Category: Educational Leadership

|Name, Title, Department |

Structured Summary Template (Revised 12/12/13)

|Structured Summary of Educational Activities |

|Goals and/or Philosophy | |

|Descriptions of Quantity |Evidence of Quality |

| |

|Year(s) |Description of specific activity with reference to |Summaries of evidence of quality with information about |

| |numbers appropriate to category (Model language after |interpretation of the evidence. (Include documentation in |

| |best-matched standard-setting example.). |appendices with clear references here—e.g., see Appendix |

| | |A.) |

| |Include estimates and descriptions of preparation time | |

| |consistent with the example(s). | |

| | | |

|Discussion of Breadth |

| |

Personal Statement

• What are your educational goals for your learners; how have you prepared yourself to meet the goals, what method(s) do you use to assure you are meeting these goals, and how do you share what you have learned about teaching with your peers and junior colleagues (e.g. mentoring? Should not exceed 1 page)

Table of Appendices

One Letter of Support: One letter of support from a full professor at Baylor College of Medicine, preferably your chair, concurring with the educational excellence of the applicant.


Organize supporting documents into clearly labeled appendices, using the standard-setting examples as a model. This section should not exceed 26 pages and may be a short as 2 or 3 pages.

If included, summarize numeric learner evaluations into tables and list only samples of illustrative written comments. Do not include copies of individual rating forms.

Solicited letters are not a component of the full professor’s application.

Be sure to make clear reference to the documentation on your summary page by number or name (e.g., “See table of learner evaluations in Appendix A”; “See test score summary in Appendix B”).

The documentation you provide will enable the peer review panel to “audit” the quality information you include on your structured summary.

Examples of Supporting Documentation

Curriculum Vitae

Include a copy of your curriculum vitae in standard Baylor format.

Information in your CV pertinent to your educational contributions should be clearly stated in your structured summary.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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