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Goals Essay OutlineThis essay is part of the Rainier HS portfolio, which is a graduation requirement. This essay will receive both an English class grade (using the 6-traits rubric) and a completion score in Advisory. When you have completed this essay, you will need to share it through your Google drive with both your advisory teacher and myself. Use this outline to guide your essay.#1 Introductory Paragraph *There will be at least 2 sentences in this paragraph.Why is it important for you to set goals?What type of goals will you address in this essay? #2 Academic Goals Paragraph *There will be at least 9 sentences in this paragraph.Short Term Academic Goal: What is your SMART goal?How is the goal achievable? What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Long Term Academic Goal: What is your SMART goal?How is the goal achievable?What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Transition: How will your academic goals help you post-high school?#3 Career Goals Paragraph *There will be at least 9 sentences in this paragraph.Short Term Career Goal: What is SMART goal?How is the goal achievable?What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Long Term Career Goal: What is SMART goal?How is the goal achievable?What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Transition: How will your career goals help guide your plans post-high school?#4 Personal Goals Paragraph *There will be at least 9 sentences in this paragraph.Short Term Personal Goal: What is SMART goal?How is the goal achievable?What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Long Term Personal Goal: What is SMART goal?How is the goal achievable?What will the process be to complete this goal?How will you know that you have accomplished this goal?Transition: How will your personal goals help you?#5 Conclusion Paragraph *There will be at least 4 sentences in this paragraph.Discuss the importance of your goals. What will you gain personally by completing these goals (discuss each type)?**The final draft must be typed, in size-12 Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.SMART Goals Writing WorksheetYour goals should be SMART in order to be meaningful and achievable. This worksheet is designed to help you be smart about developing goals. SMART Goal CriteriaS – Specific and clear: What is your goal?M – Measurable: How will you measure this goal?A – Attainable and realistic: How will you attain this goal?R – Related to achievement: How will you know that you have achieved this goal?T – Timely: What is the realistic time frame to reach this goal?You will have two goals for each type. You will discuss three types of goals:Academic Goals:3543300172720SHORT Term Goal = accomplished within a few months to a year.LONG Term Goal = accomplished within 1 to 5 years.00SHORT Term Goal = accomplished within a few months to a year.LONG Term Goal = accomplished within 1 to 5 years.Short Term Academic GoalLong Term Academic GoalCareer Goals:Short Term Career GoalLong Term Career GoalPersonal Goals:Short Term Personal GoalLong Term Personal GoalACADEMIC Goals: These should be about your high school and post-high school education.Short TermS:M:A:R:T:Long TermS:M:A:R:T:SMART Goals Writing WorksheetCAREER Goals: These should be about your post-high school career plans.Short TermS:M:A:R:T:Long TermS:M:A:R:T:PERSONAL Goals: These should be about your character and citizenship.Short TermS:M:A:R:T:Long TermS:M:A:R:T:SMART Goals Writing WorksheetTurn your SMART Goals into complete sentences. This will help you write a majority of your goals essay. Your Short Term Academic Goal:Your Long Term Academic Goal:Your Short Term Career Goal:Your Long Term Career Goal:Your Short Term Personal Goal:Your Long Term Personal Goal: ................

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