Bennis, Warren and Joan Goldsmith (2010) - frjaymiranda

COLLEGE: College of Education DEPARTMENT: ELMD


CLASS DAYS AND CLASS TIME: Tues./18:00-21:15 ROOM: 808

FACULTY: Fr. Jesus Jay Miranda, Jr., O.P., Ph.D.


The course (EDM538D/Educational Leadership and Management in Educational Institution) is an exploration in leading and managing people in education based from sound and acceptable principles and theories for effective school stewardship.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following in line with expected Lasallian graduate attributes:

1. [To become critical and creative thinkers] To be able to recognize, analyze and synthesize the concepts, principles, and theories of leadership and management, and their practical application.

2. [To become articulate, influential, inspiring, and effective communicator and doer] To be able to identify, share, and practice with one’s full ability, the essentials needed for leadership in the new generation.

3. [To become reflective learner for life] To be able to come up with a personal paradigm of leadership and management integrated with spirituality that is responsive and transformative to the needs of contemporary times.

4. [To become civic/service-driven citizen] To be able to initiate or participate in programs in and out of campus (through civic, religious, social, communitarian) ways to contribute to the improvement of leadership tasks and take part in assuming leadership role.


| | | |

|To become critical and creative thinkers |Submission of integration paper based from synthesis of |Jan 17,24,31 |

| |salient points, analysis, and its reflective relevance and |Feb 7,14,21,28 |

| |application in real school work situation |Mar 6,13,20,27 |

| | |Apr 13 |

| |Book Reviews On Leadership (after every Unit Lesson) | |

| | | |

| | |Jan 31, Feb 28, Mar 27, Apr 13 |

| | | |

|To become articulate, influential, |Individual or group presentation of assigned topics in | |

|inspiring, and effective communicator and |class on leadership and management principles and theories | |

|doer | |Jan 17,24,31 |

| |Encouraged expression of one’s thoughts, ideas and insights|Feb 7,14,21,28 |

| |on the topics discussed in class based from one’s knowledge|Mar 6,13,20,27 |

| |and actual experience |Apr 13 |

| | | |

| |Submission of integration paper based from synthesis of | |

| |salient points, analysis, and its reflective relevance and | |

| |application in real school work situation | |

| | |Jan 17,24,31 |

| | |Feb 7,14,21,28 |

| | |Mar 6,13,20,27 |

| | |Apr 13 |

| | | |

|To become reflective learner for life |Research output (generate framework) on leadership and | |

| |management style and experience of selected leaders. |March 31 |

| | | |

| |Submission of integration paper based from synthesis of | |

| |salient points, analysis, and its reflective relevance and |Jan 17,24,31 |

| |application in real school work situation |Feb 7,14,21,28 |

| | |Mar 6,13,20,27 |

| | |Apr 13 |

| | | |

| | | |

|To become civic/service-driven citizen |Action Plan for the Institution (after every Unit Lesson) |Jan 31, Feb 28, Mar 27, Apr 13 |

| | | |

| |Submission of integration paper based from synthesis of |Jan 17,24,31 |

| |salient points, analysis, and its reflective relevance and |Feb 7,14,21,28 |

| |application in real school work situation |Mar 6,13,20,27 |

| | |Apr 13 |


1. Class attendance and active participation 10%

2. Individual and team presentation of assigned topics 20%

3. An original research paper (qualitative) on leadership and management and formulated action plan for the institution (after every Unit Lesson) 20%

4. Weekly integration paper on books, academic journal articles, cases plus book reviews (after every Unit Lesson) 30%

5. Final Examination 20%


Week 1

Discussion of the syllabus (topics, requirements, outputs, course policy, grading)

Introduction to the course

UNIT I. The Person as a Leader and Manager

Week 2


A.) Leader/Manager traits and character

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Bennis, Warren (2009). Knowing yourself. On becoming a leader: the leadership classic. New York: Basic Books.

Bolman, Lee and Terrence Deal (2006). Confronting the wizard and warrior within. Light and Shadow. Assessing your inner wizard and warrior. The wizard and warrior: leading with passion and power. New York: Jossey-Bass.

Kouzes, James and Barry Posner (2010). The truth about leadership: the no fads, fact-of-the-matter facts you need to know. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lewis, Peter and Roger Murphy (2008). New directions in school leadership. School Leadership and Management. vol.28, no.2.

Nomura, Keith (1999). Learning to lead. Thrust for Educational Leadership. vol.29, no.1.

Wade, Carrolan and Bill Ferriter (2007). Will you help me lead? Educational Leadership vol.65, no.1.

Week 3


B.) Envisioning and the vision thing

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Collins, Jim and Jerry Porras (2002). Building the vision. Built to last: successful habits of visionary companies: New York: Harper-Collins Publishers.

Michelli, Joseph (2011). Care takes vision, clarity and consistency. Prescription for excellence: leadership lessons for creating a world-class customer experience from UCLA Health System. New York: McGraw Hill Pub.

Powe, Karen (1992). Visionary leadership and the waves of the future. Updating School Board Policies. vol. 23, no.8.

Walker, Allan and Clive Dimmock (2000). Mapping the way ahead: leading educational leadership into the globalised world. School Leadership & Management. vol.20, no.2.

Week 4


C.) Ethics, Values, and Spirituality in leading and managing schools

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Cohen, William (2010). Effective leadership and personal integrity. The seven deadly sins of leadership. Peter Drucker on leadership: new lessons from the father of modern management. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dalai Lama with Laurens van den Muyzenberg (2009). Taking the right view. Doing the right thing. Training your mind. The leader’s way: his Holiness the Dalai Lama. London: Nicholas Brealy Publishing.

Intrator, Sam and Robert Kunzman (2006). Starting with the soul. Educational Leadership. vol.63, no.6.

Starratt, Robert (2005). Cultivating the moral character of learning and teaching: a neglected dimension of educational leadership. School Leadership and Management. vol.25, no.4.

UNIT II. Leadership and Management and the Organization

Week 5


A.) The Learning Organization

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Senge, Peter (2010). The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization (2nd ed.). New York: Doubleday Currency.

Betts, Frank (2000). How systems thinking applies to education. Education. vol.62. no.4.

Brandt, Ron (2004). Is this school a learning organization? 10 ways to tell. Journal of Staff Development. vol.24, no.1.

O’Neal, John (1995). On schools as learning organizations: a conversation with Peter Senge. Educational Leadership. vol.52, no.7

Sparks, Dennis (2001). Why change is so challenging for schools: an interview with Peter Senge. Journal of Staff Development. vol.22, no.3.

Week 6


B.) The Structural and Political frames of the organization

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Bolman, Lee and Terrence Deal (2008). The structural frame. The political frame. Reframing organizations: artistry, choice and leadership (4th ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bolman, Lee and Joan Gallos (2011). Building clarity and capacity: leader as analyst and architect. Respecting and managing differences: leader as compassionate politician. Reframing academic leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Week 7


C.) The Human Resource and Cultural/Symbolic frames of the organization

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Bolman, Lee and Terrence Deal (2008). The human resource frame. The symbolic frame. Reframing organizations: artistry, choice and leadership (4th ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bolman, Lee and Joan Gallos (2011). Fostering a caring and productive campus: leader as servant, catalyst, and coach. Keeping the faith and celebrating the mission: leader as prophet and artist. Reframing academic leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

UNIT III. Leadership and Management and Organizational Culture

Week 8


A.) The Leader/Manager as creator of teaching and learning culture

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Betof, Edward (2009). Leaders as teachers: unlock the teaching potential of your company’s best and brightest. Massachusetts: ASTD Press.

Kouzes, James and Barry Posner (2010). The best leaders are the best learners. The truth about leadership: the no fads, fact-of-the-matter facts you need to know. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Tichy, Noel with Eli Cohen (2007). Leadership and the teachable point of view. The leadership engine: how winning companies build leaders at every level. New York: Collins Business Essentials.

Tichy, Noel with Nancy Cardwell (2004). How to develop a teachable point of view. The cycle of leadership: how great leaders teach their companies to win. New York: Harper Business Pub.

Week 9


B.) The Leader/Manager as architect/designer of developing leaders at all levels and the culture of long-term thinking

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Kouzes, James and Barry Posner (2010). Focusing on the future sets leaders apart. The truth about leadership: the no fads, fact-of-the-matter facts you need to know. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Charan, Ram (2008). How to recognize leadership potential. Leaders at all levels: deepening you talent pool to solve the succession crises. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Collins, Jim and Jerry Porras (2002). Home-grown management. Built to last: successful habits of visionary companies: New York: Harper-Collins Publishers.

Hargreaves, Andy (2005). Leadership succession. The Educational Forum. vol. 69.

Selingo, Jeffrey (2009). Emory U trains its own leaders. Chronicle of Higher Education. vol.55, no.41.

Week 10


C.) The Leader/Manager and the culture of effective people/talent management

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Weiss, Allan and Nancy MacKay (2009). The talent advantage: how to attract and retain the best and the brightest. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Russo, David (2010). 17 Rules successful companies use to attract and keep top talent: why engaged employees are your greatest sustainable advantage. New Jersey: FT Press.

Donaldson, Gordon (2007). What do teachers bring to leadership? Educational Leadership. vol.65, no.1.

UNIT IV. Towards Transformative Leadership

Week 11


A.) Leading and Managing Learning Institutions towards quality and excellence

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Bonstingl, John Jay (2001) Schools of Quality (3rd ed.). California: Corwin Press.

Collins, Jim and Jerry Porras (2002). Clock building not time telling. Built to last: successful habits of visionary companies: New York: Harper-Collins Publishers.

Collins, Jim (2001). The Hedgehog concept (simplicity within the three circles). Good to Great: why some companies make the leap…others don’t. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers.

Abbate, Fred (2010). Educational leadership in a culture of compliance. Education. vol.16.

Brandt, Ron (1999). On Deming and school quality: a conversation with Enid Brown. Educational Leadership.

Bonstingl, John Jay (1999). The total quality classroom. Educational Leadership. vol.12.

Tucker, Marc (1988) Peter Drucker, knowledge work, and the structure of schools. Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy.

Week 12


B.) Leader’s role in Motivating, Inspiring and Transformative leadership

Learning Activities

Presentation of assigned topic, Discussion, Lecture

Readings: Books/Journals/Cases

Zenger, John, Joseph Folkman, and Scott Edinger (2009). The inspiring leader: unlocking the secrets of how extraordinary leaders motivate. New York: McGraw Hill Press.

Russel, Jill Frymier (2008). Enthusiastic educational leadership. Florida Journal of Educational Administration & Policy. vol.1, iss.2.

Day, Christopher (2002). Beyond transformational leadership. Phi Delta Kappan. vol.39.

Sternberg, Robert (2005). A model of educational leadership: wisdom, intelligence, and creativity, synthesized. International Journal of Leadership in Education. vol.8, no.4.

Noddings, Nell (2006). Educational leaders as caring teachers. School Leadership and Management. vol.26, no.4.

Must read Books for Book Review (to be submitted after every Unit Lesson)

Kouzes, James and Barry Posner (2007). The leadership challenge (4th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (to be submitted after Unit I lesson)

Goldsmith, Marshall (2008). What got you here won’t get you there. London: Profile Books, Ltd. (to be submitted after Unit II lesson)

Collins, Jim with Morten Hansen (2011). Great by choice: uncertainty, chaos and luck- why some thrive despite them all. New York: Harper Business Pub. (to be submitted after Unit III lesson)

Evans, Robert (2010). Seven secrets of the savvy school leader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (to be submitted after Unit IV lesson)


Bush, Tony (2003). Theories of Educational Leadership and Management (3rd ed.) SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Bush, Tony and David Middlewood (2005). Leading and Managing People in Education. SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Gorton, Richard and Judy Alston (2009). School leadership and administration: important concepts, case studies & simulations. New York: McGraw-Hill Pub.

Lunenberg, Frederick and Allan Ornstein (2003). Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices. (4th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing. Or the latest edition (2007)


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Jan 10, 2012

1st class meeting DLSU, Ph.D, ELMD, 3rd term, SY 2010-2011

Educational Leadership and Management in educational institution (Ph.D.)

1. Getting to know each other…name, school (Institution, Organization), position, year of service

2. Activity: differentiate leadership and management (pre-test)

3. Discussion of the syllabus

a. go through the syllabus topics, readings and policies and methodology

b. meeting divided into two: group/individual presentation on the basic principles of leadership and management and discussion of readings (applications)

c. # weekly integration paper content: analysis of the salient points, application in real work situation (seeing the main points in context of your work-life), synthesis/ conclusion

# Minimum of four pages, single space, non—justified, use of any graphs, ideogram, frameworks, images to supplement the analysis are encouraged


g.) assigning people per unit lessons for presentation topic

Class officer, president and assistant – role of communicating, disseminating papers, and doing service of liason…


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