

Supplement to the Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools During the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency.

Supplemental Guidance

Stakeholder Communication and Outreach

HIDEC has published our Reopening Plan on our website. Below are specific extractions of the plan:

Remote Learning

HIDEC’s remote learning model will continue to provide families with home instruction schedules, individualized classroom family friendly weekly lesson plans, multiple classroom daily sessions through live and/or recorded video conferencing, interactive websites and resources that support our theme based curriculum, support for parents via phone and video conferences including providing community resources, tech support and outreach. HIDEC’S service providers will continue to collaborate with parents to develop a schedule to service students as per the IEP mandate through video conferencing. Providers are required to created weekly therapy plans to ensure preparation for their sessions. Therapist will continue to log their session notes and collaborate with the student’s team to ensure the best possible treatment in both sessions and classrooms.

HIDEC will continue to address each student’s IEP goals regardless of remote or in-person service. Using the student’s IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, and related services providers to work together to provide an equitable educational result for all students.

Our students will receive both asynchronous and synchronous approaches when participating in remote learning. Students will have opportunities to join their in-person classmates multiple times a day and teachers will continue to offer 1:1 sessions with remote students regularly trough video conferencing.

HIDEC will continue to work with the DOE to provide students with iPads with built in internet access. However, if a student has neither a device nor consistent access HIDEC will work with families through phone or mail to provide necessary resources to assist the families in meeting the student’s individual goals.


HIDEC will follow the NYS/NYC DOH and CDC protocol and procedures for requesting testing which include but are not limited to:

• An individual is symptomatic or has a history of symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, and/or trouble breathing), , the individual has a compromised immune system, or the individual has an underlying health condition; or

• An individual is less than 21 years of age who has symptoms consistent with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), which is also known as Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome; or

• An individual has had close (i.e. within six feet) or proximate contact with a person known to be positive with COVID-19; or

• An individual is subject to a precautionary or mandatory quarantine; or

• An individual presents with a case where the facts and circumstances – as determined by the school nurse or school administration based on the criteria set forth by NYS/NYC DOH and CDC.

HIDEC has posted on its website, a list of the local testing sites along with hours of availability to assist our families and staff.

Contact Tracing

HIDEC has put together a contact tracing plan in order to contact all people who've had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Our COVID Team has been trained to work with the NYS/NYC DOH and CDC to gather information on the possible spread of the infection within our facility.

All staff, visitors, and parents will complete a daily questionnaire including but not limited to COVID exposure questions and future contact inofrmation. Parents who report that they have come in close contact with someone who is positive are asked to have their children stay home and limit their contact with others. HIDEC staff will follow the same protocol. HIDEC will limit visitor and those entering the building will receive the same questionnaire as well as have their temperature taken before entering the building. Once visitors will be given information before arriving at the building and directed partake in screening via temperature and questionnaire. They will also need to complete contact information including but not limited to name, address and phone number.

If a staff member or student tests positive, a COVID the school nurse will connect you with the support and resources you may need through quarantine, such as help getting groceries or household supplies, child care, medical care or supplies. The Tracer will work with you to identify and reach out via phone and text to anyone you’ve been in contact with while you were infectious to trace and contain the spread of the virus.

Testing, medical and quarantine support for yourself and your loved ones will be arranged. We will not release your name to anyone. Your information is strictly confidential and will be treated as a private medical record.

This nation-leading program will place emphasis on areas with the highest rates of infection and on regions ready to open. The program will operate through the next flu season. It will be implemented in coordination with New Jersey and Connecticut. 

Your caller ID will say “NYS Contact Tracing” (518-387-9993).

Please answer the phone so we can keep NY moving forward and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Public Meetings

On August 8 and 11, 2020 HIDEC held our first reopening meetings for Parents via Zoom to discuss transitioning students back to school. Discussing topics such as but not limited to transitioning back, preparing children for the first few weeks back to school, safety requirements, masks and Remote/Hybrid models for the 2020-2021 school year. Additional one to one meetings were held during registration throughout the month of August, and Zoom meetings to discuss topics such as but not limited to arrival/drop off changes, expectations of emergency pick-ups and new safety protocols/measures.

A staff meeting was also held on to discuss HIDEC’s Reopening Plan. Additional meetings were held on orientation week to address safety including but not limited to PPE equipment, temperature checks, sanitizing, and new classroom/building protocols.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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