CNPS Educational Grants Application Form

CNPS Educational Grants Application Form

Please fill out all the following boxes. Grant applications are reviewed by a committee using point system to determine that all requested information is included in the Grant application and that the project is consistent with the mission and vision of CNPS (). Funding for CNPS Educational Grants is limited and priority is assigned to those grant applications that are complete and clearly demonstrate consistency with CNPS’ mission and vision.

Project title:

Last name, first name; permanent home address (street, city, state, zip); phone number(s); personal email.

Current academic status: graduate or undergraduate (indicate university or college), high school student (indicate high school and/or university/college association), or non-student (describe status).

Are you a CNPS member? If so, with which chapter(s) are you affiliated?

Date of project start:

Estimated date of proposed project completion:

CNPS requests that you share the results of your study by one or more of the following:

Please check your preference(s) for fulfilling your obligation to CNPS:

1. submit an article to the CNPS journal, Fremontia;

2. present your research in an oral or poster presentation at a CNPS Conservation Conference (the next is in January 2015);

3. deliver a presentation for a more general audience to your local CNPS chapter or chapter where the research is most relevant;

4. send a written report to the Educational Grants Committee when your research is complete. (this can include a copy of your thesis, dissertation and/or any reports or articles generated).

5. other (explain)

Include at least one letter of recommendation. The letter may be from your project advisor, a teacher, or a professor familiar with your project.

Description of the project (suggested length: approximately 500 words). Describe the purpose, objectives, and/or hypotheses of your project, your methods of data collection and analysis, the anticipated products of your research, and a brief timeline for your work. Highlight aspects of the work that you believe are particularly important and creative. Indicate whether you are the only investigator in the study or if your study is part of a larger investigation with other participants or part of a longer-term investigation that will continue after you have completed your part. If it is part of a larger study, state who is supervising the research. Please indicate the herbarium where voucher specimens documenting your study will be deposited or how you will otherwise document the species involved. Discuss how your project supports CNPS’ mission and vision.

Budget and funding. Please include a budget for supplies and travel expenses related to this proposal. Is a CNPS chapter aiding you with your project? If so, indicate which chapter, and what form the aid takes. Do you have other sources or potential sources of support for your project?

I understand that I am fully responsible for all necessary permits and permissions to perform this research, and I will comply with the conditions on all of them and will do no harm to the site.

Sign and date the application. Your signature will confirm to CNPS your knowledge of the project and your consent to participate in it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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