Jon Jollay Scholarship

Jon Jollay ScholarshipApplication InstructionsBefore preparing this application, please review the criteria outlined on this page.The application and all supporting materials must be submitted or postmarked by March 5, 2021.The application must be typed. NO staples - use paper clips ONLY. Please do not put the completed application packet in any type of binder or folder. Incomplete applications will not be considered.Scholarship Purpose: This scholarship was established in 1988 to enhance post-secondary education of a Coloma High School graduate. The scholarship is given to a graduating student who shows excellence in citizenship, scholarship, and all-around accomplishments. Criteria: This is a non-renewable scholarship for up to $1,000 for a graduating Coloma High School senior. The applicant must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Involvement in volunteer/community activities is also highly recommended. The scholarship may be used at any vocational/technical institute school or a college/university (2-4 years) of choice for tuition and books. This scholarship may not be used for room and board.To complete your application, provide information in the following order:Signed ApplicationA typed one-page essay answering the following question: What are your educational goals and how will this scholarship help you reach them?Your high school transcriptYour highest scoring SAT transcriptA copy of your FAFSA Determination LetterSchool counselors will be notified by the Foundation in May regarding the scholarship recipient(s). In mid-May, scholarship recipients will receive invitations to the Foundation’s scholarship awards event in June. Information on how to access the scholarship will be sent to recipient by the end of June. The scholarship will be paid directly to the college/university on the student’s behalf by mid-AugustReturn your completed application and all support materials to:Mrs. Fran Megyese at Coloma High SchoolApplication InformationName:Address:City:State:Zip:Home Phone:Cell Phone:Email:Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):Are you a U.S. citizen? (proof of citizenship or authorization to be in the U.S. will be required, if a scholarship is awarded):YesNoIf not a U.S. citizen, what type of visa do you hold?Name of Parents/Guardian: Click here to enter text.Phone Number: Click here to enter text.High School InformationHigh School: Coloma High SchoolMain Office Phone:GPA:SAT score:School Counselor:Email: Graduation Date:Scholarship Celebration Availability (Failure to attend could result in loss of scholarship.)Are you available to attend the Scholarship Awards Presentation on June 17, 2021 at 5pm?YesNoCollege/University/Technical School InformationList the U.S. Schools to which you have applied for admission in order of preference:School NameWere you accepted?School NameWere you accepted?School NameWere you accepted?Have you applied for any other scholarships? Yes ? No ?If so, where? Will you have any other grants, awards, gifts from any other source? Yes ? No ?Please describe: How much will you earn this summer? How much will you save? If you do not plan to work, please explain? Do you plan to live on campus or commute? On Campus ? Commute ?Volunteer Activities:Please list school, church or community activities in which you have participated during the past four years. Please list the activities in order of importance to you. Please use an additional sheet if more space is needed. (Attachment is acceptable)Organization# of YearsLeadership Position, Awards and RecognitionClick here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text. FORMTEXT ?????Click here to enter text.SignaturesThis page cannot be submitted electronically. You must submit a hard copy.Certification:I acknowledge that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand that if I am awarded a scholarship, it is for the purpose of post-high school education. In the event that I do not enter a post-high school program, terminate the program prior to use of the award, or receive other financial assistance (Pell grants, scholarships, tuition grants, etc.) that cover in its entirety, any tuition, room and board, or class material costs, I will relinquish my claim to the award in order that another student could receive the aid. I also acknowledge that distribution of all scholarships is contingent upon the funds being available.This scholarship, like all scholarships awarded through the Berrien Community Foundation, is made at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The Berrien Community Foundation Board of Trustees reserves the right to rescind any or all of this scholarship due to unanticipated circumstances.Signature of Applicant: ______________________________________ Date: ___/___/___Permission to Release Information:We accept the terms of this scholarship program and permission is granted to the Berrien Community Foundation to seek verification of any information provided in this application from any source, for review by the officers and trustees of the Foundation or any other person authorized by the Foundation. We hereby release from liability any person submitting information to the Foundation for use in the selection of scholarship recipients.Signature of Applicant: _____________________________________ Date: ___/___/___Signature of Parent or Guardian: _____________________________ Date: ___/___/___Media Permission:I allow the Foundation to use any pictures taken at the Awards Night in Foundation publications.Signature of Applicant: _____________________________________ Date: ___/___/___Signature of Parent or Guardian: _____________________________ Date: ___/___/___Return Application to:Mrs. Fran Megyese at Coloma High SchoolFor questions about the application contact: Susan Mathenysusanmatheny@269-983-3304 ext. 2Berrien Community FoundationScholarships2900 South State StreetSuite 2 ESaint Joseph, MI 49085Essay PageFull Name:In a one-page typed essay (12-point font, double spaced) answer the following question: What are your educational goals and how will this scholarship help you reach them? ................

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