find out about opinion, feelings and|Probing people’s opinions, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |beliefs of other people. |feelings and beliefs. | | |

| | | |counseling | | |

| |6.1.19 Denying and Affirming | Make statements that deny, or |Vocabulary for: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |affirm |denying(no, not true, | | |

| | | |never, not at all), | | |

| | | |affirming (yes, welcome, I | | |

| | | |accept go ahead) | | |

| |6.1.20 Opinions | Express |Vocabulary for expressing: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |opinions |Necessity, | | |

| | | |Criticism, | | |

| | | |Probability, | | |

| | | |Certainty, | | |

| | | |Doubt, | | |

| | | |Inducement, | | |

| | | |deductions | | |

| |6.1.21 Meaning | Express |Vocabulary for expressing: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |personal |Prediction, | | |

| | |meaning |Satisfaction, | | |

| | | |Surprise, | | |

| | | |Regret, | | |

| | | |Gratitude, | | |

| | | |Speculation | | |

| |6.1.22 Politeness in | Use polite expressions |Vocabulary for expressing |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |politeness in: | | |

| | | |Requests, | | |

| | | |Suggestions, | | |

| | | |Instructions, | | |

| | | |Directions, | | |

| | | |Warnings, | | |

| | | |Advice | | |

| |6.1.23 Language use | Use language |Vocabulary appropriate for:|Application |Knowledge |

| | |socially in | | | |

| | |different |Seeking, agreement, | | |

| | |situations |permission, | | |

| | | |responding to directions, | | |

| | | |expressing concern, | | |

| | | |Sympathy, | | |

| | | |planning co-operative | | |

| | | |activities | | |

| |6.1.24 Interpreting | Talk about information set out in |Various forms of print form|Application |Knowledge |

| |information |charts, maps, diagrams, plans, graphs etc. |e.g. : | | |

| | | |Maps, | | |

| | | |Graphs, | | |

| | | |Diagrams, | | |

| | | |Charts, | | |

| | | |Tables. | | |

| |6.1.25 Concepts | Express ideas in the form of |Factual values and |Application |Knowledge |

| | |concepts. |justifications | | |

| |6.1.26 Decision | Give an appropriate logical |Vocabulary for making |Application |Knowledge |

| |making |conclusion to a conversation e.g. on water |conclusion e.g. In | | |

| | |conservation. |conclusion. To sum up. | | |

| |6.1.27 Quality and | Talk about quality and quantity. |Vocabulary suitable for |Application |Knowledge |

| |Quantity | |expression of quality and | | |

| | | |quantity e.g. good, better,| | |

| | | |best more, most, few, less.| | |

| |6.1.28 Speech | Discussion contents of a speech e.g.|Vocabulary suitable for |Application |Knowledge |

| | |on human rights, citizenship education. |making oral speech. | | |

| | | |(Salutation and | | |

| | | |sequence/order). | | |

| |6.1.29 Classification | Classify different types of songs |Types of songs (modern and |Application |Knowledge |

| | |and occasions at which they are sang. |traditional) and occasions | | |

| | | |(e.g. funeral ceremony, | | |

| | | |religious, war) harvesting,| | |

| | | |hunting, pounding | | |

|6.2 Reading |6.2.1 Reading | Read different types of text and |Reading and making correct |Application |Knowledge |

| |comprehension |demonstrate understanding. |personal responses from | | |

| | | |what has been read | | |

| | | |(scanning) | | |

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| |6.2.2 Extensive | Read materials from other subject |Application of language |Application |Knowledge |

| |reading |areas with understanding. |patterns and skills in | | |

| | | |other subject | | |

| |6.2.3 Book reference | Understand how to use a reference |Skimming and scanning |Application |Knowledge |

| | |book. | | | |

|6.2 Reading |6.2.4 Reading comprehension | Answer multiple, surface and |Answering inference surface|Application |Knowledge |

| | |inference on any topic of the cross-cutting |and vocabulary questions | | |

| | |issues. |(passage on cross- cutting | | |

| | | |issues) | | |

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| |6.2.5 Oral Reading | Read aloud with appropriate |Reading aloud with |Application |Knowledge |

| | |expression, correct punctuation and other |appropriate expression and | | |

| | |markers. |correct punctuations. | | |

| |6.2.6 Extracting information | Extract information from various |Extracting information from|Interpretation |Knowledge |

| | |print resources. |various print resources: | | |

| | | |Maps, | | |

| | | |Graphs, | | |

| | | |Tables, | | |

| | | |Charts, | | |

| | | |Plans, | | |

| | | |Diagrams. | | |

|6.3 Writing |6.3.1 Composition | Write short compositions on any given|Writing compositions e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |topics using appropriate structures. |Descriptive, narrative and | | |

| | | |Argumentative etc | | |

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|6.3 Writing | | | | | |

| |6.3.2 Keeping a diary | Keep a diary. |Keeping a record of daily |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |occurrences | | |

| |6.3.3 Letter writing | Write formal and informal letters . |Letter writing indicating |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |address/es, date, | | |

| | | |salutation body ( | | |

| | | |punctuations, | | |

| | | |paragraphing), confusion | | |

| |6.3.4 Dictation | Take dictation. |Writing from dictation |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |(punctuations, | | |

| | | |orthography). | | |

| |6.3.5 Paragraphing | Demonstrate an understanding of |Paragraphing |Application |Knowledge |

| | |paragraphing. |( Value of margin, | | |

| | | |indicating, upper and lower| | |

| | | |case letters etc) | | |

| | | |Neatness/ Accuracy. | | |

| |6.3.6 Composition writing | Use a variety of writing styles: |Writing styles for: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |personal, imaginative, narrative and |Personal, | | |

| | |descriptive. |Imaginative, | | |

| | | |Narratives, | | |

| | | |Descriptive. | | |

| |6.3.7 Documents | Filling in | Official documents such as|Application |Knowledge |

| | |forms |swift cash forms, money | | |

| | |correctly |order, application forms | | |

| | | |etc | | |

| | | |Accuracy in completion. | | |

| |6.3.8 Notices and Advertisements | Write notices, advertisements and |Writing in summary form |Application |Knowledge |

| | |tables. |(Attractiveness, Clarity/ | | |

| | | |Vividness, Accessibility): | | |

| | | |brevity | | |

| |6.3.9 Translation | Translate sentences, paragraphs and |Translation rules: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |passages from a Zambian Language into English|Knowledge of both the | | |

| | |and vice versa. |source and receptor | | |

| | | |language, culture and | | |

| | | |vocabulary | | |

| |6.3.10 Summarise a given story. | Summarizing: using wider vocabulary |Summarizing/critical |Application |Knowledge |

| | |to cover sentence meaning. |thinking | | |

| |6.3.11 cursive | Write legibly with good cursive |Writing legibly in cursive |Application |Knowledge |

| |writing |handwriting. |form. | | |

|6.4 Language |6.4.1 Word forms | Analyse, identify and use various |Word forms e.g. plural, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |word forms. |singular, tense. | | |

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| |6.4.2 Word building | Build up words using affixes. |Word building: |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |prefixes e.g. | | |

| | | |mu-talima | | |

| | | |infixes e.g. talim | | |

| | | |(lutalima) | | |

| | | |suffixes e.g. –ile | | |

| | | |(Mutalimile) | | |

| |6.4.3 Parts of speech | Identify and use nouns, verbs, |Parts of speech: |Application |Knowledge |

| | |adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs and |nouns (abstract e.g beauty,| | |

| | |pronouns in sentences. |love) | | |

| | | |adjectives (dark, small, | | |

| | | |tall) | | |

| | | |pronouns | | |

| | | |(he, I she, the, there, it)| | |

| | | |verbs (eat, run, sing, | | |

| | | |dance) | | |

| | | |adverbs (slowly, fast, | | |

| | | |quickly inside) | | |

| | | |on junctions (and, but, | | |

| | | |therefore,) | | |

| |6.4.4 Sentence building | Build up correct sentences using |Sentence building using S +|Application |Knowledge |

| | |appropriate vocabulary and structural items. |V+ D sentence pattern and | | |

| | | |correct parts of speech | | |

| | | |syntax. | | |

|6.4 Language |6.4.5 Homographs | Identify and use homographs, |e.g. Homographs |Application |Knowledge |

| |Antonyms, |antonyms, synonyms and homonyms in sentences.|( some spelling but | | |

| |Synonyms | |different meaning) | | |

| |and | |antonyms (opposite meaning)| | |

| |Homonyms | |synonyms | | |

| | | |(some meaning sound and | | |

| | | |some spelling but different| | |

| | | |meaning) | | |

| | | |homonyms | | |

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|6.4 Language | | | | | |

| |6.4.6 positive and Negative forms | Identify parts of the verbs that |The verb. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |denote negation and use of positive and |Positive (going) and | | |

| | |negative terms in sentences. |negative (not going) terms | | |

| | | |in sentences e.g Ndaona, | | |

| | | |tandooni (chitonga). | | |

| |6.4.7 Tenses | Change verbs and sentences from one |Verbs (is, was, come). |Application |Knowledge |

| | |tense to another. |Tenses( present, past) | | |

| |6.4.8 Regular and irregular nouns | Change singular to plural for both |Singular or plural nouns |Application |Knowledge |

| | |regular and irregular nouns. |e.g. . | | |

| | | |Regular (person, people) | | |

| | | |and irregular nouns | | |

| | | |(water). | | |

| |6.4.9 Nominalisation | Make nouns from verbs. |Changing verbs into nouns |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |ca (eat) sico (food) in | | |

| | | |Silozi | | |

| |6.4.10 Noun classes | List nouns according to noun |Noun prefixes .e.g. mu -, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |prefixes |ba -, and ka – in muntu, | | |

| | | |bantu, kantu up to class 8 | | |

| | | |classifying. | | |

| |6.4.11 Compound and reduplicated | Identify and use compound words and |Compound words and | |Knowledge |

| |nouns |reduplicated words. |reduplicated words e.g. |Application | |

| | | |Mfumukazi (Chieftainess) | | |

| | | |Kabotu – Kabotu (carefully)| | |

| |6.4.12 Orthography | Write conjunctive and disjunctive |Conjunctive e.g. Kulima. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |words. |Disjunctive : ku lima (to | | |

| | | |till the land). | | |

| |6.4.13 Interrogatives | Identify and use interrogative forms|Interrogatives e.g. (Why, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |of verbs. |how, when, what, where, how| | |

| | | |come) : avoid literal | | |

| |6.4.14 Punctuation | Punctuate accurately using higher |Punctuation marks e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |forms. |inverted commas, colon, and| | |

| | | |exclamation marks. | | |

| |6.4.15 Short and | Write two words whose meanings are |Words e.g. mata (run) maata|Application |Knowledge |

| |Long vowels |differentiated by double vowels. |(strength) in Silozi; mali | | |

| | | |(money) maali (polygamous) | | |

| | | |in Chitonga | | |

| |6.4.16 Positive and | Change sentences from positive to |Positive to negative forms |Application |Knowledge |

| |negative |negative forms and vice versa. |of sentences. | | |

| |sentences | | | | |

| |6.4.17 Vocabulary | Give meanings of words from a given |Giving meanings of words |Application |Knowledge |

| | |context. |from context. | | |

| |6.4.18 Adjectives | Use adjectives to qualify nouns. |Adjectives: e.g. good, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |tall dark, sweet, cold etc| | |

| | | |to describe nouns. | | |

| |6.4.19 Borrowed | Write words or names that have been |Examples of words that |Application |Knowledge |

| |terms |adapted from other languages. |have been adapted from | | |

| | | |other languages e.g. spoon| | |

| | | |(supuni/sipunu) | | |

| | | |Bemba/Chitonga). | | |

| |6.4.20 Concord/ Agreement | Use prefixes and their concord. |Prefixes and their concord|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |e.g. Basimbi baleenda | | |

| | | |(girls are walking) | | |

| | | |Chitonga. | | |

| | | |Jiike jaatama (a bad egg) | | |

| | | |in Kiikaonde | | |



• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

• Develop appreciation of literature and culture and life skills.

Key Competences

• Demonstrate high level skills, knowledge and values in a Zambian Language to express feelings, thoughts, experiences and convictions clearly and effectively in speech and writing.

• Demonstrate high level skills, knowledge and values by integrating life skills in academic and challenges in life while at this level and the other levels.



|7.1 |7.1.1 | Identify themes of plays and|What theme is? (main lesson taught) |Application |Knowledge |

|Listening and |Challenges |stories |main theme, sub- theme | | |

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| |7.1.2 Songs | Use and explain riddles, |Song with Riddles, proverbs, satire |Application |Knowledge |

| | |proverbs, satire and idioms in songs. |and idioms. (lyrics) | | |

| |7.1.3 Customs | Identify and discuss the |Customs: artifacts and ceremonies |Application |Knowledge |

| | |customs of a particular group of | | | |

| | |people. | | | |

| |7.1.4 Speeches | Make a speech, an apology, an |Speeches, apology, an introduction |Application |Knowledge |

| | |introduction and vote of thanks. |and vote of thanks(use of tense and | | |

| | | |format of written ones) | | |

| |7.1.5 Complex messages | Deliver a complex message. |Main message (instruction with main |Application |Knowledge |

| |transfer | |and correct information) e.g. birth | | |

| | | |of child, funeral massage, summon | | |

| | | |massage, Reporting brevity. | | |

| |7.1.6 | Demonstrate understanding of |Planning (costs, expenditure) |Application |Knowledge |

| |Budgeting |budgeting | | | |

| |7.1.7 Debate | Debate issues of national |Debate formalities. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |importance |Indication, opposing or proposing | | |

| | | |motions, points, and opinions, facts | | |

| | | |on issues such as corruption, | | |

| | | |governance and child abuse | | |

| |7.1.8 Acting | Act in a play |Voice projection articulation and | | |

| | | |annunciation. |Application |Knowledge |

| |7.1.9 simple research | Identify, carry out a simple |Simple research ethics: | | |

| | |research project and report findings |requesting information, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Probing on tact on issues that affect| | |

| | | |them in their local community | | |

| |7.1.10 Description and | Describe and narrate own |Beliefs, past evens, experiences, |Describing/ Narrating |Knowledge |

| |narration |and other people’s experiences |arrangements and intentions | | |

| |7.1.8 Acting | Act in a play |Voice projection articulation and |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |annunciation. | | |

| |7.1.9 Simple research | Identify, carry out a simple |Simple research ethics: requesting |Application |Knowledge |

| | |research project and report findings. |information. Probing on tact on | | |

| | | |issues that affect them in their | | |

| | | |local community. | | |

| |7.1.10 Description and | Describe and narrate own and|Beliefs, past events, experiences, |Application |Knowledge |

| |narration |other people’s experiences |arrangements and intentions. | | |

| |7.1.11 Personal opinion | Express personal opinions |Stating preferences, approval and |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |disapproval, indifference, | | |

| | | |enthusiasm, intentions and future | | |

| | | |arrangements. | | |

| |7.1.12 | Keep record of income and |Costing/Spending/ |Application |Knowledge |

| |Income |expenditure |Accountability/ Profit/Loss/ | | |

| |generation | |Record keeping/ | | |

| | | |Accounting | | |

| |7.1.13 Relationships | Express concepts about |Relationships to do with cause and |Application. |Knowledge |

| | |relationships. |effect, comparisons and contrasts | | |

| |7.1.14 Quality and |7.1. 14.1 Talk about quality and |Terms used for quality and quantity |Application |Knowledge |

| |quantity |quantity. |such as good, better, best, more, | | |

| | | |most | | |

| |7.1.15 Parts of speech |7.1. 15.1 Demonstrate understanding of|Parts of speech such as adverbs, |Application |Knowledge |

| | |all parts of speech. |adjectives, interjections. | | |

| |7.1.16 Persuasion |7.1. 16.1 Persuade other people |Persuade other people through polite |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |request, persuasions and giving | | |

| | | |advice using volitional terms like | | |

| | | |could, may please | | |

| |7.1.17 Conversation | Identify main points of a |Main points of a conversation e.g. |Application |Knowledge |

| | |conversation. |theme, main points and conclusion, | | |

| | | |major highlights | | |

| |7.1.18 Leadership | Discuss leadership qualities |Humility/Patience/ |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Honesty/ | | |

| | | |Assertiveness | | |

| |7.1.19 cross cutting | Narrate stories tales, |Cross cutting issues such as |Application |Knowledge |

| |issues |legends and myths on cross cutting |HIV/AIDS, Gender, street kids, | | |

| | |issues. |empathy etc. | | |

|7.2 Reading |7.2.1 | Read a given passage and do |Understanding contents i.e. theme, |Application |Knowledge |

| |Comprehension |follow up activity |Vocabulary, | | |

| | | |Reading, | | |

| | | |Scanning, | | |

| | | |Skimming | | |

| |7.2.2 Extensive | Read passages silently |Good reading habits |Application |Knowledge |

| |reading | | | | |

| |7.2.3 Reading aloud | Read aloud in a lively and |How to read with emotions/ Reading | | |

| | |expressive manner. |expressively (i.e. intonation, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |stress, punctuation marks). | | |

| |7.2.4 References | Use reference and textbooks |Reference and textbooks (use of |Application. |Knowledge |

| | |effectively. |reference materials e.g. index, table| | |

| | | |of content). | | |

| | | |Skimming | | |

| | | |Scanning | | |

| | | |Referencing | | |

| |7.2.5 Extensive | Read materials from other |Materials from other subject |Application |knowledge |

| |reading |subject areas with understanding. |materials. | | |

|7.3 Writing |7.3.1 Compositions | Write compositions or essays |Layout of a composition e.g. |Application. |Knowledge |

| | |on a given topic. |introduction, main body and | | |

| | | |conclusion (punction). | | |

| |7.3.2 Sentence | Write sentences in active |Active and passive forms of the | | |

| |construction |and passive forms. |verbs. Active forms e.g. Kaonde- |Application. |Knowledge |

| | | |mwana ubena kuja kajo. Kajo kabana | | |

| | | |kujiwa | | |

|7.3 Language |7.3.3 Letter writing | Write formal and informal |Types of letters e.g. informal and |Application. |Knowledge. |

| | |letters. |formal. (address, salutation main | | |

| | | |body conclusion) formal:- two | | |

| | | |addresses date, salutation, body, | | |

| | | |conclusion and ending. | | |

| |7.3.4 Summary | Summarise any given story. |Summary skills. Note making putting |Application. |Knowledge |

| | | |points together. Content words, | | |

| | | |objectivity. | | |

| |7.3.5 Translation | Translate paragraphs from |Translation techniques. (knowing |Application. |Knowledge |

| | |English into Zambian Languages and |source and receptor languages for | | |

| | |vice versa. |example) whole sentence meaning | | |

| | | |conformity | | |

|7.3 Writing |7.3.6 Summary | Write notices, |Features of notices, advertisements, |Application |Knowledge. |

| | |announcements, advertisements, |obituaries or announcements e.g. | | |

| | |obituaries. |clarity, brevity. | | |

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| |7.3.7 Information | Extract information from |Extract information such as: charts, |Application |Knowledge |

| |extraction |various sources |tables, maps and graphs. | | |

| |7.3.8 Free writing | Use a variety of writing |Reflective use a variety of writing | | |

| | |styles. |styles such as letters, notes; |Application. |Knowledge. |

| | | |imaginative, narrative, descriptive | | |

| | | |(stories). | | |

| |7.3.9 Note-taking | Write notes about a meeting |Note-taking. | | |

| | |attended and brief others about the |Attentiveness |Application |Knowledge. |

| | |main issues discussed. | | | |

| |7.3.10 Conventions of | Tabulate, indent, title and|Conventions of writing e.g. from | | |

| |writing |paraphrase a passage. |table to graph, identify, topics, |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |themes and content words | | |

| |7.3.11 Dictation | Take dictation. |Dictation/ |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |Punctuation/ Corrects spelling. | | |

| |7.3.12 Spellings | Spell words correctly. |Spelling rules , correct use of |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |orthography | | |

|7.4 Language |7.4.1 Direct and indirect | Write sentences in both direct|Features of both direct and indirect |Application |Knowledge |

| |speeches |and indirect speech. |speeches e.g. punctuation, | | |

| | | |transforming statements, types of | | |

| | | |reporting verbs. | | |

| |7.4.2 Interrogatives | interrogatives |Examples and use of interrogatives | | |

| | | |e.g. Lozi: ñi, fi |Application |Knowledge |

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| |7.4.3 Nouns | Write nouns in both plural and|Forms of both singular and plural | | |

| | |singular forms. |nouns and those that do not effect |Application |Knowledge |

| | | |for plural or singular e.g. Tonga: | | |

| | | |Nyemu | | |

| |7.4.4 Types of nouns | Identify different types of |Types of nouns: concrete nouns, | | |

| | |nouns. |abstract nouns, compound nouns. |Application |Knowledge |

| |7.4.5 Noun classes | nouns in each noun class |Noun structure and classes e.g. |Application | |

| | |prefixes |prefixes, noun classes 9-18. | |Knowledge |

| |7.4.6 Compound and | Identify compound and |Identify of compound and reduplicated| | |

| |reduplicated words |reduplicated words. |words e.g. nouns, adverbs, adjectives|Application |Knowledge |

| | | |and verbs. | | |

| |7.4.7 Parts of | Identify and use parts of |Parts of speech learnt e.g. nouns, |Application |Knowledge |

| |speech |speech correctly. |verbs, adjectives and pronouns. | | |

| |7.4.8 Punctuation | Punctuate sentences and |Different punctuation marks e.g. |Application |Knowledge. |

| | |paragraphs correctly. |inverted commas, exclamation marks, | | |

| | | |questions, commas and full stops. | | |

| |7.4.9 Figures of speech | Use proverbs, sayings, |Meanings and examples of different |Application |Knowledge |

| | |praises, idioms, satire, simile and |figures of speech like proverbs, | | |

| | |metaphor in writing. |sayings, idioms and any others. | | |


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